Caitlyn Jenner Supports Ted Cruz

Theres so much hostility towards transwomen at the moment because the SJWs in the media keep thrusting bruce jenners in everyones face.

just another distraction/scapegoat.
"Thrusting Bruce Jenners in everyone's face"? That sound like assault.
It's an assault on a lot of people's psychs.

just like what was done to the unabomber. So imagine the hostility from the general public that young transgirls are enduring right now. You assault someones values long enough and they snap.

The SJWs are cruel.

Sorry darling, what is SJW?
Social justice warrior

In university and beyond, in certain industries, any one who isn't a SJW(anti-white), is bullied out.

Journalism and marketing is a prime example. These terrible women are the reason transgender stuff is all over the media right now. They are stirring shit as theyve been taught by their masters, the banksters.

you know how advertising marketers have ads with gay men kssing and inter racial couples? This is losing their clents sales but they do it anyway because they're social enjineers and they don't have to please their clients because they are an oligopoly. If their clients go to the "competition", the same kind of dingbat, facilitators of change, SJWs are working for the "competition" too.
You would think that there would be more media coverage over the fact that America's favorite science experiment is supporting Cruz for President. However, I get why they want to hide this story in the dark recesses of a closet - it makes the Dems look like hypocrites.

Trans People Call Caitlyn Jenner Supporting Ted Cruz “Absolutely Sickening”
More to the point; it makes Cruz look like a beloved of perverts and deviants. Which would hurt his vote with evangelicals. The endorsement was cast with that intent.
You would think that there would be more media coverage over the fact that America's favorite science experiment is supporting Cruz for President. However, I get why they want to hide this story in the dark recesses of a closet - it makes the Dems look like hypocrites.

Trans People Call Caitlyn Jenner Supporting Ted Cruz “Absolutely Sickening”
More to the point; it makes Cruz look like a beloved of perverts and deviants. Which would hurt his vote with evangelicals. The endorsement was cast with that intent.

I doubt it, since the majority of the so called "christians" are currently supporting a 3x married adultering perverted deviant with a really bad orange combover. Should that tribblehead drop out & the canadian gets the nomination- they will all fall in line to support the "face of god", because their hatred for hillary is far greater than their abhorrence of gays. same goes for bernie... the pinko-lefty- bleeding heart commie.
Caitlin Jenner. good grief I remember when he was some muscular hairy guy. now he has a line of cosmetics coming out or something. they've turned him into some freak show
Caitlin Jenner. good grief I remember when he was some muscular hairy guy. now he has a line of cosmetics coming out or something. they've turned him into some freak show

You would think that there would be more media coverage over the fact that America's favorite science experiment is supporting Cruz for President. However, I get why they want to hide this story in the dark recesses of a closet - it makes the Dems look like hypocrites.

Trans People Call Caitlyn Jenner Supporting Ted Cruz “Absolutely Sickening”
More to the point; it makes Cruz look like a beloved of perverts and deviants. Which would hurt his vote with evangelicals. The endorsement was cast with that intent.
You don't really know any evangelicals do you? You just AssUme this. the Last thing on anyones mind when going to vote: is some man who can't decide what sex he feels like being.
Caitlyn Jenner: Hillary 'Couldn't Care Less About Women'
"She cares about herself."
Mark Tapson


During the season premiere of the reality show I Am Cait Sunday night, the transgendered Caitlyn Jenner was on a bus tour with other transgender women when she said she didn’t want to stop at the Democratic debate.

“It’s the last place I want to be,” said the politically conservative Jenner, according to The Daily Caller:

But I’m open. We need both sides and if we’re unfortunate enough get Hillary as our next president, we need her on our side. Although she won’t be — she couldn’t care less about women. She cares about herself.

After Jenner’s friends criticized her for her conservative views, she said Republicans are "just worried about much bigger issues than the trans issues":


Caitlyn Jenner: Hillary 'Couldn't Care Less About Women'

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