California high speed rail over budget, surprise , suprise


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
all this thing is, is a mini socialist program, where the public is taxed and politicians and businesses are over paid.

no one gives a damn about a train to Frisco

There's no train. Billions of dollars. Not a foot of track has been laid. No one is making any high speed rail cars either.

It's the ultimate in New Clothes.
If it actually went to Than Fwanthithco, then it might have some value. Especially if the other end went somewhere significant as well.

As it is, they are building it to connect two places that nobody ever goes, and from which nobody ever comes. It's difficult to imagine who they think will pay to ride it.

And, of course it's over budget. And the roads in California are deteriorating because the funds which were supposed to be used to maintain them are instead being spent on this boondoggle. And Fairy Moonbeam Brown has just signed a new tax on gasoline, diesel, and car registrations that is now supposed to fund road maintenance; how much you wanna bet that all gets funneled into this High Speed Fail scam as well?
all this thing is, is a mini socialist program, where the public is taxed and politicians and businesses are over paid.

no one gives a damn about a train to Frisco

I feel your pain, Wolfstrike. There are plans to build one of these boondoggles here in Texas, running between Houston & DFW.
Though, here at least, the initial phases are at least being funded privately, though should it win approval for construction, there is no doubt in my mind that there will be government hands reaching into my pocket to pay for it. (TXDOT is one of the partners in the project)
Link to the Texas project:
Texas Central — The Texas Bullet Train

Here is a link supporting Wolfstrike's OP:
Report: High-speed rail running way over budget
The only thing this says is the reality that America can't do anything right anymore and sucks ass compared to Europe, Japan and China. America is on her way out.
The only thing this says is the reality that America can't do anything right anymore and sucks ass compared to Europe, Japan and China. America is on her way out.
Most of these troglodytes have never travelled, so they know nothing about any of those places.
The only thing this says is the reality that America can't do anything right anymore and sucks ass compared to Europe, Japan and China. America is on her way out.

Yeah, we could spend billions like Greece did, and be doing as well as Greece is. Brilliant. By the way, Japan's economy has been in stagnation for decades. That's who you want us to be like?

You people are so ignorant. You compare us to failing, or lousy economies the world over, and point to them as examples to follow. Morons.
The only thing this says is the reality that America can't do anything right anymore and sucks ass compared to Europe, Japan and China. America is on her way out.
Most of these troglodytes have never travelled, so they know nothing about any of those places.

I've been all through Europe you moron. I wonder if you know anything about any of those places.
The only thing this says is the reality that America can't do anything right anymore and sucks ass compared to Europe, Japan and China. America is on her way out.
Most of these troglodytes have never travelled, so they know nothing about any of those places.

I've been all through Europe you moron. I wonder if you know anything about any of those places.
Have been on a high speed train? I have.
The only thing this says is the reality that America can't do anything right anymore and sucks ass compared to Europe, Japan and China. America is on her way out.
Most of these troglodytes have never travelled, so they know nothing about any of those places.

I've been all through Europe you moron. I wonder if you know anything about any of those places.
Have been on a high speed train? I have.

Sure. If we could get a train, that cost the tax payers nothing, and was self-sustaining, I'm all for it.

Fact is, nearly all the rail systems are massive money pits, that screw over working people, for the benefit of the wealthy. By wealthy, I mean the politicians gaining political points by doofus voters, and the massive companies and train unions that collect the lucrative government contracts.

When the right-wing leaders in Greece got control of the government from the socialists, they did an audit of the entire government, including their rail-system. It turned out that they could take all the money they were spending on rail service, and buy each individual rail-rider a private Taxi cab, and end up saving money. That is how massive the bloated new rail service was costing tax payers. And you wonder why the government eventually went bankrupt?

In 2009 I believe, California's Treasurer went to the US Federal government to beg for a guarantee of California debt, because the state was in a budget crisis..... yet they are spending billions on a dumb rail, when they were that close to a state level default??

How many warning signs do you morons need?

I personally wouldn't have any problem with it, if California bankrupted itself. Ironically here they are trying leave Union, which would make me laugh so hard. Leave the Union, go into sovereign default, and end up a failed state in a matter of months.

But I know how you left-wingers work. If they default, they'll demand the rest of us pay for their bailout. Then other states will realize they can be reckless too, and count on the Feds bailing them out. Pretty soon the entire country will fall apart. Idiots. An entire ideology of ingrained stupidity.
The only thing this says is the reality that America can't do anything right anymore and sucks ass compared to Europe, Japan and China. America is on her way out.
Most of these troglodytes have never travelled, so they know nothing about any of those places.

I've been all through Europe you moron. I wonder if you know anything about any of those places.
Have been on a high speed train? I have.

Sure. If we could get a train, that cost the tax payers nothing, and was self-sustaining, I'm all for it.

Fact is, nearly all the rail systems are massive money pits, that screw over working people, for the benefit of the wealthy. By wealthy, I mean the politicians gaining political points by doofus voters, and the massive companies and train unions that collect the lucrative government contracts.

When the right-wing leaders in Greece got control of the government from the socialists, they did an audit of the entire government, including their rail-system. It turned out that they could take all the money they were spending on rail service, and buy each individual rail-rider a private Taxi cab, and end up saving money. That is how massive the bloated new rail service was costing tax payers. And you wonder why the government eventually went bankrupt?

In 2009 I believe, California's Treasurer went to the US Federal government to beg for a guarantee of California debt, because the state was in a budget crisis..... yet they are spending billions on a dumb rail, when they were that close to a state level default??

How many warning signs do you morons need?

I personally wouldn't have any problem with it, if California bankrupted itself. Ironically here they are trying leave Union, which would make me laugh so hard. Leave the Union, go into sovereign default, and end up a failed state in a matter of months.

But I know how you left-wingers work. If they default, they'll demand the rest of us pay for their bailout. Then other states will realize they can be reckless too, and count on the Feds bailing them out. Pretty soon the entire country will fall apart. Idiots. An entire ideology of ingrained stupidity.
You must loathe Trump for proposing money.

There's no train. Billions of dollars. Not a foot of track has been laid. No one is making any high speed rail cars either.

It's the ultimate in New Clothes.

they're planning to dig through a mountain previously deemed impossible
The only thing this says is the reality that America can't do anything right anymore and sucks ass compared to Europe, Japan and China. America is on her way out.
Most of these troglodytes have never travelled, so they know nothing about any of those places.

I've been all through Europe you moron. I wonder if you know anything about any of those places.
Have been on a high speed train? I have.

Sure. If we could get a train, that cost the tax payers nothing, and was self-sustaining, I'm all for it.

Fact is, nearly all the rail systems are massive money pits, that screw over working people, for the benefit of the wealthy. By wealthy, I mean the politicians gaining political points by doofus voters, and the massive companies and train unions that collect the lucrative government contracts.

When the right-wing leaders in Greece got control of the government from the socialists, they did an audit of the entire government, including their rail-system. It turned out that they could take all the money they were spending on rail service, and buy each individual rail-rider a private Taxi cab, and end up saving money. That is how massive the bloated new rail service was costing tax payers. And you wonder why the government eventually went bankrupt?

In 2009 I believe, California's Treasurer went to the US Federal government to beg for a guarantee of California debt, because the state was in a budget crisis..... yet they are spending billions on a dumb rail, when they were that close to a state level default??

How many warning signs do you morons need?

I personally wouldn't have any problem with it, if California bankrupted itself. Ironically here they are trying leave Union, which would make me laugh so hard. Leave the Union, go into sovereign default, and end up a failed state in a matter of months.

But I know how you left-wingers work. If they default, they'll demand the rest of us pay for their bailout. Then other states will realize they can be reckless too, and count on the Feds bailing them out. Pretty soon the entire country will fall apart. Idiots. An entire ideology of ingrained stupidity.
You must loathe Trump for proposing money.

Loathe? I disagree with him.

Apparently unlike you, I can disagree with someone without resorting to a neanderthal level of emotionalism, that requires either I love him or hate him.

I disagree with Trump on this issue. I disagree with Trump on several issues. I don't like his protectionism. Protectionism has never worked in history, and won't now.

Trump is more left-wing than right-wing. Still better than Hillary, by such a wide margin as to be laughable. But it's no shock to anyone that has followed me, that I do not support many of Trump's positions.
Most of these troglodytes have never travelled, so they know nothing about any of those places.

I've been all through Europe you moron. I wonder if you know anything about any of those places.
Have been on a high speed train? I have.

Sure. If we could get a train, that cost the tax payers nothing, and was self-sustaining, I'm all for it.

Fact is, nearly all the rail systems are massive money pits, that screw over working people, for the benefit of the wealthy. By wealthy, I mean the politicians gaining political points by doofus voters, and the massive companies and train unions that collect the lucrative government contracts.

When the right-wing leaders in Greece got control of the government from the socialists, they did an audit of the entire government, including their rail-system. It turned out that they could take all the money they were spending on rail service, and buy each individual rail-rider a private Taxi cab, and end up saving money. That is how massive the bloated new rail service was costing tax payers. And you wonder why the government eventually went bankrupt?

In 2009 I believe, California's Treasurer went to the US Federal government to beg for a guarantee of California debt, because the state was in a budget crisis..... yet they are spending billions on a dumb rail, when they were that close to a state level default??

How many warning signs do you morons need?

I personally wouldn't have any problem with it, if California bankrupted itself. Ironically here they are trying leave Union, which would make me laugh so hard. Leave the Union, go into sovereign default, and end up a failed state in a matter of months.

But I know how you left-wingers work. If they default, they'll demand the rest of us pay for their bailout. Then other states will realize they can be reckless too, and count on the Feds bailing them out. Pretty soon the entire country will fall apart. Idiots. An entire ideology of ingrained stupidity.
You must loathe Trump for proposing money.

Loathe? I disagree with him.

Apparently unlike you, I can disagree with someone without resorting to a neanderthal level of emotionalism, that requires either I love him or hate him.

I disagree with Trump on this issue. I disagree with Trump on several issues. I don't like his protectionism. Protectionism has never worked in history, and won't now.

Trump is more left-wing than right-wing. Still better than Hillary, by such a wide margin as to be laughable. But it's no shock to anyone that has followed me, that I do not support many of Trump's positions.
You assume I follow you? :wtf:
I've been all through Europe you moron. I wonder if you know anything about any of those places.
Have been on a high speed train? I have.

Sure. If we could get a train, that cost the tax payers nothing, and was self-sustaining, I'm all for it.

Fact is, nearly all the rail systems are massive money pits, that screw over working people, for the benefit of the wealthy. By wealthy, I mean the politicians gaining political points by doofus voters, and the massive companies and train unions that collect the lucrative government contracts.

When the right-wing leaders in Greece got control of the government from the socialists, they did an audit of the entire government, including their rail-system. It turned out that they could take all the money they were spending on rail service, and buy each individual rail-rider a private Taxi cab, and end up saving money. That is how massive the bloated new rail service was costing tax payers. And you wonder why the government eventually went bankrupt?

In 2009 I believe, California's Treasurer went to the US Federal government to beg for a guarantee of California debt, because the state was in a budget crisis..... yet they are spending billions on a dumb rail, when they were that close to a state level default??

How many warning signs do you morons need?

I personally wouldn't have any problem with it, if California bankrupted itself. Ironically here they are trying leave Union, which would make me laugh so hard. Leave the Union, go into sovereign default, and end up a failed state in a matter of months.

But I know how you left-wingers work. If they default, they'll demand the rest of us pay for their bailout. Then other states will realize they can be reckless too, and count on the Feds bailing them out. Pretty soon the entire country will fall apart. Idiots. An entire ideology of ingrained stupidity.
You must loathe Trump for proposing money.

Loathe? I disagree with him.

Apparently unlike you, I can disagree with someone without resorting to a neanderthal level of emotionalism, that requires either I love him or hate him.

I disagree with Trump on this issue. I disagree with Trump on several issues. I don't like his protectionism. Protectionism has never worked in history, and won't now.

Trump is more left-wing than right-wing. Still better than Hillary, by such a wide margin as to be laughable. But it's no shock to anyone that has followed me, that I do not support many of Trump's positions.
You assume I follow you? :wtf:

:rolleyes: Of course not you moron, that's why you are shocked. The statement "those that follow me" does not imply you are one of them. If you were, your posts would be smarter than this. :welcome:

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