California Disgrace to the World

I just don’t understand why there’s so much hate about California. When other states are far worse than California.

Q. I just don’t understand why there’s so much hate about California
A. Envy.
:cuckoo: I moved from Ca......I left no envy. You are just so partisan and reek with socialism you no longer are
in touch with the rest of the nation other than a few states, and they even snicker at Ca.

Don’t come back.

If you are not jealous or envy....... So why the hell all these trash talk about California?
What states do you live? Then compare your states with California.

If I’m or we are not in touch with the rest of nation. If weren’t be these good. The 4th or 5th largest economy of the world. That makes me very proud Californians.
Don't come back? Why would I want to go back? When I left the place sucked, and it's worse now.
I trash talk because I remember a different Ca. One much better than now, one that isn't rife with socialism as much as it is now.
Still a lot of unemployment in Cali. Cost of living through the roof. Cali's taxes are highest or near the highest in the nation. Why IS that?'re proud of Cali? Great, I'm not here to change your mind.
I think big time. So bite on that awhile, Sharla.
California's LA Rams Win the NFC to Play in the Super Bowel

California Democrats have a budget surplus of $30 billion!!!
which will be nothing when those pension liabilities come due....

See my post on Pensions, above.
they still have to come up with a lot of money,much more than that surplus can handle...and now newsome wants to give everyone health ins....more money to come up with....

I haven't seen Newsome health initiative yet, however healthcare is expensive, but no healthcare can create a greater crisis.
I just don’t understand why there’s so much hate about California. When other states are far worse than California.

Q. I just don’t understand why there’s so much hate about California
A. Envy.
:cuckoo: I moved from Ca......I left no envy. You are just so partisan and reek with socialism you no longer are
in touch with the rest of the nation other than a few states, and they even snicker at Ca.

Don’t come back.

If you are not jealous or envy....... So why the hell all these trash talk about California?
What states do you live? Then compare your states with California.

If I’m or we are not in touch with the rest of nation. If weren’t be these good. The 4th or 5th largest economy of the world. That makes me very proud Californians.
Don't come back? Why would I want to go back? When I left the place sucked, and it's worse now.
I trash talk because I remember a different Ca. One much better than now, one that isn't rife with socialism as much as it is now.
Still a lot of unemployment in Cali. Cost of living through the roof. Cali's taxes are highest or near the highest in the nation. Why IS that?'re proud of Cali? Great, I'm not here to change your mind.
I think big time. So bite on that awhile, Sharla.

I noticed you didn’t tell me what states you live.

Yes other parts of California has high unemployment. Let me explain that why.

1. Those are the areas that are far from booming places where they rather stay there and don’t bother to look for a job or move.

2. Rather stay than paying babysitters they can’t afford.
How I know these crap? I have employees ( Field Service Engineers ) that lives in those high unemployment areas.

3. Some are just plain lazy.

4. High taxes. Yes but we also support other states.

5. I never said California is perfect.

6. If we are really sucks the way you portrayed it........... So why is our economy booming big time I mean big time better than any other states? That we have a surplus and 5th or 4th largest economy of the world. New houses and new buildings popping up all over the place. Some new housing developments has waiting list.
I travel all over US but I don’t see that kind of progress anywhere except California.

Can you please explain that?
I just don’t understand why there’s so much hate about California. When other states are far worse than California.

Q. I just don’t understand why there’s so much hate about California
A. Envy.
:cuckoo: I moved from Ca......I left no envy. You are just so partisan and reek with socialism you no longer are
in touch with the rest of the nation other than a few states, and they even snicker at Ca.

Don’t come back.

If you are not jealous or envy....... So why the hell all these trash talk about California?
What states do you live? Then compare your states with California.

If I’m or we are not in touch with the rest of nation. If weren’t be these good. The 4th or 5th largest economy of the world. That makes me very proud Californians.
Don't come back? Why would I want to go back? When I left the place sucked, and it's worse now.
I trash talk because I remember a different Ca. One much better than now, one that isn't rife with socialism as much as it is now.
Still a lot of unemployment in Cali. Cost of living through the roof. Cali's taxes are highest or near the highest in the nation. Why IS that?'re proud of Cali? Great, I'm not here to change your mind.
I think big time. So bite on that awhile, Sharla.

I noticed you didn’t tell me what states you live.

Yes other parts of California has high unemployment. Let me explain that why.

1. Those are the areas that are far from booming places where they rather stay there and don’t bother to look for a job or move.

2. Rather stay than paying babysitters they can’t afford.
How I know these crap? I have employees ( Field Service Engineers ) that lives in those high unemployment areas.

3. Some are just plain lazy.

4. High taxes. Yes but we also support other states.

5. I never said California is perfect.

6. If are really sucks the way you portrayed it........... So why is our economy booming big time I mean big time better than any other states? That we have a surplus and 5th or 4th largest economy of the world. New houses and new buildings popping up all over the place. Some new housing developments has waiting list.
I travel all over US but I don’t see that kind of progress anywhere except California.

Can you please explain that?
Let me just say the state I live in is where Ca. go to get away from California.
The county I live in is 65% ex-Californians. We are a conservative state.
Quality of life.....which YOU can't put a dollar figure on. That's where I live.
Freeways are open, no wall to wall people. Fishing is phenomenal.
A person has the freedom to C&C.
The restaurant I go to for breakfast gives a 15% discount if you're packing.
That's where I live.

Knock yourself out in your high stress over populated state, partner.
I would rather live the dream.
Q. I just don’t understand why there’s so much hate about California
A. Envy.
:cuckoo: I moved from Ca......I left no envy. You are just so partisan and reek with socialism you no longer are
in touch with the rest of the nation other than a few states, and they even snicker at Ca.

Don’t come back.

If you are not jealous or envy....... So why the hell all these trash talk about California?
What states do you live? Then compare your states with California.

If I’m or we are not in touch with the rest of nation. If weren’t be these good. The 4th or 5th largest economy of the world. That makes me very proud Californians.
Don't come back? Why would I want to go back? When I left the place sucked, and it's worse now.
I trash talk because I remember a different Ca. One much better than now, one that isn't rife with socialism as much as it is now.
Still a lot of unemployment in Cali. Cost of living through the roof. Cali's taxes are highest or near the highest in the nation. Why IS that?'re proud of Cali? Great, I'm not here to change your mind.
I think big time. So bite on that awhile, Sharla.

I noticed you didn’t tell me what states you live.

Yes other parts of California has high unemployment. Let me explain that why.

1. Those are the areas that are far from booming places where they rather stay there and don’t bother to look for a job or move.

2. Rather stay than paying babysitters they can’t afford.
How I know these crap? I have employees ( Field Service Engineers ) that lives in those high unemployment areas.

3. Some are just plain lazy.

4. High taxes. Yes but we also support other states.

5. I never said California is perfect.

6. If are really sucks the way you portrayed it........... So why is our economy booming big time I mean big time better than any other states? That we have a surplus and 5th or 4th largest economy of the world. New houses and new buildings popping up all over the place. Some new housing developments has waiting list.
I travel all over US but I don’t see that kind of progress anywhere except California.

Can you please explain that?
Let me just say the state I live in is where Ca. go to get away from California.
The county I live in is 65% ex-Californians. We are a conservative state.
Quality of life.....which YOU can't put a dollar figure on. That's where I live.
Freeways are open, no wall to wall people. Fishing is phenomenal.
A person has the freedom to C&C.
The restaurant I go to for breakfast gives a 15% discount if you're packing.
That's where I live.

Knock yourself out in your high stress over populated state, partner.
I would rather live the dream.

I noticed you didn’t specify what states you live. And you avoided all my questions and my items that I put up for you.

Read my post #94 about California. We can do all of that here and more even during winter.

Of course we are the most populated states. We can not be this good without those people.
But in my neighborhood we don’t have wall to wall people. Meaning not all part of California has wall to wall people. Don’t forget the millions of tourists that comes to Ca every year.

This is 2014 numbers but with economy this good just think how many millions visited Ca in 2018.

California hosted a record 251 million visitors in 2014, up 3% from the previous record of 243 million in 2013, according to Visit California, the state's nonprofit tourism agency. Visitors spent $117.5 billion in the state and supported more than 1 million jobs, according to the agency.May 5, 2015.

California tourism industry grows for the 7th straight year, report says
:cuckoo: I moved from Ca......I left no envy. You are just so partisan and reek with socialism you no longer are
in touch with the rest of the nation other than a few states, and they even snicker at Ca.

Don’t come back.

If you are not jealous or envy....... So why the hell all these trash talk about California?
What states do you live? Then compare your states with California.

If I’m or we are not in touch with the rest of nation. If weren’t be these good. The 4th or 5th largest economy of the world. That makes me very proud Californians.
Don't come back? Why would I want to go back? When I left the place sucked, and it's worse now.
I trash talk because I remember a different Ca. One much better than now, one that isn't rife with socialism as much as it is now.
Still a lot of unemployment in Cali. Cost of living through the roof. Cali's taxes are highest or near the highest in the nation. Why IS that?'re proud of Cali? Great, I'm not here to change your mind.
I think big time. So bite on that awhile, Sharla.

I noticed you didn’t tell me what states you live.

Yes other parts of California has high unemployment. Let me explain that why.

1. Those are the areas that are far from booming places where they rather stay there and don’t bother to look for a job or move.

2. Rather stay than paying babysitters they can’t afford.
How I know these crap? I have employees ( Field Service Engineers ) that lives in those high unemployment areas.

3. Some are just plain lazy.

4. High taxes. Yes but we also support other states.

5. I never said California is perfect.

6. If are really sucks the way you portrayed it........... So why is our economy booming big time I mean big time better than any other states? That we have a surplus and 5th or 4th largest economy of the world. New houses and new buildings popping up all over the place. Some new housing developments has waiting list.
I travel all over US but I don’t see that kind of progress anywhere except California.

Can you please explain that?
Let me just say the state I live in is where Ca. go to get away from California.
The county I live in is 65% ex-Californians. We are a conservative state.
Quality of life.....which YOU can't put a dollar figure on. That's where I live.
Freeways are open, no wall to wall people. Fishing is phenomenal.
A person has the freedom to C&C.
The restaurant I go to for breakfast gives a 15% discount if you're packing.
That's where I live.

Knock yourself out in your high stress over populated state, partner.
I would rather live the dream.

I noticed you didn’t specify what states you live. And you avoided all my questions and my items that I put up for you.

Read my post #94 about California. We can do all of that here and more even during winter.

Of course we are the most populated states. We can not be this good without those people.
But in my neighborhood we don’t have wall to wall people. Meaning not all part of California has wall to wall people. Don’t forget the millions of tourists that comes to Ca every year.

This is 2014 numbers but with economy this good just think how many millions visited Ca in 2018.

California hosted a record 251 million visitors in 2014, up 3% from the previous record of 243 million in 2013, according to Visit California, the state's nonprofit tourism agency. Visitors spent $117.5 billion in the state and supported more than 1 million jobs, according to the agency.May 5, 2015.

California tourism industry grows for the 7th straight year, report says
Quality of life sucks in Ca. and a bad place for the average person to retire in. But, it's all about money, isn't it. Greed?

44 47
Don’t come back.

If you are not jealous or envy....... So why the hell all these trash talk about California?
What states do you live? Then compare your states with California.

If I’m or we are not in touch with the rest of nation. If weren’t be these good. The 4th or 5th largest economy of the world. That makes me very proud Californians.
Don't come back? Why would I want to go back? When I left the place sucked, and it's worse now.
I trash talk because I remember a different Ca. One much better than now, one that isn't rife with socialism as much as it is now.
Still a lot of unemployment in Cali. Cost of living through the roof. Cali's taxes are highest or near the highest in the nation. Why IS that?'re proud of Cali? Great, I'm not here to change your mind.
I think big time. So bite on that awhile, Sharla.

I noticed you didn’t tell me what states you live.

Yes other parts of California has high unemployment. Let me explain that why.

1. Those are the areas that are far from booming places where they rather stay there and don’t bother to look for a job or move.

2. Rather stay than paying babysitters they can’t afford.
How I know these crap? I have employees ( Field Service Engineers ) that lives in those high unemployment areas.

3. Some are just plain lazy.

4. High taxes. Yes but we also support other states.

5. I never said California is perfect.

6. If are really sucks the way you portrayed it........... So why is our economy booming big time I mean big time better than any other states? That we have a surplus and 5th or 4th largest economy of the world. New houses and new buildings popping up all over the place. Some new housing developments has waiting list.
I travel all over US but I don’t see that kind of progress anywhere except California.

Can you please explain that?
Let me just say the state I live in is where Ca. go to get away from California.
The county I live in is 65% ex-Californians. We are a conservative state.
Quality of life.....which YOU can't put a dollar figure on. That's where I live.
Freeways are open, no wall to wall people. Fishing is phenomenal.
A person has the freedom to C&C.
The restaurant I go to for breakfast gives a 15% discount if you're packing.
That's where I live.

Knock yourself out in your high stress over populated state, partner.
I would rather live the dream.

I noticed you didn’t specify what states you live. And you avoided all my questions and my items that I put up for you.

Read my post #94 about California. We can do all of that here and more even during winter.

Of course we are the most populated states. We can not be this good without those people.
But in my neighborhood we don’t have wall to wall people. Meaning not all part of California has wall to wall people. Don’t forget the millions of tourists that comes to Ca every year.

This is 2014 numbers but with economy this good just think how many millions visited Ca in 2018.

California hosted a record 251 million visitors in 2014, up 3% from the previous record of 243 million in 2013, according to Visit California, the state's nonprofit tourism agency. Visitors spent $117.5 billion in the state and supported more than 1 million jobs, according to the agency.May 5, 2015.

California tourism industry grows for the 7th straight year, report says
Quality of life sucks in Ca. and a bad place for the average person to retire in. But, it's all about money, isn't it. Greed?

44 47

Still no mention of your states where you live.
Are you scared?

Did you read your link or you just stared at it?
You avoided all my questions. If we are really that bad the way you portrayed it. Do you want me to repeat all of them for you?

Also what is wrong with greed?
1. If you have a chance of keep making good money. Are you just going to walk away?

2. Or If you already make that much $ ......... Okay that’s enough I am not greedy. You should stop from there?
Don't come back? Why would I want to go back? When I left the place sucked, and it's worse now.
I trash talk because I remember a different Ca. One much better than now, one that isn't rife with socialism as much as it is now.
Still a lot of unemployment in Cali. Cost of living through the roof. Cali's taxes are highest or near the highest in the nation. Why IS that?'re proud of Cali? Great, I'm not here to change your mind.
I think big time. So bite on that awhile, Sharla.

I noticed you didn’t tell me what states you live.

Yes other parts of California has high unemployment. Let me explain that why.

1. Those are the areas that are far from booming places where they rather stay there and don’t bother to look for a job or move.

2. Rather stay than paying babysitters they can’t afford.
How I know these crap? I have employees ( Field Service Engineers ) that lives in those high unemployment areas.

3. Some are just plain lazy.

4. High taxes. Yes but we also support other states.

5. I never said California is perfect.

6. If are really sucks the way you portrayed it........... So why is our economy booming big time I mean big time better than any other states? That we have a surplus and 5th or 4th largest economy of the world. New houses and new buildings popping up all over the place. Some new housing developments has waiting list.
I travel all over US but I don’t see that kind of progress anywhere except California.

Can you please explain that?
Let me just say the state I live in is where Ca. go to get away from California.
The county I live in is 65% ex-Californians. We are a conservative state.
Quality of life.....which YOU can't put a dollar figure on. That's where I live.
Freeways are open, no wall to wall people. Fishing is phenomenal.
A person has the freedom to C&C.
The restaurant I go to for breakfast gives a 15% discount if you're packing.
That's where I live.

Knock yourself out in your high stress over populated state, partner.
I would rather live the dream.

I noticed you didn’t specify what states you live. And you avoided all my questions and my items that I put up for you.

Read my post #94 about California. We can do all of that here and more even during winter.

Of course we are the most populated states. We can not be this good without those people.
But in my neighborhood we don’t have wall to wall people. Meaning not all part of California has wall to wall people. Don’t forget the millions of tourists that comes to Ca every year.

This is 2014 numbers but with economy this good just think how many millions visited Ca in 2018.

California hosted a record 251 million visitors in 2014, up 3% from the previous record of 243 million in 2013, according to Visit California, the state's nonprofit tourism agency. Visitors spent $117.5 billion in the state and supported more than 1 million jobs, according to the agency.May 5, 2015.

California tourism industry grows for the 7th straight year, report says
Quality of life sucks in Ca. and a bad place for the average person to retire in. But, it's all about money, isn't it. Greed?

44 47

Still no mention of your states where you live.
Are you scared?

Did you read your link or you just stared at it?
You avoided all my questions. If we are really that bad the way you portrayed it. Do you want me to repeat all of them for you?

Also what is wrong with greed?
1. If you have a chance of keep making good money. Are you just going to walk away?

2. Or If you already make that much $ ......... Okay that’s enough I am not greedy. You should stop from there?
So greed is the driving force with you. Got it.
I will take quality of life over money, any day.
I know what's important to me.
You will sacrifice quality of life for greed. sad
I noticed you didn’t tell me what states you live.

Yes other parts of California has high unemployment. Let me explain that why.

1. Those are the areas that are far from booming places where they rather stay there and don’t bother to look for a job or move.

2. Rather stay than paying babysitters they can’t afford.
How I know these crap? I have employees ( Field Service Engineers ) that lives in those high unemployment areas.

3. Some are just plain lazy.

4. High taxes. Yes but we also support other states.

5. I never said California is perfect.

6. If are really sucks the way you portrayed it........... So why is our economy booming big time I mean big time better than any other states? That we have a surplus and 5th or 4th largest economy of the world. New houses and new buildings popping up all over the place. Some new housing developments has waiting list.
I travel all over US but I don’t see that kind of progress anywhere except California.

Can you please explain that?
Let me just say the state I live in is where Ca. go to get away from California.
The county I live in is 65% ex-Californians. We are a conservative state.
Quality of life.....which YOU can't put a dollar figure on. That's where I live.
Freeways are open, no wall to wall people. Fishing is phenomenal.
A person has the freedom to C&C.
The restaurant I go to for breakfast gives a 15% discount if you're packing.
That's where I live.

Knock yourself out in your high stress over populated state, partner.
I would rather live the dream.

I noticed you didn’t specify what states you live. And you avoided all my questions and my items that I put up for you.

Read my post #94 about California. We can do all of that here and more even during winter.

Of course we are the most populated states. We can not be this good without those people.
But in my neighborhood we don’t have wall to wall people. Meaning not all part of California has wall to wall people. Don’t forget the millions of tourists that comes to Ca every year.

This is 2014 numbers but with economy this good just think how many millions visited Ca in 2018.

California hosted a record 251 million visitors in 2014, up 3% from the previous record of 243 million in 2013, according to Visit California, the state's nonprofit tourism agency. Visitors spent $117.5 billion in the state and supported more than 1 million jobs, according to the agency.May 5, 2015.

California tourism industry grows for the 7th straight year, report says
Quality of life sucks in Ca. and a bad place for the average person to retire in. But, it's all about money, isn't it. Greed?

44 47

Still no mention of your states where you live.
Are you scared?

Did you read your link or you just stared at it?
You avoided all my questions. If we are really that bad the way you portrayed it. Do you want me to repeat all of them for you?

Also what is wrong with greed?
1. If you have a chance of keep making good money. Are you just going to walk away?

2. Or If you already make that much $ ......... Okay that’s enough I am not greedy. You should stop from there?
So greed is the driving force with you. Got it.
I will take quality of life over money, any day.
I know what's important to me.
You will sacrifice quality of life for greed. sad

Still no mention what states where you live.

I gave you a real life example of greed. But you avoided all my questions.

So if I keep making good money. I should tell myself that’s enough. I should stop?

My quality of life here is excellent that I can not complain. Business is good that I cannot complain. Every thing is excellent for me here in California.

If you have a miserable life that is your problem.
Let me just say the state I live in is where Ca. go to get away from California.
The county I live in is 65% ex-Californians. We are a conservative state.
Quality of life.....which YOU can't put a dollar figure on. That's where I live.
Freeways are open, no wall to wall people. Fishing is phenomenal.
A person has the freedom to C&C.
The restaurant I go to for breakfast gives a 15% discount if you're packing.
That's where I live.

Knock yourself out in your high stress over populated state, partner.
I would rather live the dream.

I noticed you didn’t specify what states you live. And you avoided all my questions and my items that I put up for you.

Read my post #94 about California. We can do all of that here and more even during winter.

Of course we are the most populated states. We can not be this good without those people.
But in my neighborhood we don’t have wall to wall people. Meaning not all part of California has wall to wall people. Don’t forget the millions of tourists that comes to Ca every year.

This is 2014 numbers but with economy this good just think how many millions visited Ca in 2018.

California hosted a record 251 million visitors in 2014, up 3% from the previous record of 243 million in 2013, according to Visit California, the state's nonprofit tourism agency. Visitors spent $117.5 billion in the state and supported more than 1 million jobs, according to the agency.May 5, 2015.

California tourism industry grows for the 7th straight year, report says
Quality of life sucks in Ca. and a bad place for the average person to retire in. But, it's all about money, isn't it. Greed?

44 47

Still no mention of your states where you live.
Are you scared?

Did you read your link or you just stared at it?
You avoided all my questions. If we are really that bad the way you portrayed it. Do you want me to repeat all of them for you?

Also what is wrong with greed?
1. If you have a chance of keep making good money. Are you just going to walk away?

2. Or If you already make that much $ ......... Okay that’s enough I am not greedy. You should stop from there?
So greed is the driving force with you. Got it.
I will take quality of life over money, any day.
I know what's important to me.
You will sacrifice quality of life for greed. sad

Still no mention what states where you live.

I gave you a real life example of greed. But you avoided all my questions.

So if I keep making good money. I should tell myself that’s enough. I should stop?

My quality of life here is excellent that I can not complain. Business is good that I cannot complain. Every thing is excellent for me here in California.

If you have a miserable life that is your problem.
Now that I'm out of your socialistic utopia, I'm living the dream.
You just can't put a price on Quality of life.
Like I said, you're greed driven, every post you make shows that. sad
Liberals don't go over cliffs; conservatives do.
Yeah, that's why in most states people laugh at Ca.
Let's not forget that 400+ billion in state debt constitutes over-the-cliff.

You really don't fact check. The CA debt was caused by several Republican Governors who filled our prisons with non violent criminals and promoted Law and Order, but forgot about justice. The result was overcrowding and the need for more prisons.

That began the Republican era of don't tax and spend. Needing more revenue they raided local government of their tax revenue, exacerbating crime, since drug and mental health services were cut for lack of funding.

To further exacerbate the issue, the Federal Government did not pay for the (then) $50,000 annual cost per inmate; for example, many end users who received long sentences for possession for sale of Crack.

Another example which added to the need for more prisons was the Three Strikes Enhancement of 25-years to life for stealing a candy bar (The candy bar event became a felony when the subject had a prior arrest for theft and had served at least on day in jail, and had a prior arrest for a violent crime. Even when the first two incidents occurred decades earlier, the petty theft could be enhanced and a sentence of 25 years to life imposed).
Thanks for making my case on just how over the cliff Ca. really is, Wry.
Only part you've got wrong is not giving any credit to your party.
Oh......glad your state is the role model for healthcare for illegals....that is going to look good for ongoing debt to the state.
400+ billion in debt and rising every minute.....sad, it was a great state a few decades ago. Thank you frisco

The D. Party and Gov. Brown get the credit, Brown as those who are not ignorant - willfully or otherwise - is fiscally responsible and that did piss of some on the left.

Wilson, Deukmejian and Schwarzenegger failed to raise taxes and continued to spend; Davis took the heat and was recalled for what he was left with, too many costs and not enough revenue. Then came the Actor, who many conservatives wanted COTUS to be changed to allow him to run for POTUS; seems they should have learned from him when Trump decided to run.
Speaking of willfully ignorant. :auiqs.jpg:Geeze you take the cake, Wry. To top it off, you think you're smart. Sad
The dems own Ca. and have for a long time. The dems own everything that goes on in Ca.
They wouldn't know fiscally responsibility if it bitch slapped them in the face. So don't give me that crap you're trying to pawn off.

You didn't offer anything but an attack on my character. The facts are the D's held the majority of the legislature, but an initiative put forth by the conservatives required any tax to be passed by a super majority. Then the R's passes "use a gun, go to prison".

That is the short story, one which put our State in the Red for two decades. Maybe you ought to find a book on CA History, and study the period from Reagan's election to Governor up to Browns final two terms.
The shore break at Huntington Cliffs is the closest we got to the water; one needed to have a license to surf the pier, and coming from the North they wouldn't let us in the water. We watched for a while, and at 10 AM a horn went off and surfing was no longer allowed. That was my last safari that far south, the rest ended at County Line.
There's always The Wedge.
Speaking of willfully ignorant. :auiqs.jpg:Geeze you take the cake, Wry. To top it off, you think you're smart. Sad
The dems own Ca. and have for a long time. The dems own everything that goes on in Ca.
They wouldn't know fiscally responsibility if it bitch slapped them in the face. So don't give me that crap you're trying to pawn off.
What do you call Orange County? How many terms did Dana Roerbacher serve?
Nah. California has the fifth largest economy in the world. And provides welfare for shit states live Mississippi, Kansas, etc. You know, the dumb far right republican states. They need to get off the California/New York provided govt tit and stop being welfare losers.
You didn't offer anything but an attack on my character. The facts are the D's held the majority of the legislature, but an initiative put forth by the conservatives required any tax to be passed by a super majority. Then the R's passes "use a gun, go to prison".

That is the short story, one which put our State in the Red for two decades. Maybe you ought to find a book on CA History, and study the period from Reagan's election to Governor up to Browns final two terms.
Or simply name one state with a higher GNP.

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