Calculating how much we should pay illegals who break into our country with a kid, and are separated….

That was not Obama’s policy. It was 100% Trumps. He instituted a 100% seperation policy for express of deterence. Time to quit Obama a for something that Trump did.
They why did Obama separate the kids and put them in cages?
Applying for amnesty IS legal, and dependent on how they entered.
Their claims are bogus in about 90% of the cases. Trump had it right when he had the wait-in-Mexico policy.

Why did Biden reverse that, other than to erase everything Trump did, even the good things? He welcomed in hundreds of thousands of illegals, in the midst of a pandemic, and even though a third of them are refusing to be vaccinated?

I‘ve asked liberals this question and can never get a valid answer: why is Biden talking about Americans unwilling to get vaccinated as if they are enemies and murderers, and yet waving in hundreds of thousands of illegals despite the fact that they refuse the vaccine? Just think of the nerve of these people: they run roughshod over our border agents, and refuse to take a vaccine that could keep them from causing the death of Americans!

(I myself am vaccinated. It was my choice.)
No, they were never undocumented. They arrived here at Ellis Island and went through the process to enter the country legally.

And it was quick, you say? Ha. It still took them years. They didn’t arrive en masse to overwhelm border control. The LAST thing they would want to do is antagonize the people of their new country.

No, instead they sent ONE member of the family to get a job, find a place to live, establish himself enough to show he could support a family, and THEN sent for the remainder. It took anywhere from two to five years.

Stop making excuses for hundreds of thousands of foreigners who show complete disdain for America’s laws and try to cheat their way into this country.
They were undocumented. And I don't know what reality you come from, but my great-great grandparents showed up with their entire family when they landed here. As did many others. Guess you didn't read the article huh? Ok, binary thinking again. I understand your need for a simple argument you can use as a wedge issue or a soundbite. It's easy for the masses to process. Doesn't require much in the way of thinking. But it's one of the reasons I'll never have any respect for you card carrying members of Alt-Right Nation. :)
They why did Obama separate the kids and put them in cages?
Some kids are separated if they believe they are being trafficked or abused or the parents are being charged with a serious crime. Otherwise the Obama administration tried to keep families together. The “kids in cages” was not a result of seperation but due to an unprecedented wave of unaccompanied minors and no place to safely put them. The law requires that they can be held no longer 72 hrs I think so conditions, while disturbing were temporary.
Trumps policy was seperate them all, even babies. Children were lost in the system, parents deported with out their kids. There is no perfect solution to this immigration because the push factors are so strong…but this was a deliberate, cruel and inhumane plan.
Their claims are bogus in about 90% of the cases. Trump had it right when he had the wait-in-Mexico policy.

Why did Biden reverse that, other than to erase everything Trump did, even the good things? He welcomed in hundreds of thousands of illegals, in the midst of a pandemic, and even though a third of them are refusing to be vaccinated?

I‘ve asked liberals this question and can never get a valid answer: why is Biden talking about Americans unwilling to get vaccinated as if they are enemies and murderers, and yet waving in hundreds of thousands of illegals despite the fact that they refuse the vaccine? Just think of the nerve of these people: they run roughshod over our border agents, and refuse to take a vaccine that could keep them from causing the death of Americans!

(I myself am vaccinated. It was my choice.)
Just addressing immigration, because I have to go….it doesn’t matter if it is bogus or not, that is for immigration judges to determine. They still have that legal right.
They were undocumented. And I don't know what reality you come from, but my great-great grandparents showed up with their entire family when they landed here. As did many others. Guess you didn't read the article huh? Ok, binary thinking again. I understand your need for a simple argument you can use as a wedge issue or a soundbite. It's easy for the masses to process. Doesn't require much in the way of thinking. But it's one of the reasons I'll never have any respect for you card carrying members of Alt-Right Nation. :)
They weren’t undocumented. There was no such thing.

And objecting to a million people a year streaming in here with bogus claims of asylum is a “wedge” issue? You are only defending them because you’ve placed them in the “oppressed” group, where they can do no wrong.

And I’m not a member of the Alt-Right nation - that’s just the old way of calling people rwcist! Racist! if they don’t go along with the left. isn’t the fact that we voted for the first black female as Lt Gov sufficient to disavow you if that belief? (I’m in VA and voted for her.)

I just want laws observed, and not worked around to the detriment of Americans. The illegals should be waiting in Mexico, pending their hearings.
Just addressing immigration, because I have to go….it doesn’t matter if it is bogus or not, that is for immigration judges to determine. They still have that legal right.
Immigration laws HAVE ruled on this. I too have to go but will look forward to picking up this debate with you later today,
"So where is your anger at the illegals who stole children in the firsr place?"
My anger towards stealing children?
Trust me, good poster is as righteous as yours, or any person of responsibility and good conscience.

However, my anger is directed just to the actual thieves.
Whereas yours, seems to apply even to good...but desperate....families who bring their children with them as they seek a better life, or just to flee an unsafe and intolerable life. (As historically and universally immigrants worldwide are wont to do.)

Forgive me if I am generalizing, but.....but you seem to want to take children away from good parents because back in Mexico, or Nicaragua somebody else stole a child and brought him/her north.

You seemingly wish to ignore that Don Trump/Jeff Sessions / Steven Miller.....crafted and enacted a policy to get the American government to do the stealing. It was and is shameful.
And then, Trump/Sessions/Miller then up and lost some of them!
It is a shame on America that they brought upon us.

"All we here from you leftists is how awful America is to these lawbreakers, and nary a word about how awful these illegals are.'
Well, I don't know much about "you leftists".....who they might be, or what they do.....but, specifically to you, good poster Lisa, is what we hear from you and whatever cohort of political thought you think you belong to is that because some illegal immigrants have committed a crime somewhere sometime...therefore....all of 'em are bad people. Accordingly, it is quite OK to steal their children. Is that a fair characterization Lisa? If not, why not?

Forgive me, but the Binky too many suck on of
'anger/grievance/Leftists/Communists/BLM is a made-up ploy to motivate a certain ill-educated/under educated/mal-educated segment of our population in order to separate them as an identifiable constituency that can be motivated to buy something, or write a check to send to some candidate

If you self-identify as in that cohort, good poster Lisa.....well, that is on you. No one else. You cannot blame Don Trump, or Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, or Tucker Carlson for all of that. It is on you, Lisa. And your Binky.
My anger towards stealing children?
Trust me, good poster is as righteous as yours, or any person of responsibility and good conscience.

However, my anger is directed just to the actual thieves.
Whereas yours, seems to apply even to good...but desperate....families who bring their children with them as they seek a better life, or just to flee an unsafe and intolerable life. (As historically and universally immigrants worldwide are wont to do.)

Forgive me if I am generalizing, but.....but you seem to want to take children away from good parents because back in Mexico, or Nicaragua somebody else stole a child and brought him/her north.

You seemingly wish to ignore that Don Trump/Jeff Sessions / Steven Miller.....crafted and enacted a policy to get the American government to do the stealing. It was and is shameful.
And then, Trump/Sessions/Miller then up and lost some of them!
It is a shame on America that they brought upon us.

Well, I don't know much about "you leftists".....who they might be, or what they do.....but, specifically to you, good poster Lisa, is what we hear from you and whatever cohort of political thought you think you belong to is that because some illegal immigrants have committed a crime somewhere sometime...therefore....all of 'em are bad people. Accordingly, it is quite OK to steal their children. Is that a fair characterization Lisa? If not, why not?

Forgive me, but the Binky too many suck on of
'anger/grievance/Leftists/Communists/BLM is a made-up ploy to motivate a certain ill-educated/under educated/mal-educated segment of our population in order to separate them as an identifiable constituency that can be motivated to buy something, or write a check to send to some candidate

If you self-identify as in that cohort, good poster Lisa.....well, that is on you. No one else. You cannot blame Don Trump, or Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, or Tucker Carlson for all of that. It is on you, Lisa. And your Binky.

How long before liberals call for parents who refuse to have their kids JABBED should have them taken away?
"How long before liberals call for parents who refuse to have their kids JABBED should have them taken away?"

I honestly don't know, good poster Hello. Have never really thought about that aspect of child kidnapping.
Seeing you introduced that variant to the question of stealing children.......can we assume you have an answer in mind?

How much longer before THAT child abduction-thingy starts rolling, poster Hello?

And, good poster Hello, WHY do you think it would be then......and not sooner? Or later?

Batter up, Hello.
LOL. Your grandparents (and my great-great-great) grandparents were undocumented when they came here as well. The difference? Processing back then (due to a myriad of factors) was quick. Lightning quick compared to today. And over the decades, our lawmakers (on both sides) have constructed a patchwork of immigration laws that have made the system almost untenable.

Familiarize yourself with a bit of history.

So what's your number of how many per year should be let in? What are your standards? Any at all? Any expectations that they pay anything they're given back once they're established?
0 is what they should get.

The only money spent on illegals should be what it costs to deport them. I'd love to see my tax dollars spent on finding them, rounding them up, sending them home and finishing the wall.
Fix them all a sandwich, break their plate, wrap both in a roadmap and let them back across the border with Mexico. We also should not forget to wish them a nice day!
Stealing the children. I can't believe you had the actual balls to say that. No one stole their kids though I'd bet many of those unattended kids were stolen.

If the parents are detained as in arrested, no child will be allowed to stay with them. Just like here. If you get arrested I doubt your kids would be in the cell with you. The kids are moved to housing for them.
They should have been immediately deported. And they weren’t mistreated any more than Obama, when he out them in cages. Why didn’t you condemn Obama?
Obama separated families when a crime was committed once the immigrant families were in our country, since children could not be in the jail cell with the parent.
Immigration laws HAVE ruled on this. I too have to go but will look forward to picking up this debate with you later today,
When you are back…what do you mean ruled on this?
When you are back…what do you mean ruled on this?
The SCOTUS ruled that Biden needs to bring back Trump’s use of “42” - limiting the influx of immigrants (migrants, aliens, whatever you want to call them) during a pandemic and reinstating Trump’s “wait-in-Mexico-until-hearing” policy. That policy is to the advantage of Americans, and it is a shame Biden reversed it while we are still trying to get a hold of this virus. Yet Biden is very slow to bring it back, and thus we have 100,000 migrants - 30% who refuse the vaccine - being sent all over our country.
If they were separated at the border it means they were trying to do things legally like so many argued that they should do.

I guess that was all a lie. Not that it wasn't obvious.
HUH? how does it mean that, if you're trying to cross into the country not filling out the property paperwork and waiting your time.......I'm not sure it qualifies as what they should do...
Before hundreds of thousands of unskilled, uneducated, semi-literate foreigners grab their kid and break into our country to become immediately affluent, let’s run the numbers:

Reward for breaking our laws, with a kid in tow: $450,000

Subtract from that:

1) Cost to educate kid through age 18: $160,000
2) Added expense for ESOL needs: $60,000 (estimate for extra teachers, resources, etc. for 12 years)
3) Amount for taxpayers to feed the kid breakfast and lunch: $20,000

Subtotal education expenses for 12 years for each illegal: $240,000

4) Loss to American property value where illegals settle. Now admittedly this one is difficult, but the drop in the caliber of schools where non-English speaking children, with poor education up to that point, gather has big downward pressure on surrounding house prices.Let’s say a house that would sell for $400,000 in a “regular” working class neighborhood drops by $75,000.

5) Cost to maintain each kid in a detention facility at $775 a day for three weeks: plus clothes, food, and medical care to bring it up to: $20,000

6) Odds of child getting pregnant before 18: more than 30% (about 20% of teens have babies, but the rate is much higher among the poor, and among Latinas) and associated cost:

a. Maternity care at hospital: $30,000
b. Baby getting food stamps, Medicaid, making mother entitled to subsidize housing, etc, $20,000 a year x 18 years: $360,000

Now divide by 3 because only 1/3 (conservative estimate) get pregnant: $120,000

Total cost to each American each time some semi-literate foreigner breaks into our country with a kid…….

A 1-way trip on C-130 over their country of origin and 1 parachute each....

'Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door....'

Anyone else out there remember that *Jodie?

HUH? how does it mean that, if you're trying to cross into the country not filling out the property paperwork and waiting your time.......I'm not sure it qualifies as what they should do...

You can assume whatever you want but that is all you are doing.

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