California Attorney General Bans state-sponsored travel to Texas due to religious beliefs of Texans.

People really need to start recognizing these kinds of actions for what they are: The grumblings of the next civil war.
More than likely it has to do with Californians finding a nicer, cheaper place to live, rather than their religious beliefs. They can’t have that!
Let me get this straight California dems want to ban state sponsored travel to states over bathroom laws but they whined about TRUMP's travel ban of countries that jail homosexuals...
If they would just ban these California ass-clowns from even moving to Texas---it would be a wonderful thing.

They're leaving California in droves because of Socialist/Marxist policies which they voted for---and they are too stupid to learn from their mistakes.
So much for freedom of religion in california. It seems to be a problem for most democrat politicians lately. You have to believe exactly like they do or you will be a non- person to them. George Orwell sure got iy right
You can go to China and catch the freaking plague but the Ca. A.G. forbids going to Texas because you might catch religion. Typical logic from the left.
As a Californian I find it comical like rumps face.
You think religious Bigotry and Discrimination is funny?

Of course you do. You hate God, Jews, and Christians.

I do. I laugh at your misunderstanding you worthless piece of driftwood. Is it on purpose? Ca's problem is with States that allow religious based discrimination against citizens.

It is a stupid ban however. It's not stopping anyone, just makes it harder for those people to travel where they need to go.
I’m unable find a downside to keeping their bureaucratic trash in the golden state.

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