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So the most progressive state - with the most government control and interference - is dead last in “quality of life”. Shocking.

California has worst ‘quality of life’ in U.S.: Study

It now leads the nation in poverty. It's so tragic. I swear to God, only Communists/Democrats could destroy something so beautiful.

That’s a lie . Look up the poverty stats . It’s a sea of red states .

And I mean the REAL poverty stats . Not some fake news Russian stats invented to slander Cali .
So what state is better ? Name two .

California has the best climate in the USA.

It also has two deep water ports. On top of these is Los Angeles which has a massive commercial harbor. San Diego may be the greatest natural harbor in the world.

These gifts give California a massive advantage. None of them are due to Marxist policies.

But California has squandered these gifts. The Bolshevik rulers have waged war on manufacturing and driven nearly all industry from the state. To maintain their iron grip on power, the Bolsheviks have imported 10's of millions of third world peasants and bribe them with welfare to vote democrat - and illegals do vote.

All of this would have caused the state to collapse, even with San Francisco and San Diego, except that the largest enclave of Corporate monopoly power which is Silicone Valley is present. These massive monopolies dwarf Standard Oil or US Steel, with the robber barons of Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos, and Sergie Brin beloved of the Stalinist rules, who run the state specifically for these oligarchs.

We have a state where 70% of the population is in dire poverty, a middle class of no more than 5%, a massive government caste of 25%, with 99% of the wealth concentrated in the hands of the Oligarchs.

A better state than California? Idaho, Nevada, South Dakota, Main, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Alaska, et al.

All those states are either big empty wastelands no one lives in, or government taxpayer sucking leeches . Texas is maybe the only one that’s got shit going on . Them and Georgia are the only ones with a real metro area .

Any US State is better than California. I live here and the once great state is a third world cesspool of leftist rulers driving their Lamborghini's past the thousands living in cardboard boxes along the Santa Ana. Kim Jong Brown bragged that he drove the oil companies out. Where once Union 76 employed 10,000 with good paying, middle class jobs, weeds and snakes now stand. Powerine was sold to developers, but the EPA isn't going to let homes be built on top of petrochemical tanks, so it too stands desolate. The once grand Boeing aircraft facilities along the 55 near the 405 sit empty, Brown and the Maoists have no use for Aerospace and well paying jobs and drove them from the state. Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs, homes and futures thanks to what the Bolsheviks have done.

Ah, but Apple bribes the Communist party well, and Cook really doesn't like those middle class usurpers, so Brown and his thugs got rid of them.

California is a dysfunctional dictatorship of the obscenely rich, the legions of government parasites, and the very poor. The Communists have waged war and utterly destroyed the middle class. Just like Venezuela, California is a plutocracy for the elite 1/100th of a percent.
So what state is better ? Name two .

California has the best climate in the USA.

It also has two deep water ports. On top of these is Los Angeles which has a massive commercial harbor. San Diego may be the greatest natural harbor in the world.

These gifts give California a massive advantage. None of them are due to Marxist policies.

But California has squandered these gifts. The Bolshevik rulers have waged war on manufacturing and driven nearly all industry from the state. To maintain their iron grip on power, the Bolsheviks have imported 10's of millions of third world peasants and bribe them with welfare to vote democrat - and illegals do vote.

All of this would have caused the state to collapse, even with San Francisco and San Diego, except that the largest enclave of Corporate monopoly power which is Silicone Valley is present. These massive monopolies dwarf Standard Oil or US Steel, with the robber barons of Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos, and Sergie Brin beloved of the Stalinist rules, who run the state specifically for these oligarchs.

We have a state where 70% of the population is in dire poverty, a middle class of no more than 5%, a massive government caste of 25%, with 99% of the wealth concentrated in the hands of the Oligarchs.

A better state than California? Idaho, Nevada, South Dakota, Main, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Alaska, et al.

All those states are either big empty wastelands no one lives in, or government taxpayer sucking leeches . Texas is maybe the only one that’s got shit going on . Them and Georgia are the only ones with a real metro area .
you are a lying sack.

Nah, he's just stupid.
So I am enjoying the nice weather here while all you losers are freezing or drowning. Life is great and there is no misery except for that which the republicans are responsible for. And i do not align with them so I am not miserable.
So I am enjoying the nice weather here while all you losers are freezing or drowning. Life is great and there is no misery except for that which the republicans are responsible for. And i do not align with them so I am not miserable.

You have nice weather in Pyongyang? :dunno:

You sure the fuck aren't in California and didn't bother to check the weather today..
So what state is better ? Name two .

California has the best climate in the USA.

It also has two deep water ports. On top of these is Los Angeles which has a massive commercial harbor. San Diego may be the greatest natural harbor in the world.

These gifts give California a massive advantage. None of them are due to Marxist policies.

But California has squandered these gifts. The Bolshevik rulers have waged war on manufacturing and driven nearly all industry from the state. To maintain their iron grip on power, the Bolsheviks have imported 10's of millions of third world peasants and bribe them with welfare to vote democrat - and illegals do vote.

All of this would have caused the state to collapse, even with San Francisco and San Diego, except that the largest enclave of Corporate monopoly power which is Silicone Valley is present. These massive monopolies dwarf Standard Oil or US Steel, with the robber barons of Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos, and Sergie Brin beloved of the Stalinist rules, who run the state specifically for these oligarchs.

We have a state where 70% of the population is in dire poverty, a middle class of no more than 5%, a massive government caste of 25%, with 99% of the wealth concentrated in the hands of the Oligarchs.

A better state than California? Idaho, Nevada, South Dakota, Main, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Alaska, et al.

All those states are either big empty wastelands no one lives in, or government taxpayer sucking leeches . Texas is maybe the only one that’s got shit going on . Them and Georgia are the only ones with a real metro area .

Any US State is better than California. I live here and the once great state is a third world cesspool of leftist rulers driving their Lamborghini's past the thousands living in cardboard boxes along the Santa Ana. Kim Jong Brown bragged that he drove the oil companies out. Where once Union 76 employed 10,000 with good paying, middle class jobs, weeds and snakes now stand. Powerine was sold to developers, but the EPA isn't going to let homes be built on top of petrochemical tanks, so it too stands desolate. The once grand Boeing aircraft facilities along the 55 near the 405 sit empty, Brown and the Maoists have no use for Aerospace and well paying jobs and drove them from the state. Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs, homes and futures thanks to what the Bolsheviks have done.

Ah, but Apple bribes the Communist party well, and Cook really doesn't like those middle class usurpers, so Brown and his thugs got rid of them.

California is a dysfunctional dictatorship of the obscenely rich, the legions of government parasites, and the very poor. The Communists have waged war and utterly destroyed the middle class. Just like Venezuela, California is a plutocracy for the elite 1/100th of a percent.
You just say that because Corona/Chino Hills is one of the shit hole areas.
So what state is better ? Name two .

California has the best climate in the USA.

It also has two deep water ports. On top of these is Los Angeles which has a massive commercial harbor. San Diego may be the greatest natural harbor in the world.

These gifts give California a massive advantage. None of them are due to Marxist policies.

But California has squandered these gifts. The Bolshevik rulers have waged war on manufacturing and driven nearly all industry from the state. To maintain their iron grip on power, the Bolsheviks have imported 10's of millions of third world peasants and bribe them with welfare to vote democrat - and illegals do vote.

All of this would have caused the state to collapse, even with San Francisco and San Diego, except that the largest enclave of Corporate monopoly power which is Silicone Valley is present. These massive monopolies dwarf Standard Oil or US Steel, with the robber barons of Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos, and Sergie Brin beloved of the Stalinist rules, who run the state specifically for these oligarchs.

We have a state where 70% of the population is in dire poverty, a middle class of no more than 5%, a massive government caste of 25%, with 99% of the wealth concentrated in the hands of the Oligarchs.

A better state than California? Idaho, Nevada, South Dakota, Main, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Alaska, et al.

All those states are either big empty wastelands no one lives in, or government taxpayer sucking leeches . Texas is maybe the only one that’s got shit going on . Them and Georgia are the only ones with a real metro area .

Any US State is better than California. I live here and the once great state is a third world cesspool of leftist rulers driving their Lamborghini's past the thousands living in cardboard boxes along the Santa Ana. Kim Jong Brown bragged that he drove the oil companies out. Where once Union 76 employed 10,000 with good paying, middle class jobs, weeds and snakes now stand. Powerine was sold to developers, but the EPA isn't going to let homes be built on top of petrochemical tanks, so it too stands desolate. The once grand Boeing aircraft facilities along the 55 near the 405 sit empty, Brown and the Maoists have no use for Aerospace and well paying jobs and drove them from the state. Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs, homes and futures thanks to what the Bolsheviks have done.

Ah, but Apple bribes the Communist party well, and Cook really doesn't like those middle class usurpers, so Brown and his thugs got rid of them.

California is a dysfunctional dictatorship of the obscenely rich, the legions of government parasites, and the very poor. The Communists have waged war and utterly destroyed the middle class. Just like Venezuela, California is a plutocracy for the elite 1/100th of a percent.

So Mississippi is better than Cali?
So what state is better ? Name two .

California has the best climate in the USA.

It also has two deep water ports. On top of these is Los Angeles which has a massive commercial harbor. San Diego may be the greatest natural harbor in the world.

These gifts give California a massive advantage. None of them are due to Marxist policies.

But California has squandered these gifts. The Bolshevik rulers have waged war on manufacturing and driven nearly all industry from the state. To maintain their iron grip on power, the Bolsheviks have imported 10's of millions of third world peasants and bribe them with welfare to vote democrat - and illegals do vote.

All of this would have caused the state to collapse, even with San Francisco and San Diego, except that the largest enclave of Corporate monopoly power which is Silicone Valley is present. These massive monopolies dwarf Standard Oil or US Steel, with the robber barons of Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos, and Sergie Brin beloved of the Stalinist rules, who run the state specifically for these oligarchs.

We have a state where 70% of the population is in dire poverty, a middle class of no more than 5%, a massive government caste of 25%, with 99% of the wealth concentrated in the hands of the Oligarchs.

A better state than California? Idaho, Nevada, South Dakota, Main, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Alaska, et al.

All those states are either big empty wastelands no one lives in, or government taxpayer sucking leeches . Texas is maybe the only one that’s got shit going on . Them and Georgia are the only ones with a real metro area .

Any US State is better than California. I live here and the once great state is a third world cesspool of leftist rulers driving their Lamborghini's past the thousands living in cardboard boxes along the Santa Ana. Kim Jong Brown bragged that he drove the oil companies out. Where once Union 76 employed 10,000 with good paying, middle class jobs, weeds and snakes now stand. Powerine was sold to developers, but the EPA isn't going to let homes be built on top of petrochemical tanks, so it too stands desolate. The once grand Boeing aircraft facilities along the 55 near the 405 sit empty, Brown and the Maoists have no use for Aerospace and well paying jobs and drove them from the state. Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs, homes and futures thanks to what the Bolsheviks have done.

Ah, but Apple bribes the Communist party well, and Cook really doesn't like those middle class usurpers, so Brown and his thugs got rid of them.

California is a dysfunctional dictatorship of the obscenely rich, the legions of government parasites, and the very poor. The Communists have waged war and utterly destroyed the middle class. Just like Venezuela, California is a plutocracy for the elite 1/100th of a percent.

So Mississippi is better than Cali?

In most ways, yes.

Education is, personal freedom is, civil rights are.

Weather is better in California.
California will be Venezuela at some point. It's inevitable. It's what happens to every location Communists/Democrats seize control of. But don't think that concerns them. Communists/Democrats need their poor, angry, and helpless masses. The last thing they want, is a happy, prosperous, and independent populace.

The Party can only thrive on misery. So don't think this is happening by accident. It's part of their Agenda. The more poor, angry, and helpless, the better off the Party is. They're currently decimating California. And it isn't by accident. It's by design. Folks just need to understand their Agenda. And then they need to vigorously oppose it.
History has proven it over and over and over. Conservative policy ends in prosperity every time. Left-wing policy ends in poverty every time.
Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor.
Left-wing policy collapsed Detroit - resulting in an entire city filing for bankruptcy. It is about to do the same thing with the state of California.

Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
A feudalist utopia. No matter how they rename it or package it, marxism, socialism, communism, and now progressivism, they are all cute arrogant words for feudalism.

The rich class and the completely fucked class. The completely fucked class means that all ambition is stifled.

It is also where desease thrives, and misery flourishes. Look up the facts in regards to the black plague. Mainly it was people from the serf class or peasants that died. Almost seemed like it was a way to cull the herd.

Yes, the more you know.

"History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme." Mark Twain
History has proven it over and over and over. Conservative policy ends in prosperity every time. Left-wing policy ends in poverty every time.
Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor.
Left-wing policy collapsed Detroit - resulting in an entire city filing for bankruptcy. It is about to do the same thing with the state of California.

Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
Your envy of California is amazing. We are the greatest place on earth to get started making money. And that is why the poor come here. Cause they are not spit on or degraded as unclean.
Detroit went down because capitalism left it in a lurch. Learn your history and quite repeating the fascist mantra.
Lol, Califorina is one of the riches and most advance economies on this planet. Do you know what real misery is? Asshole? Mississippi, Alabama and most of the south are truly the poorest, least educated and most backwards shit holes this country has to offer.
Indisputable proof that ScienceRocks completely devoid of facts.
Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor.
Left-wing policy collapsed Detroit - resulting in an entire city filing for bankruptcy. It is about to do the same thing with the state of California.

Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
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