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Costs have outpaced wages.
Yeah...because you progressives - who can’t comprehend basic economics - keep raising minimum wage (now to extreme levels). When a business has new labor costs, the price of their products and services skyrockets to cover the new labor costs.

Therefore, the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they were before their increase. In fact, they are even further behind. Due to the greed and ignorance of progressives, Venezuela is being recreated right here in the U.S.

Study reveals workers earn LESS after minimum wage hike

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs
The government collects taxes which most is used for taxpayer based services which benefit you.
Exactly. That’s exactly the point of taxes. And yet progressives have illegally perverted it into redistributing money.

My taxes are supposed to pay the salaries of the people serving in government. So tell me - what service is the welfare recipient performing for me or for society? What service is the food stamp recipient performing for me or for society? What service is the government-subsidized housing recipient performing for me or for society? What service is the Medicaid recipient performing for me or for society?

None of them work for government. None of them were elected or appointed to a public role. None of them perform a service. You have stolen from the people and illegally redistributed wealth because you are greedy, lazy, and ignorant.
Somehow, I still think my flight next month into LAX will be full, the flight home, not so much. The 405 will be bumper to bumper, every place that is worth being in Los Angeles will be standing room only. Finding a parking spot in San Francisco is like finding life on mars. Yosemite will be crowded until the temperature changes, the beaches will be full….

Essentially the most miserable day in California is better than most other states on their best day.
California is undergoing population replacement. The productive middle class is leaving but immigrants are arriving in even greater numbers. Those that pay into the system are being replaced by those who take from the system.
Venezuela is a third world country.
Yeah...thanks to failed left-wing policy. You’re slowly starting to get it.

Venezuela has always been a third world country. it wasn’t. :laugh:

It was one of the wealthiest nations in the world (14th, I think?) thanks to their oil resources. Then the left got greedy, called for socialism, and the entire nation has been a shit-hole ever since (just like Detroit!).

It was one of the wealthiest nations in South America. Greed at the top is why it isn't today.

Detroit failed because Nixon allowed Japan to product dump.
Are you really going to debate me using the words "may" and "could?"
What choice do I have when you make shit up? :dunno:

You have absolutely no clue about the financial records of that particular franchisee. And yet you ignorantly attempt to claim that if one store in one location can do it, the entire world can.

Furthermore, even if the entire world could, so what? A business owner has the right to set his/her own prices and his/her own compensation packages. The world is so tired of you lazy, greedy, entitled progressives.

You want to dictate how much money you make? Start your own damn business - you worthless, lazy, parasite. Stop mooching off of other great men and women who actually did something with their lives.

I made up the fact there is a Chick-fil-A in California that is currently paying $17.00/hr?

I've Angel Invested restaurants. I know how much revenue they make.

Are you saying that a business owner has an entitled right to set his/her own prices and his/her own compensation packages?

FYI, I'm a capitalist racketeer.

I own five businesses with >200M in revenue.

A living wage ISN'T an entitlement, it's a moral obligation to his/her employees that make all of the monies. McDonalds raising their dividend return from 19 to 55% (1999 to 2015) is an entitlement.
Costs have outpaced wages.
Yeah...because you progressives - who can’t comprehend basic economics - keep raising minimum wage (now to extreme levels). When a business has new labor costs, the price of their products and services skyrockets to cover the new labor costs.

Therefore, the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they were before their increase. In fact, they are even further behind. Due to the greed and ignorance of progressives, Venezuela is being recreated right here in the U.S.

Study reveals workers earn LESS after minimum wage hike

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs

The only "extreme levels" of business spending are investor returns and record profit. That is why prices increase.

Again, Venezuela's financial issues have to do with greed from the top, much like here in the US.
The government collects taxes which most is used for taxpayer based services which benefit you.
Exactly. That’s exactly the point of taxes. And yet progressives have illegally perverted it into redistributing money.

My taxes are supposed to pay the salaries of the people serving in government. So tell me - what service is the welfare recipient performing for me or for society? What service is the food stamp recipient performing for me or for society? What service is the government-subsidized housing recipient performing for me or for society? What service is the Medicaid recipient performing for me or for society?

None of them work for government. None of them were elected or appointed to a public role. None of them perform a service. You have stolen from the people and illegally redistributed wealth because you are greedy, lazy, and ignorant.

I notice you didn't include corporate subsidizing which costs more than social welfare.

If employers paid a living wage, wouldn't that reduce or eliminate most if not all social welfare?
Detroit failed because Nixon allowed Japan to product dump.
It's a cute (albeit idiotic) excuse but it doesn't hold up. Detroit failed because it was run by Dumbocrats. If Nixon had anything to do with it, many cities would have failed (all cities had the same Nixon as president, genius).
If employers paid a living wage
All employers pay a "living wage". All of them. Even the little ice cream shop at the corner paying a 15-year old to work there 3 hours a day. Stop trying to blame a "problem" that doesn't exist because you can't accept that failed, idiotic left-wing policy is the problem.
wouldn't that reduce or eliminate most if not all social welfare?
If we abided by the U.S. Constitution, would it eliminate all welfare? Yes. Yes it would. And at no detriment to the economy, an employer, or the labor force.
A living wage ISN'T an entitlement, it's a moral obligation to his/her employees that make all of the monies.
1. Minimum wage is a "living wage". No matter how many times you repeat that idiotic lie, it won't become true.

2. No - there is no "moral obligation" by the employer. None. They set a compensation, an employee either rejects or accepts it. That's the beauty of the free market. Everyone is free to choose for themselves. It speaks volumes that you want everything done at the barrel of a gun. Saddam Hussein did too.
I made up the fact there is a Chick-fil-A in California that is currently paying $17.00/hr?
No. You've made up what other franchisee's can and can't afford based on your observation of one store (of which you have absolutely no clue about their financial statement). As I said in my previous post - this one store may enjoy tax breaks that other stores don't enjoy. They may enjoy volume that other stores don't enjoy. Or the owner may be ok with a lower profit. In any case, it has ZERO reflection on other stores or reality.
Essentially the most miserable day in California is better than most other states on their best day.
True...if one prefers the worst quality of life in the U.S., the highest levels of poverty, no electricity, no water, and a high crime rate.
Somehow, I still think my flight next month into LAX will be full, the flight home, not so much. The 405 will be bumper to bumper, every place that is worth being in Los Angeles will be standing room only. Finding a parking spot in San Francisco is like finding life on mars. Yosemite will be crowded until the temperature changes, the beaches will be full….
Well that's what happens when you announce to another nation that you will not attempt to stop them from invading your nation. You have 20 million illegal Mexicans and Central Americans causing the "bumper to bumper" on the 405 (not to mention the fact that you even brag about California's inability to handle their traffic properly proves that Dumbocrats are not fit for office at any level).

I just hope you don't run into any MS-13 dirt bags on your little trip. I know you think they are eternally grateful to you - but they are not. They would like nothing better than to brutally rape and murder you. But hey - yeah progressive policy!
Somehow, I still think my flight next month into LAX will be full, the flight home, not so much. The 405 will be bumper to bumper, every place that is worth being in Los Angeles will be standing room only. Finding a parking spot in San Francisco is like finding life on mars. Yosemite will be crowded until the temperature changes, the beaches will be full….
Well that's what happens when you announce to another nation that you will not attempt to stop them from invading your nation. You have 20 million illegal Mexicans and Central Americans causing the "bumper to bumper" on the 405 (not to mention the fact that you even brag about California's inability to handle their traffic properly proves that Dumbocrats are not fit for office at any level).

I just hope you don't run into any MS-13 dirt bags on your little trip. I know you think they are eternally grateful to you - but they are not. They would like nothing better than to brutally rape and murder you. But hey - yeah progressive policy!

Your ignorance is the only remarkable thing about you.
Your ignorance is the only remarkable thing about you.
Incidentally, as a woman, how can you use an avatar of Carrie Fisher being sexually assaulted? Aside from the current nightmare of the #MeToo movement due to the filth of Hollywood, Carrie Fisher was actually a sexual assault victim.

One would think a woman who have much better taste. But, the left never ceases to amaze me with their lawlessness, classlessness, and war on women.
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Your ignorance is the only remarkable thing about you.
That's sort of what every wing-nut says once they are trapped in a corner with facts and left with no where to go with their narrative.

Yeah…all 20 million illegals in California are on the 405. Almost as crazy as the last right winger who insisted that white people do not litter.
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