Cal Community College Suspends Student Who Recorded Professor's Anti-Trump Rant


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Another Tax Payer Funded 'Liberal Indoctrination Camp' is exposed for attempting to indoctrinate college students...and the College wants to come down hard on .... the ones who do NOT want to be indoctrinated and who exposes what's going on.


California Community College suspends student who recorded professor’s anti-Trump rant - Hot Air

“This is an attack by leftists in academia to protect the expressive rights of their radical instructors…”

Blame the messenger 101.
Here's a NOVEL f*ing idea for ALL colleges:

Stop pushing your political indoctrination and give students what they are going into massive debt to get - a GOOD COLLEGE EDUCATION PREPARING THEM FOR A GOOD PAYING JOB...not a job as one of George Soros' protestors!

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