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When you punish producers/innovators to reward the idle and incompetent with heroin needles and healthcare, you expand failure (which is exactly what the Dumbocrats want - to expand the people dependent on government):
You have swallowed the conservative cock in total.

And you've taken dozens of diseased liberal cocks up the ass and beg for more.
When you punish producers/innovators to reward the idle and incompetent with heroin needles and healthcare, you expand failure (which is exactly what the Dumbocrats want - to expand the people dependent on government):
You have swallowed the conservative cock in total.

And you've taken dozens of diseased liberal cocks up the ass and beg for more.
That is what tezassns are for!
Show me a city or state run by Dumbocrats and I'll show you a third-world shit-hole every time...
It boggles my mind to to see an article entitled "Why I'm Leaving California", when I left there 31 years ago, and would have left sooner, if not for business entanglements.
Show me a city or state run by Dumbocrats and I'll show you a third-world shit-hole every time...
Now, now... temper, temper... those are First World $hithole$ occupied by bloodlines from Third World $hithole$ fresh out of the Neolithic Hunter-Gatherer stage ;-)
Show me a city or state run by Dumbocrats and I'll show you a third-world shit-hole every time...

Problem is those who left California destroyed Nevada, Arizona, and Texas by taking what they were fleeing with them.

Years ago some conservatives would wounder why I said the democrats were flat out Communists - not anymore, but even a decade back. It's because I live in California, I've seen the greatest state in the nation, the state of Nixon, Reagan, and Dukmajian turned into North Korea. And now I see it happening again - by the Communists, by the democrats. Communism is a cancer which is 100% fatal.
Show me a city or state run by Dumbocrats and I'll show you a third-world shit-hole every time...

Problem is those who left California destroyed Nevada, Arizona, and Texas by taking what they were fleeing with them.

Years ago some conservatives would wounder why I said the democrats were flat out Communists - not anymore, but even a decade back. It's because I live in California, I've seen the greatest state in the nation, the state of Nixon, Reagan, and Dukmajian turned into North Korea. And now I see it happening again - by the Communists, by the democrats. Communism is a cancer which is 100% fatal.
The Californicators also destroyed Oregon, Washington, Colorado and Nevada.
The Californicators also destroyed Oregon, Washington, Colorado and Nevada.
You speak the truth. And what do they do after they destroy a state? They going running to a conservative state (like Texas or Florida) because that's where the jobs and prosperity are. But they bring their ignorant, failed, left-wing policies with them and then burn their new state to the ground. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
California has the largest economy in the Union. How is that destroying our State?
California is the third largest state by land and the largest state by population - so of course the economy will be large.

With their natural resources (climate, coast, land, oil, etc.) creating unimaginable opportunities for agriculture, energy, and tourism, there is 0 excuse for California not being the #1 economy in the world.

Instead it is an absolute shit-hole of crime (South Central Los Angeles), poverty (homeless in San Francisco), and misery.
Show me a city or state run by Dumbocrats and I'll show you a third-world shit-hole every time...

Problem is those who left California destroyed Nevada, Arizona, and Texas by taking what they were fleeing with them.

Years ago some conservatives would wounder why I said the democrats were flat out Communists - not anymore, but even a decade back. It's because I live in California, I've seen the greatest state in the nation, the state of Nixon, Reagan, and Dukmajian turned into North Korea. And now I see it happening again - by the Communists, by the democrats. Communism is a cancer which is 100% fatal.

The reason they're feeing to conservative states, or cities, is because those are only places that they aren't fucked up with their policies.
Show me a city or state run by Dumbocrats and I'll show you a third-world shit-hole every time...

Problem is those who left California destroyed Nevada, Arizona, and Texas by taking what they were fleeing with them.

Years ago some conservatives would wounder why I said the democrats were flat out Communists - not anymore, but even a decade back. It's because I live in California, I've seen the greatest state in the nation, the state of Nixon, Reagan, and Dukmajian turned into North Korea. And now I see it happening again - by the Communists, by the democrats. Communism is a cancer which is 100% fatal.

The reason they're feeing to conservative states, or cities, is because those are only places that they aren't fucked up with their policies.
Lower cost of living, usually. California has the largest economy in the US. No one actually thinks right wing States are better, just cheaper.
The reason they're fleeing to conservative states, or cities, is because those are only places that they aren't fucked up with their policies.
Lower cost of living, usually. California has the largest economy in the US. No one actually thinks right wing States are better, just cheaper.
So you admit that left-wing states are failed states that nobody can afford to live in?

Also, in your bullshit propaganda you failed to mention the truth. Nobody leaves because of “cost of living”. The leave because of jobs. Left-wing states don’t have them. Right-wing states are abundant with them.
The reason they're fleeing to conservative states, or cities, is because those are only places that they aren't fucked up with their policies.
Lower cost of living, usually. California has the largest economy in the US. No one actually thinks right wing States are better, just cheaper.
So you admit that left-wing states are failed states that nobody can afford to live in?

Also, in your bullshit propaganda you failed to mention the truth. Nobody leaves because of “cost of living”. The leave because of jobs. Left-wing states don’t have them. Right-wing states are abundant with them.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
The reason they're fleeing to conservative states, or cities, is because those are only places that they aren't fucked up with their policies.
Lower cost of living, usually. California has the largest economy in the US. No one actually thinks right wing States are better, just cheaper.
So you admit that left-wing states are failed states that nobody can afford to live in?

Also, in your bullshit propaganda you failed to mention the truth. Nobody leaves because of “cost of living”. The leave because of jobs. Left-wing states don’t have them. Right-wing states are abundant with them.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
you dont even know what that means do you danny?...
The reason they're fleeing to conservative states, or cities, is because those are only places that they aren't fucked up with their policies.
Lower cost of living, usually. California has the largest economy in the US. No one actually thinks right wing States are better, just cheaper.
So you admit that left-wing states are failed states that nobody can afford to live in?

Also, in your bullshit propaganda you failed to mention the truth. Nobody leaves because of “cost of living”. The leave because of jobs. Left-wing states don’t have them. Right-wing states are abundant with them.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
you dont even know what that means do you danny?...
I know you only have an ad hominem not any form of valid rebuttal. Parler misses you.
The reason they're fleeing to conservative states, or cities, is because those are only places that they aren't fucked up with their policies.
Lower cost of living, usually. California has the largest economy in the US. No one actually thinks right wing States are better, just cheaper.
So you admit that left-wing states are failed states that nobody can afford to live in?

Also, in your bullshit propaganda you failed to mention the truth. Nobody leaves because of “cost of living”. The leave because of jobs. Left-wing states don’t have them. Right-wing states are abundant with them.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
you dont even know what that means do you danny?...
I know you only have an ad hominem not any form of valid rebuttal. Parler misses you.
how can they miss me when i have never been there?...the i dont know what i am talking about forum misses you...
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