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Proof right wingers don't care about the law. Equal protection of the law means you can quit on an at-will basis and collect unemployment compensation for merely being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States; without any legal or moral prejudice.
That's not what "equal protection under the law" means at all, you high school dropout :lmao:

Equal protection under the law means that if you are held to a standard under the law, John Doe is also held to that same standard, as is Jane Doe, and so on and so on and so on. It means everyone has the same protections and the same consequences.

It doesn't mean "if we have law XYZ, we should have an opposite law ZYX because I think so" :laugh:

You are so damn dumb, it actually horrifies me.
lol. The standard law in this case is employment at will. The State has no authority to deny or disparage our privileges and immunities through unequal protection of the laws.
Of course we need to tax the rich so we can invest in this stuff that would make us a civilized country instead of a greedy idiot lying GOP mess.
Says the selfish, greedy, lying parasite who wants to mooch off of others. Look, you assholes have already soaked the rich in taxes, more taxes, higher taxes, and additional taxes. It's time we give them massive tax relief, and make parasites like you pay your fair share.

The top 1% earns 13% of all income, but pays a staggering 22% of all taxes because parasites like you refuse to pay your fair share.

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Of course we need to tax the rich so we can invest in this stuff that would make us a civilized country instead of a greedy idiot lying GOP mess.
Says the selfish, greedy, lying parasite who wants to mooch off of others. Look, you assholes have already soaked the rich in taxes, more taxes, higher taxes, and additional taxes. It's time we give them massive tax relief, and make parasites like you pay your fair share.

The top 1% earns 13% of all income, but pays a staggering 22% of all taxes because parasites like you refuse to pay your fair share.

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Income from investments and government benefits is not considered earned income.--Investopedia
SF and LA both announced they will have to force 45% of their rapid transit employees to retire due to a lack of funds....dems hard at work.....
Great job by the GOP by refusing a good ID card to end illegal immigration forever would an "ID card" end illegal immigration?!? :lmao:

If they won't even come into the country legally, why the fuck would they sign up for an ID card legally or carry it legally? :laugh:

You are so damn dumb, it takes my breath away.
Well nowadays they just fake social security cards etc get jobs pay taxes own homes period it works everywhere else dumbass . It's called getting organized instead of being hornswoggled by GOP greedy idiot rich, dumbass. If they can't work they don't come do you need a diagram? Jesus Christ you're dumb. Oops brainwashed functionally dumb....
California will not increase income taxes this year.

Instead they'll mandate $10,000 exit permits for those fleeing.

But any revenue from it will be used to build a wall to keep people IN.
California like every other civilized area will be just fine when the GOP stops wrecking the world economy every chance they get. Without propaganda they would be nowhere, brainwashed functional moron. California is a victim of its own success and the GOP refusal of a good ID card that would end illegal immigration just like every other modern country. We could also do with a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country has.GOP voters are the most misinformed and brainwashed voters in the modern world by far absolute idiocy. And disaster.... By the way you can also blame the GOP policy on birth control for the billions of people in this world that are ruining it.
Today they took the action of firing 45% of their employees...get ready because it always starts with transit workers...then teachers and hospital workers....CA is headed for a depression...the signs are all over the place....

So is the rest of the country for crying out loud dumbass. Thanks to the GOP and it's wonderful pandemic response that leads the world period into chaos and catastrophe..... The difference is in California you hear about it endlessly on your propaganda machine duh.
Today they took the action of firing 45% of their employees...get ready because it always starts with transit workers...then teachers and hospital workers....CA is headed for a depression...the signs are all over the place....

So is the rest of the country for crying out loud dumbass. Thanks to the GOP and it's wonderful pandemic response that leads the world period into chaos and catastrophe..... The difference is in California you hear about it endlessly on your propaganda machine duh.
Red states are breaking records for states are all in financial some homework and stop guessing....because you always guess wrong.....
Jobs pay more in California because they have to. They can’t get anyone to come there because a pitiful 936 sq ft home costs a staggering $459,000.

Businesses and people have been pulling out of California for years because it’s a progressive shit-hole.

A "pitiful 936 sq ft home" costs a staggering $459,000 because people actually want to live there!

Do you know nothing at all about economics?

Location, location, location, as they say.
Today they took the action of firing 45% of their employees...get ready because it always starts with transit workers...then teachers and hospital workers....CA is headed for a depression...the signs are all over the place....

So is the rest of the country for crying out loud dumbass. Thanks to the GOP and it's wonderful pandemic response that leads the world period into chaos and catastrophe..... The difference is in California you hear about it endlessly on your propaganda machine duh.
Red states are breaking records for states are all in financial some homework and stop guessing....because you always guess wrong.....
red States lead in Growth of the death rolls.... You believe more crap LOL. Yes yes we are so jealous of Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Oklahoma The Dakotas etc etc. They are the welfare states of the United States..... And don't seem to give a damn about their citizens....
Time to stimulate the economy through infrastructure upgrades!
and taxing the rich more like their fair share so we can invest in cheap college and training for opportunity. 6 million jobs going begging in the tech sector..... Go Joe!
You can't balance the books by taxing rich folks...they will just move their money so it can't be taxed...and then its your and my turn to make up the difference....if the people thought socialism was great they wouldn't have voted all of the dems out of the house last progs suffered a bigger defeat than we did you just don't know it yet....
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
Blah. Blah. Blah. You post that stupid fuck’n quote a hundred times per day. You’re not getting paid to quit your job, you lazy fuck’n parasite. So just give up on that idiotic pipe-dream already.
he says the same shit no matter what the topic is....i believe he just learned it in his 10th grade civics class and feels it applies to everything....
And it doesn’t even make sense. He has “equal protection under the law”. But he wants unemployment for quitting his job. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
whats funny is the phony tax man gave me a thumps down for saying something against his son....but gives you a pass for doing the same must have been something i said in the
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