Calculating how much we should pay illegals who break into our country with a kid, and are separated….


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Before hundreds of thousands of unskilled, uneducated, semi-literate foreigners grab their kid and break into our country to become immediately affluent, let’s run the numbers:

Reward for breaking our laws, with a kid in tow: $450,000

Subtract from that:

1) Cost to educate kid through age 18: $160,000
2) Added expense for ESOL needs: $60,000 (estimate for extra teachers, resources, etc. for 12 years)
3) Amount for taxpayers to feed the kid breakfast and lunch: $20,000

Subtotal education expenses for 12 years for each illegal: $240,000

4) Loss to American property value where illegals settle. Now admittedly this one is difficult, but the drop in the caliber of schools where non-English speaking children, with poor education up to that point, gather has big downward pressure on surrounding house prices.Let’s say a house that would sell for $400,000 in a “regular” working class neighborhood drops by $75,000.

5) Cost to maintain each kid in a detention facility at $775 a day for three weeks: plus clothes, food, and medical care to bring it up to: $20,000

6) Odds of child getting pregnant before 18: more than 30% (about 20% of teens have babies, but the rate is much higher among the poor, and among Latinas) and associated cost:

a. Maternity care at hospital: $30,000
b. Baby getting food stamps, Medicaid, making mother entitled to subsidize housing, etc, $20,000 a year x 18 years: $360,000

Now divide by 3 because only 1/3 (conservative estimate) get pregnant: $120,000

Total cost to each American each time some semi-literate foreigner breaks into our country with a kid…….

Before hundreds of thousands of unskilled, uneducated, semi-literate foreigners grab their kid and break into our country to become immediately affluent, let’s run the numbers:

Reward for breaking our laws, with a kid in tow: $450,000

Subtract from that:

1) Cost to educate kid through age 18: $160,000
2) Added expense for ESOL needs: $60,000 (estimate for extra teachers, resources, etc. for 12 years)
3) Amount for taxpayers to feed the kid breakfast and lunch: $20,000

Subtotal education expenses for 12 years for each illegal: $240,000

4) Loss to American property value where illegals settle. Now admittedly this one is difficult, but the drop in the caliber of schools where non-English speaking children, with poor education up to that point, gather has big downward pressure on surrounding house prices.Let’s say a house that would sell for $400,000 in a “regular” working class neighborhood drops by $75,000.

5) Cost to maintain each kid in a detention facility at $775 a day for three weeks: plus clothes, food, and medical care to bring it up to: $20,000

6) Odds of child getting pregnant before 18: more than 30% (about 20% of teens have babies, but the rate is much higher among the poor, and among Latinas) and associated cost:

a. Maternity care at hospital: $30,000
b. Baby getting food stamps, Medicaid, making mother entitled to subsidize housing, etc, $20,000 a year x 18 years: $360,000

Now divide by 3 because only 1/3 (conservative estimate) get pregnant: $120,000

Total cost to each American each time some semi-literate foreigner breaks into our country with a kid…….

Don't commit crimes against humanity, don't get saddled with reparations.

See how easy that is?
Before hundreds of thousands of unskilled, uneducated, semi-literate foreigners grab their kid and break into our country to become immediately affluent, let’s run the numbers:

Reward for breaking our laws, with a kid in tow: $450,000

Subtract from that:

1) Cost to educate kid through age 18: $160,000
2) Added expense for ESOL needs: $60,000 (estimate for extra teachers, resources, etc. for 12 years)
3) Amount for taxpayers to feed the kid breakfast and lunch: $20,000

Subtotal education expenses for 12 years for each illegal: $240,000

4) Loss to American property value where illegals settle. Now admittedly this one is difficult, but the drop in the caliber of schools where non-English speaking children, with poor education up to that point, gather has big downward pressure on surrounding house prices.Let’s say a house that would sell for $400,000 in a “regular” working class neighborhood drops by $75,000.

5) Cost to maintain each kid in a detention facility at $775 a day for three weeks: plus clothes, food, and medical care to bring it up to: $20,000

6) Odds of child getting pregnant before 18: more than 30% (about 20% of teens have babies, but the rate is much higher among the poor, and among Latinas) and associated cost:

a. Maternity care at hospital: $30,000
b. Baby getting food stamps, Medicaid, making mother entitled to subsidize housing, etc, $20,000 a year x 18 years: $360,000

Now divide by 3 because only 1/3 (conservative estimate) get pregnant: $120,000

Total cost to each American each time some semi-literate foreigner breaks into our country with a kid…….

Just one of the costs of kicking the immigration can down the road and NOT dealing with it.
You get what you get. People who come here are just looking for a better existence then the one they left.
And, they get hired by the corporations who receive those sweetheart tax breaks to do jobs that most Americans
wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.
0 is what they should get.

The only money spent on illegals should be what it costs to deport them. I'd love to see my tax dollars spent on finding them, rounding them up, sending them home and finishing the wall.
Just one of the costs of kicking the immigration can down the road and NOT dealing with it.
You get what you get. People who come here are just looking for a better existence then the one they left.
And, they get hired by the corporations who receive those sweetheart tax breaks to do jobs that most Americans
wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.
They’re just looking for a better life? And they start by breaking the laws of the country they want to become their own? And we are not only expected to accept that, but incentivize them to do so?

Let them do it the legal way - like all four of my grandparents did.

And as far as the doing the jobs that Americans refuse, that’s because our government is giving Americans so much money that they can afford to refuse jobs. It’s all part of the Democrats’ devious plan: keep Americans on the dole, and voting for more handouts so they don’t have to work, while opening the floodgates to a million illegals a year to do the grunt work.
They’re just looking for a better life? And they start by breaking the laws of the country they want to become their own? And we are not only expected to accept that, but incentivize them to do so?

Let them do it the legal way - like all four of my grandparents did.

And as far as the doing the jobs that Americans refuse, that’s because our government is giving Americans so much money that they can afford to refuse jobs. It’s all part of the Democrats’ devious plan: keep Americans on the dole, and voting for more handouts so they don’t have to work, while opening the floodgates to a million illegals a year to do the grunt work.
LOL. Your grandparents (and my great-great-great) grandparents were undocumented when they came here as well. The difference? Processing back then (due to a myriad of factors) was quick. Lightning quick compared to today. And over the decades, our lawmakers (on both sides) have constructed a patchwork of immigration laws that have made the system almost untenable.

Familiarize yourself with a bit of history.
Don't commit crimes against humanity, don't get saddled with reparations.

See how easy that is?

Let 12 angry men hear the cases of these claimants, and decide how much they are worth if anything.

Ban any settlements.

BTW, I don't see where the taxpayers are on the hook, but no actions are taken at all against the actual alleged perpetrators. NYPD detectives and assistant DA's were accused of violating the rights of the CP5. But none of these alleged miscreants paid a dime or were fired. Only the taxpayers were schlonged.
LOL. Your grandparents (and my great-great-great) grandparents were undocumented when they came here as well. The difference? Processing back then (due to a myriad of factors) was quick. Lightning quick compared to today. And over the decades, our lawmakers (on both sides) have constructed a patchwork of immigration laws that have made the system almost untenable.

Familiarize yourself with a bit of history.
No, they were never undocumented. They arrived here at Ellis Island and went through the process to enter the country legally.

And it was quick, you say? Ha. It still took them years. They didn’t arrive en masse to overwhelm border control. The LAST thing they would want to do is antagonize the people of their new country.

No, instead they sent ONE member of the family to get a job, find a place to live, establish himself enough to show he could support a family, and THEN sent for the remainder. It took anywhere from two to five years.

Stop making excuses for hundreds of thousands of foreigners who show complete disdain for America’s laws and try to cheat their way into this country.
Well, the "$450,000" tag is not gonna happen, regardless of where it originated from (where did it?).

But, are there reparations due for the unconscionable act of stealing infants and children from parents who crossed our border.....oh hell, yeah!
What that amount should be?........I'll leave to policy wonks to noodle out.

But at the end of the day, Americans can support some penalty against the parents if they, in fact, entered illegally..... or simply send 'em back.
But to take away their kid(s), and then lose some of 'em......gimme a friggin' break.
That is a stain on America and most especially on the Brain Trust who birthed the idea.....and the practice.

One would think that those who thought up the idea of stealing children ....Trump/Sessions/Steven Miller.....should reach into their own damn pockets and pay a penalty for each stolen child.
Before hundreds of thousands of unskilled, uneducated, semi-literate foreigners grab their kid and break into our country to become immediately affluent, let’s run the numbers:

Reward for breaking our laws, with a kid in tow: $450,000

Subtract from that:

1) Cost to educate kid through age 18: $160,000
2) Added expense for ESOL needs: $60,000 (estimate for extra teachers, resources, etc. for 12 years)
3) Amount for taxpayers to feed the kid breakfast and lunch: $20,000

Subtotal education expenses for 12 years for each illegal: $240,000

4) Loss to American property value where illegals settle. Now admittedly this one is difficult, but the drop in the caliber of schools where non-English speaking children, with poor education up to that point, gather has big downward pressure on surrounding house prices.Let’s say a house that would sell for $400,000 in a “regular” working class neighborhood drops by $75,000.

5) Cost to maintain each kid in a detention facility at $775 a day for three weeks: plus clothes, food, and medical care to bring it up to: $20,000

6) Odds of child getting pregnant before 18: more than 30% (about 20% of teens have babies, but the rate is much higher among the poor, and among Latinas) and associated cost:

a. Maternity care at hospital: $30,000
b. Baby getting food stamps, Medicaid, making mother entitled to subsidize housing, etc, $20,000 a year x 18 years: $360,000

Now divide by 3 because only 1/3 (conservative estimate) get pregnant: $120,000

Total cost to each American each time some semi-literate foreigner breaks into our country with a kid…….

My view is that they should be reunited with their children and be paid nothing or be given a small stipend. However, those who arbitrarily authorized the separation for no reason should be prosecuted.
Well, the "$450,000" tag is not gonna happen, regardless of where it originated from (where did it?).

But, are there reparations due for the unconscionable act of stealing infants and children from parents who crossed our border.....oh hell, yeah!
What that amount should be?........I'll leave to policy wonks to noodle out.

But at the end of the day, Americans can support some penalty against the parents if they, in fact, entered illegally..... or simply send 'em back.
But to take away their kid(s), and then lose some of 'em......gimme a friggin' break.
That is a stain on America and most especially on the Brain Trust who birthed the idea.....and the practice.

One would think that those who thought up the idea of stealing children ....Trump/Sessions/Steven Miller.....should reach into their own damn pockets and pay a penalty for each stolen child.
That was Obama’s policy, and with good reason.: the child sexual assaults by adult males in the illegal alien population is awful, and there was no way to know whether they were really parent and child. Lots of the illegal alien men stole or borrowed a kid to get into this country.

So where is your anger at the illegals who stole children in the firsr place? What about all the illegals who assault women on the trek up?

All we here from you leftists is how awful America is to these lawbreakers, and nary a word about how awful these illegals are. Thank G-d enough Americans are pushing back against you “Americans Last, Ilegal Aliens First” wokies.
The illegal immigrants got lawyers and sued us under American law.

They won.

trump shouldn't have mistreated them.
They should have been immediately deported. And they weren’t mistreated any more than Obama, when he out them in cages. Why didn’t you condemn Obama?
They’re just looking for a better life? And they start by breaking the laws of the country they want to become their own? And we are not only expected to accept that, but incentivize them to do so?

Let them do it the legal way - like all four of my grandparents did.

And as far as the doing the jobs that Americans refuse, that’s because our government is giving Americans so much money that they can afford to refuse jobs. It’s all part of the Democrats’ devious plan: keep Americans on the dole, and voting for more handouts so they don’t have to work, while opening the floodgates to a million illegals a year to do the grunt work.
Applying for amnesty IS legal, and dependent on how they entered.
That was Obama’s policy, and with good reason.: the child sexual assaults by adult males in the illegal alien population is awful, and there was no way to know whether they were really parent and child. Lots of the illegal alien men stole or borrowed a kid to get into this country.

So where is your anger at the illegals who stole children in the firsr place? What about all the illegals who assault women on the trek up?

All we here from you leftists is how awful America is to these lawbreakers, and nary a word about how awful these illegals are. Thank G-d enough Americans are pushing back against you “Americans Last, Ilegal Aliens First” wokies.
That was not Obama’s policy. It was 100% Trumps. He instituted a 100% seperation policy for express of deterence. Time to quit Obama a for something that Trump did.

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