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Safest states to live in......NH, Vermont, Maine, RI, Connecticut.....gee, no red states there
And what is common among those states? See any major urban centers there? Take a few city blocks out of the equation and all of a sudden a state is very safe to live in. Heck, I live some 30 miles from what used to be the murder capital of the US and it's quite safe. Basically, get out of the leftwing lunacy of the inner cities into the sanity of the rural areas and the danger factor falls off a cliff.
Heritage foundation bullshit. It’s a fking opinion piece from right wing made up shit.
You're blindly swinging at a pinata if you think it's opinion that California is simultaneously increasing demand for electricity while not providing enough to meet the demand. But that's okay, I'm sure no one will notice you're not posting when the rolling blackouts hit your area.
Wow, if they were worse, don’t you think more then ZERO people would be dying from them per 100,000 units. You seem to be hung up on lithium battery fires are so hard to put out yet they occur 25 to 100,000 units where gasoline fires are 1500 plus per 100,000. You’re such a Fix News fool, promoting more death on the highway just so oil companies can cause more carnage. What a twit.Gasoline fires are OBVIOUSLY MORE DANGEROUS TO THE PUBLIC.
Yeah, lithium battery fires ARE very hard to put out and DO burn extremely hot. You seem determined to ignore that.
Yeah, lithium battery fires ARE very hard to put out and DO burn extremely hot. You seem determined to ignore that.
I’m not ignoring it at all. But lithium battery based fires from EVs ARE NOT as frequent as gasoline fires from ICE cars. Geesus man. Something that happens 25 out of 100,000 times with no deaths vs 1500 out of 100,000 with hundreds of deaths, it’s obvious which is the bigger danger to the public. Maybe you’re blind.
And what is common among those states? See any major urban centers there? Take a few city blocks out of the equation and all of a sudden a state is very safe to live in. Heck, I live some 30 miles from what used to be the murder capital of the US and it's quite safe. Basically, get out of the leftwing lunacy of the inner cities into the sanity of the rural areas and the danger factor falls off a cliff.
What ? They all have urban centers. Hartford, ManChester etc. are all urban centers. Surprise ! Unban centers all have more frequent crimes of some types simply because more opportunity and proximity breeds it. That’s no great news.

But, the severe crimes in all states are more often STATE CRIMES which are the responsibility of the state authorities in those cities. Get real. Maybe you don’t know the difference.
Overall, it seems democratically controlled states have fewer crimes per capita then red states…..which by your logic they should not.
BTW, your personal experience means shit when the collective data reveals otherwise.m
You’ve filled this with nothing more then isolated propaganda examples
Bwahahaha!! If if were “propaganda” it wouldn’t be “isolated examples” (it would be a comprehensive onslaught because that’s how propaganda works).

You literally just committed a Freudian Slip. You know everything I’ve posted is 100% accurate fact and you just let it slip!
:laugh: :lmao: :laugh: :lmao: :laugh:
Heritage foundation bullshit. It’s a fking opinion piece from right wing made up shit.
Bwahahaha!! It’s not an “opinion” - California is simultaneously forcing the increase of electrical demand while shutting down sources of electricity.

Your panic over basic facts is palpable.
You want a fact ? Most of the worse states to live in are red states !
That’s not a “fact” at all. That’s the result of you being a lazy liberal and being upset that red states didn’t give you handouts in exchange for your vote (and your freedom) like failed blue states do 🤷‍♂️
Safest states to live in......NH, Vermont, Maine, RI, Connecticut.....gee, no red states there
No red states there because it’s 100% propaganda from a pathological liar :laugh:

There’s a reason you have absolutely no citation in your post. It’s because one cannot cite what they make up. Deep-red Idaho is rated as the #3 safest state in the US (see below).


Safest states to live in......NH, Vermont, Maine, RI, Connecticut.....gee, no red states there
Furthermore, there is a reason you keep using states - it’s because it helps masks Democrat failures (since every blue state has Republicans running cities and counties as well - which helps reduce the failures of Democrats, and every red state has Dumbocrats running cities and counties as well - dragging down the successes of Republicans).

Let’s drill down to cities where you can’t hide, Dagosa.

Well I’ll be damned! What do you know! 100% of the 10 most dangerous cities in the US are all run by Democrats and infested with Dumbocrat voters! :laugh:
Gavin Newsome promised to end homelessness in 10 years…14 years ago :lmao:

The result? Homelessness has absolutely exploded in his shit-hole state (and in his shit-hole city where he made the promise) while he wasted and embezzled billions and billions of tax payer dollars.

Vintage Democrat modus operandi - make a promise in exchange for the freedom and the money of the people, fail miserably to deliver on that promise, but keep the money and liberty of the citizens you fucked over.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Liberals are so good at destroying jobs, they even destroy their own jobs :lmao:
Liberals are so good at destroying jobs, they even destroy their own jobs :lmao:
Went to Chik FIL A for lunch. The second we walked in the door we were greeted. Very polite young lady took our order. Food brought to our table and was delicious. I finished my Coke and a young lady came by and asked if I wanted a refill. Place was immaculate. A very pleasant lunch. No wonder the left hates Christians.
Liberals are so good at destroying jobs, they even destroy their own jobs :lmao:
What BS. With all the recessions the gop has authored and the job losses, I guess you don’t know how low the unemployment rate is NOW. There is also two vacant jobs available for every unemployed person. It’s never like that under gop trickle down, tax cut, recession inspiring goof balls from the right. You don’t beleive in science, education or cutting the deficit. All you fking do is want shit for nothing. What blow hards.
Went to Chik FIL A for lunch. The second we walked in the door we were greeted. Very polite young lady took our order. Food brought to our table and was delicious. I finished my Coke and a young lady came by and asked if I wanted a refill. Place was immaculate. A very pleasant lunch. No wonder the left hates Christians.
A coke drinker. You like that shit. Probably the worse thing you can drink daily. The laughs on you. The waitress was doing you no favors by giving you a refill. Might as well be drinking arsenic. You have to drink coke to be a Christian ? Coke refill. One small step towards diabetes.
A coke drinker. You like that shit. Probably the worse thing you can drink daily. The laughs on you. The waitress was doing you no favors by giving you a refill. Might as well be drinking arsenic. You have to drink coke to be a Christian ? Coke refill. One small step towards diabetes.
The point

Liberals are so good at destroying jobs, they even destroy their own jobs :lmao:
We want high paying jobs. When you refuse to pay an American wage and you send those jobs to China or Mexico, that's not us destroying jobs.

Class warfare exists. The corporations, CEO's, VP's and white collar directly underneath them have made a killing destroying American jobs and sending them abroad. Why? So the shareholders can make more money. And you as a consumer want to pay less so in the 2000's you REPUBLICANS defended manufacturing for going overseas because remember, those union workers made too much. Your words not mine.

If we threaten to unionize, you threaten to go overseas. Notice you don't threaten to go down south where there are no unions? That's weird. I'd be okay with that. But you know those workers won't be happy with what your willing to pay and eventually they'll unionize too.

Then you go over to Mexico and find out they won't put up with your shit either. They don't work overtime that's for sure.
Went to Chik FIL A for lunch. The second we walked in the door we were greeted. Very polite young lady took our order. Food brought to our table and was delicious. I finished my Coke and a young lady came by and asked if I wanted a refill. Place was immaculate. A very pleasant lunch. No wonder the left hates Christians.
Chik Fil A does an excellent job of illustrating a very, very important truth. If a company focuses intently on producing a quality product, insists on treating customers like they're the most important people in the place and treats employees fairly, they will prosper, even in a negative environment where nattering nabobs of negativity throw fits over politically incorrect things the CEO might have said.

NNN's: "Chik Fil A is homophobic!"

Gay Chik Fil A employees: "The management has always treated me very well and never caused me any grief about me being gay. I like working here. I'm not quitting just because you got your feelings hurt".

Gay Chik Fil A customers: "They make really good chicken sandwiches, and every time I go there, I'm treated like I'm very important. I don't see what the problem is, and I'm going to eat there".

NNN's who have never been to Chik Fil A: "Well, you're stupid!!"
We want high paying jobs. When you refuse to pay an American wage and you send those jobs to China or Mexico, that's not us destroying jobs.

Class warfare exists. The corporations, CEO's, VP's and white collar directly underneath them have made a killing destroying American jobs and sending them abroad. Why? So the shareholders can make more money. And you as a consumer want to pay less so in the 2000's you REPUBLICANS defended manufacturing for going overseas because remember, those union workers made too much. Your words not mine.

If we threaten to unionize, you threaten to go overseas. Notice you don't threaten to go down south where there are no unions? That's weird. I'd be okay with that. But you know those workers won't be happy with what your willing to pay and eventually they'll unionize too.

Then you go over to Mexico and find out they won't put up with your shit either. They don't work overtime that's for sure.
You don't want to be a part of any union, quit lying! You like not being part of a union, otherwise you would have sought unionized companies to work for.
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