California Dad Killed His Kids Over qanon and 'Serpent DNA' Conspiracy Theories, Feds Allege

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
When I was growing up, I never heard anything good about it was where all the lunatics lived. I never really believed that, until I got older and started paying attention to the news. Over the decades of hearing and seeing horrible things going on in that state......aside from being stuck there for 4 years and seeing this shit firsthand........I know firmly believe everything I was told when I was little.

When I was growing up, I never heard anything good about it was where all the lunatics lived. I never really believed that, until I got older and started paying attention to the news. Over the decades of hearing and seeing horrible things going on in that state......aside from being stuck there for 4 years and seeing this shit firsthand........I know firmly believe everything I was told when I was little.

Cali's fucked up, but evil and/or mentally ill people can be found in every state.
When I was growing up, I never heard anything good about it was where all the lunatics lived. I never really believed that, until I got older and started paying attention to the news. Over the decades of hearing and seeing horrible things going on in that state......aside from being stuck there for 4 years and seeing this shit firsthand........I know firmly believe everything I was told when I was little.

Another Drumpf supporter lost his already tenuous grip on reality.

"A California surfing school owner who was charged with killing his two children in Mexico is a follower of QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories who thought the children "were going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them," federal officials alleged."
California, one of the most beautiful fucked up indeed.

but, there was a time when Cali was the number 1 place.....I know....I was studying there for a while...I enjoyed every second of it.....

Not anymore ....all gone, I'm gone too LOL

Now is call it whatever you want.

It's so sad to see the obliteration of America taking place in front of your very eyes. :(
We native Californians have Yosemite, Mountains to snow ski and Tahoe to water ski plus dozens of ski resorts and lakes to water ski. Plenty of camp sites, wilderness areas even in the SF Bay Area; beaches from Mendocino County to San Diego County to surf, kite surf and body surf; coves to snatch Abalone in small cloves in Sonoma, Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties; Rivers running down to the Pacific with Steel Head Trout all along the north coast and even Salmon Runs into the SF Bay as well as Halibut, Crab and in Sonoma and Napa rivers there is more than wine, Sturgeons lay in the mouth of these rivers.
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We native Californians have Yosemite, Mountains to snow ski and Tahoe to water ski plus dozens of ski resorts and lakes to water ski. Plenty of camp sites, wilderness areas even in the SF Bay Area; beaches from Mendocino County to San Diego County to surf, kite surf and body surf; coves to snatch Abalone in small cloves in Sonoma, Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties; Rivers running down to the Pacific with Steel Head Trout all along the north coast and even Salmon Runs into the SF Bay as well as Halibut, Crab and in Sonoma and Napa rivers there is more than wine, Sturgeons lay in the mouth of these rivers.

No rain



Organized shoplifting

Shit in the streets

You left that out.


Reality eludes you.

You have a horrible relationship with the truth
The very strange stories keep coming.

This one is a man took his two children to Mexico to murder them.

He confessed to the crime then told the police he believed the children had serpent DNA from their mom and were going to grow in to monsters so he had to kill them.

Those are his words not mine.

I sure hope that he is sent to prison for the rest of his life.


Lizard people are not the invention of either qanon or the illuminati. They are the invention of philosopher David Icke. Well thought of in liberal circles.
The lizard people conspiracy predates Qanon by decades. I also noticed inference to Qanon but no evidence, how typical.

as one of the damned lizard people or reptilian or alien....this is stupid and dangerous...i have no clue why i am rh neg but i am ...hardly makes me a lizard person
They are among us. Blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids with only one objective in their cold-blooded little heads: to enslave the human race. They are our leaders, our corporate executives, our beloved Oscar-winning actors and Grammy-winning singers, and they're responsible for the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City bombings and the 9/11 attacks ... at least according to former BBC sports reporter David Icke, who became the poster human for the theory in 1998 after publishing his first book, The Biggest Secret, which contained interviews with two Brits who claimed members of the royal family are nothing more than reptiles with crowns. (Picture Dracula meets Swamp Thing).

do sane people believe this?
In either 1993/1994 where I live there's this bridge called the Overton Bridge in Dumbarton that's also been responsible for a lot of dog suicides (jumping to their death, over the bridge, unexplained - you can look it up there's plenty reading on it) but this man was walking over the bridge with his new born baby in his pram and halfway across the bridge he looked down and seen the Devil's face where the babies face was and it said something to him and he threw his baby over the bridge to it's death.

The man was sane and normal before the incident and is still to this day in a mental hospital.

You wonder if they really believe what they seen or something inside of them just snaps and they're lost forever.

I've also had spooky experiences at that bridge if anyone's interested in hearing it.
The very strange stories keep coming.

This one is a man took his two children to Mexico to murder them.

He confessed to the crime then told the police he believed the children had serpent DNA from their mom and were going to grow in to monsters so he had to kill them.

Those are his words not mine.

I sure hope that he is sent to prison for the rest of his life.

The FBI lost all of its crediblity when the commie traitor scum took control of it. It is just another Gestapo gang working for the Democrat gangsters.
Let me guess. He did the deed in another country so that he couldn't be touched once back in the states. I have two words for him: Dixie Chicks.

God bless you always!!!

The lizard people conspiracy predates Qanon by decades. I also noticed inference to Qanon but no evidence, how typical.

A California surfing school owner who was charged with killing his two children in Mexico is a follower of QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories who thought the children "were going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them," federal officials alleged.

Matthew Taylor Coleman, 40, was charged Wednesday with foreign murder of U.S. nationals in connection with the death of his 2-year-old son and his 10-month-old daughter, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California. Authorities said Coleman confessed to the killings and told the FBI that he used a spear fishing gun to stab them.

A criminal complaint alleges that he told the FBI that he killed his children because he believed they "were going to grow into monsters" and that conspiracy theories led him to believe that his wife had passed down her "serpent DNA" to the children.


California dad killed his kids over QAnon and 'serpent DNA' conspiracy theories, feds allege
NBC Universal
August 11, 2021, 7:47 PM
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A California surfing school owner who was charged with killing his two children in Mexico is a follower of QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories who thought the children "were going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them," federal officials alleged.

Matthew Taylor Coleman, 40, was charged Wednesday with foreign murder of U.S. nationals in connection with the death of his 2-year-old son and his 10-month-old daughter, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California. Authorities said Coleman confessed to the killings and told the FBI that he used a spear fishing gun to stab them.

A criminal complaint alleges that he told the FBI that he killed his children because he believed they "were going to grow into monsters" and that conspiracy theories led him to believe that his wife had passed down her "serpent DNA" to the children.

Image: Forensic technicians work at the scene where two American children were found dead in Rosarito (Reuters)
Image: Forensic technicians work at the scene where two American children were found dead in Rosarito (Reuters)
Coleman's wife, identified only by her initials, contacted Santa Barbara police after her husband had taken the kids out on Saturday but didn't tell her where they were going, the complaint said. She grew concerned after he failed to respond to her messages, and, knowing that her husband didn't have a car seat with him, she called police.

A missing person's report was filed Sunday, and officers asked her to use Apple's Find My iPhone feature to see whether she could find Coleman, the complaint said. The program showed Coleman's last known location in Rosarito, Mexico, it said.

Police alerted the FBI to the investigation as it became a case of suspected parental kidnapping. Coleman was detained Monday after an inspection by border protection agents of his van upon his re-entry into the U.S., where agents didn't see his children and found blood in the vehicle, authorities said.

The complaint alleges that Coleman confessed to the killings upon being interviewed Monday and gave authorities the location of the murder weapon and the discarded bloody clothing. He also identified two bodies recovered by Mexican authorities as those of his children, it said.

A judge ordered that Coleman be held without bond Wednesday and scheduled his arraignment for Aug. 31.

According to the complaint, Coleman said that he knew what he did was wrong but that "it was the only course of action that would save the world."

"Serpent DNA" is a likely to be a reference to the "lizard people" conspiracy theory, which falsely purports that reptilian aliens secretly run the world and have taken over important positions in government, banking and Hollywood.

The complaint says Coleman told authorities that he learned about "serpent DNA" through QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories, even though the lizard people conspiracy theory predates both by several decades.

The believers in each conspiracy theory have melded together over the last several years because conspiracy theory influencers and algorithms on social media frequently lump the theories together.

QAnon is a more recent conspiracy theory premised on the belief that a similar global cabal at the top of the U.S. government is secretly murdering and eating children and that Donald Trump was quietly working to defeat them during his time in office.

Anthony Quinn Warner, who bombed his own RV outside an AT&T building in Nashville, Tennessee, on Christmas Day, claimed that lizard people were taking over Hollywood and the U.S. government. Warner died and three other people were injured.

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