Cain and Abel

How can Palestinians possibly come from places other than Palestine? The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the indigenous people of Palestine whose ancestors converted to Christianity by the end of the 4th century AD and subsequently to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule except for a 100 year break during the reign of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem during which non-Christians had to leave the Kingdom or convert.

Your claim is that not a single person immigrated to the territory between the 4th century CE and the 20th century when the European Jewish "invasion" began?

Therefore, all Arab Palestinians are Palestinian and came from no where else?
How can Palestinians possibly come from places other than Palestine? The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the indigenous people of Palestine whose ancestors converted to Christianity by the end of the 4th century AD and subsequently to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule except for a 100 year break during the reign of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem during which non-Christians had to leave the Kingdom or convert.

Your claim is that not a single person immigrated to the territory between the 4th century CE and the 20th century when the European Jewish "invasion" began?

Therefore, all Arab Palestinians are Palestinian and came from no where else?

Yes, that's his claim and it's ridiculous. America was "discovered" only 500 years ago--yet less than 5 million, out of 350 million Americans, are Native. To claim that the same population existed in Palestine for 5,000 years is ludicrous.
Then anyone who doesn't look Arab enough is a "thief"...
Arab Muslim Colonialism is still alive and kicking
Let's take the Hashemite royalty and judge them by the same standards team Palestine judges Jews.

Let's take Queen Dina bint Abdul-Hamid

She looks like a Georgian singer Tamara Gverdtsiteli

Or Queen Alia Baha ud-din Toukan

Or Queen Lisa Najeeb Halaby

Who among them fits the Hollywood template of how ME should look?
How can Palestinians possibly come from places other than Palestine? The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the indigenous people of Palestine whose ancestors converted to Christianity by the end of the 4th century AD and subsequently to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule except for a 100 year break during the reign of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem during which non-Christians had to leave the Kingdom or convert.

Your claim is that not a single person immigrated to the territory between the 4th century CE and the 20th century when the European Jewish "invasion" began?

Therefore, all Arab Palestinians are Palestinian and came from no where else?

Of course there are influences from the various rulers that ruled Palestine, but they were rulers, and garrisoned soldiers, not settler colonists. The people remained, as almost anywhere else, the descendants of the indigenous people. It's a fact that only Zionist propagandists do not accept. Oh wait, Zionists do acknowledge ths fact.

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin"

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
Let's take the Hashemite royalty and judge them by the same standards team Palestine judges Jews.

Let's take Queen Dina bint Abdul-Hamid

She looks like a Georgian singer Tamara Gverdtsiteli

Or Queen Alia Baha ud-din Toukan

Or Queen Lisa Najeeb Halaby

Who among them fits the Hollywood template of how ME should look?

Jose, take a look at Queen Noor and the rest of these Arab beauties. Some of them actually have light hair and complexions! You better give them a DNA test...
How can Palestinians possibly come from places other than Palestine? The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the indigenous people of Palestine whose ancestors converted to Christianity by the end of the 4th century AD and subsequently to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule except for a 100 year break during the reign of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem during which non-Christians had to leave the Kingdom or convert.

Your claim is that not a single person immigrated to the territory between the 4th century CE and the 20th century when the European Jewish "invasion" began?

Therefore, all Arab Palestinians are Palestinian and came from no where else?

Of course there are influences from the various rulers that ruled Palestine, but they were rulers, and garrisoned soldiers, not settler colonists. The people remained, as almost anywhere else, the descendants of the indigenous people. It's a fact that only Zionist propagandists do not accept. Oh wait, Zionists do acknowledge ths fact.

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin"

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Actually the book is more about waves of late Arab immigration.
And there's of course the Moroccan quarter of Jerusalem...


Yeah right...'they're all the same people'.
Again this is not to say that Arabs don't have rights here.
But to claim that the area was sealed for colonization, immigration or any kind of significant population exchange, through all the invasions....

To go that weed out the Jews among all the various people.
This is one of the definitions of 'Palestinian'.
All this talk of racial features is disgusting. Its 2017. Not 1937.
For once we agree. The history of humanity is far more complex than we imagine; light hair and complexion may well have come to Palestine in antiquity. There is no such a thing as “race”, there are just human types; light brown and red hair with green eyes have always been common in Afghanistan and Western India and the Middle East has always been a place of passage between Bactria and Europe since at least the time of the Achaemenid Persians. Ancient people didn’t care about differences in skin and eye colour, the Romans explained dark skin as an effect of the African sun, for example. Palestine, because of its location has always been a melting pot and contained a mixed population. Clearly over thousands of years there has been input from surrounding areas such as modern Syria, Egypt, Arabia, and Lebanon to the gene pool of those who have lived there from "time immemorial", and that includes Europeans who intermixed with the locals; from the Macedonians to the Romans, from the crusaders to British soldiers, blue-eyed, blond fair skinned Europeans have had plenty of opportunity to add their genes to the local pool. So once in a while, one of these recessive genes surfaces and pop, you get a blond, blue eyed Palestinian, big deal.
Again this is not to say that Arabs don't have rights here.
But to claim that the area was sealed for colonization, immigration or any kind of significant population exchange, through all the invasions....

To go that weed out the Jews among all the various people.
This is one of the definitions of 'Palestinian'.

That has never been the issue. Palestinians were originally prepared to accept immigrants until those immigrants started to take the land for their exclusive use and to create their racist, exclusivist "Jewish State". After decades of oppression and disposession by these immigrants, is it any wonder that attitudes amongst the Palestinians have changed from tolerance, however begrudging, to outright hatred. Zionists have only themselves to blame for the "terrorism" they encounter today.
Again this is not to say that Arabs don't have rights here.
But to claim that the area was sealed for colonization, immigration or any kind of significant population exchange, through all the invasions....

To go that weed out the Jews among all the various people.
This is one of the definitions of 'Palestinian'.

That has never been the issue. Palestinians were originally prepared to accept immigrants until those immigrants started to take the land for their exclusive use and to create their racist, exclusivist "Jewish State". After decades of oppression and disposession by these immigrants, is it any wonder that attitudes amongst the Palestinians have changed from tolerance, however begrudging, to outright hatred. Zionists have only themselves to blame for the "terrorism" they encounter today.
Right from the get-go Challenger,the Palestinians have had to put up with Jewish Zionist Terrorism...we are talking from 1939 onwards and it has Never Stopped.....The Zionist tried to eliminate The Palestinian People...End Of...What the Palestinians have done to Jews is merely a Piss in the Ocean compared to what the Jews/Zionists have done...Zionist are WAR CRIMINALS..some honest and factual posts Chall.,and thank you for
Again this is not to say that Arabs don't have rights here.
But to claim that the area was sealed for colonization, immigration or any kind of significant population exchange, through all the invasions....

To go that weed out the Jews among all the various people.
This is one of the definitions of 'Palestinian'.

That has never been the issue. Palestinians were originally prepared to accept immigrants until those immigrants started to take the land for their exclusive use and to create their racist, exclusivist "Jewish State". After decades of oppression and disposession by these immigrants, is it any wonder that attitudes amongst the Palestinians have changed from tolerance, however begrudging, to outright hatred. Zionists have only themselves to blame for the "terrorism" they encounter today.

This is a misleading narrative.

While talking about 'all accepting Palestinians', You conveniently forget about the Palestinian Jews, that were expelled and oppressed by their Arab neighbors decades before the 1st Zionist immigration.
Again this is not to say that Arabs don't have rights here.
But to claim that the area was sealed for colonization, immigration or any kind of significant population exchange, through all the invasions....

To go that weed out the Jews among all the various people.
This is one of the definitions of 'Palestinian'.

That has never been the issue. Palestinians were originally prepared to accept immigrants until those immigrants started to take the land for their exclusive use and to create their racist, exclusivist "Jewish State". After decades of oppression and disposession by these immigrants, is it any wonder that attitudes amongst the Palestinians have changed from tolerance, however begrudging, to outright hatred. Zionists have only themselves to blame for the "terrorism" they encounter today.

This is a misleading narrative.

While talking about 'all accepting Palestinians', You conveniently forget about the Palestinian Jews, that were expelled and oppressed by their Arab neighbors decades before the 1st Zionist immigration.
Yours is the misleading narrative, Jewish Palestinians lived in relative harmony with their fellow Palestinians until Zionists started buying up land and expelling the tenant farmers in the 19th century. Any alleged "oppressions" and or "expulsions" which are in any case often disputed (i.e. Safed 1517), took place in times of war and in a vacuum of authority.
The native people are the people that were living in Palestine before the European Jew invasion. Got that?

Residency does not make one native.
Correct. So what gives a religious group from Europe the right to take another people's land based on the argument that their alleged ancestors resided there once upon a time?

And also the fact the Jews got tired of being persecuted and wanted to be in charge of their own destiny.
Again this is not to say that Arabs don't have rights here.
But to claim that the area was sealed for colonization, immigration or any kind of significant population exchange, through all the invasions....

To go that weed out the Jews among all the various people.
This is one of the definitions of 'Palestinian'.

That has never been the issue. Palestinians were originally prepared to accept immigrants until those immigrants started to take the land for their exclusive use and to create their racist, exclusivist "Jewish State". After decades of oppression and disposession by these immigrants, is it any wonder that attitudes amongst the Palestinians have changed from tolerance, however begrudging, to outright hatred. Zionists have only themselves to blame for the "terrorism" they encounter today.

This is a misleading narrative.

While talking about 'all accepting Palestinians', You conveniently forget about the Palestinian Jews, that were expelled and oppressed by their Arab neighbors decades before the 1st Zionist immigration.

The few Jews that managed to settle Palestine (the Ottomans had laws against the settlement of Jews in Palestine) were from Spain. There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist invasion.

upload_2017-6-23_10-43-40.png, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf


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Again this is not to say that Arabs don't have rights here.
But to claim that the area was sealed for colonization, immigration or any kind of significant population exchange, through all the invasions....

To go that weed out the Jews among all the various people.
This is one of the definitions of 'Palestinian'.

That has never been the issue. Palestinians were originally prepared to accept immigrants until those immigrants started to take the land for their exclusive use and to create their racist, exclusivist "Jewish State". After decades of oppression and disposession by these immigrants, is it any wonder that attitudes amongst the Palestinians have changed from tolerance, however begrudging, to outright hatred. Zionists have only themselves to blame for the "terrorism" they encounter today.

This is a misleading narrative.

While talking about 'all accepting Palestinians', You conveniently forget about the Palestinian Jews, that were expelled and oppressed by their Arab neighbors decades before the 1st Zionist immigration.

The few Jews that managed to settle Palestine (the Ottomans had laws against the settlement of Jews in Palestine) were from Spain. There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist invasion.

View attachment 135012, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf
Jews never disappeared from the area.

Actually the Jews in Palestine were of all diaspora, from Yemen, Persia, Ashkenaz and Russian empire. Some families of course were there at least as long as the Arabs. This ban was relieved on a number of occasions when a number organized groups managed to buy special permits, before the establishment of political Zionism.

Although You think this ban is useful in denying Jews their rights in the land, I see in it just another justification and proof for the connection and the right of the Jews for self determination exactly on that land that many tried to ban them from.

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