California Enacts First Statewide Gun and Ammunition Tax in U.S.

Which side of your mouth were you talking out of just then? need smaller words? I like guns..think everyone should carry...if they wish. Also think that the concept of anonymous gun ownership is detrimental to society.
Is totally cool to own a gun..but if you use'd better be right...and LEA should know just who has what and who used what. Getting away with murder should be as close to impossible as we can make it.
Clear enough for you? need smaller words? I like guns..think everyone should carry...if they wish. Also think that the concept of anonymous gun ownership is detrimental to society.
Is totally cool to own a gun..but if you use'd better be right...and LEA should know just who has what and who used what. Getting away with murder should be as close to impossible as we can make it.
Clear enough for you?
Well, if you really mean that then that's great. I just don't understand how as a puke leftist you can hold such a great opinion on firearms and their ownership and have such crap opinions on a lot of other things.
Well, if you really mean that then that's great. I just don't understand how as a puke leftist you can hold such a great opinion on firearms and their ownership and have such crap opinions on a lot of other things.
Like Securing the Border and ending 4th Trimester Abortion and deporting Criminal Illegals ...
How odd..I see no people of color in this picture...LOL!

What I that every single gun owner is known--and it is recorded what gun he/she owns. If I had MY way..every weapon would have its lands and grooves recorded prior to sale.
BTW...yes I know shotguns are unrifled..just to forestall the usual idiocy.

But I'd also allow permit-less ownership and concealed carry..I just want to know whose door to knock on when a murder weapon is traced.

As you may have gathered, I do not believe that the 2nd protects us from govt. and I do not believe that the govt. wishes to disarm us. Even if it did, THAT's what the 2nd is for.
That's just NRA propaganda.

Yes....the national of socialists had exactly that policy. They used it to...just ask the 15-20 million people across Europe who they murdered.
Well, if you really mean that then that's great. I just don't understand how as a puke leftist you can hold such a great opinion on firearms and their ownership and have such crap opinions on a lot of other things.
That's because you lack the capacity to recognize nuance. Like..I'm not really a leftist..except you folk.
You probably don't understand how I can be pro-choice and think abortion immoral either.....or how I'm a proud American..and abhor American Exceptionalism.
Love my country, served it in time of war--yet recognize that it was founded in racism..and that that bitter fruit may yet be the end of us.
Yes....the national of socialists had exactly that policy. They used it to...just ask the 15-20 million people across Europe who they murdered.
An absolutely false equivalency.
That's because you lack the capacity to recognize nuance. Like..I'm not really a leftist..except you folk.
You probably don't understand how I can be pro-choice and think abortion immoral either.....or how I'm a proud American..and abhor American Exceptionalism.
Love my country, served it in time of war--yet recognize that it was founded in racism..and that that bitter fruit may yet be the end of us.
Lol, you don't know shit about me. When this country was founded there was racism alright, everywhere. But that does not control us today, only people who dwell in the past and project those times onto us today are like that. Sick in the head. LOL, as for abortion, it's murder. If you abhor American exceptionalism then you suck.
Like Securing the Border and ending 4th Trimester Abortion and deporting Criminal Illegals ...
It always amuses that people will just hand me opinions and tell me that they're mine. Totally for deporting criminals, wish we could send some of our citizens. Our border IS NOT open..that's an outright lie. I'm for legal immigration...and addressing the issue in the countries of origin through economic aid.
Oh, and I'm not really sure just what a 4th trimester even is? Trimester right? For the record, I'm against abortion in the third Trimester.
Believe in a woman's right to choose..but if she's not made up her mind by 6 months..she should be in for the duration.

Everything I've said..I've said look up my posting record.

Perhaps some basic birds and bees for you?

Nope, right on the nose.
Not even close. I guess you don't history much.
The culture, conditions and paradigm were completely different.
I'll just point out that making gun owners totally accountable does not run counter to the 2nd as long as their right to own guns is not infringed upon. Nowhere is the anonymous ownership of weapons guaranteed.
How odd..I see no people of color in this picture...LOL!
Why would you expect that or care in an unstaged 1956 photo of just three kids? Obviously, appearances mean far more to you than reality.

As you may have gathered, I do not believe
What you believe is unimportant. What you want is of no concern. Your obvious mistrust and suspicion in men comes from knowing yourself.

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