Calafornia new gun law to be on a ballot in 2016

California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Oh, it will go to court, just like all those other California props.

And they'll go against the citizens like they did with gay marriage.
Why bother to vote on it?
why do we have to explain it to you morons time and time again ... making laws saying you can't marry the same sex is a violation of your constitutional rights ... making you show you're not a criminal to buy bullets according to the constitution is not violating your right to buy bullets or an gun unless you are a felon ... try a different argument ...

Why do we have to explain it to you morons time and again? Arms are mentioned in the Constitution, and marriage isn't. So your argument actually applies exactly opposite of what you're saying.
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California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

We'll just 3D print our own rail guns in our garages then.

You Won't Believe This Brilliant Maniac's Homemade Railgun
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

No -- if you report the bullets stolen, or can prove you had no knowledge the bullets were taken -- then you are not charged with anything.

People who sell guns and bullets to felons, wife beaters, drunks, drug addicts, dishonorable discharges etc, should be charged with felony.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Oh, it will go to court, just like all those other California props.
I'm sure it will pass with no problems at all in the supreme court ... just like the laws that were passed for back ground checks for you to buy a guy ... they supreme court ruled that's its ok for the citizen to buy a gun if they can prove they are a felon ... so your thought that the Idea of making them pass a back ground check for bullets the actual thing that does the killing of people, as Arnold would say about their bill passing the supreme court, if it gets that far, NO problimo


Someone fetch the translator.
Okay…..please explain how either of these will reduce gun crime or mass shootings.
why you won't accept it no mater what I say ... so we do nothing that's your answer

Ahhh, yes. The old leftist standby, "all or nothing". "If you don't agree to my proposal, then that means you want to do nothing and LET PEOPLE DIE!"
its not my proposal its california proposal I said what ever I say you will counter with some stupid remark like you have here ... I have answered your post several times in several post before yours're no different then republican in a hearing they keep asking the same question over and over hoping for a different answer ...they are told the same thing over and over... but the very next one will asked the same damn question again just like you did here ... so I look at it like this you're like your republican leaders .... you just can't fix stupid

Someone must be running a "How frigging ignorant can you sound?" contest somewhere. You get more incoherent with every post.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

We'll just 3D print our own rail guns in our garages then.

You Won't Believe This Brilliant Maniac's Homemade Railgun
The article says it's dangerous, i say its only as dangerous as the one operating it...

Hashtag how many bogeyman do the Progressives have
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

No -- if you report the bullets stolen, or can prove you had no knowledge the bullets were taken -- then you are not charged with anything.

People who sell guns and bullets to felons, wife beaters, drunks, drug addicts, dishonorable discharges etc, should be charged with felony.
Considering most murders are committed by atheists and Muslims, it should be a felony to sell to those two groups.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

We'll just 3D print our own rail guns in our garages then.

You Won't Believe This Brilliant Maniac's Homemade Railgun
The article says it's dangerous, i say its only as dangerous as the one operating it...

Hashtag how many bogeyman do the Progressives have
The bathroom is dangerous too. Progressives will have us taking a dump in a hole in the ground and ban all personal hygiene - so everyone can be just like them.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

We'll just 3D print our own rail guns in our garages then.

You Won't Believe This Brilliant Maniac's Homemade Railgun
The article says it's dangerous, i say its only as dangerous as the one operating it...

Hashtag how many bogeyman do the Progressives have
The bathroom is dangerous too. Progressives will have us taking a dump in a hole in the ground and ban all personal hygiene - so everyone can be just like them.

Not like them. They'll be in the hole. :laugh2:
Okay…..please explain how either of these will reduce gun crime or mass shootings.

It will cut down of straw purchases . The strawMan will have his ass on the line if shit goes down.

In what way is that different from "straw man" purchases of guns now?

I'm honestly not hearing much difference in this law and the ones already on the books, other than this one targeting ammunition instead of guns.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

No -- if you report the bullets stolen, or can prove you had no knowledge the bullets were taken -- then you are not charged with anything.

People who sell guns and bullets to felons, wife beaters, drunks, drug addicts, dishonorable discharges etc, should be charged with felony.
Considering most murders are committed by atheists and Muslims, it should be a felony to sell to those two groups.

You left out black and latino gang members.
So just to be safe we should outlaw selling guns to blacks and latinos.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

You do realize that individuals can and do reload ammunition from existing components that are not tagged, correct?

I shoot 300-500 roinds a month and havent bought "new" ammo in several years.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country
the gun lobby can't do a thing about it
Have to hand it to the anti-gun loons and their ability to find new, unusual, and useless ways to violate the rights of law abiding gun owners.
This will give criminals more incentive to rob people. Californians have to be some of the dumbest people on Earth.
how !!!! when they haven't any bullets in their gun ... stick um up !!!1give me your money !!! click !!!!!! Damn no bullets

Why won't they have bullets…they will get bullets faster and easier than normal people do.
Okay…..please explain how either of these will reduce gun crime or mass shootings.
why you won't accept it no mater what I say ... so we do nothing that's your answer

You haven't said anything. You cited these laws as if that is the end of it…without explaining how they actually work to do what you say you want done.

No. I didn't say we do nothing. I say we arrest people who break the law with guns and send them to jail for a long time.

I also say that you spend police resources doing undercover stings at gun shows and private sales.

Those will actually stop criminals from using guns for crimes.

For mass shooters, get rid of gun free zones, and make sure schools have armed security of some form. This will drive away mass shooters.

There….both problems addressed.
Question for the gun control advocates:

Since more than 99% of gun owners are law abiding citizens why are you so intent on making their lives difficult with heaps of laws, restrictions, and confiscations? Why are you so intent on making gun ownership so expensive and difficult and legally risky as to really brow beat law abiding citizens into just giving up their 2nd amendment rights?

I think its not about guns at all. I think you just hate the type of people who own guns and this is a way of attacking them. None of your proposed laws or regulations will make an already law abiding citizen even more law abiding. If gun owners instead purchased marshmallows you would attack them by regulating/restricting/confiscating marshmallows.
Okay…..please explain how either of these will reduce gun crime or mass shootings.

It will cut down of straw purchases . The strawMan will have his ass on the line if shit goes down.

they already have their ass on the is a felony already to knowingly sell or give a gun to a felon........they just busted an arms trafficker who used three women to buy his guns for him....they are now going to jail......

so...again....if the straw purchaser is willing to take the risk of real jail time.....what else will stop them?
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Oh, it will go to court, just like all those other California props.

And they'll go against the citizens like they did with gay marriage.
Why bother to vote on it?
why do we have to explain it to you morons time and time again ... making laws saying you can't marry the same sex is a violation of your constitutional rights ... making you show you're not a criminal to buy bullets according to the constitution is not violating your right to buy bullets or an gun unless you are a felon ... try a different argument ...

Locking you in a cell 100 ft. Underground is not technically a violation if your 1st amendment right to free speech since you can talk all you want...right?
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

No -- if you report the bullets stolen, or can prove you had no knowledge the bullets were taken -- then you are not charged with anything.

People who sell guns and bullets to felons, wife beaters, drunks, drug addicts, dishonorable discharges etc, should be charged with felony.

and you just showed why the law is useless the minute it is enacted....the straw buyer passes the background check, buys a crap load of ammo.....amd let's it be stolen...gee officer...I thought the garage door was locked......

then...the anti gunners, who are like snakes...they constrict individual rights a little bit at a time till they kill it.............then, they will need to make another law to address the theft of ammo and on amd on.........
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

No -- if you report the bullets stolen, or can prove you had no knowledge the bullets were taken -- then you are not charged with anything.

People who sell guns and bullets to felons, wife beaters, drunks, drug addicts, dishonorable discharges etc, should be charged with felony.
Considering most murders are committed by atheists and Muslims, it should be a felony to sell to those two groups.

Democrats commit more gun murder.....most gun crime happens in election districts that voted for obama.....

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