California bill could create sanctuary state for non felon illegal immigrants


Tea Partier
Dec 28, 2011
California bill could create sanctuary state for non-felon illegal immigrants

By Cristina Corbin
Published July 05, 2012

California lawmakers are considering a new bill that could create a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants seeking protection from Arizona’s strict immigration law.

The Transparency and Responsibility Using State Tools, or TRUST Act, which is currently making its way through the California legislature, would prohibit local law enforcement from turning over illegal immigrants for deportation except for those with serious felony convictions.

Debate over the bill comes after the nation's highest court last month upheld the most controversial provision of the Arizona immigration law -- requiring local police to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally. Federal immigration officials have said they will be selective in responding to those calls and have already moved to shield some categories of illegal immigrants nationwide from deportation, but the provision is still on the books in Arizona.

Critics of the California measure call it a "huge mistake," even dangerous. But proponents say local law enforcement should not be “entangled” in enforcing federal immigration law.

“The Trust Act is a good idea for California because we want to position ourselves as the anti-Arizona,” said Angela Chan, a senior staff attorney with the Asian Law Caucus, a San Francisco-based civil rights organization in support of the bill.

Chan also said the Trust Act, sponsored by Democratic Assemblyman Tom Ammiano of San Francisco, seeks to remedy what she described as problems with the Obama administration’s Secure Communities program, which lets local jails conduct immigration checks on everyone who is arrested. The federal program has led to the deportation of thousands of illegal immigrants – many of whom have no criminal records – and has been fiercely criticized by civil rights activists.

“Seven of the 10 people deported under this program have no criminal convictions,” Chan told

An ICE spokeswoman, however, disputed that statistic, saying the actual numbers are reversed -- that nearly 75 percent of people deported through Secure Communities have one or more criminal convictions.

Chan said the program’s implementation has “resulted in an undercutting of community policing,” meaning immigrant residents may be afraid to call local law enforcement if they are witnesses or victims of a crime out of fear of deportation.

“The trust act will rebuild the community’s confidence in law enforcement,” added Jon Rodney of the California Immigrant Policy Center.

But critics of the Trust Act argue it will force local police to release individuals without conducting a thorough enough background check on them, running “the risk of letting some very dangerous people" slip through the cracks.

“This is a huge mistake,” said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies.

“It benefits mainly the illegal aliens who are here committing crimes and makes it much harder for federal and local law enforcement agencies to protect people who have to live with the illegal aliens who are creating the crime,” Vaughan told “The local law enforcement agency may not know what convictions or other offenses are on that person’s record. … They may not know who that person really is unless they hold that person long enough for DHS to check their record.”

Los Angeles County Sheriff Leroy D. "Lee" Baca is also opposed to the bill, saying through a spokesman that he does not believe it will pass.

"He believes that (Secure Communities) must do better and will do better, but this is not the right way to do that," Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whittmore told

The Trust Act, which was already passed by the California state Assembly, awaits a vote by the state Senate.
Why not?! It's not like the state is facing serious financial disaster or anything! Only 2 cities in the state have filed for big loss eh?
To California the problem of illegal immigration is simple. The state enjoys the deaths of people lile the Bologna family and Jamile Shaw.
When every illegal migrates to California from other states that make it difficult for illegals I wonder how and if we will ever be able to get California back from mexico?
When every illegal migrates to California from other states that make it difficult for illegals I wonder how and if we will ever be able to get California back from mexico?

Who wants it?. It's a beautiful state, except it has all them damned Californians.
"When every arrest is a potential immigration arrest, people in immigrant communities are afraid to report crimes or cooperate with investigations."

Maybe someone can explain why capital is free to cross borders and labor isn't?

That's simple to figure out George. If the illegals were not here then police wouldn't have this problem of illegals not coming forward to report crimes against other illegal immigrants.

As for capitalism crossing borders, that's simple also. Trade does not have anything to do with labor. Trade for products made in mexico to come to the U.S. and be sold are set up in trade agreements with the U.S. . Trade capitalism is for manufactured products to be sold and not people.

Labor consists of people doing the work to produce the manufactured product for wages. Trade capitalism has absolutely nothing to do with labor. If you have a problem understanding this you may want to go talk to some black U.S. citizens that are decendants of people that were used for trade labor.

P.S. We also don't know who is coming into the U.S. and the overflow of people creates demand that hasn't been met causing consumer prices to to rise especially with public utilities and gasoline. (Illegals still drive without a license and very few compared to the illegal population in the U.S. get busted).
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"When every arrest is a potential immigration arrest, people in immigrant communities are afraid to report crimes or cooperate with investigations."

Maybe someone can explain why capital is free to cross borders and labor isn't?

That's simple to figure out George. If the illegals were not here then police wouldn't have this problem of illegals not coming forward to report crimes against other illegal immigrants.

As for capitalism crossing borders, that's simple also. Trade does not have anything to do with labor. Trade for products made in mexico to come to the U.S. and be sold are set up in trade agreements with the U.S. . Trade capitalism is for manufactured products to be sold and not people.

Labor consists of people doing the work to produce the manufactured product for wages. Trade capitalism has absolutely nothing to do with labor. If you have a problem understanding this you may want to go talk to some black U.S. citizens that are decendants of people that were used for trade labor.

P.S. We also don't know who is coming into the U.S. and the overflow of people creates demand that hasn't been met causing consumer prices to to rise especially with public utilities and gasoline. (Illegals still drive without a license and very few compared to the illegal population in the U.S. get busted).
"Trade does not have anything to do with labor?

If your definition of "trade" involves products that require land, labor and capital, why is capital given rights labor is not?

When trade agreements like NAFTA dump tons of US taxpayer subsidized corn on Mexican markets it puts millions of Mexican farmers out of work with few places to find a job except in the US.

BTW, rises in the prices of public utilities and gasoline have more to do with privatization of utilities (see Enron) and speculation in oil futures by the same Wall Street parasites who crashed the global economy in 2008 than with migrants taking minimum wage jobs in California.
"When every arrest is a potential immigration arrest, people in immigrant communities are afraid to report crimes or cooperate with investigations."

Maybe someone can explain why capital is free to cross borders and labor isn't?

That's simple to figure out George. If the illegals were not here then police wouldn't have this problem of illegals not coming forward to report crimes against other illegal immigrants.

As for capitalism crossing borders, that's simple also. Trade does not have anything to do with labor. Trade for products made in mexico to come to the U.S. and be sold are set up in trade agreements with the U.S. . Trade capitalism is for manufactured products to be sold and not people.

Labor consists of people doing the work to produce the manufactured product for wages. Trade capitalism has absolutely nothing to do with labor. If you have a problem understanding this you may want to go talk to some black U.S. citizens that are decendants of people that were used for trade labor.

P.S. We also don't know who is coming into the U.S. and the overflow of people creates demand that hasn't been met causing consumer prices to to rise especially with public utilities and gasoline. (Illegals still drive without a license and very few compared to the illegal population in the U.S. get busted).
"Trade does not have anything to do with labor?

If your definition of "trade" involves products that require land, labor and capital, why is capital given rights labor is not?

When trade agreements like NAFTA dump tons of US taxpayer subsidized corn on Mexican markets it puts millions of Mexican farmers out of work with few places to find a job except in the US.

BTW, rises in the prices of public utilities and gasoline have more to do with privatization of utilities (see Enron) and speculation in oil futures by the same Wall Street parasites who crashed the global economy in 2008 than with migrants taking minimum wage jobs in California.

WHAT! After reading you post George I'm really thinking that the education level in the U.S. has fallen, very heavily in the areas of business and politics.

I agree with you about NAFTA but I don't like NAFTA for different reasons. My dislike of NAFTA is due to it's an open door for U.S. businesses to outsource jobs to foreign countries and send the manufactured products back to the U.S. without import taxes and tariffs. The outsourcing of jobs means less money in the pockets of U.S. citizens and less job opportunities.

As for rises in prices, no, rises in prices is not due to privatization. Rises in prices are due to demand and greedy businessmen jacking up prices to increase their profit margins and stuff money into their own pockets when demand is through the roof due to massive immigration. When demand goes up corporations can charge whatever they please. Public utility costs are up due to demand and the enviromentalists not letting new resources be built to meet the demand the illegals are putting on the U.S. economy.

Please George, don't lay that communist government can run things better and bring down prices. The communism you are hinting at just doesn't get it.

The problem in the U.S. is democrats let in to many illegals and legal immigrants to profit off of and now there's millions upon millions of them here in the U.S. driving up demand and getting consumer loans on homes and cars.

When demand goes up over supply prices sky rocket. When prices sky rocket people stop spending money and the economy collaspes. Communism won't correct this, communism will just keep people broke because the government will take all the money.
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Hello Friends
America has had a long-standing problem with workers who cross its borders illegally to find higher paying work than what is available in their home country.

American could have stopped the illegal crossing many, many years ago. Neither party is interested in doing that. Case closed.
This merely formalizes that which has been an official policy for years. The Bologna family was gunned down by an illegal. Jamile Shaw was murdered by an illegal that had been released from jail less than 24 hour prior to this murder. This is what California wants. It's not labor because there is no need for labor. The environmentalists ended the majority of California agriculture when it shut off the water to the central valley.
That's simple to figure out George. If the illegals were not here then police wouldn't have this problem of illegals not coming forward to report crimes against other illegal immigrants.

As for capitalism crossing borders, that's simple also. Trade does not have anything to do with labor. Trade for products made in mexico to come to the U.S. and be sold are set up in trade agreements with the U.S. . Trade capitalism is for manufactured products to be sold and not people.

Labor consists of people doing the work to produce the manufactured product for wages. Trade capitalism has absolutely nothing to do with labor. If you have a problem understanding this you may want to go talk to some black U.S. citizens that are decendants of people that were used for trade labor.

P.S. We also don't know who is coming into the U.S. and the overflow of people creates demand that hasn't been met causing consumer prices to to rise especially with public utilities and gasoline. (Illegals still drive without a license and very few compared to the illegal population in the U.S. get busted).
"Trade does not have anything to do with labor?

If your definition of "trade" involves products that require land, labor and capital, why is capital given rights labor is not?

When trade agreements like NAFTA dump tons of US taxpayer subsidized corn on Mexican markets it puts millions of Mexican farmers out of work with few places to find a job except in the US.

BTW, rises in the prices of public utilities and gasoline have more to do with privatization of utilities (see Enron) and speculation in oil futures by the same Wall Street parasites who crashed the global economy in 2008 than with migrants taking minimum wage jobs in California.

WHAT! After reading you post George I'm really thinking that the education level in the U.S. has fallen, very heavily in the areas of business and politics.

I agree with you about NAFTA but I don't like NAFTA for different reasons. My dislike of NAFTA is due to it's an open door for U.S. businesses to outsource jobs to foreign countries and send the manufactured products back to the U.S. without import taxes and tariffs. The outsourcing of jobs means less money in the pockets of U.S. citizens and less job opportunities.

As for rises in prices, no, rises in prices is not due to privatization. Rises in prices are due to demand and greedy businessmen jacking up prices to increase their profit margins and stuff money into their own pockets when demand is through the roof due to massive immigration. When demand goes up corporations can charge whatever they please. Public utility costs are up due to demand and the enviromentalists not letting new resources be built to meet the demand the illegals are putting on the U.S. economy.

Please George, don't lay that communist government can run things better and bring down prices. The communism you are hinting at just doesn't get it.

The problem in the U.S. is democrats let in to many illegals and legal immigrants to profit off of and now there's millions upon millions of them here in the U.S. driving up demand and getting consumer loans on homes and cars.

When demand goes up over supply prices sky rocket. When prices sky rocket people stop spending money and the economy collaspes. Communism won't correct this, communism will just keep people broke because the government will take all the money.
Can you provide a few examples of demand for goods or services going through the roof due to massive immigration?

"Consumer Demand

"Reverse migration of illegal immigrants from the US back to Mexico has reduced the overall population of the US.

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US.

"UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year."

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greedy businessmen have played a big role in privatization, as Californians discovered the hard way:

"Drought, delays in approval of new power plants,[4] and market manipulation decreased supply. This caused 800% increase in wholesale prices from April 2000 to December 2000.[5]"

California electricity crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Finally, any adverse economic effects from illegal immigration on the US economy are dwarfed by the trillion$ of dollar$ that have been looted from the middle class and redistributed into the off-shore bank accounts of FIRE sector parasites like Mitt Romney and their political enablers like Obama or Bush or Clinton.
And California's circling of the bowl accelerates.
Have you finished that #/=*!! car yet, D'Man?
Surely, (No, I didn't just call you...) you have found a garage?
The LA buses are circling that damn bowl a little faster than anything else around here.

Fortunately Ellen Brown has found the solution.
Unfortunately elected Republicans AND Democrats in California will send their own children to occupy Pakistan (or Mexico) before they'll listen to Ellen:

"California’s bill to study the feasibility of establishing a state-owned bank that would receive deposits of state funds, has passed both houses of the legislature and is now on the desk of Governor Jerry Brown awaiting his signature.

"It could be the governor’s chance to restore the state to its former glory. As noted in Time Magazine:

"n the 1950s and ‘60s, California was a liberal showcase. Governors Earl Warren and Pat Brown responded to the population growth of the postwar boom with a massive program of public infrastructure—the nation’s finest public college system, the freeway system and the state aqueduct that carries water from the well-watered north to the parched south.

"But that was before Proposition 13..."

California started out with a basic premise. Illegals contribute more and are worth more than Americans, so the state would be vastly improved if there were more illegals and fewer Americans. In the 70s Then Governor Brown said the main problem with the state was that too many people were working. More people needed to be shifted into welfare to improve the economy. He hasn't changed a bit.
"Trade does not have anything to do with labor?

If your definition of "trade" involves products that require land, labor and capital, why is capital given rights labor is not?

When trade agreements like NAFTA dump tons of US taxpayer subsidized corn on Mexican markets it puts millions of Mexican farmers out of work with few places to find a job except in the US.

BTW, rises in the prices of public utilities and gasoline have more to do with privatization of utilities (see Enron) and speculation in oil futures by the same Wall Street parasites who crashed the global economy in 2008 than with migrants taking minimum wage jobs in California.

WHAT! After reading you post George I'm really thinking that the education level in the U.S. has fallen, very heavily in the areas of business and politics.

I agree with you about NAFTA but I don't like NAFTA for different reasons. My dislike of NAFTA is due to it's an open door for U.S. businesses to outsource jobs to foreign countries and send the manufactured products back to the U.S. without import taxes and tariffs. The outsourcing of jobs means less money in the pockets of U.S. citizens and less job opportunities.

As for rises in prices, no, rises in prices is not due to privatization. Rises in prices are due to demand and greedy businessmen jacking up prices to increase their profit margins and stuff money into their own pockets when demand is through the roof due to massive immigration. When demand goes up corporations can charge whatever they please. Public utility costs are up due to demand and the enviromentalists not letting new resources be built to meet the demand the illegals are putting on the U.S. economy.

Please George, don't lay that communist government can run things better and bring down prices. The communism you are hinting at just doesn't get it.

The problem in the U.S. is democrats let in to many illegals and legal immigrants to profit off of and now there's millions upon millions of them here in the U.S. driving up demand and getting consumer loans on homes and cars.

When demand goes up over supply prices sky rocket. When prices sky rocket people stop spending money and the economy collaspes. Communism won't correct this, communism will just keep people broke because the government will take all the money.
Can you provide a few examples of demand for goods or services going through the roof due to massive immigration?

"Consumer Demand

"Reverse migration of illegal immigrants from the US back to Mexico has reduced the overall population of the US.

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US.

How are these stats known, if these people are illegal, and thus the government is not suppose to actually condone or know where exactly these people are or what exactly they are doing here, ummmmm because they are illegal ????? "

UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity
equivalent to spending stimulus every year."

Again how are these stats known, if illegal means illegal, and these people are supposed to be in hiding and working under the table while here ????? It actually is astonishing that our government has known about this, and has condoned this for the rich/corporations/employers for political favor and kick backs, that has since had a long term negative affect in ultimately undermining American labor here, so what is the government doing in all of this now ? Is it simply covering it's tracks by getting on or keeping on the compassionate side of the minorities, including this also into their issues so it can be protected in status of by the government seemingly caring for the poor, when we know it is all for the rich, who will hide now behind it all in these ways?

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greedy businessmen have played a big role in privatization, as Californians discovered the hard way:

"Drought, delays in approval of new power plants,[4] and market manipulation decreased supply. This caused 800% increase in wholesale prices from April 2000 to December 2000.[5]"

California electricity crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Finally, any adverse economic effects from illegal immigration on the US economy are dwarfed by the trillion$ of dollar$ that have been looted from the middle class and redistributed into the off-shore bank accounts of FIRE sector parasites like Mitt Romney and their political enablers like Obama or Bush or Clinton.

:confused: Please answer the above questions highlighted in red for me...Thanks
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California was a great place for simple Americans of all races and incomes and cultures. Average folks. That was 35 years ago. But nowadays, California is a place run by rich straight anglo ideologues. It's where their ideal of tolerance and diversity means exploiting poor hispanics. These rich whites have their slave class, their lackeys, hispanics of questionable status. Why would they want to upset the apple cart? I think the wealthy run California, it seems they may have all along....Now it seems middle or lower-class folks of all ilk haven't a place in the state. Nobody else has a place in their trance world of magic realism. The narcissist rich run the land of narcissist Hispanic immigrants and narcissist homosexuals, normal folks can't afford to live there anymore. Not to mention the record deficit Cali has run up, they can't even live within their own means. They live in a dream world.
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