California Disgrace to the World

This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State

Why would you start a thread with a year old article? Do you sit and obsess over a state you don't live in? Why?

I live here...that editorial is spot on, this place is a disgusting fucking shithole full of disgusting fucking human beings....PERIOD!
Weird that the dumbmothafuckers running this shithole can’t put it together....MORE WETBACKS = BIGGER SHITHOLE.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare

You know you can leave anytime. If you own any property here you can sell it and live someplace in the racist south like a king!
Just promise you won't here in good ole South Carolina. California is a shit hole. I mean you have to document shit on your side walks to keep tourist away from it.

We don’t need you to come here.

Are you really this ignorant to paint California that way? The area you are talking about is very tiny part of San Francisco. Not the whole state of San Francisco. Not the whole state of California.

So far I have not seen a human waste in California’s streets.
But I’ve witnessed a lot of human waste human being in this site.
Yeah just wait the entire state will be like that you keep letting illegals flood in.
The reason I get satisfaction when that cesspool burns to ashes.

Before that ever happens your state will be the confluence of where the Atlantic and Gulf waters meet.

CA learns from experience, unlike the rubes in tornado alley who know and don't prepare for weather which are extreme and regular. We have earthquake codes when our extreme natural events happen decades apart.

We also learned from experience that Republicans keep kicking cans down the road, when elected they feather their own nest and those who bribe them with "campaign donations", and then cutting taxes and building prisons. A policy which defies sagacious thought.

"Rube" appears to be your favorite word to describe those inferior deplorables who are too stupid to think as highly of you as you do yourself. You're no better than the Mexican picking grapes outside of Delano kid, you just think you are.

Ca is a shithole despite your denials. You're about to have to pay a "tax" on water. Newsome is going to break you.
Rich white liberals who didn't work for their money, just like that loser, don't care about...

Higher taxes
$10 dollars a gallon for gas to "save the planet

And they also.....

Love living behind guarded walls
Love telling the poor that they need to not eat at cheaper fast food places

$10 for gas? You're either a damn liar or too stupid to check facts.

Rich liberals work for their money; Rich conservatives are Wall Street Brokers who share insider trading for their money.
Should have seen the 60's and 70's, that's when Ca. DID rock. Not so much now.
WTF are you talking about? I lived through the 60's and 70's. The 60's rocked! The 70's sucked!

I can't help if you rode the short bus in the 70's.
All was good until things started to change in the 80's. Liberalism started to infest the neighborhoods.

Another opinion sans facts and evidence. The facts are, the 70's were the age of protests, the sexual revolution and STAGFLATION;

The 80's brought forth a President out of touch with the hoi polloi, trickle down economics and "Just say No" as a solution to drug use.

Imagine anyone today, other than Pence or Trump, seeing the Opiate Crisis and doing nothing but locking up end users and telling high school kids, and younger, "Just say No".
Should have seen the 60's and 70's, that's when Ca. DID rock. Not so much now.
WTF are you talking about? I lived through the 60's and 70's. The 60's rocked! The 70's sucked!

I can't help if you rode the short bus in the 70's.
All was good until things started to change in the 80's. Liberalism started to infest the neighborhoods.

Another opinion sans facts and evidence. The facts are, the 70's were the age of protests, the sexual revolution and STAGFLATION;

The 80's brought forth a President out of touch with the hoi polloi, trickle down economics and "Just say No" as a solution to drug use.

Imagine anyone today, other than Pence or Trump, seeing the Opiate Crisis and doing nothing but locking up end users and telling high school kids, and younger, "Just say No".
still the 70's were pretty nice economically in California despite the shit going on elsewhere...and the 80's were still pretty good and so were the 90's ...politically things started changing in the 90' my opinion....and from there on it was getting worse....
California is a world leader in social and financial areas. We also support 46 of the 50 states that make up this disunion. Ronnie Ray Goon set the state on it's spiral down in a financial hole. All the governors since except Gray Davis continued the spend it on friends government. You guys know so little about so many things I am surprised you try to even talk.
Yup! - California Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown has a budget surplus of $30 billion!!!

Repubtard Ronald Ray Goon tried to bankrupt California & the USA!!!
that money means shit when you have 300 billion + in unfunded pension liabilities....
California streets paved with the shit of people who hate America and are here illegally.

Great State.
I'm sure you love it then. It wasn't always over-the-cliff liberal.
Liberals don't go over cliffs; conservatives do.
Yeah, that's why in most states people laugh at Ca.
Let's not forget that 400+ billion in state debt constitutes over-the-cliff.

You really don't fact check. The CA debt was caused by several Republican Governors who filled our prisons with non violent criminals and promoted Law and Order, but forgot about justice. The result was overcrowding and the need for more prisons.

That began the Republican era of don't tax and spend. Needing more revenue they raided local government of their tax revenue, exacerbating crime, since drug and mental health services were cut for lack of funding.

To further exacerbate the issue, the Federal Government did not pay for the (then) $50,000 annual cost per inmate; for example, many end users who received long sentences for possession for sale of Crack.

Another example which added to the need for more prisons was the Three Strikes Enhancement of 25-years to life for stealing a candy bar (The candy bar event became a felony when the subject had a prior arrest for theft and had served at least on day in jail, and had a prior arrest for a violent crime. Even when the first two incidents occurred decades earlier, the petty theft could be enhanced and a sentence of 25 years to life imposed).
I'm sure you love it then. It wasn't always over-the-cliff liberal.
Liberals don't go over cliffs; conservatives do.
Yeah, that's why in most states people laugh at Ca.
Let's not forget that 400+ billion in state debt constitutes over-the-cliff.

You really don't fact check. The CA debt was caused by several Republican Governors who filled our prisons with non violent criminals and promoted Law and Order, but forgot about justice. The result was overcrowding and the need for more prisons.

That began the Republican era of don't tax and spend. Needing more revenue they raided local government of their tax revenue, exacerbating crime, since drug and mental health services were cut for lack of funding.

To further exacerbate the issue, the Federal Government did not pay for the (then) $50,000 annual cost per inmate; for example, many end users who received long sentences for possession for sale of Crack.

Another example which added to the need for more prisons was the Three Strikes Enhancement of 25-years to life for stealing a candy bar (The candy bar event became a felony when the subject had a prior arrest for theft and had served at least on day in jail, and had a prior arrest for a violent crime. Even when the first two incidents occurred decades earlier, the petty theft could be enhanced and a sentence of 25 years to life imposed).
Thanks for making my case on just how over the cliff Ca. really is, Wry.
Only part you've got wrong is not giving any credit to your party.
Oh......glad your state is the role model for healthcare for illegals....that is going to look good for ongoing debt to the state.
400+ billion in debt and rising every minute.....sad, it was a great state a few decades ago. Thank you frisco
Yeah, that's why in most states people laugh at Ca.
Let's not forget that 400+ billion in state debt constitutes over-the-cliff.
We're the 5th largest economy in the world.

You're 400+ billion in debt and counting.
State pension fund isn't funded, and do you know why? You should

Your hyperbole is intentionally misleading the reader. State and local government employees earn a retirement based on a percentage (usually 3, 2.5 or 2%) times years of service and could retire at age 50, 55 or 60 depending on the retirement system.

[Example: Safety Retirement was factored by 3% x 30 years = 90% of the final years annual salary. Safety members (LE & Fire could retire at age 50); The Ventura Decisions which allowed the cost for uniforms and other essentials to be considered income, and other enhancements for management allowed some to retire at over 100% their final year of compensation.

Around a decade ago the costs to both the State Gov't and local, for all government employees became an issue, and for safety the factor (in my agency) has been reduced to 2.5% and the age to retire raised to 55.

These reduction have been made state-wide, as well as the starting salaries and future salary schedules reduced too; thus, they render Meister's claim that the pension costs are growing is misleading, either intentionally or because he is ignorant of the system and how it has changed.
The reason I get satisfaction when that cesspool burns to ashes.

Before that ever happens your state will be the confluence of where the Atlantic and Gulf waters meet.

CA learns from experience, unlike the rubes in tornado alley who know and don't prepare for weather which are extreme and regular. We have earthquake codes when our extreme natural events happen decades apart.

We also learned from experience that Republicans keep kicking cans down the road, when elected they feather their own nest and those who bribe them with "campaign donations", and then cutting taxes and building prisons. A policy which defies sagacious thought.

"Rube" appears to be your favorite word to describe those inferior deplorables who are too stupid to think as highly of you as you do yourself. You're no better than the Mexican picking grapes outside of Delano kid, you just think you are.

Ca is a shithole despite your denials. You're about to have to pay a "tax" on water. Newsome is going to break you.
Rich white liberals who didn't work for their money, just like that loser, don't care about...

Higher taxes
$10 dollars a gallon for gas to "save the planet

And they also.....

Love living behind guarded walls
Love telling the poor that they need to not eat at cheaper fast food places

There are several California's. The type of people you run into is determined by where you are. Personally I love Santa Cruz and the Redwoods above it, Ben Lomond etc. The Hippie Culture is alive and well in both of those places.

I cut my teeth at Steamer's Lane, River Mouth in the Winter and New Years Creek when the Sharks weren't feeding on the seal pups.
Yeah, that's why in most states people laugh at Ca.
Let's not forget that 400+ billion in state debt constitutes over-the-cliff.
We're the 5th largest economy in the world.

You're 400+ billion in debt and counting.
State pension fund isn't funded, and do you know why? You should

Your hyperbole is intentionally misleading the reader. State and local government employees earn a retirement based on a percentage (usually 3, 2.5 or 2%) times years of service and could retire at age 50, 55 or 60 depending on the retirement system.

[Example: Safety Retirement was factored by 3% x 30 years = 90% of the final years annual salary. Safety members (LE & Fire could retire at age 50); The Ventura Decisions which allowed the cost for uniforms and other essentials to be considered income, and other enhancements for management allowed some to retire at over 100% their final year of compensation.

Around a decade ago the costs to both the State Gov't and local, for all government employees became an issue, and for safety the factor (in my agency) has been reduced to 2.5% and the age to retire raised to 55.

These reduction have been made state-wide, as well as the starting salaries and future salary schedules reduced too; thus, they render Meister's claim that the pension costs are growing is misleading, either intentionally or because he is ignorant of the system and how it has changed.
Wow! Sounds a bit convoluted there, Wry. Sounds like a pretty lucrative package for retirees. I bet most in the private sector are jealous of such packages.
You really didn't say that the unfunded pension ISN'T growing, you just gave a mucky explanation as to why. Got it.
California is a world leader in social and financial areas. We also support 46 of the 50 states that make up this disunion. Ronnie Ray Goon set the state on it's spiral down in a financial hole. All the governors since except Gray Davis continued the spend it on friends government. You guys know so little about so many things I am surprised you try to even talk.
Yup! - California Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown has a budget surplus of $30 billion!!!

Repubtard Ronald Ray Goon tried to bankrupt California & the USA!!!
that money means shit when you have 300 billion + in unfunded pension liabilities....
California streets paved with the shit of people who hate America and are here illegally.

Great State.
Stupid Repubtard claims San Fran streets are paved with shit.

Republican Paradise Texas

San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Street.jpg
The thread title is a bit of an understatement: this state of the most arrogant, souffle-like puffed-up liberal psychopaths, Calfuckia, is not only a disgrace to this world, it is a disgrace to this galaxy.......ohh, fucking hell, it's a disgrace to the entire observable universe of trillions and trillions of other galaxies and all atom-based matter that exists!

In short, you couldn't get a job since you lacked the necessary MQ's to compete, and envy drove you away.
California is a world leader in social and financial areas. We also support 46 of the 50 states that make up this disunion. Ronnie Ray Goon set the state on it's spiral down in a financial hole. All the governors since except Gray Davis continued the spend it on friends government. You guys know so little about so many things I am surprised you try to even talk.
Yup! - California Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown has a budget surplus of $30 billion!!!

Repubtard Ronald Ray Goon tried to bankrupt California & the USA!!!
that money means shit when you have 300 billion + in unfunded pension liabilities....
California streets paved with the shit of people who hate America and are here illegally.

Great State.
Stupid Repubtard claims San Fran streets are paved with shit.

Republican Paradise Texas

San Francisco, CA
View attachment 241462

Here ya go, you will need this on your next trip to S.F.
San Francisco Is A Literal S***hole, Public Defecation Map Reveals
California is a world leader in social and financial areas. We also support 46 of the 50 states that make up this disunion. Ronnie Ray Goon set the state on it's spiral down in a financial hole. All the governors since except Gray Davis continued the spend it on friends government. You guys know so little about so many things I am surprised you try to even talk.
Yup! - California Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown has a budget surplus of $30 billion!!!

Repubtard Ronald Ray Goon tried to bankrupt California & the USA!!!
that money means shit when you have 300 billion + in unfunded pension liabilities....
California streets paved with the shit of people who hate America and are here illegally.

Great State.
Stupid Repubtard claims San Fran streets are paved with shit.

Republican Paradise Texas

San Francisco, CA
View attachment 241462

Here ya go, you will need this on your next trip to S.F.
San Francisco Is A Literal S***hole, Public Defecation Map Reveals

Where do you live? It seems you fear posting where, and likely have never visited SF. That matters not, we get millions of visitors from all over the US and the World every year, spending Billions of Dollars as Tourists want to do. Our Restaurants are world renowned, our vistas too.

It's well known that the human excrement on our streets has been assayed and it mostly grits, fried ocra and fried twinkies; no native would ever eat that crap.
California is a world leader in social and financial areas. We also support 46 of the 50 states that make up this disunion. Ronnie Ray Goon set the state on it's spiral down in a financial hole. All the governors since except Gray Davis continued the spend it on friends government. You guys know so little about so many things I am surprised you try to even talk.
Yup! - California Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown has a budget surplus of $30 billion!!!

Repubtard Ronald Ray Goon tried to bankrupt California & the USA!!!
that money means shit when you have 300 billion + in unfunded pension liabilities....
California streets paved with the shit of people who hate America and are here illegally.

Great State.
Stupid Repubtard claims San Fran streets are paved with shit.

Republican Paradise Texas

San Francisco, CA
View attachment 241462
Cherry pick often?
yea long beach is paradise is bell.....
I was referring to Huntington Beach.

The shore break at Huntington Cliffs is the closest we got to the water; one needed to have a license to surf the pier, and coming from the North they wouldn't let us in the water. We watched for a while, and at 10 AM a horn went off and surfing was no longer allowed. That was my last safari that far south, the rest ended at County Line.

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