California faces 72 hours of hell devil winds turn the current wildfires into unstoppable infernos

I think we may have found the source of the problem:



Meanwhile, in southern California, even before the tragic Camp Fire wiped out the town of Paradise, some homeowners were finding it hard to get fire insurance. Insured damages in California will likely exceed $15 billion this year. Without fire insurance, a mortgage is impossible to obtain, significantly reducing the value of property in areas near now high-risk forestland.

Don't Blame Climate Change For California's Fires
why would that concern people in other states?....
An “extreme wind event” will relentlessly pummel the state of California on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and it will be a challenge unlike anything firefighters in the state have ever faced before.
California Faces 72 Hours Of Hell As “Devil Winds” Turn The Current Wildfires Into Unstoppable Infernos

The spirit is taking this fkd up state down burn it so it cann be built back up ------- the evil that smothers CA is sickening from legalized child sexualization to laws some don't believe are even possible. Some



View attachment 287047
I'm waiting for orange cultists to declare that their god, trump, caused the Santa Ana winds and fires because He is displeased with California.

Perhaps northern California tappppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppped his wires.

Perhaps the winds are caused by thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops all huffing and puffing in the same direction.

Or maybe they were sent there via Sharpie. He likes winds that weren't captured, OK?

I bet they came from a very wonderful place in Germany.

Etc etc etc
California has the money and the know how to reduce this issue and others. You have the ability to tame your wild areas a bit. Add electric capacity. Add water capacity. Common sense wild forest laws and infrastructure improvements in conjunction with electric, water, man made lakes, and more are needed. This is different then a hurricane or earth quake.

You CAN'T tame Mother Nature, PERIOD. I don't care if you have all the money in the fucking world. You don't "manage" forests that don't see a drop of moisture for eight months. You don't "manage" fucking 70mph Santa Ana winds that spread any ember that ignites in that tinderbox.

The Paradise fire that started a year ago next week began miles away from the town in the morning and by noon had consumed the entire town. That was because of WIND. What you're posting here is pseudopolitical uneducated BULLSHIT.
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An “extreme wind event” will relentlessly pummel the state of California on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and it will be a challenge unlike anything firefighters in the state have ever faced before.
California Faces 72 Hours Of Hell As “Devil Winds” Turn The Current Wildfires Into Unstoppable Infernos

The spirit is taking this fkd up state down burn it so it cann be built back up ------- the evil that smothers CA is sickening from legalized child sexualization to laws some don't believe are even possible. Some



View attachment 287047

It's instructive how you point the finger at people facing natural disasters with "this fkd up state" and "DUMB MOTHER FKRS". Always good to know who the sociopaths are.

Stay classy, ASSHOLE. And if I forgot to mention it, go fuck yourself you retarded complete waste of human skin. :fu:

I agree with you about the hate, but I think her point is that these fires are NOT natural. (She can correct me if I’m wrong.)

I don't think this knuckledragging moron has a point at all other than that she has no life so sits at her computer all day spreading bullshit just to try to bring everybody else down to her level of pathetic misery.
I think we may have found the source of the problem:


I think you may have found what's up your ass.

The PG&E transmission tower that ignited the "Camp" fire last year --- which then wiped out the town of Paradise within literally hours --- was 68 years old. And the company had been warned about that aging shit and how it was on the verge of failure.

Sixty-eight. That thing was there before we were born.

It never takes long for you frickin' jerkoff sociopaths to climb on the bodies of victims to score your pissant little points on a message board, does it.

Fucking dumbass.
Libtard stupidity explained.
  • Stupid CA Democrats forced PG&E to invest in alternative energy so they could go 100% green
  • PG&E's standard infrastructure suffered, and now causes more fire risk
  • CA threatened Executives with possible jail for criminal liability for fires
  • PG&E shuts off power whenever perceived risk of criminal charges to Execs is present
  • More "greenhouse gasses" created with the fires than were saved with the silly Green initatives.
Great example of how Liberals in general and Democrats specifically fuck up everything they touch.
An “extreme wind event” will relentlessly pummel the state of California on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and it will be a challenge unlike anything firefighters in the state have ever faced before.
California Faces 72 Hours Of Hell As “Devil Winds” Turn The Current Wildfires Into Unstoppable Infernos

The spirit is taking this fkd up state down burn it so it cann be built back up ------- the evil that smothers CA is sickening from legalized child sexualization to laws some don't believe are even possible. Some



View attachment 287047
I'm waiting for orange cultists to declare that their god, trump, caused the Santa Ana winds and fires because He is displeased with California.

Perhaps northern California tappppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppped his wires.

Perhaps the winds are caused by thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops all huffing and puffing in the same direction.

Or maybe they were sent there via Sharpie. He likes winds that weren't captured, OK?

I bet they came from a very wonderful place in Germany.

Etc etc etc
California has the money and the know how to reduce this issue and others. You have the ability to tame your wild areas a bit. Add electric capacity. Add water capacity. Common sense wild forest laws and infrastructure improvements in conjunction with electric, water, man made lakes, and more are needed. This is different then a hurricane or earth quake.

I agree. The California Water Project is proof of that. what an amazing accomplishment from the days before Marxism became ensconced. But what California is doing instead now is embracing Marxism, the Frankfurt School, a dose of Nihilism and a monomaniacal quest for ultimate political power at all costs.
I wouldn’t expect Mexicans to have achieved that. Or any third world country. But California is doing its best to import enough third worlders to become one. They represent power to the elites. And the billionaire oligarchs will still live well.
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Libtard stupidity explained.
  • Stupid CA Democrats forced PG&E to invest in alternative energy so they could go 100% green
  • PG&E's standard infrastructure suffered, and now causes more fire risk
  • CA threatened Executives with possible jail for criminal liability for fires
  • PG&E shuts off power whenever perceived risk of criminal charges to Execs is present
  • More "greenhouse gasses" created with the fires than were saved with the silly Green initatives.
Great example of how Liberals in general and Democrats specifically fuck up everything they touch.
Libtard stupidity explained.
  • Stupid CA Democrats forced PG&E to invest in alternative energy so they could go 100% green
  • PG&E's standard infrastructure suffered, and now causes more fire risk
  • CA threatened Executives with possible jail for criminal liability for fires
  • PG&E shuts off power whenever perceived risk of criminal charges to Execs is present
  • More "greenhouse gasses" created with the fires than were saved with the silly Green initatives.
Great example of how Liberals in general and Democrats specifically fuck up everything they touch.

Also passed a law making pg&e responsible for fires they didn’t start. No wonder they threw up their hands and shut off the power and filed bankruptcy.

As Margaret Thatcher said...sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.
Schadenfreude is thy name oh haters..Instead of empathy California gets haters crap for a natural disaster, and you people have the nerve to invoke God into your madness of hate...
I would not wish it upon my enemies but you people live with a disgusting need to defecate upon people in their hour of need and support...
fk them and anyone else that is a hypocrite
..they sinned and the lord will smite they smiters
..what about you people who hate Trump/whites/Republicans/etc????!!!!!
..I guess it's ok for some people to hate, but not others????!!!!!
An “extreme wind event” will relentlessly pummel the state of California on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and it will be a challenge unlike anything firefighters in the state have ever faced before.
California Faces 72 Hours Of Hell As “Devil Winds” Turn The Current Wildfires Into Unstoppable Infernos

The spirit is taking this fkd up state down burn it so it cann be built back up ------- the evil that smothers CA is sickening from legalized child sexualization to laws some don't believe are even possible. Some



View attachment 287047

It's instructive how you point the finger at people facing natural disasters with "this fkd up state" and "DUMB MOTHER FKRS". Always good to know who the sociopaths are.

Stay classy, ASSHOLE. And if I forgot to mention it, go fuck yourself you retarded complete waste of human skin. :fu:
..they are sinners and the lord smites the smiters
An “extreme wind event” will relentlessly pummel the state of California on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and it will be a challenge unlike anything firefighters in the state have ever faced before.
California Faces 72 Hours Of Hell As “Devil Winds” Turn The Current Wildfires Into Unstoppable Infernos

The spirit is taking this fkd up state down burn it so it cann be built back up ------- the evil that smothers CA is sickening from legalized child sexualization to laws some don't believe are even possible. Some



View attachment 287047

NY is next. Our democrats are turning off 1/4 of the baseline electricity in 2 years and only have vague plans a decade away to replace the power
Libtard stupidity explained.
  • Stupid CA Democrats forced PG&E to invest in alternative energy so they could go 100% green
  • PG&E's standard infrastructure suffered, and now causes more fire risk
  • CA threatened Executives with possible jail for criminal liability for fires
  • PG&E shuts off power whenever perceived risk of criminal charges to Execs is present
  • More "greenhouse gasses" created with the fires than were saved with the silly Green initatives.
Great example of how Liberals in general and Democrats specifically fuck up everything they touch.
Libtard stupidity explained.
  • Stupid CA Democrats forced PG&E to invest in alternative energy so they could go 100% green
  • PG&E's standard infrastructure suffered, and now causes more fire risk
  • CA threatened Executives with possible jail for criminal liability for fires
  • PG&E shuts off power whenever perceived risk of criminal charges to Execs is present
  • More "greenhouse gasses" created with the fires than were saved with the silly Green initatives.
Great example of how Liberals in general and Democrats specifically fuck up everything they touch.

Also passed a law making pg&e responsible for fires they didn’t start. No wonder they threw up their hands and shut off the power and filed bankruptcy.

As Margaret Thatcher said...sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.

Democrats always screw everything up whenever they control the government. California is a great example.

The state use to be the richest in the country. Now it leads the country in debt, taxation and is 50th in poverty and the worst schools. That doesn't even include the lost of Liberty with all the stupid laws they passed. Middle class people are fleeing the state in droves every day. Soon the only people left will be the Illegals, welfare queens, queers and few Limousine Liberals.

The sad thing is that the stupid Moon Bats want to Californicate the entire country. Thank god for Trump standing in their way.
Libtard stupidity explained.
  • Stupid CA Democrats forced PG&E to invest in alternative energy so they could go 100% green
  • PG&E's standard infrastructure suffered, and now causes more fire risk
  • CA threatened Executives with possible jail for criminal liability for fires
  • PG&E shuts off power whenever perceived risk of criminal charges to Execs is present
  • More "greenhouse gasses" created with the fires than were saved with the silly Green initatives.
Great example of how Liberals in general and Democrats specifically fuck up everything they touch.
Libtard stupidity explained.
  • Stupid CA Democrats forced PG&E to invest in alternative energy so they could go 100% green
  • PG&E's standard infrastructure suffered, and now causes more fire risk
  • CA threatened Executives with possible jail for criminal liability for fires
  • PG&E shuts off power whenever perceived risk of criminal charges to Execs is present
  • More "greenhouse gasses" created with the fires than were saved with the silly Green initatives.
Great example of how Liberals in general and Democrats specifically fuck up everything they touch.

Also passed a law making pg&e responsible for fires they didn’t start. No wonder they threw up their hands and shut off the power and filed bankruptcy.

As Margaret Thatcher said...sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.

Democrats always screw everything up whenever they control the government. California is a great example.

The state use to be the richest in the country. Now it leads the country in debt, taxation and is 50th in poverty and the worst schools. That doesn't even include the lost of Liberty with all the stupid laws they passed. Middle class people are fleeing the state in droves every day. Soon the only people left will be the Illegals, welfare queens, queers and few Limousine Liberals.

The sad thing is that the stupid Moon Bats want to Californicate the entire country. Thank god for Trump standing in their way.

I know right? Member when dem Dems passed those laws that said winds would increase and rainfall would recede?

It takes a special kind of abject Stoopid to sit on this message board wailing about "waaah, fake climate change news" and then as soon as those warnings manifest, sit here on the same message board wailing "waaah, Dems/Libs caused this".

I guess what you have to do is never read your own posts. :dunno:
Libtard stupidity explained.
  • Stupid CA Democrats forced PG&E to invest in alternative energy so they could go 100% green
  • PG&E's standard infrastructure suffered, and now causes more fire risk
  • CA threatened Executives with possible jail for criminal liability for fires
  • PG&E shuts off power whenever perceived risk of criminal charges to Execs is present
  • More "greenhouse gasses" created with the fires than were saved with the silly Green initatives.
Great example of how Liberals in general and Democrats specifically fuck up everything they touch.
Libtard stupidity explained.
  • Stupid CA Democrats forced PG&E to invest in alternative energy so they could go 100% green
  • PG&E's standard infrastructure suffered, and now causes more fire risk
  • CA threatened Executives with possible jail for criminal liability for fires
  • PG&E shuts off power whenever perceived risk of criminal charges to Execs is present
  • More "greenhouse gasses" created with the fires than were saved with the silly Green initatives.
Great example of how Liberals in general and Democrats specifically fuck up everything they touch.

Also passed a law making pg&e responsible for fires they didn’t start. No wonder they threw up their hands and shut off the power and filed bankruptcy.

As Margaret Thatcher said...sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.

Democrats always screw everything up whenever they control the government. California is a great example.

The state use to be the richest in the country. Now it leads the country in debt, taxation and is 50th in poverty and the worst schools. That doesn't even include the lost of Liberty with all the stupid laws they passed. Middle class people are fleeing the state in droves every day. Soon the only people left will be the Illegals, welfare queens, queers and few Limousine Liberals.

The sad thing is that the stupid Moon Bats want to Californicate the entire country. Thank god for Trump standing in their way.

California has 12% of the us population but 33% of the nations welfare recipients. It’s being turned into a third world shithole by a party with third world ideology.

California, Poverty Capital
you've got the same thing in the Northeast. As the US moves to becoming the largest gas exporter in the world the northeast states face a gas shortage. Thanks to Democrat leadership who ban new pipelines and fracking. ConEd just announced a moratorium on new gas customers while Maine. New York and Vermont face the highest electric rates in the continental US.
Their war on fossil fuels is a war in Americans. Energy poverty in the US!
But you can trumpet it all you like. Rich liberals don’t have a problem heating their upper west side penthouses.

State Regulations Cause Natural Gas Shortage in Northeast | Manhattan Institute

New York Rejects Keystone-Like Pipeline in Fierce Battle Over the State’s Energy Future
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What PG&E should do is start shutting down the power generation stations in California because of the government interference. That will teach those stupid Moon Bats to vote for Democrats that fuck everything up.

Kind of like what happen in Venezuela when the commies took over.
What PG&E should do is start shutting down the power generation stations in California because of the government interference. That will teach those stupid Moon Bats to vote for Democrats that fuck everything up.

Kind of like what happen in Venezuela when the commies took over.

I just heard EBOLA has made it to the Caribbean.

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