

Jan 7, 2017
Racism, sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, classism, ableism. If all of this makes American 'great' again, then we are not America.

A reminder this is the Politics Forum and one off flames are not permitted.
Racism, sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, classism, ableism. If all of this makes American 'great' again, then we are not America.


Don't think California is going to leave, so if I was an illegal alien, I would pull a "Taco Bell" and make a "run for the border" before we build the wall, and trap any of you in this racist, unfair country. Go back to your wonderful Meh-I-co, the land of corruption; which is still better than this evil, racist place, right!
Better get on it boy, you gotta get that pushed through your local politics, change your state constitution, and convince a crap ton of other states to support Cali's bailing (though the latter bit might not be as hard as you think - Alaska supports #Calexit)
Better get on it boy, you gotta get that pushed through your local politics, change your state constitution, and convince a crap ton of other states to support Cali's bailing (though the latter bit might not be as hard as you think - Alaska supports #Calexit)
Thanks you for opinion.
Racism, sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, classism, ableism. If all of this makes American 'great' again, then we are not America.

yeah, yeah, yeah, heard this song before, what happens when you decide not to do this?...you gonna claim it was because you didn't want to make America great again?...Tell ya what would work, breaking California up...now there is an idea that will not only work but is very much do-able.
Racism, sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, classism, ableism. If all of this makes American 'great' again, then we are not America.

yeah, yeah, yeah, heard this song before, what happens when you decide not to do this?...you gonna claim it was because you didn't want to make America great again?...Tell ya what would work, breaking California up...now there is an idea that will not only work but is very much do-able.
fuckk off.
Racism, sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, classism, ableism. If all of this makes American 'great' again, then we are not America.

"Hands Up; Don't Shoot"
although I agree that there is no room for these things in America,, you have to admit that when this country went through its greatest years of prosperity, all of this WAS considered normal.
Great growth during the 50s but, dont let them coloreds eat next to me or God forbid they spread some afro disease by using the same water fountain.

Women needed to know their place, and that was at home taking care of the 2.5 children while cleaning and making sure dinner was ready when her man got home from work.

Men were men, women were women, there was nothing else, if a dude was caught blowing another dude, the only recourse was to put him in jail or a state hospital for treatment.

All societies have class barriers, even now. you will always have the rich and the poor, I think in some ways its good, in the U.S the poor have always had the ability to move up in class, it only took determination and drive, its what in many ways spurred this countries growth. classes give reason to set goals.

Same with ableism, (if its what Im thinking) if you are hiring a contractor to build your house, and I mean actually do the work, would you hire the guy that looks like a triathlon competitor or the guy in the wheel chair? we will always hire the able bodied first for any job that involves any degree of physical exertion, given two equally competent candidates for any job, its natural to hire the one that will require less assistance to do that job. This one however never really did make it to the point of being an institution like the others did.

So in my opinion which is worth pretty much nothing to anyone but me, all of those things you mentioned were present when America was at its greatest when it comes to upward mobility, and standing in the world.
To me, the idea of "Make America Great Again" means bringing back the days when one parent could go out and make a living and raise the family, where upward mobility might have been really hard, but not out of reach if one really worked for it. But, I want to see this Great America this time around include the blacks, the gays and those with physical disabilities.
we need to keep our classes, looking at the guy driving the new BMW is what gives many people the push to do better and get out of that 1970 pinto, Its what makes someone look at someone else and decide that they want the 3000 ft house for their family of 5 because the 900 ft 2 bedroom apartment is not really working for them.
and, I think that including the physically challenged people into mainstream America, in the workforce and every other aspect of our lives, gives way for an entire new industry for people to move in to. Whether its inventing ways to make the body work with prosthetic equipment, or finding ways to make buildings and office equipment differently in such a way as to accommodate them, there is an under represented industry just waiting to be taken advantage of.

That being said, I dont see where any of this is something to fear from Trump. His congress nor his followers/supporters are going to stand for any laws that violate the rights of any of the people you are concerned with.

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