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Ok, I personally would not work for a union, I don’t care if anyone else does, not a big deal.
That’s fine. I don’t care. Not you personally...but I do find it strange that most conservative and gop voters would not do anything to support the working class, even if they are a part of the working class. After all, the goal of the Republican Party is to serve the rich. I just find it strange that working class people want less power in wage negotiation and would rather work as pions and be submissive with no free will to the ruling class rich.
But corporations removed the pensions and Republicans want to cut or remove the ss.
Because it was causing corporations to go out of business. Hell, the federal government had to illegally bailout GM, Ford, and Chrysler because of the left-wing unholy trinity of taxes, regulations, and unions.
Because it was causing corporations to go out of business. Hell, the federal government had to illegally bailout GM, Ford, and Chrysler because of the left-wing unholy trinity of taxes, regulations, and unions.
Gee, why didn’t republicans take the admin to the Supreme Court. Oh, you’re a Supreme Court Justice yourself. Sure.
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
california is a shithole
...but I do find it strange that most conservative and gop voters would not do anything to support the working class, even if they are a part of the working class.
That's because you don't understand basic economics. The GOP protects jobs (which is supporting the working class), while the Democrats destroy jobs because they want everyone beholden to government for even their most basic needs, thus ensuring tremendous power for the power-hungry totalitarians who call themselves "Democrats".
Gee, why didn’t republicans take the admin to the Supreme Court.
Gee...why didn't German citizens take Adolf Hitler to court? 🤦‍♂️
Oh, you’re a Supreme Court Justice yourself. Sure.
One doesn't have to be a Supreme Court Justice to read the 10th Amendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The US Constitution explicitly limits the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Doing anything beyond those 18 enumerated powers it illegal.

And "bailing out private industry run into the ground by failed and ignorant left-wing policy" isn't one of those 18 enumerated powers. I'm glad I could educate you on this. Always available if you have any more questions, my dear friend.
The shit-hole state of California strikes again. You think it's a coincidence that the party screaming "Defund the Police" is doing so while simultaneously letting criminals out of prison in record numbers?

This is all by design by the anti-American left.
Gee...why didn't German citizens take Adolf Hitler to court? 🤦‍♂️

One doesn't have to be a Supreme Court Justice to read the 10th Amendment:

The US Constitution explicitly limits the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Doing anything beyond those 18 enumerated powers it illegal.

And "bailing out private industry run into the ground by failed and ignorant left-wing policy" isn't one of those 18 enumerated powers. I'm glad I could educate you on this. Always available if you have any more questions, my dear friend.
The only time anything is constitutionally illegal is when it’s challenged and upheld in the courts. You‘re making up stuff. So bailing out GM wasn’t illegal….it’s not illegal basEd upon your opinion, just the opinion of the majority of the supreme court. Yes, one does have to be a member of the Supreme Court to INTERPRET any amendment. You aren’t are you ?
Seriously, you aren’t.
That’s fine. I don’t care. Not you personally...but I do find it strange that most conservative and gop voters would not do anything to support the working class, even if they are a part of the working class. After all, the goal of the Republican Party is to serve the rich. I just find it strange that working class people want less power in wage negotiation and would rather work as pions and be submissive with no free will to the ruling class rich.
That's because you don't understand basic economics. The GOP protects jobs (which is supporting the working class), while the Democrats destroy jobs because they want everyone beholden to government for even their most basic needs, thus ensuring tremendous power for the power-hungry totalitarians who call themselves "Democrats".
I remember in the 2000's you guys said people making $100,000 a year were making too much. Better to have 2 people making $50,000K. That's more people employed. I remember the rights argument for jobs. Lower wages. You must be rich or an employer not an employee. Your policies have widened the gap between the rich and rest of us.
That's because you don't understand basic economics. The GOP protects jobs (which is supporting the working class), while the Democrats destroy jobs because they want everyone beholden to government for even their most basic needs, thus ensuring tremendous power for the power-hungry totalitarians who call themselves "Democrats".
Really ? They do a good job promoting their economic “ expertise “ but in reality it’s non existent. Totally.
The gop has nearly all the recessions, higher unemployment numbers, lower wage growth and lower GDP while increasing the deficits and wanting to privatize healthcare. They spend more and have worse outcomes in nearly all areas.


Of course, none of you bull shit artist will ever do the research to show its all true…you just make shit like your post .
And the Democrats pretend to serve the non-rich.

Notice that neither side has advocated mandatory accounting/finance in the schools since forever.

Double entry accounting was 300 years old when Smith wrote Wealth of Nations.

Planned obsolescence wasn't happening in automobiles when Karl Marx died.
Yep! Really. Quick history lesson for you:

Jimmy Carter and the Democrats destroyed the economy. It was a total disaster. Major energy crisis. Outrageous interest rates. Stagnant wages. High unemployment (almost 8% in 1979).

Republican Ronald Reagan stepped in and created such a prosperous economy, the 1980's are now known as "the era of excess". Let that sink in. And as you know, history repeats itself.

Barack Obama and the Democrats destroyed the economy. Massive inflation. Unemployment over 10%. Gasoline skyrocketed. Total meltdown.

Republican Donald Trump stepped in and delivered the most prosperous economy in US history. Record market highs. Wages increased dramatically (and largest among the lower class by percentage). Record low unemployment for blacks. Record low unmployment for Asians. Record low unemployment for women. Repatriated nearly $1 trillion in offshore dollars. Made the US #1 in the world in energy production.

Those are the facts and they cannot be disputed (only denied by the left - who cannot bring themselves to accept reality).
Republican Donald Trump stepped in and delivered the most prosperous economy in US history.
And left like every other republican, with a recession and high unemployment numbers, not to mention thousands of needless deaths do to misinformation about covid.
Like, covid will be gone in the spring without a vaccine when it gets warm……three years ago. Good call dufus. 3.4 % unemployment rate, half what it was when Trump left office.
…not to mention thousands of needless deaths do to misinformation about covid.
Uh? He shut down travel from China immediately to prevent COVID.

What did you anti-American fascists do? You cried he was a “xenophobe” and then you took him to COURT to FORCE the US to allow Covid-infected people into the US from China.

Those are the undeniable facts.
Uh? He shut down travel from China immediately to prevent COVID.

What did you anti-American fascists do? You cried he was a “xenophobe” and then you took him to COURT to FORCE the US to allow Covid-infected people into the US from China.

Those are the undeniable facts.
Really ? Seems stupid when Most of the infections were from Asia by way of Europe. He was a real dufus as NY was a breeding ground
; but Trump was playing his usual white man good, non whites are bad shit.
Uh? He shut down travel from China immediately to prevent COVID.

What did you anti-American fascists do? You cried he was a “xenophobe” and then you took him to COURT to FORCE the US to allow Covid-infected people into the US from China.

Those are the undeniable facts.
Trump….Covid will be gone in spring when the weather gets warm without a vaccine….That soundEd like a bullshit artist with no fking idea ? Geesus, when he said it, anyone with half a brain knew how stupid he was/is/ continues to be. Got and surface cleaners you can drink ?
He was a real dufus as NY was a breeding ground
Because you anti-American imbeciles brought a lawsuit to bring the infected into the US :lmao:

I can’t imagine the mental gymnastics required to say “yeah - we sued Trump to force him to bring infected people in the US…but…but…but…NY was a breeding ground”.

Well yeah dumb shit. It’s the largest city in the US, with a major airport, right on the east coast. :laugh:

It’s so hard to take the low-IQ left seriously. You guys say the most insane shit.
Trump….Covid will be gone in spring when the weather gets warm without a vaccine….
Liberals: “We can’t allow Trump to stop infected people from coming to the US. It’s imperative we force him to bring those people in so the virus can spread throughout the US” 🤦‍♂️
Got and surface cleaners you can drink ?
The fact that you actually believe he said that is fall-down hilarious and testament to how gullible you are. It’s so easy for your Democrat masters to dupe you. And they laugh like hell about it.

Trump was one of the first to say that hydroxychloroquine would be effective for COVID. The low-IQ left mocked him. As always, he was right
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