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Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy.
"It shows the painful truth of what American Progressives and hard core Socialists have in common. They’re job killers - and ultimately - they destroy countries,"
Failed left-wing policy collapsed the U.S.S.R, Cuba, Venezuela, and Detroit. It will collapse California as well.

SOCIALIST OPPRESSION: 3 things Venezuela and California have in common

Venezuela is a third world country. California has the 6th largest GDP in the world. Also beats your Canada.
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy.
"It shows the painful truth of what American Progressives and hard core Socialists have in common. They’re job killers - and ultimately - they destroy countries,"
Failed left-wing policy collapsed the U.S.S.R, Cuba, Venezuela, and Detroit. It will collapse California as well.

SOCIALIST OPPRESSION: 3 things Venezuela and California have in common

Venezuela is a third world country. California has the 6th largest GDP in the world. Also beats your Canada.

6th?! Here just a couple of days ago we were's happening quick.
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy.
"It shows the painful truth of what American Progressives and hard core Socialists have in common. They’re job killers - and ultimately - they destroy countries,"
Failed left-wing policy collapsed the U.S.S.R, Cuba, Venezuela, and Detroit. It will collapse California as well.

SOCIALIST OPPRESSION: 3 things Venezuela and California have in common

Venezuela is a third world country. California has the 6th largest GDP in the world. Also beats your Canada.

6th?! Here just a couple of days ago we were's happening quick.

More deceptive ignorance commie?
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy.
"It shows the painful truth of what American Progressives and hard core Socialists have in common. They’re job killers - and ultimately - they destroy countries,"
Failed left-wing policy collapsed the U.S.S.R, Cuba, Venezuela, and Detroit. It will collapse California as well.

SOCIALIST OPPRESSION: 3 things Venezuela and California have in common

Venezuela is a third world country. California has the 6th largest GDP in the world. Also beats your Canada.

6th?! Here just a couple of days ago we were's happening quick.

More deceptive ignorance commie?

Evidently you need to get your info from someplace other than Fakebook....dumbass.
california economy 5 largest - Bing video
Venezuela is a third world country. California has the 6th largest GDP in the world. Also beats your Canada.
That’s because just a few short years ago, it was run by Republicans (like Arnold Schwarzenegger). But since then, it’s been a steady decline to liberal hell. Already the failed left-wing policies you’ve been conditioned to buy into have caused water to be rationed. :laugh:
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy.
"It shows the painful truth of what American Progressives and hard core Socialists have in common. They’re job killers - and ultimately - they destroy countries,"
Failed left-wing policy collapsed the U.S.S.R, Cuba, Venezuela, and Detroit. It will collapse California as well.

SOCIALIST OPPRESSION: 3 things Venezuela and California have in common

Venezuela is a third world country. California has the 6th largest GDP in the world. Also beats your Canada.

6th?! Here just a couple of days ago we were's happening quick.

More deceptive ignorance commie?

Evidently you need to get your info from someplace other than Fakebook....dumbass.
california economy 5 largest - Bing video

Economy or GDP?
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy.
"It shows the painful truth of what American Progressives and hard core Socialists have in common. They’re job killers - and ultimately - they destroy countries,"
Failed left-wing policy collapsed the U.S.S.R, Cuba, Venezuela, and Detroit. It will collapse California as well.

SOCIALIST OPPRESSION: 3 things Venezuela and California have in common

Venezuela is a third world country. California has the 6th largest GDP in the world. Also beats your Canada.
Thanks to rural areas, and conservative capitalists...
Venezuela is a third world country. California has the 6th largest GDP in the world. Also beats your Canada.
That’s because just a few short years ago, it was run by Republicans (like Arnold Schwarzenegger). But since then, it’s been a steady decline to liberal hell. Already the failed left-wing policies you’ve been conditioned to buy into have caused water to be rationed. :laugh:

A Chick-fil-A operator is paying $17.00/hr in California. His store can afford it, why not the rest.

What would Jesus do?
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy.
"It shows the painful truth of what American Progressives and hard core Socialists have in common. They’re job killers - and ultimately - they destroy countries,"
Failed left-wing policy collapsed the U.S.S.R, Cuba, Venezuela, and Detroit. It will collapse California as well.

SOCIALIST OPPRESSION: 3 things Venezuela and California have in common

Venezuela is a third world country. California has the 6th largest GDP in the world. Also beats your Canada.
Thanks to rural areas, and conservative capitalists...

Isn't tech the #1 money maker?

California isn't supporting Putin by keeping American workers poor....unlike you tRump chumps.


What does that even mean, fraud?

US unemployment hits an 18-year low despite trade concerns

I know you're a shameless liar, but what the fuck are you babbling about?
A Chick-fil-A operator is paying $17.00/hr in California. His store can afford it, why not the rest.
That store may receive tax breaks that other stores don’t (like Twitter does from the city of San Francisco). That store may have higher volume than other stores. That store may have lower materials expenses. That store may have to pay more due to a labor shortage in the area.

It could be a million reasons that you are not privy to. Stop thinking like a 5-year old.
What would Jesus do?
He would say that stealing is a sin. And that’s what government is doing when they place a gun to the head of citizens and takes their money.

California isn't supporting Putin by keeping American workers poor....unlike you tRump chumps.


What does that even mean, fraud?

US unemployment hits an 18-year low despite trade concerns

I know you're a shameless liar, but what the fuck are you babbling about?

When did I write "fraud?"

Here's fraud...


While we have more jobs, 7 million Americans are working 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet. Twenty percent of working Americans make less than $20k per year. That's pretty sad.

When are you going to pull your head out of Putin's ass?
Venezuela is a third world country.
Yeah...thanks to failed left-wing policy. You’re slowly starting to get it.

Venezuela has always been a third world country. it wasn’t. :laugh:

It was one of the wealthiest nations in the world (14th, I think?) thanks to their oil resources. Then the left got greedy, called for socialism, and the entire nation has been a shit-hole ever since (just like Detroit!).
While we have more jobs, 7 million Americans are working 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet.
That’s an indictment on their inability to live within their means - not an indictment on our economy. If they didn’t have to have the latest iPhone every six months, they wouldn’t need to work multiple jobs.
A Chick-fil-A operator is paying $17.00/hr in California. His store can afford it, why not the rest.
That store may receive tax breaks that other stores don’t (like Twitter does from the city of San Francisco). That store may have higher volume than other stores. That store may have lower materials expenses. That store may have to pay more due to a labor shortage in the area.

It could be a million reasons that you are not privy to. Stop thinking like a 5-year old.
What would Jesus do?
He would say that stealing is a sin. And that’s what government is doing when they place a gun to the head of citizens and takes their money.

Are you really going to debate me using the words "may" and "could?"

Try reading the story.

The government collects taxes which most is used for taxpayer based services which benefit you. Or are you one of those that thinks you shouldn't have to pay for it?
Are you really going to debate me using the words "may" and "could?"
What choice do I have when you make shit up? :dunno:

You have absolutely no clue about the financial records of that particular franchisee. And yet you ignorantly attempt to claim that if one store in one location can do it, the entire world can.

Furthermore, even if the entire world could, so what? A business owner has the right to set his/her own prices and his/her own compensation packages. The world is so tired of you lazy, greedy, entitled progressives.

You want to dictate how much money you make? Start your own damn business - you worthless, lazy, parasite. Stop mooching off of other great men and women who actually did something with their lives.
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