Cain gets Secret Service to shield him from press

The source that came from was a member of Cain's staff.

I hadn't even got to the second page earlier, but I did start reading the entire article and found this in it. My sentiment exactly, and who knows how many death threats the man has recieved?

In the wake of the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords while hosting an event in her district, security around the candidates has become a necessity, Rollins said.

“There is always some nut case out there who gets drawn to the flame, and I think you’re irresponsible if you don’t have that,” Rollins said.

Read more: Herman Cain gets Secret Service detail on trail - Ginger Gibson -
He supposedly got a call from someone in the KKK on June 1st. And yet he waits until now to ask for SS.

Color me not buying it.

I understand what your saying, Ravi, but I feel there is a long list of threats, and maybe some of them that seem real enough. I just can't blame anyone who is running for the presidency to have S/S in this day and age. This country hasn't been this polarized in my lifetime that I can think of.
I hadn't even got to the second page earlier, but I did start reading the entire article and found this in it. My sentiment exactly, and who knows how many death threats the man has recieved?

In the wake of the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords while hosting an event in her district, security around the candidates has become a necessity, Rollins said.

“There is always some nut case out there who gets drawn to the flame, and I think you’re irresponsible if you don’t have that,” Rollins said.

Read more: Herman Cain gets Secret Service detail on trail - Ginger Gibson -
He supposedly got a call from someone in the KKK on June 1st. And yet he waits until now to ask for SS.

Color me not buying it.

You have not proven he requested Secret Service protection to avoid speaking with the Press. You also haven't proven he's a Communist. And i seriously doubt Janet Napolitano is a big Cain supporter and only approved the protection to help him with the Press. I'm also pretty sure Homeland Security has a little more information than you do. From what i've read he does receive numerous death threats daily from your deranged ilk. So since you haven't proven anything i will conclude that you are a soul-less liar. And you should apologize to the board too.

Dude....she was responding to my post. :evil:
I hadn't even got to the second page earlier, but I did start reading the entire article and found this in it. My sentiment exactly, and who knows how many death threats the man has recieved?

In the wake of the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords while hosting an event in her district, security around the candidates has become a necessity, Rollins said.

“There is always some nut case out there who gets drawn to the flame, and I think you’re irresponsible if you don’t have that,” Rollins said.

Read more: Herman Cain gets Secret Service detail on trail - Ginger Gibson -
He supposedly got a call from someone in the KKK on June 1st. And yet he waits until now to ask for SS.

Color me not buying it.

I understand what your saying, Ravi, but I feel there is a long list of threats, and maybe some of them that seem real enough. I just can't blame anyone who is running for the presidency to have S/S in this day and age. This country hasn't been this polarized in my lifetime that I can think of.
I can't blame them, either, but in his case it appears he's concerned about shielding himself from the press.
OF COURSE he's using them to hide from the press. He's a walking freaking gaffe machine.

Apparently, the comedy gods have smiled on this election, just like they did the last one by giving us Palin.
He supposedly got a call from someone in the KKK on June 1st. And yet he waits until now to ask for SS.

Color me not buying it.

You have not proven he requested Secret Service protection to avoid speaking with the Press. You also haven't proven he's a Communist. And i seriously doubt Janet Napolitano is a big Cain supporter and only approved the protection to help him with the Press. I'm also pretty sure Homeland Security has a little more information than you do. From what i've read he does receive numerous death threats daily from your deranged ilk. So since you haven't proven anything i will conclude that you are a soul-less liar. And you should apologize to the board too.

Dude....she was responding to my post. :evil:

Don't defend the indefensible. You're better than that. She is a liar. Homeland Security doesn't just hand out Secret Service Security to help shield candidates from the Press. And i'm pretty sure Janet Napolitano isn't a big Cain supporter therefore this OP's claims are even more absurd. Why would a loyal (D) Janet Napolitano help Cain out with the Press? This OP has sunk to an all-time low. You can't allow your politics and party loyalty to prevent you from being human. The man and his family have been threatened and that's why he needs security. We should all just pray for his safety and leave it at that. Gotta run so have a good day and enjoy your weekend. See Ya.
Yes allow a man and his family to be brutally murdered all in the name of scoring some petty political points. So yes by all means,lets take his security away right now. Seriously,some of you people really have lost it. Maybe it's time for you to lay off the Politics for a bit? You're becoming less than human at this point. I really do believe this OP and some of the other wingnuts agreeing with her,would love to see Cain and his family get murdered. That's how far they have fallen into their dark political abyss. These people really do need a break from Politics. Time for them to find their humanity again.
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Now I've heard everything....the guy is like a commie dictator.

Hey Chunk, you don't get secret service to shield you from the press. If he is getting secret service its to protect him from viable death threats! Seeing how leftist scum like you are attacking him with vigor, I could see why he would need it!
Yes allow a man and his family to be brutally murdered all in the name of scoring some petty political points. So yes by all means,lets take his security away right now. Seriously,some of you people really have lost it. Maybe it's time for you to lay off the Politics for a bit? You're becoming less than human at this point. I really do believe this OP and some of the other wingnuts agreeing with her,would love to see Cain and his family get murdered. That's how far they have fallen into their dark political abyss. These people really do need a break from Politics. Time for them to find their humanity again.

I don't fault him for getting SS protection. I'm just wondering why Cain is the first GOP candidate to get it?

He's the stupidest one out there, quoting Pokemon 2000 lyrics in the GOP debate, quoting the Simpsons during rallies?

Is Cain REALLY the best one you guys have?
The source that came from was a member of Cain's staff.

I hadn't even got to the second page earlier, but I did start reading the entire article and found this in it. My sentiment exactly, and who knows how many death threats the man has recieved?

In the wake of the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords while hosting an event in her district, security around the candidates has become a necessity, Rollins said.

“There is always some nut case out there who gets drawn to the flame, and I think you’re irresponsible if you don’t have that,” Rollins said.

Read more: Herman Cain gets Secret Service detail on trail - Ginger Gibson -
He supposedly got a call from someone in the KKK on June 1st. And yet he waits until now to ask for SS.

Color me not buying it.

Don't worry about it. Nobody with any sense would EVER "color" you as objective.
We're talking about a man and his family. Do you want to take his security away and risk him and his family's deaths just because he's not a Democrat? I mean is cheerleading for your Party really that important to you? You would allow a man to be murdered just for having a different letter in front of his name? Some people on this board really are ill. They need to find God right away. Your Party devotion should never lead you to this kind of warped mentality. I urge this OP and those who are defending her to seriously think about taking a time-out from poltics. It's clearly no longer healthy for them.
Yes allow a man and his family to be brutally murdered all in the name of scoring some petty political points. So yes by all means,lets take his security away right now. Seriously,some of you people really have lost it. Maybe it's time for you to lay off the Politics for a bit? You're becoming less than human at this point. I really do believe this OP and some of the other wingnuts agreeing with her,would love to see Cain and his family get murdered. That's how far they have fallen into their dark political abyss. These people really do need a break from Politics. Time for them to find their humanity again.

I don't fault him for getting SS protection. I'm just wondering why Cain is the first GOP candidate to get it?

He's the stupidest one out there, quoting Pokemon 2000 lyrics in the GOP debate, quoting the Simpsons during rallies?

Is Cain REALLY the best one you guys have?

Oh i see,he's stupid and a Republican therefore him and his family should be allowed to be murdered. Seriously,you and this OP are very sick individuals. We're talking about a human being's life for God's sake. Being a Democrat or Republican really is so unimportant. Him and his family are human beings and that's all that matters. Take a break from Politics. You've let it turn you into something less than human. Good luck and God bless.
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Yes allow a man and his family to be brutally murdered all in the name of scoring some petty political points. So yes by all means,lets take his security away right now. Seriously,some of you people really have lost it. Maybe it's time for you to lay off the Politics for a bit? You're becoming less than human at this point. I really do believe this OP and some of the other wingnuts agreeing with her,would love to see Cain and his family get murdered. That's how far they have fallen into their dark political abyss. These people really do need a break from Politics. Time for them to find their humanity again.

I don't fault him for getting SS protection. I'm just wondering why Cain is the first GOP candidate to get it?

He's the stupidest one out there, quoting Pokemon 2000 lyrics in the GOP debate, quoting the Simpsons during rallies?

Is Cain REALLY the best one you guys have?

Oh i see,he's stupid and a Republican therefore him and his family should be allowed to be murdered. Seriously,you and this OP are very sick individuals. We're talking about a human being's life for God's sake. Being a Democrat or Republican really is so unimportant. Him and his family are human beings and that's all that matters. Take a break from Politics. You've let it turn you into something less than human. Good luck and God bless.

No, actually........what I'm saying is that giving him SS protection RIGHT NOW means that you and I as taxpayers are going to be getting the bill.

Most of the time, you don't get SS protection until AFTER the GOP nominates you.
Cain gets Secret Service to shield him from press

Another Republican worried about the budget deficit with himself as an exemption to the worry.
Cain gets Secret Service to shield him from press

Another Republican worried about the budget deficit with himself as an exemption to the worry.

What's going to happen when Cain hits below 10 percent? Are they going to revoke his agents?

The SS is only there for MAJOR presidential candidates, i.e. the 2 people who are actually going to run.

We've got to pay an additional 6-8 months for this idiot.

For the taxpayer's sake, I hope he drops out soon.
Cain gets Secret Service to shield him from press

Another Republican worried about the budget deficit with himself as an exemption to the worry.

What's going to happen when Cain hits below 10 percent? Are they going to revoke his agents?

The SS is only there for MAJOR presidential candidates, i.e. the 2 people who are actually going to run.

We've got to pay an additional 6-8 months for this idiot.

For the taxpayer's sake, I hope he drops out soon.

No,sounds like you hope he drops dead soon. I really do hope you're never put in a position like this. Your lack of compassion for the man and his family really is shocking. Judging by your rants,it would be ok to protect him and his family this way if he were a Democrat though. How can you not see how demented you've become? You have lost your humanity. Is cheerleading for either political team really that important? Try thinking of others as people rather than thinking of everyone as either just a Democrat or Republican. Anyway,i hope i got through to you just a little. Seriously,god bless you.
Now I've heard everything....the guy is like a commie dictator.

i'm pretty sure his ascendency is over. it looks like the "cain train" has slowed a bit.

but then again, i guess that's what happens when your campaign comes from the sims, pokemon and the simpsons.


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