California Is First State to Ban Trans Fats

So if he's so liberal, why didn't he just run as a Democrat?

No idea man, no idea.

I would say that while it is normal for liberals to be Democrats and Conservatives to be Republicans, that is not always the case. Perhaps he has a few key Issues on which he is Conservative, and he is Liberal on most others. All I know for sure, is as Republicans go Arnold is about as liberal as they come. Especially on social issues.
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Well, my generation's hope for being President someday was John F. Kennedy Jr., but sadly he was taken from us far too young. He had the makings of something great, but what it could have been we will never know. :(

You are absoulety right. I probably would have done the very same thing. As far as any Kennedy being president .... this one sure .... should have sunk with Mary Jo's car ....


Amazing how this scandal just somehow slipped away and this big fat liar was still in Washington, DC as many years as he was/is .... whatever!
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You are absoulety right. I probably would have done the very same thing. As far as any Kennedy being president .... this one sure .... should have sunk with Mary Jo's car ....


Amazing how this scandal just somehow slipped away and this big fat liar was still in Washington, DC as many years as he was/is .... whatever!

Good Old TED, Gets drunk kills a chick through negligence :eek:, forgets to call the cops for a bit :evil: , and the Democrats still love him.:cuckoo: Doesn't that just fill you with confidence about Democrats as a whole.:eusa_whistle:
Besides the obvious "let them die if they wish" rationale, why would you want to be against the ban?

It's true what I said, btw. Arsenic was once used to treat disease.

There's arsenic in cigs, but you don't see the government banning THAT, do you?
Because that wouldn't help move the Republican Party farther left, like the establishment obviously wants.

Who wants the Republican's farther left?

If so, then why don't those who think the Republican Party is getting too "liberal" form their own party? They could call it the Conserative Party or somthing.
California has become the first US state to ban restaurants and food retailers from using trans-fats, which are linked to coronary heart disease.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said the new legislation, which will take effect in 2010, represented a "strong step toward creating a healthier future".

Violations will incur fines of between $25 (£13) and $1,000 (£502).

Trans-fats are chemically altered vegetable oils, used to give processed foods a longer shelf-life.

more ... BBC NEWS | Americas | Trans-fats banned in California
As usual California is ahead of the rest of the country. It should be banned in every state.

Nice of you to presume to decide what others should and should not want or have, your omnipotence. :eusa_hand:
Who wants the Republican's farther left?
Washington apparently.

If so, then why don't those who think the Republican Party is getting too "liberal" form their own party? They could call it the Conserative Party or somthing.

There are many parties that exist which adhere to a true form of conservatism much more than the Republican party. There's one called the American Conservative Party, for one. The problem is there are too many, and it splits up the real power that conservatives could have. Most still think the Republican party represents them, but that hasn't been true for at LEAST over 10 years.

You've GOT to be able to notice it, no?
Washington apparently.

There are many parties that exist which adhere to a true form of conservatism much more than the Republican party. There's one called the American Conservative Party, for one. The problem is there are too many, and it splits up the real power that conservatives could have. Most still think the Republican party represents them, but that hasn't been true for at LEAST over 10 years.

You've GOT to be able to notice it, no?

Well, I am getting informed, thanks to this board!

This is the first year I have been on a political message board, I like to read and discuss everyone's different view points. Since it's a presidential election year, I see lots of people calling others they don't agree with names, slandering opponets, heated discussions, some humor.....

It's good to see all the different ways people in America think about this upcoming election, and hear people's ideas of how they want change.
:confused: Is this different than the discussion in the "Health and Lifestyle" section? :confused:

Not to worry. I am old. I get :confused: a lot. :eusa_angel:
:confused: Is this different than the discussion in the "Health and Lifestyle" section? :confused:

Not to worry. I am old. I get :confused: a lot. :eusa_angel:

It's the same topic. I merged the threads once I saw it had already been posted.
It's sort of funny...while many rabid liberals are conservative in their own lives, they insist on laws which control every aspect of the lives of those who aren't just like themselves.

Then they turn around and accuse true conservatives of doing exactly that, when true conservatives think that everyone should be able to shit in their own bed and lay in it, if that's what they want...though they themselves don't choose to do that.

In other words, libs think they should control others....and then accuse republicans and conservatives of doing exactly that, when it's the exact opposite of what right wingers want or vote.

Kinda interesting insight into the twisted and tyrannical minds of lefties.

Ahhh, it's the liberals fault you can't buy deep fried twinkies! We're so sorry for your inconviences. Well, by we I mean that republican Govenator .

oppps, you fucked up on this one allie:cuckoo:
My stance: I say we take it out of our public schools and government food. Let people who can afford to have a choice, make that choice. We are basically punishing kids in our schools by feeding them poison (aka, trans fats). Trans fats make us all fatter, and that's fine, but we really shouldn't be giving them to growing children who cannot comprehend the food choices they are making.
mmmmm...well, here is what I think. The guy that introduced the bill in CA isn't a liberal, he is a progressive...a big difference to me, if not to the average voter.

Instead of banning transfats, I'd rather see warning labels put on the menus.

The problem with transfats is that you can't know if they are in your food unless it is disclosed. A "caution," "warning," or "danger," label, much like they do for pesticides or household cleaning products would let the masses make an "intelligent" choice.
Question? Does anyone know if our troops in the Middle East are still provided MRE's?


Meal, Ready to Eat, Individual - MRE

If they do I wonder if they have trans fats in them?

I remember our son, (serving in the Marines), bringing some home for us to try back in the 90's and that stuff was NASTY! :eek:

No wonder the Afghani's wouldn't eat them when they were dropped.
I'll be the first one to advocate cutting bad fats out of your diet, but why should anyone mandate it?

Why should one DIME be spent restricting idiots from inhaling lard?

Shit like this flies in the face of the phrase "Only in America".

It USED to be "Only in America" where you would expect people to be FREE to eat what they want.

Liberals like to think of themselves as the protectors of freedom...I wonder how limiting our access to food increases our freedom?

Or limiting our access to fuel, for that matter?

An epidemic of obesity and related illness (diabetes etc) costs me money.

Smog generated by combustion etc contributes to asthma.

These sorts of regulations are similar to things like smoking bans.

That said, I don't really care about this issue one way or the other, same for smoking.
An epidemic of obesity and related illness (diabetes etc) costs me money.

Smog generated by combustion etc contributes to asthma.

These sorts of regulations are similar to things like smoking bans.

That said, I don't really care about this issue one way or the other, same for smoking.

The privilege of existence in this nation costs you money. Just call it a
heartbeat tax." As long as it's beating, you're paying.

Too much Big Brother-ism involved in this.

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