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California- the quintessential progressive shithole.
Remarkably, this amazingly rich state now has the country’s highest poverty rates and lowest rating for “quality of life.”
Way to go, left-wingers. Highest poverty, lowest quality of life. The exact opposite of what conservative policy delivers.

The Changes That Made California Become a Liberal Fiasco
You must really hate our great state of California. I can not see who is more miserable than a state like tennassnsse cause we are in hog heaven here. By the way money is earned unless you live in a shit state of the southern US.
You must really hate our great state of California. I can not see who is more miserable than a state like tennassnsse cause we are in hog heaven here. By the way money is earned unless you live in a shit state of the southern US.
This is why you shouldn’t drink and post... :booze:

California is such a shit-hole. It's unbelievable. They lead the U.S. in every negative metric (such as debt) and are dead-last in every metric one would want to be top in (such as affordable fuels and quality of life).
Motorists in California, the state with the most expensive gasoline, could see pump prices that begin with a 4 again as oil markets rally.
The state has all of the natural resources to be a paradise. Instead, left-wing policy has turned the state into a near third-world shit-hole. South Central Los Angeles is a mess. Hollywood is a cesspool of drugs and sexual violence. The state has more gangs and gang violence than all other 49 states combined.

California Could See the Return of $4 Gasoline by May
No surprise here - the top three most expensive metro areas in the U.S. are in California and five of the top 7 are in California.

California has literally decomposed into a third-world shit-hole. The state has been so severely decimated by failed left-wing policy, that residents can no longer take a shower and do their laundry on the same day.
To make a long story short, now that these bills are law, it’s illegal to take a shower and do a load of laundry in the same day because you’ll exceed your “ration.”
The state with the largest ocean-front coastline has to ration water. Water! They also announced today that over 10,000 businesses have fled California since 2008.

In California, You Can't Shower and Do Laundry on the Same Day
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California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California

Did you actually read the story from 2017? You had 7 months.
California keeps diving deeper and deeper into the criminal end of politics / agenda by expanding access for illegals to tax payer-funded Medicaid.

Enough of California making the decision to hand MY tax dollars over to a bunch of illegals. If the federal govt can't cut the state off, it should send in federal Marshalls to begin arresting the criminal politicians illegally spending tax dollars / aiding and abetting illegals.

"The bill, known as AB 2965, passed the Democratic-controlled Assembly 33-21 on Wednesday. The proposal would eliminate legal residency requirements in California’s Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal, and the state has already nixed the requirement for individuals younger than 19.

Offering full-cost coverage would cost the state $3 billion for the 2018-2019 year, according to California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office.

Did you notice what they estimated the cost to be? An extra $3B just this year. And that’s when they’re already scrambling to figure out what they’ll do when they lose all the revenue from the new gas tax in the upcoming referendum. California previously talked about a single payer plan to cover all of the people legally in the state and that one would have shot their budget into an orbit around Uranus."

California votes to expand Medicaid to illegal aliens
California isn't supporting Putin by keeping American workers poor....unlike you tRump chumps.
Uh....all left-wing policy keeps people poor. Why do you think everywhere you find a Democrat Mayor and a Democrat city council, you find a ghetto? Detroit had 65 years of ultra left-wing utopia. Complete control by Democrats (Mayor and city council), the most powerful labor union in the world (UAW), and all of the taxes and regulations they desired. What happened? The entire city literally went bankrupt. Bankrupt.

And don't even attempt to blame Reagan or other Republican presidents because other cities flourished under those same presidents, slick.
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