Cain gets Secret Service to shield him from press

Yea sure,that's the reason. He needs Secret Service protection because of deranged nutters like you. God bless him and his family. I hope he stays safe.
Now I've heard everything....the guy is like a commie dictator.




I don't recall Obama hiding from the press when he was campaigning. Cain refuses to answer questions, even from FOX. :eek:

Now he has the SS to keep the press at bay....LOfuckingL.

Exactly. I don't recall him hiding, either. One hand washes the other; the candidates need the press, and vice-versa.
I don't recall Obama hiding from the press when he was campaigning.

Nope, I'm sure they don't either. Cause Obummer AIN'T ACTIN'.

He is living out the dreams of his fathers as a communist dictator who is ILLEGALLY bypassing the US Constitution and ruling by Executive Order.

You know, like any good little fascist dictator should. And the democrats in Congress are complicit in abdicating the authority of the Legislative Branch to the Executive Branch in an attempt to subvert the Constitution, destroy the middle class and divide this country into two classes, the ruling elite and proletariat....worker bees.

And YOU liberals should know it if you don't. Cause frankly, YOU...the useful idiots, so beloved by Uncle Joe Stalin...ARE going to be worker bees with no future and a limited life span.

Me, I won't have to worry about it. I'll be murdered in a re-education camp, cause I will NOT be reformed!

Of course some of you may end up there too. See, there won't be a place in their new utopia for worker drones that can't or WON'T work.

You doubt me? The "death panels" in Obamacare are REAL...and unless you are completely blinded by a corrupt ideology and petty partisan politics, you know it to be true. But that is just the first step!

Now you may not like Cain, but that's ok. HE will not hold it against YOU. And he WILL, as all true conservatives do, govern like he knows he is the representative of ALL Americans...NOT just those he views as the intellectual elite and special interest who backed him.

Just keep pushing. You MAY just get what you THINK you want. I just hope to hell slavery fits into your busy day of America bashing!

.............. back woods of Kentucky. Nevermind.



I don't recall Obama hiding from the press when he was campaigning. Cain refuses to answer questions, even from FOX. :eek:

Now he has the SS to keep the press at bay....LOfuckingL.

Exactly. I don't recall him hiding, either. One hand washes the other; the candidates need the press, and vice-versa.

He didn't have to, the press was protecting him :eusa_whistle:
I don't recall Obama hiding from the press when he was campaigning. Cain refuses to answer questions, even from FOX. :eek:

Now he has the SS to keep the press at bay....LOfuckingL.

Exactly. I don't recall him hiding, either. One hand washes the other; the candidates need the press, and vice-versa.

He didn't have to, the press was protecting him :eusa_whistle:

Who was paying them to do so? Because you know the press goes where the money is. Unless you are truly as ignorant as you are presently acting.
Exactly. I don't recall him hiding, either. One hand washes the other; the candidates need the press, and vice-versa.

He didn't have to, the press was protecting him :eusa_whistle:

Who was paying them to do so? Because you know the press goes where the money is. Unless you are truly as ignorant as you are presently acting.

Dumbest statement by BettyBoob in a while.

The press doesn't require money to "protect" their pets.
Exactly. I don't recall him hiding, either. One hand washes the other; the candidates need the press, and vice-versa.

He didn't have to, the press was protecting him :eusa_whistle:

Who was paying them to do so? Because you know the press goes where the money is. Unless you are truly as ignorant as you are presently acting.

You're ignorant and that isn't an act on your behalf.
The press never asked the tough questions nor would they engage him on 'his friends and pastors", nor on his voting record or his voting "present". Anything a person heard about this came from a right wing organization first.

sheesh, give me a break :cuckoo:
Madow says hes an art project.

I think hes just an advertising project.

He thought Great Ill run for pres and get me some good PR for my show and book and maybe even get me a fox show.

Then the unthinkable happened , he started rising in the polls due to the lack of decent cadidates.

He kinda lapped it up for awhile UNTIL his dirty laundry got aired.

That dirty luandry had to be fought because it jepordized his advertising plan.

Then he realised he was way over his head and didnt know what to do.

Some of what he says I SWEAR is designed to make him drop in the polls to take the heat off.

First time you've said something that I can remember that makes any sense.

After seeing his campaign manager at work I'm convinced he has no intention of winning.

I figure if you can't handle a campaign chances are you can't handle 4 years as POTUS.
Too bad there aren't real journalists in media just activists who protect their guy and shred the other guy. When did political leanings become more important than truth and reality in journalism? I don't get it.
Now I've heard everything....the guy is like a commie dictator.

Obama was the first candidate in 2008 to get secret service protection, does that also make him like a commie dictator? Oh...wait a second.....he is !!!!!!! :eusa_whistle:
Now I've heard everything....the guy is like a commie dictator.




I don't recall Obama hiding from the press when he was campaigning. Cain refuses to answer questions, even from FOX. :eek:

Now he has the SS to keep the press at bay....LOfuckingL.

That's Ravi for you. She makes it up as she goes.

Obama hid from the press when news of Rev Wright came out. They shipped his narrow ass off to the Bahamas for three solid weeks till they could clean up the mess he made with the "Typical White Grandmother" and "I always knew I had less of a chance then other conventional (WHITE) candidates" bullshit faded from memory.
Yea it's that and not the fact he gets daily death threats from your nutter brethren. Man,this post is so bleepin stupid. Why did i even bother?
Now I've heard everything....the guy is like a commie dictator.

Link proving your assertions? I have read it's because he receives numerous death threats on a daily basis from your ilk. I'll wait for your link proving your assertions.
And yea sure,Janet Napolitano only approved it because she's a big Cain supporter and felt compelled to protect him from the Press. Yea that makes a lot of sense. Seriously,this OP should apologize to the Board for this ridiculous shit. I'll still wait for their link proving their assertions but until then i'll go on believing they're just a soul-less liar.
The camera and news was an interjection from your source for being the reason.
I have a different thought as to why.

The source that came from was a member of Cain's staff.

I hadn't even got to the second page earlier, but I did start reading the entire article and found this in it. My sentiment exactly, and who knows how many death threats the man has recieved?

In the wake of the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords while hosting an event in her district, security around the candidates has become a necessity, Rollins said.

“There is always some nut case out there who gets drawn to the flame, and I think you’re irresponsible if you don’t have that,” Rollins said.

Read more: Herman Cain gets Secret Service detail on trail - Ginger Gibson -
He supposedly got a call from someone in the KKK on June 1st. And yet he waits until now to ask for SS.

Color me not buying it.
The source that came from was a member of Cain's staff.

I hadn't even got to the second page earlier, but I did start reading the entire article and found this in it. My sentiment exactly, and who knows how many death threats the man has recieved?

In the wake of the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords while hosting an event in her district, security around the candidates has become a necessity, Rollins said.

“There is always some nut case out there who gets drawn to the flame, and I think you’re irresponsible if you don’t have that,” Rollins said.

Read more: Herman Cain gets Secret Service detail on trail - Ginger Gibson -
He supposedly got a call from someone in the KKK on June 1st. And yet he waits until now to ask for SS.

Color me not buying it.

You have not proven he requested Secret Service protection to avoid speaking with the Press. You also haven't proven he's a Communist. And i seriously doubt Janet Napolitano is a big Cain supporter and only approved the protection to help him with the Press. I'm also pretty sure Homeland Security has a little more information than you do. From what i've read he does receive numerous death threats daily from your deranged ilk. So since you haven't proven anything i will conclude that you are a soul-less liar. And you should apologize to the board too.

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