California and the Feds should read their own Laws before commenting on Arizonas


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
The New Arizona Law, which is basically just a law allowing Arizona to enforce existing Federal law. Has more Protections against Profiling Built into it than the Federal Law, or the One California Passed a few years back. Yet Both California and the Feds are trashing Arizona for Political gain, and spreading lies about the law and scaring legal Immigrants in Arizona to death.

I challenge everyone of you to read the Arizona law, the Federal law, and Californian Law and then tell me where the Arizona law will lead to profiling and human rights abuses while the Federal and California Laws do not.

Hell as the Federal Law reads ICE agents can stop anyone, for any reason, at any time and ask them their status. Unlike the Arizona law, in which they have to stop the person for another legal reason first. A law that actually addresses and forbids Profiling unlike the Federal Law.

Why is it Obama and the Left must resort to distorting facts and out right lies about things they are against? straight up fear tactics and division politics from MR hope and change. Comparing ordinary Americans who simply want their border secured and the Laws on the books enforced to Nazis. Real Classy Left real classy. Show me your Papers? Get real people every time anyone of you is pulled over by a cop you have to show your ID by law. Show me you papers? STFU


My quote of the week is from some koolaid drinking liberal on TV who said "the New Arizona law makes Illegal Immigrants feel as if they have done something wrong and are not welcome." ROFLMAO are you for real. EXACTLY. They have done something wrong. They broke the law and entered our country illegally, and no they are not welcome. This country welcomes legal immigration not uncontrolled border jumping.

Take a guess at what would happen to you wereif caught entering Mexico illegally.......don't know. Try 2 years in prison for the first offense and 10 years for a repeat. and Yet Mexico seeks to school us about our so called unfair laws.

and Millions of Liberal Americans feel the same way.


A Nation who can not control its borders is no nation at all.
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I wonder why none of you Libs who swear Arizona is turning into Nazi Germany are not responding to these FACTS.

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