Cair-affiliated protest: "we are hamas!"


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Is it surprising that C.A.I.R. is for Hamas when C.A.I.R. belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood (and even one of their leaders said they are not in the U.S. to follow the Constitution but Sharia Law) and Hamas is really part of the Muslim Brotherhood also. If the Muslims start getting violent at these rallies, quite a few will land up in jail. C.A.I.R. will sure have to shell out a lot to bail them out. Meanwhile, the comments on the AOL news stories show that most Americans are for Israel, and very few for Hamas. You get your handful of skinheads repeating the same old stuff from the hate sites, but basically the majority of comments show how much sympathy Americans have to Israel and are rooting for them to win.

As an aside, you have to laugh a the hypocrisy at their signs with a swastika for Israel when it was the Muslims who have murdered millions and millions of innocent people just like Hitler did, and they have not stopped murdering innocent people since Islam was created.


by DANIELLE AVEL 23 Jul 2014, 9:19

Decked out in keffiyahs and stocked with vulgar posters, anti-Israel demonstrators have been descending upon cities across the United States rallying for what they call peace. One such group gathered on Sunday, July 20, 2014, just blocks from the Israeli consulate in Miami.

Photo of protest information card obtained at the Miami protest on July 20, 2014. Note, “Burning flags will not be allowed.” Photo credit: Danielle Avel

The flier for this protest declares, “Stop the bombing – Stop the Killing – Free Palestine” and includes logos from: the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Florida, the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Students for Justice in Palestine, the American Muslim Association of North America, American Muslims for Emergency & Relief, Syrian American Council of South Florida, and the American Muslims Foundation. Some of these groups have thousands of members across the country and their leaders are often featured prominently in the news as being representative of the Muslim-American community.

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CAIR-Affiliated Protest: "We Are Hamas!"
Israel is a vile nation full of jewish savage who love nothing more than to hate and murder innocent people.

Thankfully we have organizations like CAIR to expose the evil of the murderous zionist Jews who rule that country. .. :cool:
You expect rational behavior when they are encouraged to commit atrocities to earn eternal orgasms?
Israel is a vile nation full of jewish savage who love nothing more than to hate and murder innocent people.

Thankfully we have organizations like CAIR to expose the evil of the murderous zionist Jews who rule that country. .. :cool:

talk about savages, flying planes into buildings , blowing themselves and innocents up and who follow a prophet who was a pedo marrying 9 year old little girls and who riot when someone makes a cartoon picture of mohammad

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Israel is a vile nation full of jewish savage who love nothing more than to hate and murder innocent people.

Thankfully we have organizations like CAIR to expose the evil of the murderous zionist Jews who rule that country. .. :cool:

talk about savages, flying planes into buildings , blowing themselves and innocents up and who follow a prophet who was a pedo marrying 9 year old little girls and who riot when someone makes a cartoon picture of mohammad

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Israel is a vile nation full of jewish savage who love nothing more than to hate and murder innocent people.

Thankfully we have organizations like CAIR to expose the evil of the murderous zionist Jews who rule that country. .. :cool:

talk about savages, lying planes into buildings , blowing themselves and innocents up and who follow a prophet who was a pedo marrying 9 year old little girls and who riot when someone makes a cartoon picture of mohammad


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LOL, the overly-earnest bint in the foreground of the first picture obviously didn't get the memo: she's holding a sign claiming 'Zionism = Naziism'.

So much for 'no hate speech'....
Israel is a vile nation full of jewish savage who love nothing more than to hate and murder innocent people.

Thankfully we have organizations like CAIR to expose the evil of the murderous zionist Jews who rule that country. .. :cool:

is this your best joke, or are you holding out ?

muslime pigs should all be fucking run over with a D-9 Cat then buried, to paraphrase Custer; "the only good muslime is a fucking dead one!!"

you and your fucking MESSiah both should be exiled to mecca.

:fu:......... :fu: ....................: :fu:
Israel is a vile nation full of jewish savage who love nothing more than to hate and murder innocent people.

Thankfully we have organizations like CAIR to expose the evil of the murderous zionist Jews who rule that country. .. :cool:

Expect CAIR to be made illegal any time soon and then to see deportations of muslims from the west. The people of the world are having their eyes opened in regards to Islamic violence and terrorism and are petitioning their governments to bring in laws against islam. We see the no burhka laws in Europe, the racist laws being used against muslims, the arrest of muslims for serious crimes. Your days are numbered in the west and you will face another Gates of Vienna nakba in the not too distant future
Israel is a vile nation full of jewish savage who love nothing more than to hate and murder innocent people.

Thankfully we have organizations like CAIR to expose the evil of the murderous zionist Jews who rule that country. .. :cool:

Sunni Troll the Muslim loves to say things about Israel and Israelis that Muslim states and Muslims are guilty of.

Not only what he said is false, but it's actually the opposite; The Middle East is full of vile Muslim Arab States run by murderous savage Muslim rats who are the reason this world will never see peace.

Luckily there are MANY MANY people who see these Muslim rogue states f
and the demented religious savages that run it for what they are :cool:
Israel is a vile nation full of jewish savage who love nothing more than to hate and murder innocent people.

Thankfully we have organizations like CAIR to expose the evil of the murderous zionist Jews who rule that country. .. :cool:

Look at what is happening around the World with Muslims especially in Syria and Iraq. Christians are leaving in droves. They are not allowed to bring any assets with them. Those who " choose" to stay are killed. Islam is a crude, uncivilized Gutter " religion" ( Actually its a evil cult). :D
Israel is a vile nation full of jewish savage who love nothing more than to hate and murder innocent people.

Thankfully we have organizations like CAIR to expose the evil of the murderous zionist Jews who rule that country. .. :cool:

is this your best joke, or are you holding out ?

muslime pigs should all be fucking run over with a D-9 Cat then buried, to paraphrase Custer; "the only good muslime is a fucking dead one!!"

you and your fucking MESSiah both should be exiled to mecca.

:fu:......... :fu: ....................: :fu:

Don't know how well you" know" this poster but he actually defends beheadings, women being stoned, etc. etc. His " excuse ". It's their Culture " !!!!! :D. :eusa_silenced::lol: :D
Islam is the only hope for mankind. .. :cool:
Islam is a primitive, misogynistic belief-system which stole half or more of its core precepts and historical rationale from Judaism and Christianity, founded by a pedophile, failed mercantile ambassador, and bloodthirsty adventurer - a charlatan, self-excuser and blood-soaked and oppressive dictator. It's primary advantages are that it is largely a religion of external observances, it is a warrior's religion, changes are locked-out, it cannot be questioned nor reformed substantively, and it includes provisions for killing its critics.

In short, it is a 7th Century A.D. abomination from the Bedouin wastes that had the good fortune to encroach upon more respectable belief-systems and modes of governance at a time when those were in a weak state, it dug in like tic, it forced conversions by the millions at the point of a sword or at the hands of its tax-collectors, and, like a dug-in tic, it stays in-place until it is burned out.

It is entirely incompatible with Western (secularized Christendom) history and culture and tradition and governance, and it is entirely incompatible with Western democracy, and with religious and gender -centric freedoms, which were hard-won in The West over the past few decades and centuries.

It is an anachronism, and a subversive force in society, regardless of the protestations of its adherents and converts and the useful idiots who cannot see its deadly differences vis a vis other belief systems (in the name of religious freedom that Islam itself would seek to repress, were Westerners ever foolish enough to give it that chance).

It is a poison-pill to Western society; a disease of regression, and repression; one that spreads quickly through the ranks of the weak- and simple-minded amongst populations of non-believers.

Islam is a cancer.
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And yet Islam is still growing with 1.6 billion adherents......basically 1/4 th of the worlds population. ....... :thup: . :eusa_angel:

That is strange as the world fact book put the population at 2 billion that is less than 20% or under 1/5th of the worlds population and dropping slowly. So who is right a proven ISLAMONAZI LIAR or the CIA ?

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