California Disgrace to the World

geezus were you in a closet somewhere?...i can spend half a day here telling you about the great bands that came in the 70's,the greatest period of classic rock period....the bee gees and disco?....thats what you remember of the 70's?....unfucking believable....
You are completely full of shit. There is no better decade of music than the 60's.
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State

That's right's time for Bush92's weekly thread of 'I hate everything not conservative'.

Oh please , just peruse the first page and see how many threads bash Republican's and Conservatives.
geezus were you in a closet somewhere?...i can spend half a day here telling you about the great bands that came in the 70's,the greatest period of classic rock period....the bee gees and disco?....thats what you remember of the 70's?....unfucking believable....
You are completely full of shit. There is no better decade of music than the 60's.
i said classic do know what that is right?...
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State

Why would you start a thread with a year old article? Do you sit and obsess over a state you don't live in? Why?

I live here...that editorial is spot on, this place is a disgusting fucking shithole full of disgusting fucking human beings....PERIOD!
Weird that the dumbmothafuckers running this shithole can’t put it together....MORE WETBACKS = BIGGER SHITHOLE.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare

You know you can leave anytime. If you own any property here you can sell it and live someplace in the racist south like a king!
Just promise you won't here in good ole South Carolina. California is a shit hole. I mean you have to document shit on your side walks to keep tourist away from it.

We don’t need you to come here.

Are you really this ignorant to paint California that way? The area you are talking about is very tiny part of San Francisco. Not the whole state of San Francisco. Not the whole state of California.

So far I have not seen a human waste in California’s streets.
But I’ve witnessed a lot of human waste human being in this site.
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California's LA Rams Win the NFC to Play in the Super Bowel

California Democrats have a budget surplus of $30 billion!!!

1. California’s economy is far better than any states. Feeding other welfare states.
2. California economy is booming better than any states that is why we have the surplus. Business is good that I can’t complain.

It’s the 5th largest economy in the world for nothing. Yes there are lots of problems but if you compare problems from state to states it’s not even at the bottom.
I live here in California about 75% of my life. I will not or never live anywhere else in the world. Not even in Dubai.

Here in California I can play golf, skydiving, casinos, outdoor concerts, beautiful beaches, water skiing, snow boarding, lake or ocean fishing, golfing, lake or ocean boating, surfing, snorkeling....... Can you do that in your states during winter?

At the same time a buffet of pretty, sexy juicy LATINAS. Can you do that in your states?

Currently our weather temperatures is miserably low 70s. While half of America on the east coast is (sarcastically) comfortably below zero degrees. See the difference?

At the same time business is excellent that I cannot complain. If this keeps going I will start hiring foreign workers like Trump.
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State
This has been happening since Ronald Reagan left the governorship of that state. More smart people are leaving it for better everything, even Bill Gates knows Californication is a lost cause. Just tells you how fucked up that state is when Bill, an uber wealthy liberal elite, leaves for more conservative areas...

Bill Gates has started laying out his plans for creating a “smart city” in Phoenix, Arizona, about 45 minutes west of downtown. Located in the far west valley, the piece of land is comprised of approximately 24,800 acres. Belmont, the proposed name for the city, will embrace and push forward innovation and technology.

Bill Gates Just Purchased an Enormous Amount of Land to ...

Some POS blog on Townhall.

Bill Gates lives and works in Seattle, Washington, you fool, and he's not leaving Seattle, either. He's just investing in a "smart city" being developed in in Arizona.
The reason I get satisfaction when that cesspool burns to ashes.

Before that ever happens your state will be the confluence of where the Atlantic and Gulf waters meet.

CA learns from experience, unlike the rubes in tornado alley who know and don't prepare for weather which are extreme and regular. We have earthquake codes when our extreme natural events happen decades apart.

We also learned from experience that Republicans keep kicking cans down the road, when elected they feather their own nest and those who bribe them with "campaign donations", and then cutting taxes and building prisons. A policy which defies sagacious thought.

"Rube" appears to be your favorite word to describe those inferior deplorables who are too stupid to think as highly of you as you do yourself. You're no better than the Mexican picking grapes outside of Delano kid, you just think you are.

Ca is a shithole despite your denials. You're about to have to pay a "tax" on water. Newsome is going to break you.

Actually I use the word Rube as a synonym for Trumpanzee and Callous Conservative. The commonality are two: Selfish disregard for others, and willful ignorance.

No, you use it because you think it marginalizes the people with whom you disagree .

Dead wrong. I use it because it accurately describes their lack of empathy and the "I got mine, fuck the rest of you" attitude.
I just don’t understand why there’s so much hate about California. When other states are far worse than California.

Absolutely. Before I retired, I traveled to 45 of the states in this country, and had to stay sometimes for extended periods. I never spent time in any state that I ever wanted to live in more than California. The weather alone makes it possible to do anything outdoors at any time of the year.
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State

California contributes far more to the US Federal government in terms of taxes than it gets back

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

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