California Court Frees Rapist, Rules Only Married Women Protected by Law


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Court Frees Rapist, Rules Only Married Women Protected by Law

A California appeals court overturned the rape conviction of a man accused of pretending to be a woman's boyfriend when he snuck into her bedroom and had sex with her, concluding that the law doesn't protect unmarried women in such cases.

Citing an obscure state law from 1872, the panel ruled that an impersonator who tricks someone into having sex with him can only be found guilty of rape if he is pretending to be a married woman's husband.

"Has the man committed rape? Because of historical anomalies in the law and the statutory definition of rape, the answer is no, even though, if the woman had been married and the man had impersonated her husband, the answer would be yes," Judge Thomas L. Willhite Jr. wrote in the court's decision.

Calif. Court Finds Single Woman Not Protected By Rape Law - ABC News

How in the hell is the law still around?
You would most likely be amazed by the number of archaic and otherwise ridiculous laws still on the books in this country...
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If "No" was said and ignored anyways, then it was rape and should not be gotten away with.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

^^^ Because it wasn't who she thought it was, she should still have a case because she was taken advantage of, at least in my opinion anyways.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

You would most likely be amazed by the number of archaic and otherwise ridiculous laws still on the books in this country...

I am amazed by the number of archaic and otherwise ridiculous laws that are passed by local, state, and federal governments in this country TODAY.
How can someone PRETEND to be someone's boy/girl friend without the "victim" knowing that they are not the right person? Were they blind. And why would a friend have sex with someone they are not married to, unless they are getting paid?
Just like the stupid laws of today, when those old laws were passed, they made sense at the time. Most of the really stupid, or unworkable laws happen because of a single incident or circumstance which gets the public's attention. In some cities, it is against the law for a store to provide customers with a plastic bag. Clint Eastwood finally repealed the law in Carmel forbidding eating an ice cream cone in public. A law passed a couple of years ago in Manhattan Beach prohibited any form of exercise in a public park. Santa Monica will shortly pass the same law, although they intend to have a permit allowed for someone who wants to exercise in the park.

The law that this judge relied on actually makes sense. The woman WILLINGLY had sex with the man. She did not say NO. A boyfriend does not carry any legal status as would a husband. Especially in 1872 where a man had a right to have sex with his wife and that right was not transferable. The husband in 1872 had a right to have sex with his wife. No other man had a right to have sex with this man's wife. In 2013 any man can have sex with any woman unless she objects. She did not object.
It was not rape.
If that law is still on the books then the judge was correct in his ruling regardless of how absurd the situation is. He did his job, which was to rule on the law, not make the law. It is up to the California legislature to change the law.
How can someone PRETEND to be someone's boy/girl friend without the "victim" knowing that they are not the right person? Were they blind. And why would a friend have sex with someone they are not married to, unless they are getting paid?

The facts of the case are not in contention. He was found guilty of raping her by impersonating her boyfriend. His conviction was overturned because the law doesn't allow for boyfriends, only husbands
If "No" was said and ignored anyways, then it was rape and should not be gotten away with.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


It is quite clear that in this case the woman did not say no. She believed it was her boyfiend. The facts leave no room for equvocation.
How can someone PRETEND to be someone's boy/girl friend without the "victim" knowing that they are not the right person? Were they blind. And why would a friend have sex with someone they are not married to, unless they are getting paid?

The facts of the case are not in contention. He was found guilty of raping her by impersonating her boyfriend. His conviction was overturned because the law doesn't allow for boyfriends, only husbands

If he had impersonated a millionaire would it be rape? How about visiting royalty? How about if he was clever about convincing her that he was in love with her?

No means no. We have a clear line of demarcation. A line where even husbands can be convicted of raping his wife if she says no. This woman did not say no. She was fooled. Men are fooled all the time. Every time a man is assured that his girlfriend is using birth control and he still ends up a father that she lied or pretended is no defense.

This case has every mark of this girl got caught boffing some other guy and said "I thought he was you!"
How can someone PRETEND to be someone's boy/girl friend without the "victim" knowing that they are not the right person? Were they blind. And why would a friend have sex with someone they are not married to, unless they are getting paid?

The facts of the case are not in contention. He was found guilty of raping her by impersonating her boyfriend. His conviction was overturned because the law doesn't allow for boyfriends, only husbands

If he had impersonated a millionaire would it be rape? How about visiting royalty? How about if he was clever about convincing her that he was in love with her?

No means no. We have a clear line of demarcation. A line where even husbands can be convicted of raping his wife if she says no. This woman did not say no. She was fooled. Men are fooled all the time. Every time a man is assured that his girlfriend is using birth control and he still ends up a father that she lied or pretended is no defense.

This case has every mark of this girl got caught boffing some other guy and said "I thought he was you!"

Apparently a jury disagrees with you, since they believed her story and convicted him of rape.

Since the law that was used doesn't fit, the conviction has now been thrown out, and he will either be retried or let go.
CaféAuLait;6604459 said:
Court Frees Rapist, Rules Only Married Women Protected by Law

A California appeals court overturned the rape conviction of a man accused of pretending to be a woman's boyfriend when he snuck into her bedroom and had sex with her, concluding that the law doesn't protect unmarried women in such cases.

Citing an obscure state law from 1872, the panel ruled that an impersonator who tricks someone into having sex with him can only be found guilty of rape if he is pretending to be a married woman's husband.

"Has the man committed rape? Because of historical anomalies in the law and the statutory definition of rape, the answer is no, even though, if the woman had been married and the man had impersonated her husband, the answer would be yes," Judge Thomas L. Willhite Jr. wrote in the court's decision.
Calif. Court Finds Single Woman Not Protected By Rape Law - ABC News

How in the hell is the law still around?

The prosecutor elected to charge him with impersonating her husband, not rape. Blame that idiot, not the judge.
CaféAuLait;6604459 said:
Court Frees Rapist, Rules Only Married Women Protected by Law

A California appeals court overturned the rape conviction of a man accused of pretending to be a woman's boyfriend when he snuck into her bedroom and had sex with her, concluding that the law doesn't protect unmarried women in such cases.

Citing an obscure state law from 1872, the panel ruled that an impersonator who tricks someone into having sex with him can only be found guilty of rape if he is pretending to be a married woman's husband.

"Has the man committed rape? Because of historical anomalies in the law and the statutory definition of rape, the answer is no, even though, if the woman had been married and the man had impersonated her husband, the answer would be yes," Judge Thomas L. Willhite Jr. wrote in the court's decision.
Calif. Court Finds Single Woman Not Protected By Rape Law - ABC News

How in the hell is the law still around?

The prosecutor elected to charge him with impersonating her husband, not rape. Blame that idiot, not the judge.

NO, that is not what happened, perhaps you need to reread the OP article. He was charged with rape of an unconscious person. BUT the law says she was NOT raped since she was UNmarried. They did not charge him as impersonating her husband, she was not married. If she had been married then he woud have been convicted.

We reluctantly hold that a person who accomplishes sexual intercourse by impersonating someone other than a married victim's spouse is not guilty of the crime of rape of an unconscious person," the appeals court ruled.

Read more: Julio Morales Rape Case Appeal Ruling - Business Insider

And for the person who keeps says that this was her getting "caught" and regreting sex, the man admitted that he was pretending to be her boyfriend to trick her for sex.

Julio Morales Rape Case Appeal Ruling - Business Insider
CaféAuLait;6608948 said:
CaféAuLait;6604459 said:
Court Frees Rapist, Rules Only Married Women Protected by Law

Calif. Court Finds Single Woman Not Protected By Rape Law - ABC News

How in the hell is the law still around?

The prosecutor elected to charge him with impersonating her husband, not rape. Blame that idiot, not the judge.

NO, that is not what happened, perhaps you need to reread the OP article. He was charged with rape of an unconscious person. BUT the law says she was NOT raped since she was UNmarried. They did not charge him as impersonating her husband, she was not married. If she had been married then he woud have been convicted.

We reluctantly hold that a person who accomplishes sexual intercourse by impersonating someone other than a married victim's spouse is not guilty of the crime of rape of an unconscious person," the appeals court ruled.
Read more: Julio Morales Rape Case Appeal Ruling - Business Insider

And for the person who keeps says that this was her getting "caught" and regreting sex, the man admitted that he was pretending to be her boyfriend to trick her for sex.

Julio Morales Rape Case Appeal Ruling - Business Insider

Perhaps you should read your link.

"A man enters the dark bedroom of an unmarried woman after seeing her boyfriend leave late at night, and has sexual intercourse with the woman while pretending to be the boyfriend," the court said in its ruling (emphasis ours). "Has the man committed rape? Because of historical anomalies in the law and the statutory definition of rape, the answer is no, even though, if the woman had been married and the man had impersonated her husband, the answer would be yes."
The woman, identified only as Jane Doe, said she woke up in the middle of the night "to the sensation of having sex," which confused her because she and her boyfriend had agreed not to have sex before he left for the night. When she was able to get a glimpse of the man's face, she says, she saw it wasn't her boyfriend but a man named Julio Morales.
Jane says she screamed and tried to push Morales away, and he eventually left the room.
Morales admitted he had sex with Jane and said "he also thought she believed he was her boyfriend," according to the appeals court ruling.
However, Morales' defense team said he didn't remember Jane trying to push him away, and that he did not try and continue having sex after he initially pulled out of her.

The prosecutor could have charged him with rape because he continued with the sex after she said no. He tried to avoid the he said/she said controversy and charge him with something he was not guilty of.

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