California City Close to Finalizing Tough Anti-Bullying Ordinance


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
If kids continue to say even the darndest things, one city in Southern California could soon force children as young as kindergarten to fork over more than just their lunch money. The city of Carson, a southern suburb of Los Angeles, is in the final stages of enacting a tough new anti-bullying law – one getting mixed reviews.

The ordinance targets kindergarteners through adults age 25 who make another person feel “terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested” with no legitimate purpose. First-time offenders will be fined $100 and $200 for a second infraction, while a third offense could bring a criminal misdemeanor charge.

“Bullies don’t just strike once,” said Carson City Councilman Mike Gipson, who co-authored the motion. “It is a continuous pattern where the bully is stalking, terrorizing, and threatening their victim. One can point to a pattern that leads to the abuse.”

The punishments would be different for children, as opposed to adults. Young offenders would still be subject to fines, but Gipson says the burden to pay the penalty would fall on the parents or guardians. It’s the hope of Carson lawmakers that after paying fines, parents will get proper help for their child, like involving them in more after-school programs or community outreach. Adult offenders would be charged with either an infraction or a misdemeanor, which could come with jail time.

“We’re not talking about throwing children in jail,” Gipson told msnbc Wednesday. “We believe that if a citation has to be issued, that corrective measures have to be implemented. It is our hope that [bullies] will get the help they need.”

California city close to finalizing tough anti-bullying ordinance | MSNBC

I believe this is a step in the right direction. Much of what makes bullies bullies is the influence they receive from their parents. Though I'm a conservative, and dislike how it seems anti-bullying is trying to be championed by some on the Left, I strongly believe all forms of bullying are wrong.

Some reading this thread have possibly been bullied in their youth. Most survived it, and others had their lives affected negatively, or worse, died. I think more conservatives should support anti-bullying laws, too, because it feels that some on the Right don't give a damn if people are bullied. Some, folks; not all in either party.

Do you think they're overdoing it? Not doing enough? What changes would you make on this?
wow, so much for freedom

now a city government gets to run your children's lives...
Stephanie, would you please share what you think should be done about those bullies?
anyone ever been to Carson? the government should worry about cleaning it up, it's a real craphole

as for bullying that isn't any of your business and they have PARENTS who should deal with that

but you like these fascist imposing into you lives, go move there
In my kid's high school, about six years ago, then enacted a system where a student can 'sap' (I forget what that stands for) another student if they think that student is doing some kind of self-harm or something like drinking, smoking pot, etc.

I got a call from the guidance counselor about three weeks ago, my kid was sapped, the student reporting her said that she (my kid) was drinking. I literally laughed out loud at the counselor and said 'yeah? well she's drinking in the basement or right next to me on the sofa, cause she hasn't been anywhere to drink'. The counselor said that while this rule has helped a few students over the years, but it was too easy to abuse and that the vast majority of students getting 'sapped' were getting sapped by kids who were mad at them. The kid who sapped my kid was mad at her cause my kid does not want to be friends with the other kid (hasn't for a long time, the kid just doesn't seem to get it or like the fact).

This bullying law will yield the same thing, people will be crying "bullying" over someone calling them a fat cow or something. Nowadays you can't say anything that might offend someone without them crying "ooo, I'm being bullied!" We're raising a bunch of pansy-assed wussies who have no clue how to stand up for themselves, fight back (they get in trouble if they do), or grow a spine.

Someone physically beating up a kid, stealing his shit, physically going after him on a more-than-once or twice basis is bullying. Spreading rumors on the interwebs isn't, name calling isn't. Shit like that has been going on forever and the vast majority of it passes over. How are kids going to learn to stick up for themselves/defend themselves when we keep taking those opportunities away from them?

Life's tough, get a helmet.
anyone ever been to Carson? the government should worry about cleaning it up, it's a real craphole

as for bullying that isn't any of your business and they have PARENTS who should deal with that

but you like these fascist imposing into you lives, go move there

Alright, let's slow down a bit and hash it out. :smiliehug:

I've never heard of Carson, but if it's truly as bad as you say it is then those officials should deal with that issue as well.

Regarding bullying, it is our business, because it is our children being bullied and harassed, sometimes to the point of suicide. It is our business, and chances are the parents of the bullies will do nothing, because the bullies have become so thanks to how their parents raised them.

I don't believe anyone's said anything about fascism. Fighting back against bullying with some measure that has bite is far different than the fascism of some who seek to punish and destroy the livelihoods of those with differing opinions. There is a difference, Stephanie, and I think we can and should discuss this further.

Out of curiosity, would you please share what you would consider yourself politically?
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I'm shocked anyone would think this is the job of an elected politician in government, someone you hardly know to run your lives in this fashion...

We are so far gone and might as well surrender to these people...they have now become your parents, your MASTERS of how you should run your life...
They will probably put football players in jail for trying to motivate team members and everybody except overt homosexuals will live in fear of big brother state government. Thanks libs for the new Orwellian world.
I've been to Carson hundreds of times. It was my city's next door neighbor. It is primarily Phillipino with Mexicans a close second. I don't know if any white people still live in Carson. It is home to the 214th St gang. This looks like racial conflict between the Mexicans and everyone else.

I was never bullied. I wasn't a bully either. I beat up whoever crossed my path. I beat a girl's head in for saying hello.

There are so many forms of what is considered bullying today there's no real defense since bullying is sometimes made up after the fact. If a child just ignores another and doesn't talk to them at all, that's a form of bullying.
I've been to Carson hundreds of times. It was my city's next door neighbor. It is primarily Phillipino with Mexicans a close second. I don't know if any white people still live in Carson. It is home to the 214th St gang. This looks like racial conflict between the Mexicans and everyone else.

I was never bullied. I wasn't a bully either. I beat up whoever crossed my path. I beat a girl's head in for saying hello.

There are so many forms of what is considered bullying today there's no real defense since bullying is sometimes made up after the fact. If a child just ignores another and doesn't talk to them at all, that's a form of bullying.

The girl said hi and you beat her head in. You were too easy on her, but maybe it was her first offense. Lucky her that you were never a bully.
I've been to Carson hundreds of times. It was my city's next door neighbor. It is primarily Phillipino with Mexicans a close second. I don't know if any white people still live in Carson. It is home to the 214th St gang. This looks like racial conflict between the Mexicans and everyone else.

I was never bullied. I wasn't a bully either. I beat up whoever crossed my path. I beat a girl's head in for saying hello.

There are so many forms of what is considered bullying today there's no real defense since bullying is sometimes made up after the fact. If a child just ignores another and doesn't talk to them at all, that's a form of bullying.

The girl said hi and you beat her head in. You were too easy on her, but maybe it was her first offense. Lucky her that you were never a bully.

I beat her head in with a book. Of course it was a first offense. There was never a second offense. I wasn't a bully because I never initiated contact with anyone. Anyone who left me alone was left alone.
In my kid's high school, about six years ago, then enacted a system where a student can 'sap' (I forget what that stands for) another student if they think that student is doing some kind of self-harm or something like drinking, smoking pot, etc.

I got a call from the guidance counselor about three weeks ago, my kid was sapped, the student reporting her said that she (my kid) was drinking. I literally laughed out loud at the counselor and said 'yeah? well she's drinking in the basement or right next to me on the sofa, cause she hasn't been anywhere to drink'. The counselor said that while this rule has helped a few students over the years, but it was too easy to abuse and that the vast majority of students getting 'sapped' were getting sapped by kids who were mad at them. The kid who sapped my kid was mad at her cause my kid does not want to be friends with the other kid (hasn't for a long time, the kid just doesn't seem to get it or like the fact).

This bullying law will yield the same thing, people will be crying "bullying" over someone calling them a fat cow or something. Nowadays you can't say anything that might offend someone without them crying "ooo, I'm being bullied!" We're raising a bunch of pansy-assed wussies who have no clue how to stand up for themselves, fight back (they get in trouble if they do), or grow a spine.

Someone physically beating up a kid, stealing his shit, physically going after him on a more-than-once or twice basis is bullying. Spreading rumors on the interwebs isn't, name calling isn't. Shit like that has been going on forever and the vast majority of it passes over. How are kids going to learn to stick up for themselves/defend themselves when we keep taking those opportunities away from them?

Life's tough, get a helmet.

I appreciate your input, Zoom-boing. ;)

That term sapping is new to me, and I haven't been able to find it over the internet in that context. If it means notifying school authorities if they think a child is doing something self-destructive like smoking pot or drinking, then let's start there. First, a good question is if they mean "sapping" the youth while on school property, or off. Whether or not that's the case I do support school officials in that endeavor because it's illegal for youths ages 21 and younger to drink alcohol or smoke pot in most states (please correct me if I'm wrong). If your child is drinking, and she's alone, and under-age, there's the likelihood or her drinking too much, and possibly risking her life. Teens in general aren't all that bright, but they do have their ways when it comes to being sneaky, and defying their parents, and knowing how to seem innocent and unassuming when in the presence of their parents.

It's not possible for your eye to be on her every waking moment, Zoom, and there are probably times when she's out of your range doing things that you would not approve of. 'Course, she may not, but you never really know with teenagers and their peer pressure issues. While the spirit of that rule is good, and meant to protect kids from going down the wrong path, I can understand how children can misuse that rule. Better to err on the side of caution, and reprimand those who have been proven to misuse the system out of spite. All of this said—and I am grateful for you bringing it up—is a bit different that this other system meant to curtail the menacing behavior of bullying.

Because bullying seems as if not more important that the sapping issue, I will level with you that there need to be more checks and balances to better sift through what's bullying, and what's an abuse of the system. However, I don't think it should be forgotten that there are bullies in our schools—quite a few—and that doing nothing is wrong. We need to have standards, and not tolerate bad people bullying others, especially when the victims are youths. Those young years are very important, and simply saying "grow a thicker skin and get over it" isn't good enough. Not when it's severe bullying. There's already been enough dead bullying victims, and too many dead innocents left in the wake of a severely bullied and traumatized—and now armed—student.

The distinction must be made that bullying isn't simply physical. Zoom-boing, bullying is the use of superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants (Source). I think we should care—give a damn—about the evils of bullying in all its forms. Trying to reduce, simplify, and trivialize bullying into simply the physical is incorrect; as our dictionaries show, it's more than that. And just because it's been happening forever doesn't mean anything. Murder has been going on forever, too, so that point is moot. It's also tough for the victims of bullies to defend themselves, especially when it's not 1v1.
Yep. That's what we need, more spineless victims incapable of dealing with hurt feelings. How much longer before this kind of stupidity is applied to parents? If you hurt junior's feelings you're a bully and must pay the man. Maybe we could pay off our national debt this way.
If kids continue to say even the darndest things, one city in Southern California could soon force children as young as kindergarten to fork over more than just their lunch money. The city of Carson, a southern suburb of Los Angeles, is in the final stages of enacting a tough new anti-bullying law – one getting mixed reviews.

The ordinance targets kindergarteners through adults age 25 who make another person feel “terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested” with no legitimate purpose. First-time offenders will be fined $100 and $200 for a second infraction, while a third offense could bring a criminal misdemeanor charge.

“Bullies don’t just strike once,” said Carson City Councilman Mike Gipson, who co-authored the motion. “It is a continuous pattern where the bully is stalking, terrorizing, and threatening their victim. One can point to a pattern that leads to the abuse.”

The punishments would be different for children, as opposed to adults. Young offenders would still be subject to fines, but Gipson says the burden to pay the penalty would fall on the parents or guardians. It’s the hope of Carson lawmakers that after paying fines, parents will get proper help for their child, like involving them in more after-school programs or community outreach. Adult offenders would be charged with either an infraction or a misdemeanor, which could come with jail time.

“We’re not talking about throwing children in jail,” Gipson told msnbc Wednesday. “We believe that if a citation has to be issued, that corrective measures have to be implemented. It is our hope that [bullies] will get the help they need.”

California city close to finalizing tough anti-bullying ordinance | MSNBC

I believe this is a step in the right direction. Much of what makes bullies bullies is the influence they receive from their parents. Though I'm a conservative, and dislike how it seems anti-bullying is trying to be championed by some on the Left, I strongly believe all forms of bullying are wrong.

Some reading this thread have possibly been bullied in their youth. Most survived it, and others had their lives affected negatively, or worse, died. I think more conservatives should support anti-bullying laws, too, because it feels that some on the Right don't give a damn if people are bullied. Some, folks; not all in either party.

Do you think they're overdoing it? Not doing enough? What changes would you make on this?

" Though I'm a conservative, ...."

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) - North Dakota senators on Thursday approved requiring schools to take new steps to prevent bullying, despite arguments that the effort was a time-wasting example of the "nanny state."

North Dakota is one of only a handful of states that doesn't have an anti-bullying law for public schools, said Sen. Richard Marcellais, D-Belcourt. Sens. Oley Larsen, R-Minot, and Margaret Sitte, R-Bismarck, spoke against the measure. Larsen said children need to be taught how to handle bullying, rather than ordering schools to focus on bullying prevention. The legislation "rewards kids for thinking and acting like victims.

It will promote a victim mentality and handicap kids for life, not just after the school bell rings," Larsen said…."People do need to learn to stand up for themselves." Senate approves adding school policies on bullying, bill now goes to Dalrymple
spoke against the measure. Larsen said children need to be taught how to handle bullying, rather than ordering schools to focus on bullying prevention. The legislation "rewards kids for thinking and acting like victims.
Hunger Games or Game of Thrones much? The survival rate might go down a lot, but the grades might go up (as you would have to be cunning to survive).
Yep. That's what we need, more spineless victims incapable of dealing with hurt feelings. How much longer before this kind of stupidity is applied to parents? If you hurt junior's feelings you're a bully and must pay the man. Maybe we could pay off our national debt this way.

Again, that trivializes the issue. This is about schoolkids bullying schoolkids. They're not spineless victims incapable of dealing with hurt feelings. Why do you go after the victims of school bullying this way, while not saying much if anything about the bullies actually doing the bullying? It's frustrating to me, because there are quite a few things I don't like about liberalism, but a few things, like anti-bullying, that I agree with. Why some on the Right stand there and practically defend the bullies is what I don't understand. A measure is being passed in California to punish bullies for bullying children, yet you're in favor of the bullies being able to do what they do without reprimand. Why? The Left have some screwed up things on their plate, but if being against punishment against bullies is something the political Right is going to have on theirs, then they too have their own problems and inadequacies. We should not think bullying is ok, and not punish it when it happens in our schools.

" Though I'm a conservative, ...."

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) - North Dakota senators on Thursday approved requiring schools to take new steps to prevent bullying, despite arguments that the effort was a time-wasting example of the "nanny state."

North Dakota is one of only a handful of states that doesn't have an anti-bullying law for public schools, said Sen. Richard Marcellais, D-Belcourt. Sens. Oley Larsen, R-Minot, and Margaret Sitte, R-Bismarck, spoke against the measure. Larsen said children need to be taught how to handle bullying, rather than ordering schools to focus on bullying prevention. The legislation "rewards kids for thinking and acting like victims.

It will promote a victim mentality and handicap kids for life, not just after the school bell rings," Larsen said…."People do need to learn to stand up for themselves." Senate approves adding school policies on bullying, bill now goes to Dalrymple

That's bogus. There are a lot of things I stand for when it comes to conservatism, and I'm telling you being pro-bully isn't something I acknowledge to be part of it. Being a social/fiscal conservative doesn't mean you support a nanny state for wanting to punish schoolyard bullies. Since when have bullies became a class for you to protect? We're better than that, and both the Right and the Left should be in full agreement in finally having some ways to give bullies a message—loud and clear—that it will not be tolerated.

And how are you going to stand up for yourself when the bully is likely physically stronger than you? Or when there's more of them than you? No, it's wrong. What happens when you're driven to the point of getting a gun and taking down the demonic bastard who won't leave you the f*** alone? Then what? Are some conservative going to say "he learned to stand up for himself"? Why not let schools prevent bullying? You'd think innocent children would be worth more than that.
In my kid's high school, about six years ago, then enacted a system where a student can 'sap' (I forget what that stands for) another student if they think that student is doing some kind of self-harm or something like drinking, smoking pot, etc.

I got a call from the guidance counselor about three weeks ago, my kid was sapped, the student reporting her said that she (my kid) was drinking. I literally laughed out loud at the counselor and said 'yeah? well she's drinking in the basement or right next to me on the sofa, cause she hasn't been anywhere to drink'. The counselor said that while this rule has helped a few students over the years, but it was too easy to abuse and that the vast majority of students getting 'sapped' were getting sapped by kids who were mad at them. The kid who sapped my kid was mad at her cause my kid does not want to be friends with the other kid (hasn't for a long time, the kid just doesn't seem to get it or like the fact).

This bullying law will yield the same thing, people will be crying "bullying" over someone calling them a fat cow or something. Nowadays you can't say anything that might offend someone without them crying "ooo, I'm being bullied!" We're raising a bunch of pansy-assed wussies who have no clue how to stand up for themselves, fight back (they get in trouble if they do), or grow a spine.

Someone physically beating up a kid, stealing his shit, physically going after him on a more-than-once or twice basis is bullying. Spreading rumors on the interwebs isn't, name calling isn't. Shit like that has been going on forever and the vast majority of it passes over. How are kids going to learn to stick up for themselves/defend themselves when we keep taking those opportunities away from them?

Life's tough, get a helmet.

I appreciate your input, Zoom-boing. ;)

That term sapping is new to me, and I haven't been able to find it over the internet in that context. If it means notifying school authorities if they think a child is doing something self-destructive like smoking pot or drinking, then let's start there. First, a good question is if they mean "sapping" the youth while on school property, or off. Whether or not that's the case I do support school officials in that endeavor because it's illegal for youths ages 21 and younger to drink alcohol or smoke pot in most states (please correct me if I'm wrong). If your child is drinking, and she's alone, and under-age, there's the likelihood or her drinking too much, and possibly risking her life. Teens in general aren't all that bright, but they do have their ways when it comes to being sneaky, and defying their parents, and knowing how to seem innocent and unassuming when in the presence of their parents.

Sapping isn't a term you will find because, as I said in my original post, it's something the school initiated about six years ago.

My kid isn't drinking, go back and read what I wrote.

You also failed to note that the guidance counselor told me that the vast majority of kids being sapped weren't doing anything wrong, they were sapped by people who wanted to 'get back' at them because they were mad at them. While it has helped a few over the years she told me that for the most part it's turned into a finger-pointing/get even type thing. This bullying law will turn into the same thing. A five year old calls some kid a fat idiot at recess and the next thing you know, the parents are having to pay a fine because the kid was 'bullying' the other kid. Please, give me a break. Watch, that's exactly what will happen. It will teach kids that speaking their mind is wrong because someone might get offended, best to just shut up and never question anything just do what you're told.

It's not possible for your eye to be on her every waking moment, Zoom, and there are probably times when she's out of your range doing things that you would not approve of. 'Course, she may not, but you never really know with teenagers and their peer pressure issues. While the spirit of that rule is good, and meant to protect kids from going down the wrong path, I can understand how children can misuse that rule. Better to err on the side of caution, and reprimand those who have been proven to misuse the system out of spite. All of this said—and I am grateful for you bringing it up—is a bit different that this other system meant to curtail the menacing behavior of bullying.

No kidding kids do stupid shit, sneak off and do things they shouldn't be doing. I did, you did it. Do I want my kids doing stupid shit? No. Will they? Yup. Can I stop it? Nope. Should I stop it? Only the most dangerous shit. Why? Because what they are doing is figuring it all out and I if stop and interfere each and every time ... how will they ever learn?

My youngest (junior in hs) when she was in 7th grade hung around with a kid who I didn't like much, she was a trouble maker. Under this friend's influence, my kid cut a class or two and stopped doing her school work. I made short work of it all, got her back on track. Same thing in 8th grade. 9th grade, not cutting class but she decided to be stupid and not do her work ... projects, tests, homework, etc. She was failing all her major classes. As the good parent I was in contact with all her teachers, followed up on what homework/projects, etc she had, blah, blah, blah. End of the year she was passing all her classes. Lather, rinse, repeat for her sophomore year. At the end of her sophomore year (last year) I had 7 deaths in 7 months in my family, including my mom and dad 11 days apart. I was incapable of doing what I had been doing with her and quite frankly I was sick and tired of it. So I stopped. First quarter ... failing all major subjects. I just looked at her grades, looked at her and said 'if you stay on this path, you'll never get done'. And left it at that. Told her flat out do what you want, you want to blow it all off and fail? Ok, fail. I'm done, I had neither the energy or the emotional strength to babysit her. She figured it out, freaking finally, and is passing all classes. My doing it for her taught her nothing, she needed to figure it out for herself. Mistakes are the best teachers.

The same holds true for bullying. I'm not saying don't get involved if a kid is physically being harmed but seriously, people jump the gun over nothing too much of the time. The kid who was 'sapping' my kid? She was also tweeting ALL kinds of shit about my kid, nasty stuff. Anyone who knows my kid knows it's all lies, anyone who doesn't know my kid doesn't care. When my kid didn't want to be friends with this kid several years back? The kids mom was on the phone with me, "oh lets talk this all out, blah, blah, blah." Uh, no. Let them figure it out for themselves. "Oh but my kid is sad". And? That's life, comfort her, talk to her, help her to build that thicker skin. That's your job as a parent.

Because bullying seems as if not more important that the sapping issue, I will level with you that there need to be more checks and balances to better sift through what's bullying, and what's an abuse of the system. However, I don't think it should be forgotten that there are bullies in our schools—quite a few—and that doing nothing is wrong. We need to have standards, and not tolerate bad people bullying others, especially when the victims are youths. Those young years are very important, and simply saying "grow a thicker skin and get over it" isn't good enough. Not when it's severe bullying. There's already been enough dead bullying victims, and too many dead innocents left in the wake of a severely bullied and traumatized—and now armed—student.

The distinction must be made that bullying isn't simply physical. Zoom-boing, bullying is the use of superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants (Source). I think we should care—give a damn—about the evils of bullying in all its forms. Trying to reduce, simplify, and trivialize bullying into simply the physical is incorrect; as our dictionaries show, it's more than that. And just because it's been happening forever doesn't mean anything. Murder has been going on forever, too, so that point is moot. It's also tough for the victims of bullies to defend themselves, especially when it's not 1v1.

Do something only if it's severe. Otherwise, butt the hell out and teach your children to stand up for themselves. And for God's sake, stop punishing kids for fighting back!
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This is all about money per usual. LA is a hellhole facing bankruptcy.

If kids continue to say even the darndest things, one city in Southern California could soon force children as young as kindergarten to fork over more than just their lunch money. The city of Carson, a southern suburb of Los Angeles, is in the final stages of enacting a tough new anti-bullying law – one getting mixed reviews.

The ordinance targets kindergarteners through adults age 25 who make another person feel “terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested” with no legitimate purpose. First-time offenders will be fined $100 and $200 for a second infraction, while a third offense could bring a criminal misdemeanor charge.

“Bullies don’t just strike once,” said Carson City Councilman Mike Gipson, who co-authored the motion. “It is a continuous pattern where the bully is stalking, terrorizing, and threatening their victim. One can point to a pattern that leads to the abuse.”

The punishments would be different for children, as opposed to adults. Young offenders would still be subject to fines, but Gipson says the burden to pay the penalty would fall on the parents or guardians. It’s the hope of Carson lawmakers that after paying fines, parents will get proper help for their child, like involving them in more after-school programs or community outreach. Adult offenders would be charged with either an infraction or a misdemeanor, which could come with jail time.

“We’re not talking about throwing children in jail,” Gipson told msnbc Wednesday. “We believe that if a citation has to be issued, that corrective measures have to be implemented. It is our hope that [bullies] will get the help they need.”

California city close to finalizing tough anti-bullying ordinance | MSNBC

I believe this is a step in the right direction. Much of what makes bullies bullies is the influence they receive from their parents. Though I'm a conservative, and dislike how it seems anti-bullying is trying to be championed by some on the Left, I strongly believe all forms of bullying are wrong.

Some reading this thread have possibly been bullied in their youth. Most survived it, and others had their lives affected negatively, or worse, died. I think more conservatives should support anti-bullying laws, too, because it feels that some on the Right don't give a damn if people are bullied. Some, folks; not all in either party.

Do you think they're overdoing it? Not doing enough? What changes would you make on this?
what next, they jail or fine the parents of the bully. Take the kid away from the parents?

man oh man, they just can't let kids be kids...they need to CONTROL THEM

I guess drugging them wasn't enough

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