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The thing about unions is that they increase the cost of labor. Period. And somebody has to pay that cost in terms of higher prices or taxes or deficits in the cast of gov't.
Bingo! Add in liberal taxes (outrageous) and liberal regulations (absurd) and businesses can no longer afford to do business in the US.

The left has sent every job overseas because they are so damn greedy. $15 an hour and good healthcare isn’t enough for the greedy liberal on the assembly line.

Nope! They want $30 an hour (for a remedial job) plus cadillac healthcare plans, plus cadillac pension plans, plus oodles of vacation time.

The liberal believes they are entitled to $230,000 per year in compensation for life for standing on assembly line for 30 years turning a screw :rolleyes:

But ask them to start a business and provide that exact same compensation for someone else, and they get abusive and violent.
We want high paying jobs. When you refuse to pay an American wage and you send those jobs to China or Mexico, that's not us destroying jobs.

Class warfare exists. The corporations, CEO's, VP's and white collar directly underneath them have made a killing destroying American jobs and sending them abroad. Why? So the shareholders can make more money. And you as a consumer want to pay less so in the 2000's you REPUBLICANS defended manufacturing for going overseas because remember, those union workers made too much. Your words not mine.

If we threaten to unionize, you threaten to go overseas. Notice you don't threaten to go down south where there are no unions? That's weird. I'd be okay with that. But you know those workers won't be happy with what your willing to pay and eventually they'll unionize too.

Then you go over to Mexico and find out they won't put up with your shit either. They don't work overtime that's for sure.
This coming from the white collar worker that sells items made in China. Lol!
Most workers don’t want to be unionized. They saw the endless disgusting corruption of the UAW, the SEIU, and the Teamsters.

Funny, I know a lot of leftists who talk like you. They expect corporations to pay people 30 years not to work.

But here’s the dirty little secret: not a one of you will start a business and pay someone else not to work.

Oh sure, you’ll all talk shit all day long about how you’re being cheated. You want to get paid to stay at home. But all of you are too lazy to start a business and use your money to pay someone else to stay home.
Yeah, workers loved all the company police in industries like coal and auto's.

And the depressed wages and safety...
You have to understand though - to the low-IQ left like Dagosa - the only thing that matters is advancing their totalitarian fascist ideology.

They aren’t interested in prosperity. And they hate the effort required to produce quality goods and services (that’s why they always lower the bar).

Since Chick-fil-A® isn’t advancing the left’s disgusting fascist ideology, they are automatically the “enemy” and must to be destroyed.
Hilarious. Only stupid people even use IQ measure anymore. That use has been debunked for decades.
Secondly, the gop led house managed by imbeciles want to introduce the idiotic idea of a 30% federal sales tax to replace your income tax and privatized SS and Medicare. You thought inflation was bad, just wait till that ever happens. They also want to increase the price of gasoline by not allowing a president to release petroleum reserves to lower their costs. Nice ideas from the party of the ignorant.
Says the imbecile who brought up NAFTA while discussing how corporations have moved operations to China, Indonesia, etc. :lmao:
Hey fool, they moved to third world countries to take advantage of SLAVE labor, not just non unionized labor.
We lose jobs to Canada which pays very well but doesn’t have to pay employer based health care.
From the substance-abuse using left :lmao:

Coke is “bad” but marijuana, heroin, and hard alcohol are “amazing” :lmao:
It’s amazing you’re so ignorant. Literally 50% of our healthcare cost go for diabetes related illnesses as a result of Obesity from foods containing HFCs.
You do know marijuana is OKd as a prescription drug now in states. They aren’t as stupid as you. Marijuana contains cancer mitigating agents. YOUR CIGARETTES, ALCOHOL and fast foods kill more people then total drug use of any a huge margin.
This is what kills more people and cost more for healthcare then any thing a huge margin.
Yeah, both would be an example of outsourcing idiot.
Except that you claimed NAFTA was “proof” that Republicans caused it. You were talking about cause idiot, not “outsourcing”. Cause. The problem is, China, Indonesia, etc. have been the destination for almost all of the jobs going overseas.

And none of those nations are in NAFTA :lmao:

See, this is what you do. You swallow ignorant leftist propaganda. But when you get smacked in the face with the facts, rather than learning and adapting your views, you then try to backpedal and save face.

Your ego won’t allow you to learn. And it’s sad.
Hey fool, they moved to third world countries to take advantage of SLAVE labor, not just non unionized labor.
Right. So clearly NAFTA wasn’t the cause :lmao:

You’re as dumb as the other guy
We lose jobs to Canada which pays very well but doesn’t have to pay employer based health care.
That’s because Canada doesn’t have healthcare. The bare minimum wait is 4 months for healthcare in Canada. Bare. Minimum. Many die during that time. All suffer horribly.

Sometimes that wait is years. You should move to Canada. Except you love mooching off the life conservatives have delivered to you.
Again, you claim to believe in unions but have never worked for one and wouldn’t do it today. You are a hypocrite.
A. I have worked for a union. Briefly.

B. If I ever tried I'd be run out of that company so fast. And employees today are cowards. I've worked for non union companies who yes I would have unionized them. And it was sad to see what sheep employees today are. They would railroad one of us at a time out the door. We'd watch them make one person's life hell for weeks or months until they quit or got fired. We all kept our heads down and didn't stand up for them. Then when it was our turn, no one stood up for us either.

Yes I have worked for a few companies who should have been unionized. But I live in a time in America where unions have no power. Class warfare exists and you don't even know it.
What is an "American wage"?
You tell me. When America was great, what was the wage? You know what I'm talking about. Guys who worked blue collar jobs could raise a family of 4.

It certainly isn't what CEO's make. Their pay has skyrocketed ever since wages started going down because of Reaganomics and Bushanomics.
Most workers don’t want to be unionized. They saw the endless disgusting corruption of the UAW, the SEIU, and the Teamsters.

Funny, I know a lot of leftists who talk like you. They expect corporations to pay people 30 years not to work.

But here’s the dirty little secret: not a one of you will start a business and pay someone else not to work.

Oh sure, you’ll all talk shit all day long about how you’re being cheated. You want to get paid to stay at home. But all of you are too lazy to start a business and use your money to pay someone else to stay home.
Back when America was great we got paid well, had great healthcare benefits, pensions, could depend on social security. 401K's were supposed to be on top of all that. But corporations removed the pensions and Republicans want to cut or remove the ss.
A. I have worked for a union. Briefly.

B. If I ever tried I'd be run out of that company so fast. And employees today are cowards. I've worked for non union companies who yes I would have unionized them. And it was sad to see what sheep employees today are. They would railroad one of us at a time out the door. We'd watch them make one person's life hell for weeks or months until they quit or got fired. We all kept our heads down and didn't stand up for them. Then when it was our turn, no one stood up for us either.

Yes I have worked for a few companies who should have been unionized. But I live in a time in America where unions have no power. Class warfare exists and you don't even know it.
Briefly, so you weren’t loyal to the union. Got it.

You worked at other jobs but you blame others for not unionizing them and yet you didn’t try either, so you talk the talk and won’t walk the walk. Got it.

You now work for a company that sells Chinese crap. Got it.
Marijuana has been linked to schizophrenia by an Ivy League study (and others), you fucking high school dropout.
You're joking right? Pot is great. In MI it's legal and no schizophrenia you idiots!
Briefly, so you weren’t loyal to the union. Got it.

You worked at other jobs but you blame others for not unionizing them and yet you didn’t try either, so you talk the talk and won’t walk the walk. Got it.

You now work for a company that sells Chinese crap. Got it.
Mostly our shit comes from Germany. But if we want to compete we have to have a cheap/Chinese product for small business' on a budget. Your policy would hurt small business'

I only worked for a union at a summer job when I was going to college. It was a joke of a union. Ford employees were making $13 minimum and the idiots at this factory only made $5 hr. Pathetic. Losers. As a college student, my brother and I had to find a job at the same place because we only had 1 car for the family of 4. So we had to work at this shit hole factory. They were also racist as fuck. The owner gave them employees a union but it had no teeth.
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