California Enacts First Statewide Gun and Ammunition Tax in U.S.

Not even close. I guess you don't history much.
The culture, conditions and paradigm were completely different.
I'll just point out that making gun owners totally accountable does not run counter to the 2nd as long as their right to own guns is not infringed upon. Nowhere is the anonymous ownership of weapons guaranteed.

Registration lists are nothing more than a way to eventually confiscate guns you doofus.
I'll just point out that making gun owners totally accountable does not run counter to the 2nd as long as their right to own guns is not infringed upon. Nowhere is the anonymous ownership of weapons guaranteed.
Universal registration of privately-owned firearms cannot pass the test laid out in Bruen:

...we hold that when the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct. To justify its regulation, the government may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest. Rather, the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation. Only if a firearm regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s “unqualified command.

Thus, it is prohibited by the 2nd Amendment.
Not even close. I guess you don't history much.
The culture, conditions and paradigm were completely different.
I'll just point out that making gun owners totally accountable does not run counter to the 2nd as long as their right to own guns is not infringed upon. Nowhere is the anonymous ownership of weapons guaranteed.
Liar, gun owners have always been accountable to all laws.
California has long been trying to deprive poor and working people of their right to self defense. Looks like they may have finally succeeded.

As always, black and brown people will pay the heaviest price, which is, of course, exactly what the state wants.
The next narrative coming out of CA is how only the rich own guns and the economic disparity that exists between rich gun owners and the poor non-gun owners.
It'll be used like our fuel taxes are. By law, the taxes on motor vehicle fuels are supposed to be used to maintain our roads and related infrastructure.

Instead, the corrupt pieces of shit that infest our state government misappropriate it for other uses, and then use the fact that there isn't enough left for the roads as an excuse to increase these taxes again every year.
Nah, every tax collected in every country just goes into their tax pot. Investment/expenditure on specific infrastructure parts etc.. is not proportional to the tax collected, never has been.

Part of vehicle tax will be used to pay for illegal immigrants no doubt.
They also have a much more stable culture, like Switzerland, and require significant training on a regular basis. If they tried those requirements here the pro-gun crowd would throw a massive tantrum.
This is only half the truth. Every man in Switzerland must serve in the their Army. They are trained to shoot and own responsibly and can keep their service arm (If I remember correctly) upon leaving. Let's see how that would fly in this country? And if we did have mandatory service in the states, I guarantee we would have even greater gun ownership and personal responsibility in this country.
Nah, every tax collected in every country just goes into their tax pot. Investment/expenditure on specific infrastructure parts etc.. is not proportional to the tax collected, never has been.
Part of vehicle tax will be used to pay for illegal immigrants no doubt.

Maybe that is how it is in a degenerate shithole like the UK, and maybe you subjects of such a shithole are OK with that.

I was referring to a set of taxes that California specifically imposes on fuel for motor vehicles and on motor vehicle registrations. The law that imposes these taxes explicitly states that these taxes are to be used for transportation-related purposes, most especially for the building and maintaining of roads. A ballot measure foolishly giving government greater power to increase these taxes was sol, to the voters, on the promise that this was how they were to be used.

But the subhuman criminal shit that infest our state government keep illegally misappropriating these funds for other purposes, unrelated to their legitimate purpose, and then every year, they use the claim that they don't have enough money to maintain our roads as an excuse to increase these taxes.

If the state of California were to actually spend all of the money that it collects in taxes, explicitly designated of road maintenance, on actual road maintenance, we would have the very best roads in the entire world. Anyone who drives in California can very clearly see that we do not have the best roads at all.

This thread is about a tax that California has enacted, in blatant violation of the Constitution, against firearms, and how the state is lying to us about how that tax revenue is going to be used.

I guess I shouldn't expect you to understand any of this, since you're British. Your people have been ruled over by corrupt, kleptocratic tyrants for centuries, and you're used to being robbed by your own government. It doesn't matter, anyway, because nothing about American governance, or the governance of any state in America, is any of your business anyway.

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