California City Close to Finalizing Tough Anti-Bullying Ordinance

Yep. That's what we need, more spineless victims incapable of dealing with hurt feelings. How much longer before this kind of stupidity is applied to parents? If you hurt junior's feelings you're a bully and must pay the man. Maybe we could pay off our national debt this way.

Again, that trivializes the issue. This is about schoolkids bullying schoolkids. They're not spineless victims incapable of dealing with hurt feelings. Why do you go after the victims of school bullying this way, while not saying much if anything about the bullies actually doing the bullying? It's frustrating to me, because there are quite a few things I don't like about liberalism, but a few things, like anti-bullying, that I agree with. Why some on the Right stand there and practically defend the bullies is what I don't understand. A measure is being passed in California to punish bullies for bullying children, yet you're in favor of the bullies being able to do what they do without reprimand. Why? The Left have some screwed up things on their plate, but if being against punishment against bullies is something the political Right is going to have on theirs, then they too have their own problems and inadequacies. We should not think bullying is ok, and not punish it when it happens in our schools.
Well, somehow we, and the rest of the planet, have managed to survive without making a big stink over it. I was a kid in school. We had bullies and bullying but kids learned to deal with it. Sometimes we settled up after school. You yourself called them victims, you are teaching kids to be victims instead of survivors and problem solvers. It's part of growing up.
Yep. That's what we need, more spineless victims incapable of dealing with hurt feelings. How much longer before this kind of stupidity is applied to parents? If you hurt junior's feelings you're a bully and must pay the man. Maybe we could pay off our national debt this way.

Again, that trivializes the issue. This is about schoolkids bullying schoolkids. They're not spineless victims incapable of dealing with hurt feelings. Why do you go after the victims of school bullying this way, while not saying much if anything about the bullies actually doing the bullying? It's frustrating to me, because there are quite a few things I don't like about liberalism, but a few things, like anti-bullying, that I agree with. Why some on the Right stand there and practically defend the bullies is what I don't understand. A measure is being passed in California to punish bullies for bullying children, yet you're in favor of the bullies being able to do what they do without reprimand. Why? The Left have some screwed up things on their plate, but if being against punishment against bullies is something the political Right is going to have on theirs, then they too have their own problems and inadequacies. We should not think bullying is ok, and not punish it when it happens in our schools.
Well, somehow we, and the rest of the planet, have managed to survive without making a big stink over it. I was a kid in school. We had bullies and bullying but kids learned to deal with it. Sometimes we settled up after school. You yourself called them victims, you are teaching kids to be victims instead of survivors and problem solvers. It's part of growing up.

It's true that Earth and the human race have survived bullies and bullying.

...however, bullying is a bad thing. Bullies should be punished. They should understand the bad things they do have consequences. Same with murderers, thieves, assaulters, etc.

Punishing bullying is not teaching kids to be victims, much like punishing murderers is not teaching loved ones to be victims. Punishing anything does not equate to teaching anyone to be anything. That I feel is a flaw in the reasoning of your post, because it assumes that punishment of an action must mean another is being taught to be a victim.

What is happening is taking bullies to task for bullying our children. They're not God. They aren't untouchable.

How else do you deal with a bully? Reason? That rarely if ever works. Being a friend? That's rare. Ignoring it? People shouldn't resign to live in fear—religious or not we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

...violence? By fighting back, what does that accomplish? Will it work? What if you go to far?

I'm a big man. 6'4" and athletic. I was bullied as a child viciously, and my blood was spilt. Because of that I was homeschooled, because the bastards weren't punished. People thought the norm was letting bullies get away with their wickedness. I have very special thoughts towards bullies, and if I were to fight back against one today, that person would likely no longer be among us. A kid can only take so much bullying at school before he or she has had enough. Don't tell me having to deal with bullies who want to see you fight back is part of growing up, either; being a mature, responsible adult includes not turning a blind eye to this festering problem. Being a grown-up means handling issues discreetly, instead of walking up and pistol-whipping your bully in the nose until he dies, etc.

Having kids who are bullied by bullies having only their individual selves to rely on to survive the bully isn't enough. Who cares for the boy or girl who commits suicide because of it? "Oh, she was simply not strong enough?" NO. Stand up and fight? How? Where is the balance?
Because of how different everyone is, what is a proper punishment for one person may not be a proper one for another person. To me, it all depends on how deep they choose to get into the wrong that they choose to get into.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

It's true that Earth and the human race have survived bullies and bullying.

...however, bullying is a bad thing. Bullies should be punished. They should understand the bad things they do have consequences. Same with murderers, thieves, assaulters, etc.

Punishing bullying is not teaching kids to be victims, much like punishing murderers is not teaching loved ones to be victims. Punishing anything does not equate to teaching anyone to be anything. That I feel is a flaw in the reasoning of your post, because it assumes that punishment of an action must mean another is being taught to be a victim.

What is happening is taking bullies to task for bullying our children. They're not God. They aren't untouchable.

How else do you deal with a bully? Reason? That rarely if ever works. Being a friend? That's rare. Ignoring it? People shouldn't resign to live in fear—religious or not we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

...violence? By fighting back, what does that accomplish? Will it work? What if you go to far?

I'm a big man. 6'4" and athletic. I was bullied as a child viciously, and my blood was spilt. Because of that I was homeschooled, because the bastards weren't punished. People thought the norm was letting bullies get away with their wickedness. I have very special thoughts towards bullies, and if I were to fight back against one today, that person would likely no longer be among us. A kid can only take so much bullying at school before he or she has had enough. Don't tell me having to deal with bullies who want to see you fight back is part of growing up, either; being a mature, responsible adult includes not turning a blind eye to this festering problem. Being a grown-up means handling issues discreetly, instead of walking up and pistol-whipping your bully in the nose until he dies, etc.

Having kids who are bullied by bullies having only their individual selves to rely on to survive the bully isn't enough. Who cares for the boy or girl who commits suicide because of it? "Oh, she was simply not strong enough?" NO. Stand up and fight? How? Where is the balance?
Sure, bullies suck. Probably no one dislikes them more than me. The problem with enforcing a bullying law is that it's entirely subjective. One guy might be upset over comments about his nose (kids are quick to point out outstanding features, you know) and another kid might be upset about being called Hulk or Lurch or whatever.

Yes, it was common back in the day to stand up to a bully. And if you couldn't kick his ass your dad would kick his dad's ass. But usually the bully backed down, they are scared people acting tough, mostly to convince themselves. Now with the feminization of everything and government backing it up people feel quite free to insult without repercussion. The kids get it from their parents and things escalate to where we are now considering even more government regulation. Where does it stop?

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