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Today they took the action of firing 45% of their employees...get ready because it always starts with transit workers...then teachers and hospital workers....CA is headed for a depression...the signs are all over the place....

So is the rest of the country for crying out loud dumbass. Thanks to the GOP and it's wonderful pandemic response that leads the world period into chaos and catastrophe..... The difference is in California you hear about it endlessly on your propaganda machine duh.
Red states are breaking records for states are all in financial some homework and stop guessing....because you always guess wrong.....
red States lead in Growth of the death rolls.... You believe more crap LOL. Yes yes we are so jealous of Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Oklahoma The Dakotas etc etc. They are the welfare states of the United States..... And don't seem to give a damn about their citizens....
So now you are switching the subject to covid????? Just like a libtard....
Of course we need to tax the rich so we can invest in this stuff that would make us a civilized country instead of a greedy idiot lying GOP mess.
Says the selfish, greedy, lying parasite who wants to mooch off of others. Look, you assholes have already soaked the rich in taxes, more taxes, higher taxes, and additional taxes. It's time we give them massive tax relief, and make parasites like you pay your fair share.

The top 1% earns 13% of all income, but pays a staggering 22% of all taxes because parasites like you refuse to pay your fair share.

View attachment 418930
All you can talk about is federal income tax, our only progressive tax which is no more than payroll taxes these days thanks to the GOP giveaway to the rich. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever because we can't invest in our infrastructure and workforce like every other modern country. We also are terminally stupid because of your terminally stupid propaganda and orange clown. Everything you know is wrong. LOL
Today they took the action of firing 45% of their employees...get ready because it always starts with transit workers...then teachers and hospital workers....CA is headed for a depression...the signs are all over the place....

So is the rest of the country for crying out loud dumbass. Thanks to the GOP and it's wonderful pandemic response that leads the world period into chaos and catastrophe..... The difference is in California you hear about it endlessly on your propaganda machine duh.
Red states are breaking records for states are all in financial some homework and stop guessing....because you always guess wrong.....
red States lead in Growth of the death rolls.... You believe more crap LOL. Yes yes we are so jealous of Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Oklahoma The Dakotas etc etc. They are the welfare states of the United States..... And don't seem to give a damn about their citizens....
So now you are switching the subject to covid????? Just like a libtard....
I guess you don't know about that since the GOP propaganda machine calls it a hoax and you believe anything, brainwashed functional moron. And you probably don't wear a mask either right? You're a catastrophe. You also believe that Trump is a great businessman who has faced down China. LOL. well how is Hong Kong doing? Oh that's another thing Fox noise etc ignores. Along with our Farmers going out of business.... Change the channel and rejoin reality...
Today they took the action of firing 45% of their employees...get ready because it always starts with transit workers...then teachers and hospital workers....CA is headed for a depression...the signs are all over the place....

So is the rest of the country for crying out loud dumbass. Thanks to the GOP and it's wonderful pandemic response that leads the world period into chaos and catastrophe..... The difference is in California you hear about it endlessly on your propaganda machine duh.
Red states are breaking records for states are all in financial some homework and stop guessing....because you always guess wrong.....
red States lead in Growth of the death rolls.... You believe more crap LOL. Yes yes we are so jealous of Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Oklahoma The Dakotas etc etc. They are the welfare states of the United States..... And don't seem to give a damn about their citizens....
So now you are switching the subject to covid????? Just like a libtard....
I guess you don't know about that since the GOP propaganda machine calls it a hoax and you believe anything, brainwashed functional moron. And you probably don't wear a mask either right? You're a catastrophe. You also believe that Trump is a great businessman who has faced down China. LOL. well how is Hong Kong doing? Oh that's another thing Fox noise etc ignores. Along with our Farmers going out of business.... Change the channel and rejoin reality...
No one called corona a hoax...they called the reaction to it a hoax.....2 million dead????? buuuuaaaahahahahahahaha wear a mask and shut down????? but the new cases continue to rise????? buhhhhahahahaha
don't be a your life...stop allowing someone in DC or your state house that you never met run your a man for crying out are such a pussy.....
Of course we need to tax the rich so we can invest in this stuff that would make us a civilized country instead of a greedy idiot lying GOP mess.
Says the selfish, greedy, lying parasite who wants to mooch off of others. Look, you assholes have already soaked the rich in taxes, more taxes, higher taxes, and additional taxes. It's time we give them massive tax relief, and make parasites like you pay your fair share.

The top 1% earns 13% of all income, but pays a staggering 22% of all taxes because parasites like you refuse to pay your fair share.

View attachment 418930
Income from investments and government benefits is not considered earned income.--Investopedia
Patriot, I am happily retired a****** and I'm worried about my fellow citizens and my country which you GOP brainwashed fools have allowed to be ruined the last forty years by the GOP giveaway to the rich period if you count all taxes instead of being a brainwashed functional moron who only cares about federal income taxes, we have a flat tax system which is a catastrophe for the country and the middle class. Google the only tax graph you need to know and stop being a fool oops brainwashed functional fool....
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Today they took the action of firing 45% of their employees...get ready because it always starts with transit workers...then teachers and hospital workers....CA is headed for a depression...the signs are all over the place....

So is the rest of the country for crying out loud dumbass. Thanks to the GOP and it's wonderful pandemic response that leads the world period into chaos and catastrophe..... The difference is in California you hear about it endlessly on your propaganda machine duh.
Red states are breaking records for states are all in financial some homework and stop guessing....because you always guess wrong.....
red States lead in Growth of the death rolls.... You believe more crap LOL. Yes yes we are so jealous of Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Oklahoma The Dakotas etc etc. They are the welfare states of the United States..... And don't seem to give a damn about their citizens....
So now you are switching the subject to covid????? Just like a libtard....
I guess you don't know about that since the GOP propaganda machine calls it a hoax and you believe anything, brainwashed functional moron. And you probably don't wear a mask either right? You're a catastrophe. You also believe that Trump is a great businessman who has faced down China. LOL. well how is Hong Kong doing? Oh that's another thing Fox noise etc ignores. Along with our Farmers going out of business.... Change the channel and rejoin reality...
No one called corona a hoax...they called the reaction to it a hoax.....2 million dead????? buuuuaaaahahahahahahaha wear a mask and shut down????? but the new cases continue to rise????? buhhhhahahahaha
don't be a your life...stop allowing someone in DC or your state house that you never met run your a man for crying out are such a pussy.....
You are an idiot. LOL oops brainwashed functional idiot. I live in a rural area that is 73% Trump and we have not gotten this yet period but it's coming right now dingbat period and it is coming from your stupid red States and your stupid Republicans everywhere. Oops brainwashed functionally stupid. You know every detail of hundreds of phony scandals that have been discredited but of course never retracted, but you know nothing about anything else. Great job!
Time to stimulate the economy through infrastructure upgrades!
and taxing the rich more like their fair share so we can invest in cheap college and training for opportunity. 6 million jobs going begging in the tech sector..... Go Joe!
You can't balance the books by taxing rich folks...they will just move their money so it can't be taxed...and then its your and my turn to make up the difference....if the people thought socialism was great they wouldn't have voted all of the dems out of the house last progs suffered a bigger defeat than we did you just don't know it yet....
Yes yes, Democrats lost because of total b******* about socialism and defund the police period in other words Fair capitalism and reforming the police. And a few other things that more than 60% of the people in the country want. The GOP base is now by far the most misinformed and ignorant voters in the modern world by far....they're not stupid because they know every detail of hundreds of ridiculous scandals and conspiracy theories but miss reality.
Yes yes we are so jealous of Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Oklahoma The Dakotas etc etc. They are the welfare states of the United States...
9 of the top 10 poorest counties in America are solid blue counties run by Dumbocrats. That includes the #1 poorest county in America - dark blue Sumter Country in “red” Alabama.
And don't seem to give a damn about their citizens...
In other words, the uphold the constitution and provide liberty to their citizens. Something that pisses off fascists statists like Franco.
and taxing the rich more like their fair share so we can invest in cheap college and training for opportunity.
1. Already covered your lies here in post #1179. The wealthy would need a massive tax break to pay their fair share and parasites like you would need a massive tax hike.

2. If you can’t afford college on your own, you’re an imbecile who shouldn’t be in college. I’m not hiring anyone who needed government to help them figure out how to get an educatio.
and taxing the rich more like their fair share so we can invest in cheap college and training for opportunity.
1. Already covered your lies here in post #1179. The wealthy would need a massive tax break to pay their fair share and parasites like you would need a massive tax hike.

2. If you can’t afford college on your own, you’re an imbecile who shouldn’t be in college. I’m not hiring anyone who needed government to help them figure out how to get an educatio.
and taxing the rich more like their fair share so we can invest in cheap college and training for opportunity.
1. Already covered your lies here in post #1179. The wealthy would need a massive tax break to pay their fair share and parasites like you would need a massive tax hike.

2. If you can’t afford college on your own, you’re an imbecile who shouldn’t be in college. I’m not hiring anyone who needed government to help them figure out how to get an educatio.
We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, brainwashed functional moron. And the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere. Wake up sleeping beauty. Google the only tax graph you need to know- statistics from the FBI prove it . Also that Donald Trump is the worst businessman ever along with worst president ever. Change the channel for Chrissake
Yes yes we are so jealous of Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Oklahoma The Dakotas etc etc. They are the welfare states of the United States...
9 of the top 10 poorest counties in America are solid blue counties run by Dumbocrats. That includes the #1 poorest county in America - dark blue Sumter Country in “red” Alabama.
And don't seem to give a damn about their citizens...
In other words, the uphold the constitution and provide liberty to their citizens. Something that pisses off fascists statists like Franco.
Fascists are right wing dictatorship lovers like Trump. Those counties are all black areas ruined by GOP policy worse than even white trash GOP areas.... The GOP fights for your right to die without healthcare and work for seven and a quarter an hour . Idiots
While you're at it end the war on drugs which is really a war on blacks and browns.
Please note the racism by Franco there. He thinks blacks and hispanics are just strung out drug addicts.
No more than whites are, but they are the ones who sell the drugs to whites from the suburbs and the sticks. The whole thing is a total mess. We should try taxing the rich their fair share and having an actual mental health system. Treatment instead of prison because the war on drugs is the biggest failure besides the GOP party itself. Change the channel dumbass
If they can't work they don't come do you need a diagram?
Bwahahahaha!!! They didn’t come to “work”. They come for handouts, you f’ing high school dropout. :laugh:
They don't get handouts except in brainwashed GOP minds. They get school lunches that's about it, brain washed functional moron. Pew research found that 94% of illegal males work, 67% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. Pass an ID card to end illegal immigration you idiots.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
Blah. Blah. Blah. You post that stupid fuck’n quote a hundred times per day. You’re not getting paid to quit your job, you lazy fuck’n parasite. So just give up on that idiotic pipe-dream already.
he says the same shit no matter what the topic is....i believe he just learned it in his 10th grade civics class and feels it applies to everything....
And it doesn’t even make sense. He has “equal protection under the law”. But he wants unemployment for quitting his job. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
whats funny is the phony tax man gave me a thumps down for saying something against his son....but gives you a pass for doing the same thing.....
Fascists are right wing dictatorship lovers like Trump.
Every time you post, you embarrass yourself further. Fascism is a left-wing ideology. It is totalitarianism. You cannot have small, limited government totalitarianism.
Those counties are all black areas ruined by GOP policy worse than even white trash GOP areas...
Watching your turmoil over what you were duped into believing vs. the facts is quite fascinating. I can literally see your mental health deteriorating over it.

9 of the top 10 poorest counties in America are solid blue counties run by Dumbocrats. Detroit has had a Dumbocrat Mayor and a Dumbocrat-controlled city council for 71 years now. They had to file bankruptcy because the city has become such a shit-hole.

Those are the facts and they prove your ignorance.
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