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And yet, most of the 10 most unsafe states in the country have one thing in common.

They are RED

The 10 Most Dangerous States In The United States For 2023​

  1. New Mexico
  2. Louisiana
  3. Arkansas
  4. South Carolina
  5. Tennessee
  6. Alaska
  7. Missouri
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Colorado
  10. Arizona

How come that listing ignores that crime in almost every state is concentrated in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the goddamn Blacks and Browns? Like Democrat New Orleans in Louisiana and Memphis in Tennessee? It is the same in every state.

I think we all know that the the fucking Illegals that Potatohead is allowing to flood across the border are committing the crimes in New Mexico and Arizona.

For instance, crime is low in Conservative White gun ownership rural Illinois and absolutely horrendous in Democral controlled Black Chicago.

How come that listing ignores that crime in almost every state is concentrated in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the goddamn Blacks and Browns? Like Democrat New Orleans in Louisiana and Memphis in Tennessee? It is the same in every state.

I think we all know that the the fucking Illegals that Potatohead is allowing to flood across the border are committing the crimes in New Mexico and Arizona.

For instance, crime is low in Conservative White gun ownership rural Illinois and absolutely horrendous in Democral controlled Black Chicago.
How about the poorest ? The poorest, most dangerous and conservative.
BTW, have you heard. States are bigger then cities.
You do know that most crime is committed by whites…..maybe you don’t. Trump himself has three counts of fraud.

The 10 Poorest States In The United States For 2023​

  1. Mississippi
  2. Louisiana
  3. West Virginia
  4. New Mexico
  5. Alabama
  6. Arkansas
  7. Kentucky
  8. South Carolina
  9. Nevada
  10. Michigan
How come that listing ignores that crime in almost every state is concentrated in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the goddamn Blacks and Browns?
Really ? Even though the most crime in the United States is committed by whites ? Whites in Red States. Red state govt are too incompetent ? Is that what you’re saying ? Capital offenses are STATE CRIMES.
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And yet, most of the 10 most unsafe states in the country have one thing in common.

They are RED

The 10 Most Dangerous States In The United States For 2023​

  1. New Mexico
  2. Louisiana
  3. Arkansas
  4. South Carolina
  5. Tennessee
  6. Alaska
  7. Missouri
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Colorado
  10. Arizona
Based on what?
Really. There are good employers who pay fair wages and treat their employees well. Unions aren’t necessary.
He said he worked under a union and didn’t like it, he called them weak and the rest of his career he has avoided unions even in jobs that didn’t compensate well, so he is a
l talk.
Except that you claimed NAFTA was “proof” that Republicans caused it. You were talking about cause idiot, not “outsourcing”. Cause. The problem is, China, Indonesia, etc. have been the destination for almost all of the jobs going overseas.

And none of those nations are in NAFTA :lmao:

See, this is what you do. You swallow ignorant leftist propaganda. But when you get smacked in the face with the facts, rather than learning and adapting your views, you then try to backpedal and save face.

Your ego won’t allow you to learn. And it’s sad.
Dude, outsourcing produced the NAFTA agreement as congressional republic pols pushed it hard.

Moving jobs to the lower labor cost Ghina was just the next move.

Damn your fucking blinded by partisan bias.
He said he worked under a union and didn’t like it, he called them weak and the rest of his career he has avoided unions even in jobs that didn’t compensate well, so he is a
l talk.
Funny. I’ve work in unions all my life. They’ve aWays been a plus. Even our managers like them. It made negotiations easier. You weren’t negotiating with every single employee. The union heads knew how much was available for benefits and salary. It was up to them to decide the distribution. Takes a lot of pressure and work off of management. If workers didn’t like the distribution, it was their problem. They owned it. Discipline was easier too. Everyone knew the rules and for the most part, the union back the managements decisions.
How about the poorest ? The poorest, most dangerous and conservative.
BTW, have you heard. States are bigger then cities.
You do know that most crime is committed by whites…..maybe you don’t. Trump himself has three counts of fraud.

The 10 Poorest States In The United States For 2023​

  1. Mississippi
  2. Louisiana
  3. West Virginia
  4. New Mexico
  5. Alabama
  6. Arkansas
  7. Kentucky
  8. South Carolina
  9. Nevada
  10. Michigan
its not southerners fault so many from new York, chicago, and california have moved south where they can afford to live
Funny. I’ve work in unions all my life. They’ve aWays been a plus. Even our managers like them. It made negotiations easier. You weren’t negotiating with every single employee. The union heads knew how much was available for benefits and salary. It was up to them to decide the distribution. Takes a lot of pressure and work off of management. If workers didn’t like the distribution, it was their problem. They owned it. Discipline was easier too. Everyone knew the rules and for the most part, the union back the managements decisions.
Glad you enjoy your union, I have nothing against them. My son works in a union and likes it. Sealy claims to be all for unions be hated the one he was in and then stayed away from them and never tried to form a union in his other jobs but slams others for not forming unions. Thanks for your $.02, big guy.
Glad you enjoy your union, I have nothing against them. My son works in a union and likes it. Sealy claims to be all for unions be hated the one he was in and then stayed away from them and never tried to form a union in his other jobs but slams others for not forming unions. Thanks for your $.02, big guy.
No one said it was easy getting organizations of large groups of people’s to agree. But it’s a lot worse when one side ISN’T organized. That in-itself is what unions are primarily for, organizing labor.
now what jail did you say Hunter was serving his time
Really ? What was Hunter found guilty ? We know that Trump admin has had more indictments and guilty pleas and convictions and settlements then any previous admin. So far, it’s GOP admins in the hundreds, Democrats 2.

You have to accept either the gop is a bastion of criminality or too incompetent to get away with anything.
So really, what were Hunter and Hillary found guilty of.
When has either the Left or the Right advocated mandatory accounting/finance in the schools?

The United States could have done that since Sputnik.

Adam Smith mentioned 'education' Eighty Times in Wealth of Nations. He wrote "read, write and account" multiple times.
No one said it was easy getting organizations of large groups of people’s to agree. But it’s a lot worse when one side ISN’T organized. That in-itself is what unions are primarily for, organizing labor.
Okay, I didn’t disagree, not sure what point you are trying to make. If you want to form a union, go ahead, if you want to be in a union, go ahead. I’m not for them but I’m not against them, to each his own.
Dude, outsourcing produced the NAFTA agreement as congressional republic pols pushed it hard.

Moving jobs to the lower labor cost Ghina was just the next move.

Damn your fucking blinded by partisan bias.
That was the NAFTA that Clinton signed into law, the one where had he vetoed it, it would have not of happened? That NAFTA?
Okay, I didn’t disagree, not sure what point you are trying to make. If you want to form a union, go ahead, if you want to be in a union, go ahead. I’m not for them but I’m not against them, to each his own.
Just observations. Nothing more. A lot of people may have negative views of unions when in reality, some conflicts are just the nature of the beast. By in large, like a lot of organizations, you’re better off with them then without. I’m a supporter of unions in general but the occasional poor or ack of communications by incompetent officials is no reason to throwout the baby with the bath water. You work through your problems. Having one is always better.

It’s like a democracy. Everyone gets a “ vote” or a say so it’s not pretty at times.
Again, you never fought in your whole career to be in a union but want others to do it, why didn't you? You won't address the question. You believe they are great, and you believe we should have more but not once, have you ever fought to be in a union and the only time you were in a union you claimed it didn't benefit you. You have no actions, just talk. I think actors and athletes are way overpaid, but it doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about. Nice diversion try.
Jake Paul wants to start a union for UFC fighters. Dana White is against it. Who do you side with? I side with Jake Paul. The athletes/workers aren't making their fair share. A union would fix that. Look at the NFL, NBA and MLB. The workers make their fair share. Of course you probably side with the owners. Just like you side with Dana White.
Jake Paul wants to start a union for UFC fighters. Dana White is against it. Who do you side with? I side with Jake Paul. The athletes/workers aren't making their fair share. A union would fix that. Look at the NFL, NBA and MLB. The workers make their fair share. Of course you probably side with the owners. Just like you side with Dana White.
I don’t care, it is what the group decides, it is up to the group, same with the NBA, NFL, NHL MLB, the majority wins. I personally wouldn’t belong and by your pst actions, neother would you. None of what you posted shows you are pro union, you just claim you are however you have stated the union you belonged to was useless, in none of you other jobs did you ever try to form a union, however you want to decide for others that they should form a union.
Just observations. Nothing more. A lot of people may have negative views of unions when in reality, some conflicts are just the nature of the beast. By in large, like a lot of organizations, you’re better off with them then without. I’m a supporter of unions in general but the occasional poor or ack of communications by incompetent officials is no reason to throwout the baby with the bath water. You work through your problems. Having one is always better.

It’s like a democracy. Everyone gets a “ vote” or a say so it’s not pretty at times.
Ok, I personally would not work for a union, I don’t care if anyone else does, not a big deal.
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