Cadbury Abandons Easter Eggs For Muslims-Now Renamed "Gesture Eggs"

There is no point. No one is saying you cannot celebrate Christ at Christmas. No one is saying you can't celebrate the crucifiction and ressurrection of Christ with a chocolate egg.
No. You missed the point.

I didn’t say that anybody was already saying it.

But you do you, brah.
It also lists Noah, Amelia, and Olivia.

Have you been to London? I have many times. It's basically the NYC of Europe. It's a cosmopolitan city full of people from all over the world, so it's hardly surprising that a name like Muhammad, which happens to be the most common name on the planet, is at the top.
Which one is MOST popular doofy?
I'd say it was less ridiculous than getting your panties in a wad because a candy company marketed their product to more people.

That might be true if I was 'getting my panties in a wad', you're the one that's full of drama here, the rest of us are discussing the topic. :dunno:
Well, like Anheuser-Busch, they are on the road to tits up. I hope they do it soon.

Yeah, just like Disney.

These are massive, multi-national corporations marketing to the entire world. I had to look up who Dylan Mulvaney was to find out what the big scandal was.

Outside of the USA, the whole trans thing is a non event. You fucking snowflakes in the USA aren't happy unless you have something to be outraged and/or frightened about. In the 1950's it was "commies under every bed".

Oh, lookie!

A leftist vermin promoting capitalism!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I am not promoting capitalism or criticising it in my post...

If you weren't too busy spout lies....

Cadbury did this for commercial reasons...

Simple choice 1.9bn Muslims or a few bigots who think they are the centre of the world...
You think that this group or other group are here to replace you, sorry but you are making yourself more and more irrevalent.
Now you are angry that companies for spotting the commercial realities...
What's the capitol of England? London and here's the most popular names

It is because nearly all male Muslim babies are called Muhammed... So if all male Christian babies were called John, then John would be easily the largest...

Worked with plenty of Muslims in London... They are just regular guys and girls mostly... A lot are relaxed in there faith, they drink and smoke and have pre-marraige sex, same as the rest of us... One of my best friends is married to a Muslim, she is great, would never guess she was muslim unless she told you... Don't see what the big hang up is?
A company made a small adjustment and increased their potential customer base. That sounds like smart capitalism to me.
So they can sell them out of season.

Were you guys who complain planning on punishing the heretics who bought them when it wasn't around Easter time?
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So they can sell them out of season.

Were you guys who complain planning on punishing the heretics who bought them when it wasn't around Easter time?

I haven't complained about anything but the insanity of claiming chocolate eggs for your own holiday.
Original thread was removed because censor didn't check for information.


Because of Religious/Political/ Lame Brained reasons, Cadbury has adopted the "Go Woke, Go Broke" craze that is sweeping the nation. Looks like Cadbury is willing to take a chance and has their fingers crossed they won't go bankrupt because of progressive liberal "Brilliant Ideas."

Cad.bury …. with a C as in coward.

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