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Financing is a form of Spending.
Words have meaning, Daniel. You don’t get to make up your own meanings for words just because the facts have backed you into a corner and you’ve had your ass handed to you on a platter.

Financing means to arrange for money. It does not even remotely mean “spending” or a “form” of spending. just hit a new low of desperate stupidity.
Financing is a form of Spending.
Words have meaning, Daniel. You don’t get to make up your own meanings for words just because the facts have backed you into a corner and you’ve had your ass handed to you on a platter.

Financing means to arrange for money. It does not even remotely mean “spending” or a “form” of spending. just hit a new low of desperate stupidity.
it is being spent and financed. nobody takes the right wing seriously about micro or macro economics.
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California

California's economy of $2.7 trillion sits behind the United States, China, Japan and Germany. California's large economy is attributed to its thriving tech sector and Hollywood, according to the Associated Press. It has 12% of the U.S. population, but has contributed 16% of total job growth between 2012 and 2017.May 5, 2018
California's Economy Is 5th Biggest in the World, Ahead of the UK ...
What a shit-hole state with shit-hole “leadership”....
And who was responsible for that poor management? Why only the guy who has been busily trying to point the finger of blame at Trump: California Governor Jerry Brown.
The left is too stupid to even get out of their own way. Basic principles that were learned hundreds of years ago (such as fire prevention) are still foreign curiousities to the left-wing nitwits.

Delingpole: Brown Fiddled While California Burned
What a shit-hole state with shit-hole “leadership”....
Prescribed burns, fire breaks, and adequate roads allowing firefighters quick access into forests are all a part of proper forest management but are largely absent from California’s government-managed forests. People managing forests on private land must deal with the state’s Byzantine bureaucracy to obtain permits enabling them to carry out fire prevention measures on their land.
The left is too stupid to even get out of their own way. Basic principles that were learned hundreds of years ago (such as fire prevention) are still foreign curiousities to the left-wing nitwits.

Delingpole: Brown Fiddled While California Burned
What a shit-hole state with shit-hole “leadership”....
In 2016, Governor Brown vetoed a bipartisan wildfire management bill that had unanimously passed the state Assembly and Senate. For decades, radical environmentalists have demanded – and legislators, regulators and judges have approved – “wildlands preservation” and “fires are natural” policies. Tree thinning has been banned, resulting in thousands of skinny, fire-susceptible trees growing where only a few hundred should be present. Even removing diseased, dead and burned trees has been prohibited.
Radical wing-nut Jerry Brown vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have prevented the entire thing!

Delingpole: Brown Fiddled While California Burned
They can afford to remain the land of fruit and nuts, they know full well the government will bail out their pathetic ass.
Muster the State militia!
And do what, exactly, Daniel? Overthrow the government? How would the milita help with the dreadful choices of the legally elected (but bat-shit crazy) radicals elected to public office in California?

Do you think before you speak or do you just copy and paste that stupid ass phrase all day long?
Muster the State militia!
And do what, exactly, Daniel? Overthrow the government? How would the milita help with the dreadful choices of the legally elected (but bat-shit crazy) radicals elected to public office in California?

Do you think before you speak or do you just copy and paste that stupid ass phrase all day long?
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

California State Militia should also be fire suppression qualified and jump capable.
California State Militia should also be fire suppression qualified and jump capable.
The problem with the people's republik of California is that politics is based on liberal hypocrisy. Hypocrite California lefties pretend to be outraged about east coast based corporate wealth and the disparity of income while they support the ultimate corporate criminals in the entertainment industry and the decadent display of wealth in H'wood. Is it possible that pot head Jerry Brown is cut from the same mold as NK's fat bellied pig Kim Jung Un and challenging the power of the United States in order to promote some sort of anarchy movement?
The politicians have ruined it all. Look at this:

View attachment 154049

A house very similar to this is texas would cost 60K or less. Here's a 500K home around here.

View attachment 154052

They have to bribe people to move to texas
Muster the State militia!
And do what, exactly, Daniel? Overthrow the government? How would the milita help with the dreadful choices of the legally elected (but bat-shit crazy) radicals elected to public office in California?

Do you think before you speak or do you just copy and paste that stupid ass phrase all day long?
The people we elect have done what we want. The bat shit crazys are conservatives as they believe in stupidity.
Goering and trump.jpg
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