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FMJ fag scene


What's gay about that?

So you think the guy has his sister in the barracks in Marine Corp basic training? His "sister" is fag talk for his ass.


You're clearly a latent homo.
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FMJ fag scene


What's gay about that?

So you think the guy has his sister in the barracks in Marine Corp basic training? His "sister" is fag talk for his ass.


You're clearly a latent homo.

That's a word libstains like to use a lot, clearly.

Latent? Yeah - you're a latent asshole, too.
California is awesome. Misery is more like Kansas or Oklahoma, heavily conservative with religious judging and meth addiction.
Again mr.Reality, have you ever even been there?
I don’t need to go there to watch the news, chief.

Then STFU, you got no clue what you are talking about. California is blessed in many non-politico ways.
Have you ever been to Iraq? Then why have you opened your large and very ignorant mouth about it thousands of times?

Game. Set. Match, bitch.

LOL wtf? Where do I compare life in Iraq?

Here's my advice to you - stop all the ridiculous politicking based on your TV adventures and go take a vacation.

Pack some basic shit and head down to California, rent a convertible and drive down (or up) the coast - I promise you a trip you'll remember for the rest of your life.

Here's my advice to you - stop all the ridiculous politicking based on your TV adventures and go take a vacation.

Pack some basic shit and head down to California, rent a convertible and drive down (or up) the coast - I promise you a trip you'll remember for the rest of your life.
I can't tell if you're a genius for making that comment or an idiot. Nobody denies that California has some beautiful land (it was made by God - of course it's beautiful - just like EVERY state in America has some beautiful land). But that's not what we're discussing here. We're discussing how progressives have turned it into a shit-hole were a pitiful 900 sq ft home costs $450,000, where gangs and illegal aliens run rampant, where Hollywood stars and execs sexually assault any female they come into contact with, and where they over spend their budget by $80 billion but still can't figure out how to keep the power on.

I can't tell if this was a technique by you to change the conversation because you can't dispute the facts (genius) or if you're just too dumb to follow along (idiot). :dunno:

I've said it and said it again...If you're a filthy lowlife you'd love Mexifornia...there's an anything goes free for all sort of vibe here that bottom feeders really love. Sure Hwy 1 and the immediate coastal areas are beautiful, where I live is beautiful, norther Cali is still beautiful....anywhere that wetbacks can't afford to be is still beautiful. Anywhere they can afford to be (packing three families to a three bedroom) has been completely beanerized and is a disgusting shithole....PERIOD! I live here, I own real estate here...I KNOW. Watching our local news here tells the tale...very few people interviewed can even speak basic English....we refer to our local news as Wetbacks Gone bullshit. Good people can't send their kids to public schools as they're completely overwhelmed with silver tooth anchor babies. Little academics are taught as these kids get their parenting from teachers and the school...the curriculum is more about teaching kids English because they aren't taught it in their homes.
I live on the beach in south Orange County...thank God beaners can't even afford the gas in my area...I have friends that live on north Orange County beaches, Huntington and Newport where all the beaners go on weekends...the locals there walk the beach after the weekend picking up dirty diapers, Bud Light cans and the like left by wetbacks...nobody else does that shit.
Bottom line...if you're a filthy bottom feeding wetback, a drug addict, a general lowlife, a faggot, a man in a dress...etc you will probably fall in love with Southern Mexifornia.
California is awesome. Misery is more like Kansas or Oklahoma, heavily conservative with religious judging and meth addiction.

This "religious judging" you speak of...Decent, moral, responsible folks tend to expect more from fellow humans...whereas the filthy lowlife scum you love so much in Mexifornia aren't really afforded the luxury of having an expectation for obvious reasons....a lowlife piece of shit illegal wetback on the taxpayer tit can't exactly say; "Man that guy really needs to get his shit together."
See how this all works?
This what failed left-wing policy results in - anchor babies.
Federal agents raided twenty "birth hotels" on Tuesday night in the Los Angeles area. The plush complexes double as "maternity hotels" for pregnant Chinese women who come to the US to give birth to their anchor babies.

Chinese women pay from $40,000 to $80,000 to come to the US to deliver their anchor babies. It's an industry. Chinese listing sites show several hundred maternity hotels in Southern California. It's not clear how many of the listings are active. all fairness...the left realizes they can’t win elections without the votes purchased from foreigners - so what else are they supposed to do?

Enough! Feds Raid 20 Chinese Immigrant 'Birth Hotels' in Los Angeles
California wants to secede from California and form New California and leave Nazi Pelosi and Maxipad Waters in charge of Old California which is the country’s leader in poverty.

Literally California is covered in shit from Illegals and I applaud New California from wanting out of that Liberal Shit Hole!
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If the missiles ever fly across the Pacific from adversaries on the other side, chances are they'll overfly the West Coast.

After all, annexing and assimilating the Democratic People's Socialist Republik of Kalipornia would be an easy task, given their kindred-spirit status.
California is such a miserable shithole. What an embarrassment to the U.S. It’s the only state that wants to break off from itself. :laugh:

New California declares 'independence' from California in bid to become 51st state
Nahhhhh... there's been a movement outside the environs of Chicago to detach the rest of Illinois from that inner-city $hithole and its 87-year Dem-Machine tyranny.

But one can sympathize... who-the-hell wants to be attached-at-the-hip to a Coastal Gaggle of Beaners and LibTards... given how they suck the life out of their taxpayers.
So what state is better ? Name two .

Being a New Yorker, I have to say New York but California is a close second.

Most LefTards would say:
"Any state where stuffing my penis in a mans ass could be considered cool, any state where a deranged man in a dress can shit next to teenage girls, the state that rains down the most free shit to its bottom feeders, any state that steals from good quality, hard working Americans to fund as many illegal Wetbacks as possible.
Gosh you can not be for real..what a hateful idiot.
California High Tech is the new gold Rush of our time.
The homes are expensive because of China buying and over paying , jacking the prices up and then leave them as ghost houses.

Why don't you all educate yourselfs before spewing 6 pages of Parrot Koolaide spoonfed into your stupid minds.

San Francisco gave the hi techs a tax break to set up shop..yeah right the trickle down bullshit..

Middle class homes where sold tore down and mega hi rise 3 million dollar apartments sold to the mega rich.

It is your trickle down bullshit that started the hi rent's..


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Middle class homes where sold tore down and mega hi rise 3 million dollar apartments sold to the mega rich.
Only the flood up poverty mindset of the left could actually complain that policy was so successful, it replaced the middle class with the “mega rich”.

Yeah...who would want to move up when one can follow failed left-wing policy and move down until everyone is “equal” in poverty? :eusa_doh:
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
More than half a million Californians have moved to other states since 2010. Every day since then, an average of 386 people moved from New York to other states.

And Illinois lost so many people in 2016 that it actually fell one spot in the population rankings, losing its place to Pennsylvania — which itself has watched more people leave than come.
This is what failed left-wing policy does. It ends in poverty and misery for everyone.

People Are Fleeing Blue Strongholds That Cost Too Much
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