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Patriot, I am happily retired a******
Exactly. You live off of government while producing absolutely nothing.
and I'm worried about my fellow citizens and my country
With good reason. You’re worried they both won’t be able to support you anymore due to failed left-wing policies.
we have a flat tax system which is a catastrophe for the country and the middle class.
Unfortunately your low IQ prevents you from understanding what that means. We desperately need a flat-tax system. Unfortunately, we have an ignorant progressive tax system.

Yes yes, Democrats lost because of total b******* about socialism and defund the police period in other words Fair capitalism and reforming the police.
Franco views socialism as “fair capitalism” :lmao:

That’s like calling rape “forceable LOVE:eusa_doh:

Yes folks, he really is that stupid.
We have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever...
That’s what the failed left-wing policy does. Just ask your messiah Barack Obama, who admitted it.
The standard law in this case is employment at will. The State has no authority to deny or disparage our privileges and immunities through unequal protection of the laws.
And they don’t, dummy. You can quit any time you want. They can fire you any time they want. It’s equal. You both have the right to end the employment for any reason.
Right. Why should an employer be "required to hire"? That makes zero sense.
So does requiring an work ethic in an allegedly at-will employment State. Right wingers have no sense.
The government doesn’t “require” that. You’re free to be the lazy, useless bum that you are. Just don’t expect businesses to want your services.
Income from investments and government benefits is not considered earned income.--Investopedia
That’s because it’s not earned income until those investments are sold off (ie liquidated). And guess what happens at that time, stupid? You’re taxed on all of it.
The standard law in this case is employment at will. The State has no authority to deny or disparage our privileges and immunities through unequal protection of the laws.
And they don’t, dummy. You can quit any time you want. They can fire you any time they want. It’s equal. You both have the right to end the employment for any reason.
UC must conform to that same fixed Standard.
Right. Why should an employer be "required to hire"? That makes zero sense.
So does requiring an work ethic in an allegedly at-will employment State. Right wingers have no sense.
The government doesn’t “require” that. You’re free to be the lazy, useless bum that you are. Just don’t expect businesses to want your services.
I don't expect business to have to hire in an at-will employment State. Only right wingers are too lazy to be legal to express laws.
Income from investments and government benefits is not considered earned income.--Investopedia
That’s because it’s not earned income until those investments are sold off (ie liquidated). And guess what happens at that time, stupid? You’re taxed on all of it.
At capital gains tax rates instead of social gains tax rates?
UC must conform to that same fixed Standard.
And it is, high school dropout. At least this time you didn't regurgitate "equal protection under the law" though! :laugh:
No, it isn't. The fixed Standard is employment at the will of either party.

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
I don't expect business to have to hire in an at-will employment State.
You said you did :dunno:

You can't remember your position from one post to the next
Only right wingers are too lazy to be legal to express laws.
That's hilarious coming from the people who refuse to uphold the law (including the US Constitution itself). You're not getting paid to quit your job. Sorry. Suck it up.
I don't expect business to have to hire in an at-will employment State.
You said you did :dunno:

You can't remember your position from one post to the next
Only right wingers are too lazy to be legal to express laws.
That's hilarious coming from the people who refuse to uphold the law (including the US Constitution itself). You're not getting paid to quit your job. Sorry. Suck it up.
danny is something else aint he?...
I don't expect business to have to hire in an at-will employment State.
You said you did :dunno:

You can't remember your position from one post to the next
Only right wingers are too lazy to be legal to express laws.
That's hilarious coming from the people who refuse to uphold the law (including the US Constitution itself). You're not getting paid to quit your job. Sorry. Suck it up.
You don't believe in employment at will only the national socialism of requiring a work ethic? That is not what y'all claim in socialism threads.
We have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever...
That’s what the failed left-wing policy does. Just ask your messiah Barack Obama, who admitted it.
Just might have something to do with having Reagan's giveaway to the rich tax rates for 30 years period not to mention the brainwash for 30 years. Make no mistake except for Obamacare and executive orders we have been dominated by the GOP reconciliation law and the GOP filibuster rule... The worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere is a crime against regular people and you don't even know about it.
Right. Why should an employer be "required to hire"? That makes zero sense.
So does requiring an work ethic in an allegedly at-will employment State. Right wingers have no sense.
The government doesn’t “require” that. You’re free to be the lazy, useless bum that you are. Just don’t expect businesses to want your services.
Yes yes, everyone just became lazy and stupid magically. Has nothing to do with refusing to invest in our people's education and infrastructure etc etc etc period no sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share. Only the brainwash makes this mess possible.
Patriot, I am happily retired a******
Exactly. You live off of government while producing absolutely nothing.
and I'm worried about my fellow citizens and my country
With good reason. You’re worried they both won’t be able to support you anymore due to failed left-wing policies.
we have a flat tax system which is a catastrophe for the country and the middle class.
Unfortunately your low IQ prevents you from understanding what that means. We desperately need a flat-tax system. Unfortunately, we have an ignorant progressive tax system.

View attachment 419282
Not enough for the mega rich. And your graphs are incomplete. What taxes are they talking about?
We have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever...
That’s what the failed left-wing policy does. Just ask your messiah Barack Obama, who admitted it.
Just might have something to do with having Reagan's giveaway to the rich tax rates
Bwahahaha!! Barack Obama was talking about just his administration under his policies. You should have read the article before commenting, you dysfunctional brainwashed moron. You continue to lie even when you’ve been exposed.
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