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You don't want to be a part of any union, quit lying! You like not being part of a union, otherwise you would have sought unionized companies to work for.
I've worked for a lot of companies that should have been unionized but workers don't have the balls like they did back in your generation.

My former cop turned politician buddy talks like you too. Of course he's going to get a pension thanks to his police union. And if he wins re election ONCE he will get a pension for his new political gig too.

Funny pensions are good enough for cops and politicians but not us.
I've worked for a lot of companies that should have been unionized but workers don't have the balls like they did back in your generation.

My former cop turned politician buddy talks like you too. Of course he's going to get a pension thanks to his police union. And if he wins re election ONCE he will get a pension for his new political gig too.

Funny pensions are good enough for cops and politicians but not us.
Again, you claim to believe in unions but have never worked for one and wouldn’t do it today. You are a hypocrite.
What BS. With all the recessions the gop has authored and the job losses, I guess you don’t know how low the unemployment rate is NOW.
People actually give up and leave the labor force when Democrats are in charge. And then you low-IQ leftists celebrate a “low unemployment rate” :rolleyes:

The economy is a fucking disaster. There are shortages of everything (including critical items), taxes are high, and inflation is out of control. People can’t even make ends meet because assholes like you vote Democrat for fucking handouts.
It’s never like that under gop trickle down, tax cut, recession inspiring goof balls from the right.
We have unprecedented prosperity every time the Republicans are in charge. Low taxes, abundance of goods and services, affordable products, etc.

But you’re always scared you might not get some handouts at some point.
You don’t beleive in science, education or cutting the deficit. All you fking do is want shit for nothing. What blow hards.
Bwahahah!!! It’s so true: every liberal accusation is a confession:
  1. Democrats ran up the deficit. When Barack Obama took over, it stood at $10 trillion and change. He ran that up over $20 trillion. Mother-fucker added as much to the deficit in 8 years as all Presidents in US history combined did in the 236 years that preceded him.
  2. History has proven that “Global Warming” is a fucking hoax. The left claimed the 70’s would the usher in the “second ice-age” (😂), that we would run out of food by the 80’s (😂), that the polar ice-cap would be completely melted by 2014 (😂), and that New York City would be under the ocean by 2015(😂). You didn’t follow science - you followed PROPAGANDA 🤣
  3. Want to talk education? You’re so dumb, you think IQ doesn’t measure intellect (😂) and you believe some with a penis and testicles is a “real woman” (😂)
The thing about unions is that they increase the cost of labor. Period. And somebody has to pay that cost in terms of higher prices or taxes or deficits in the cast of gov't. Progressive liberals believe that in the case for private unions, the Company Owners and CEOs will bear the burden, i.e., accept less pay. But the reality is that most of the increase in the cost of labor gets passed onto the consumer in the higher prices for products and services. Or they reduce benefits, hours worked, and/or the number of workers. Or they switch to lower quality materials that is cheaper (more imports), or they move to a RTW state or even out of the country all together. Or they automate; check out how many workers were used to make a car decades ago vs how many are needed today. And for some of them they just go out of business if they can't find ways to make a worthwhile profit. They can't match the prices for foreign goods and services. Which means fewer jobs, and also fewer future jobs cuz now it ain't as profitable to invest in new businesses or expand existing ones. Again fewer jobs.
We want high paying jobs. When you refuse to pay an American wage and you send those jobs to China or Mexico, that's not us destroying jobs.

Class warfare exists. The corporations, CEO's, VP's and white collar directly underneath them have made a killing destroying American jobs and sending them abroad. Why? So the shareholders can make more money. And you as a consumer want to pay less so in the 2000's you REPUBLICANS defended manufacturing for going overseas because remember, those union workers made too much. Your words not mine.

If we threaten to unionize, you threaten to go overseas. Notice you don't threaten to go down south where there are no unions? That's weird. I'd be okay with that. But you know those workers won't be happy with what your willing to pay and eventually they'll unionize too.

Then you go over to Mexico and find out they won't put up with your shit either. They don't work overtime that's for sure.
What is an "American wage"?
Chik Fil A does an excellent job of illustrating a very, very important truth. If a company focuses intently on producing a quality product…they will prosper, even in a negative environment
You have to understand though - to the low-IQ left like Dagosa - the only thing that matters is advancing their totalitarian fascist ideology.

They aren’t interested in prosperity. And they hate the effort required to produce quality goods and services (that’s why they always lower the bar).

Since Chick-fil-A® isn’t advancing the left’s disgusting fascist ideology, they are automatically the “enemy” and must to be destroyed.
We want high paying jobs.
That you need to be a high revenue producer.

Michael Jordan wasn’t paid $30 million per year to dunk a basketball. He was paid $30 million per year because he generated $500 million per year in ticket sales, concessions, parking, tv revenue, merchandise sales, etc.

That’s how it works. And that’s what the left never understood because none of you ever understood basic economics.

You people want to flip burgers and bring home $230,000 per year. That’s ignorant and not even remotely possible.
That you need to be a high revenue producer.

Michael Jordan wasn’t paid $30 million per year to dunk a basketball. He was paid $30 million per year because he generated $500 million per year in ticket sales, concessions, parking, tv revenue, merchandise sales, etc.

That’s how it works. And that’s what the left never understood because none of you ever understood basic economics.

You people want to flip burgers and bring home $230,000 per year. That’s ignorant and not even remotely possible.
We want people flipping burgers not to be wage robbed by businesses keeping wages low.
The corporations, CEO's, VP's and white collar directly underneath them have made a killing destroying American jobs and sending them abroad.
That’s not even remotely true. Ignorant Democrat policy has destroyed jobs. There isn’t a CEO in history that wanted the headache of moving their manufacturing operations to China.

They had to do that because ignorant Democrat policies of absurd regulations and ridiculous taxes made it impossible to do business in the US.
Why? So the shareholders can make more money.
That’s literally the first thing you’ve said that is 100% true/accurate. Most idiot leftist claim the CEO is “greedy” (like it’s a small business and the CEO gets to keep the profits :rolleyes: ).

The fact is, the CEO answers to the shareholders and it’s the greedy shareholder who insist the company stock can never go up enough. And who owns the stock? The lazy liberal who wants to make money sitting on their ass doing nothing.

As it always the case, the left creates the problem and then cries the loudest about the problem that they created!
We want people flipping burgers not to be wage robbed by businesses keeping wages low.
Nobody is “keeping it low”. The market organically bears whatever it will bear. The wages are low because it’s a job that doesn’t produce revenue, requires no skillset whatsoever, and as such, results in a large pool of labor (if only you understood supply & demand).

That’s not even remotely true. Ignorant Democrat policy has destroyed jobs. There isn’t a CEO in history that wanted the headache of moving their manufacturing operations to China.

They had to do that because ignorant Democrat policies of absurd regulations and ridiculous taxes made it impossible to do business in the US.

That’s literally the first thing you’ve said that is 100% true/accurate. Most idiot leftist claim the CEO is “greedy” (like it’s a small business and the CEO gets to keep the profits :rolleyes: ).

The fact is, the CEO answers to the shareholders and it’s the greedy shareholder who insist the company stock can never go up enough. And who owns the stock? The lazy liberal who wants to make money sitting on their ass doing nothing.

As it always the case, the left creates the problem and then cries the loudest about the problem that they created!
Dude, republic pols in the 80's and 90's pushed outsourcing for businesses to chase low wages.

Which fuckup party pushed NAFTA?
Nobody is “keeping it low”. The market organically bears whatever it will bear. The wages are low because it’s a job that doesn’t produce revenue, requires no skillset whatsoever, and as such, results in a large pool of labor (if only you understood supply & demand).

Dude, republic pols in the 80's and 90's pushed outsourcing for businesses to chase low wages.
Nobody “pushed” outsourcing. Nobody. Holy fucking shit.

And no CEO ever wanted the massive fucking headache of moving an entire manufactures plant to a foreign land, having to hire and train people there, etc.

It was ignorant left-wing policy that did that. When regulations, taxes, and unions make it impossible to do business in the US, businesses have no choice but to move their business to another nation. You leftists did this to yourselves.
Which fuckup party pushed NAFTA?
Is China in NAFTA? :lmao:

Is Indonesia in NAFTA? :lmao:

Is the Philippines in NAFTA? :lmao:

You’re so desperate to defend the failed policies of the left, you say shit that doesn’t even make sense.
Nobody “pushed” outsourcing. Nobody. Holy fucking shit.

And no CEO ever wanted the massive fucking headache of moving an entire manufactures plant to a foreign land, having to hire and train people there, etc.

It was ignorant left-wing policy that did that. When regulations, taxes, and unions make it impossible to do business in the US, businesses have no choice but to move their business to another nation. You leftists did this to yourselves.

Is China in NAFTA? :lmao:

Is Indonesia in NAFTA? :lmao:

Is the Philippines in NAFTA? :lmao:

You’re so desperate to defend the failed policies of the left, you say shit that doesn’t even make sense.
Dude, you're one stupid boi.
No, it’s sad. Sad that you don’t even understand basic economics.

But…that’s exactly why you vote Dumbocrat. If you were educated, you’d be a conservative 🤷‍♂️
Dude, you've never heard of outsourcing...

Never heard of businesses chasing low wages...

Typical blather of conservative regulation bullshit. Damn, I hope that you had bitcoin with sam.
Dude, you've never heard of outsourcing...
I’ve personally been through outsourcing 5 times. The first time was more than 20 years ago, ya uneducated clown :laugh:

The fact that you think outsourcing is something only you’ve heard of is hilarious. I’ve lived it, little guy.
Never heard of businesses chasing low wages...
Please stop embarrassing yourself further. For your own sake.
I've worked for a lot of companies that should have been unionized but workers don't have the balls like they did back in your generation.
Most workers don’t want to be unionized. They saw the endless disgusting corruption of the UAW, the SEIU, and the Teamsters.
My former cop turned politician buddy talks like you too. Of course he's going to get a pension thanks to his police union. And if he wins re election ONCE he will get a pension for his new political gig too.

Funny pensions are good enough for cops and politicians but not us.
Funny, I know a lot of leftists who talk like you. They expect corporations to pay people 30 years not to work.

But here’s the dirty little secret: not a one of you will start a business and pay someone else not to work.

Oh sure, you’ll all talk shit all day long about how you’re being cheated. You want to get paid to stay at home. But all of you are too lazy to start a business and use your money to pay someone else to stay home.
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