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Dopey Donald Trump loves the poorly educated.

You must be DJT's biggest fan then. Nothing like a cartoon FROM a cartoon mind to back up a cartoonish claim! Tell us Moron, does Donald really wear his ties dragging on the floor, too?

How's that hole in your head?


Why not spend your energy making a case for Uncle Joe Biden, Kerry, Obama, Romney, Pelosi, etc, etc and justifying their getting rich out of the raping and pillaging of the Ukraine and sweet, chummy deals with the Chi-coms using "dummy" corporations to help China close the gap on USA technology.........that would be entertaining to see ya spin that one.

I wouldn't want to vex you and distract you from your favorite site, the Dopey Donald Trump propaganda organization, Faux News.

If I were to puncture your ego you would be bereft of the fantasies of your demented mind and inconsolable.

Please don't thank me.

I have no intention of going back and becoming a U.S citizen again by signing a voter registration card and making a cohesion contract with USA.INC. I know that there is massive corruption as it pertains to both bought and paid for political parties. My stance (of which I have been very upfront about) is that the fabian socialist leftists make me wanna puke and as bad as I might despise the neocon trotsky-ites? I wouldn't throw my considerable weight and influence behind a communist member of the DNC under any circumstance....not a single scenario as to where I would ever wish to be "comrades" with dipshits like yourself and those of your ilk. I would slit the throat of a leftist before I would ever support one and you can etch it in stone and commit it to memory.
Dopey Donald Trump loves the poorly educated.

You must be DJT's biggest fan then. Nothing like a cartoon FROM a cartoon mind to back up a cartoonish claim! Tell us Moron, does Donald really wear his ties dragging on the floor, too?

How's that hole in your head?


Why not spend your energy making a case for Uncle Joe Biden, Kerry, Obama, Romney, Pelosi, etc, etc and justifying their getting rich out of the raping and pillaging of the Ukraine and sweet, chummy deals with the Chi-coms using "dummy" corporations to help China close the gap on USA technology.........that would be entertaining to see ya spin that one.

I wouldn't want to vex you and distract you from your favorite site, the Dopey Donald Trump propaganda organization, Faux News.

If I were to puncture your ego you would be bereft of the fantasies of your demented mind and inconsolable.

Please don't thank me.

I have no intention of going back and becoming a U.S citizen again by signing a voter registration card and making a cohesion contract with USA.INC. I know that there is massive corruption as it pertains to both bought and paid for political parties. My stance (of which I have been very upfront about) is that the fabian socialist leftists make me wanna puke and as bad as I might despise the neocon trotsky-ites? I wouldn't throw my considerable weight and influence behind a communist member of the DNC under any circumstance....not a single scenario as to where I would ever wish to be "comrades" with dipshits like yourself and those of your ilk. I would slit the throat of a leftist before I would ever support one and you can etch it in stone and commit it to memory.

You win the Dopey Donald Trump brown nugget award. In your case, Dopey Donald Trump doesn't even have to put gold paint on the turd before presenting it to you.

Keep it under your hat.
You must be DJT's biggest fan then. Nothing like a cartoon FROM a cartoon mind to back up a cartoonish claim! Tell us Moron, does Donald really wear his ties dragging on the floor, too?

How's that hole in your head?


Why not spend your energy making a case for Uncle Joe Biden, Kerry, Obama, Romney, Pelosi, etc, etc and justifying their getting rich out of the raping and pillaging of the Ukraine and sweet, chummy deals with the Chi-coms using "dummy" corporations to help China close the gap on USA technology.........that would be entertaining to see ya spin that one.

I wouldn't want to vex you and distract you from your favorite site, the Dopey Donald Trump propaganda organization, Faux News.

If I were to puncture your ego you would be bereft of the fantasies of your demented mind and inconsolable.

Please don't thank me.

I have no intention of going back and becoming a U.S citizen again by signing a voter registration card and making a cohesion contract with USA.INC. I know that there is massive corruption as it pertains to both bought and paid for political parties. My stance (of which I have been very upfront about) is that the fabian socialist leftists make me wanna puke and as bad as I might despise the neocon trotsky-ites? I wouldn't throw my considerable weight and influence behind a communist member of the DNC under any circumstance....not a single scenario as to where I would ever wish to be "comrades" with dipshits like yourself and those of your ilk. I would slit the throat of a leftist before I would ever support one and you can etch it in stone and commit it to memory.

You win the Dopey Donald Trump brown nugget award. In your case, Dopey Donald Trump doesn't even have to put gold paint on the turd before presenting it to you.

Keep it under your hat.

I understand your angst......I get it allllll the time by leftards. I meet them during my travels....mostly at airport bars in between flights. Some liberal chick will start spewing hatred at Trump and I reply that until we return to an honest monetary system that doesn't put more and more wealth into fewer hands? We are screwed. Those like her automatically assume I am a "lie-ber-al" and they ask me about what approach the dems should use to take back the House (which they didn't have at the time) and the senate and what about 2020? I told them "You have totally read me wrong, neither party is worth a fuck and works on behalf of the robber barons that have owned this country since the early 1900's". Then this chick gets all nasally and says "You are not a lie-ber-all? I thought you were a should be a lie-ber-all" as if she was making the decision for me..a recruit as it were. Needless to say? By the time I got done explaining the way the real system works and not this left versus right paradigm that she desperately clings to and meant to divide us? She stuttered, stammered and had no rebuttal.

I offered to buy her another glass of Chardonnay with an apology if I had misled her somewhere along the line of our conversation that we were some kind of kindred souls........but I made it clear that I was't on her "team" and never would be, I explained the difference between the organic Constitution of 1787 and the Corporate Constitution of the Act of 1871 making us all 14th amendment citizens and under the federal jurisdiction of USA.INC of Washington D.C instead of the state citizen in which we were born in. I might as well have been speaking Latin. Her attempt to convert me to fabian socialism ended right then and there.. because she had no clue.....and she was a 4 year graduate of a eastern university and mistook my southern accent for being uneducated but felt that because I understood the wealth redistribution scam that I was a potential convert. You might say that she learned a valuable lesson about not judging a book by it's cover. It's pretty damn cool when you can shut down a motormouth pseudo liberal by shoving some indisputable truths in her face. It's a talent of mine, ya might say.
How's that hole in your head?
Why not spend your energy making a case for Uncle Joe Biden. . .

I wouldn't want to vex you and distract you from your favorite site . . .

BONEHEAD TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH: 250 baseless personal smear threads on Trump, 0 threads expounding the policies and attributes of why Biden is better.

Pretty much says it all. The only thing the tards are less happy about than pulling a lever for "Uncle Joe" is Trump being in office for a 2nd term.

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It's all pretty much the same.
Dopey Donald Trump loves the poorly educated.

You must be DJT's biggest fan then. Nothing like a cartoon FROM a cartoon mind to back up a cartoonish claim! Tell us Moron, does Donald really wear his ties dragging on the floor, too?

How's that hole in your head?

Is that a personal THREAT, turnip-brain? You wanna SHOOT me?

I wouldn't waste a bullet on you. You are already brain dead, a Trump zombie.
Dopey Donald Trump loves the poorly educated.

You must be DJT's biggest fan then. Nothing like a cartoon FROM a cartoon mind to back up a cartoonish claim! Tell us Moron, does Donald really wear his ties dragging on the floor, too?

How's that hole in your head?

Is that a personal THREAT, turnip-brain? You wanna SHOOT me?

I wouldn't waste a bullet on you. You are already brain dead, a Trump zombie.

You COULDN'T waste a bullet on me. Not only don't you even own a firearm (admit it), you couldn't hit the side of a barn and would end up shooting your own foot off.
Dopey Donald Trump loves the poorly educated.

You must be DJT's biggest fan then. Nothing like a cartoon FROM a cartoon mind to back up a cartoonish claim! Tell us Moron, does Donald really wear his ties dragging on the floor, too?

How's that hole in your head?

Is that a personal THREAT, turnip-brain? You wanna SHOOT me?

I wouldn't waste a bullet on you. You are already brain dead, a Trump zombie.

You COULDN'T waste a bullet on me. Not only don't you even own a firearm (admit it), you couldn't hit the side of a barn and would end up shooting your own foot off.

You are now fantasizing that a person without a firearm could shoot themselves in the foot. You are evidently a Trump University alumnus.
A man in San Francisco brings in a dead, rotting raccoon and sets it on a table. Typical left-wing shit-hole. You’d never see that in a conservative city. Ever.

Man brings dead raccoon into a McDonald’s
You've clearly never been to Pleasanton.
Rather the same old swill , sucking off your socialist fire dept, police, SS Medicare roads and 100 others.
Where is this conservative haven?
Bring back lynching that's what I say
A man in San Francisco brings in a dead, rotting raccoon and sets it on a table. Typical left-wing shit-hole. You’d never see that in a conservative city. Ever.

Man brings dead raccoon into a McDonald’s
You've clearly never been to Pleasanton.
Rather the same old swill , sucking off your socialist fire dept, police, SS Medicare roads and 100 others.
Where is this conservative haven?
Bring back lynching that's what I say
What do we expect a dumb patriot with a womanizer as his pic
Just as long as you learn you are a brainwashed functional moron.
From the completely brainwashed dysfunctional moron who mooches off of society.
The GOP is the swamp and pure obstruction.
It’s the Dumbocrat Party that engaged in Russian collusion (Hitlery/Steele/Perkins Coie). It’s the Dumbocrat Party that that lied on a FISA warrant (felony). It’s the Dumbocrat Party that tried to illegally sneak tax payer paid abortion into a COVID-19 emergency bill this week (Pelosi).

The Dumbocrat Party is the unconstitutional, anti-American party. But hey, “free shit”, right parasite?
You win the Dopey Donald Trump brown nugget award.
You’ve made more than half a dozen posts now without adding a single ounce of value in any capacity. It’s almost amazing. All you do is post incoherent babble like “dopey brown nugget”. In all seriousness, what grade are you in? There is absolutely no way you are an adult. None.

You’re a typical leftist. Immature. Ignorant. And incapable of defending your bat-shit crazy position of desiring socialism so you can mooch off of society.
A man in San Francisco brings in a dead, rotting raccoon and sets it on a table. Typical left-wing shit-hole. You’d never see that in a conservative city. Ever.

Man brings dead raccoon into a McDonald’s
You've clearly never been to Pleasanton.
Rather the same old swill , sucking off your socialist fire dept, police, SS Medicare roads and 100 others.
Where is this conservative haven?
Bring back lynching that's what I say
What do we expect a dumb patriot with a womanizer as his pic
ph3iron is now responding to his own posts :lmao:
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