Calculating how much we should pay illegals who break into our country with a kid, and are separated….

My anger towards stealing children?
Trust me, good poster is as righteous as yours, or any person of responsibility and good conscience.

However, my anger is directed just to the actual thieves.
Whereas yours, seems to apply even to good...but desperate....families who bring their children with them as they seek a better life, or just to flee an unsafe and intolerable life. (As historically and universally immigrants worldwide are wont to do.)

Forgive me if I am generalizing, but.....but you seem to want to take children away from good parents because back in Mexico, or Nicaragua somebody else stole a child and brought him/her north.

You seemingly wish to ignore that Don Trump/Jeff Sessions / Steven Miller.....crafted and enacted a policy to get the American government to do the stealing. It was and is shameful.
And then, Trump/Sessions/Miller then up and lost some of them!
It is a shame on America that they brought upon us.

Well, I don't know much about "you leftists".....who they might be, or what they do.....but, specifically to you, good poster Lisa, is what we hear from you and whatever cohort of political thought you think you belong to is that because some illegal immigrants have committed a crime somewhere sometime...therefore....all of 'em are bad people. Accordingly, it is quite OK to steal their children. Is that a fair characterization Lisa? If not, why not?

Forgive me, but the Binky too many suck on of
'anger/grievance/Leftists/Communists/BLM is a made-up ploy to motivate a certain ill-educated/under educated/mal-educated segment of our population in order to separate them as an identifiable constituency that can be motivated to buy something, or write a check to send to some candidate

If you self-identify as in that cohort, good poster Lisa.....well, that is on you. No one else. You cannot blame Don Trump, or Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, or Tucker Carlson for all of that. It is on you, Lisa. And your Binky.
WEll they didn't draft the policy, since it was in place by Obama. But we all know alot of those kids were either on the trip alone or the property of why encourage that?
and waht the hell does this mean?
Forgive me if I am generalizing, but.....but you seem to want to take children away from good parents because back in Mexico, or Nicaragua somebody else stole a child and brought him/her north.

So the people who stole kids from their parents in Mexico and Nicargua are good people? I hope to God that's not what you mean.
No it's not, it's facts, they are not doing it the right they get what they seem to think I care about criminals.......hint: I don't

They came to the border seeking asylum. Whether you like it or not, that is legal.
Calculate? You don't need no stinking calculator, you can count it on the middle finger.
They came to the border seeking asylum. Whether you like it or not, that is legal.
No it is not......they have to enter a port, first. Second most of them know they do not qualify for aslyum, so they lie.....just like a sham marriage for a green's dishonest and not legal.
Asylum is for people being Mexico for example doesnt qualify.........Mexico may suck and be shitty, but they aren't persecuting people.......
No it is not......they have to enter a port, first. Second most of them know they do not qualify for aslyum, so they lie.....just like a sham marriage for a green's dishonest and not legal.
Asylum is for people being Mexico for example doesnt qualify.........Mexico may suck and be shitty, but they aren't persecuting people.......
No it is not......they have to enter a port, first. Second most of them know they do not qualify for aslyum, so they lie.....just like a sham marriage for a green's dishonest and not legal.
Asylum is for people being Mexico for example doesnt qualify.........Mexico may suck and be shitty, but they aren't persecuting people.......

It's not up to you to determine if they qualify or not. They are arriving right where they are supposed to arrive.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

Obtaining Asylum in the United States
It's not up to you to determine if they qualify or not. They are arriving right where they are supposed to arrive.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

Obtaining Asylum in the United States
It's not about me determining it..... you know they don't qualify and so do they. So stop acting like Mexicans might qualify....they don't. Asylum is not given for economic hardship, it's given for political and religious persecution.....if you don't know this, then you don't even understand this topic at a basic level.
It's not about me determining it..... you know they don't qualify and so do they. So stop acting like Mexicans might qualify....they don't. Asylum is not given for economic hardship, it's given for political and religious persecution.....if you don't know this, then you don't even understand this topic at a basic level.

It's not up to you to determine.
It's not up to you to determine.
Again, it's not about's not like asylum is a mystery......apparenlty you don't even know what it is......first understand what it is......when you have knowledget things make more sense......try it for once.
Again, it's not about's not like asylum is a mystery......apparenlty you don't even know what it is......first understand what it is......when you have knowledget things make more sense......try it for once.

I posted the link to it that showed you did not understand. Some crap about a port. Just mindless ramblings.
Totally unfair and totally disgusting what the Brandon Administration and its thugs are doing to Americans.

LOL. Your grandparents (and my great-great-great) grandparents were undocumented when they came here as well. The difference? Processing back then (due to a myriad of factors) was quick. Lightning quick compared to today. And over the decades, our lawmakers (on both sides) have constructed a patchwork of immigration laws that have made the system almost untenable.

Familiarize yourself with a bit of history.

Comparing the legal immigrant ancestors of those of us whose ancestors came here legally, to the hordes of invading foreign criminals now attacking our country, is a filthy and unjustifiable insult.
No it is not......they have to enter a port, first. Second most of them know they do not qualify for aslyum [sic], so they lie.....just like a sham marriage for a green's dishonest and not legal.
Asylum is for people being Mexico for example doesnt [sic] qualify.........Mexico may suck and be shitty, but they aren't persecuting people.......

You can say that again. In fact, it appears that you did.

No it is not......they have to enter a port, first. Second most of them know they do not qualify for aslyum [sic], so they lie.....just like a sham marriage for a green's dishonest and not legal.
Asylum is for people being Mexico for example doesnt [sic] qualify.........Mexico may suck and be shitty, but they aren't persecuting people.......
If they were separated at the border it means they were trying to do things legally like so many argued that they should do.

I guess that was all a lie. Not that it wasn't obvious.

If they were separated at the border that means that they decided or were forced to submit to legal authority A-F-T-E-R having broken into the country.

All subsequent difficulties and costs arise from that initial illegal act.

Illegal acts should not be rewarded in any way, shape or form.

The only "compensation" they should receive is a seat on a locked bus, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and apple, and a juice box...

Enough to tide-them-over as they take a one-way trip back across the southern border after they've been fingerprinted, photographed and DNA-sampled...

With the clear understanding that if they're caught on our side of the border again, they'll spend 5-10 years in a Sheriff Joe Arpaio -style desert work-camp...

Truly working and earning their keep until such time as they're deported again with the threat of a doubled sentence if they're caught yet again.
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Applying for amnesty IS legal, and dependent on how they entered.
Then they can apply while waiting on the Mexican side of the border.

Time to ramp-up the vetting of claims in order to set aside the 95% or more of them that are frivolous or exploitative and scheming in nature.

Fast turn-around for such claims, and an invoice sent to the home government of each applicant for the processing of such claims.

Any unpaid invoices to be deducted from various aid given to such foreign governments or from seized-and-auctioned assets.
LOL. Your grandparents (and my great-great-great) grandparents were undocumented when they came here as well. The difference? Processing back then (due to a myriad of factors) was quick. Lightning quick compared to today. And over the decades, our lawmakers (on both sides) have constructed a patchwork of immigration laws that have made the system almost untenable.

Familiarize yourself with a bit of history.
My grandparents weren’t undocumented when they came in! I have copies of their intake forms at Ellis Island. Why would you claim my grandparent broke the law??

And the reason we have immigration laws is to make sure people who come in aren’t criminals, carrying communicable diseases, or so incapable that they will become a burden to Americans. A large percentage of the illegals crossing in fit one of the three categories above, which is why they are coming in the way they are. They know that they would be rejected, appropriately, if they applied legally.

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