California Moves to Give Reparations for Slavery

Oh brother here come the California refugees. :rolleyes-41:
Off to Nevada,Arizona and Colorado they go :smoke:
Oh well, maybe they will drive up my home value.

They will drive up your taxes.
Well yeah there is that possibility. We'll have to keep them out of government.

After California moved in and took over Oregon the state budget ballooned from $2 billion to $52 billion. :disbelief:
Oh brother here come the California refugees. :rolleyes-41:
Off to Nevada,Arizona and Colorado they go :smoke:
Oh well, maybe they will drive up my home value.

They will drive up your taxes.
Well yeah there is that possibility. We'll have to keep them out of government.

After California moved in and took over Oregon the state budget ballooned from $2 billion to $52 billion. :disbelief:
Sounds like a good excuse to move to Idaho or Utah. :smoke:
Sen. Steven Bradford, a Democrat from Gardena who supported the bill, said he only wished it was more than a study.

He noted that Friday marked the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington and The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

If the 40 acres and a mule that was promised to free slaves were delivered to the descendants of those slaves today, we would all be billionaires,” Bradford said. “I hear far too many people say, ‘Well, I didn’t own slaves, that was so long ago.' Well, you inherit wealth - you can inherit the debt that you owe to African-Americans."

Who is this fucktard, IM2?
Exactly. Who is this moron that assumes everbody has wealth in the family. My inheritance was exactly $0.00.
I figure my debt for slavery which happened before my family came to America is also $0.00.
Sen. Steven Bradford, a Democrat from Gardena who supported the bill, said he only wished it was more than a study.

He noted that Friday marked the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington and The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

If the 40 acres and a mule that was promised to free slaves were delivered to the descendants of those slaves today, we would all be billionaires,” Bradford said. “I hear far too many people say, ‘Well, I didn’t own slaves, that was so long ago.' Well, you inherit wealth - you can inherit the debt that you owe to African-Americans."

Who is this fucktard, IM2?
Exactly. Who is this moron that assumes everbody has wealth in the family. My inheritance was exactly $0.00.
I figure my debt for slavery which happened before my family came to America is also $0.00.

I figure my debt for slavery which happened before my family came to America is also $0.00.

What many white folk do not realize is that it is very likely their ancestors were slaves.....whilst wringing their wrists for the poor black slaves.

Failing to know that most whites came here in bondage order to pay for their passage from England to America they signed contracts which essentially made them slaves....supposedly only for 7 yrs. but in reality that was extended ....they were at the mercy of their mastah....just like black slaves only they were treated worse(often worked to death)because blacks were 'property' thus more indentured servants had to be set free at some point and thus the mastahs worked them much harder and treated them worse in order to get the maximum profit from them.

They were called indentured serevants but in truth they were slaves.

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Sen. Steven Bradford, a Democrat from Gardena who supported the bill, said he only wished it was more than a study.

He noted that Friday marked the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington and The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

If the 40 acres and a mule that was promised to free slaves were delivered to the descendants of those slaves today, we would all be billionaires,” Bradford said. “I hear far too many people say, ‘Well, I didn’t own slaves, that was so long ago.' Well, you inherit wealth - you can inherit the debt that you owe to African-Americans."

Who is this fucktard, IM2?
Exactly. Who is this moron that assumes everbody has wealth in the family. My inheritance was exactly $0.00.
I figure my debt for slavery which happened before my family came to America is also $0.00.
I think one of my ancestors had a couple of slaves at the very least in the 1850s because my late grandma(She died in 1999 at around 100) had a daguerrotype photo from the 1850s that showed a wagon with two black men sitting in the back of the wagon.o_O Even if my ancestors owned slaves Pre-Civil War i don't think i should have to pay reparations. :smoke:
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Sen. Steven Bradford, a Democrat from Gardena who supported the bill, said he only wished it was more than a study.

He noted that Friday marked the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington and The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

If the 40 acres and a mule that was promised to free slaves were delivered to the descendants of those slaves today, we would all be billionaires,” Bradford said. “I hear far too many people say, ‘Well, I didn’t own slaves, that was so long ago.' Well, you inherit wealth - you can inherit the debt that you owe to African-Americans."

Who is this fucktard, IM2?
Exactly. Who is this moron that assumes everbody has wealth in the family. My inheritance was exactly $0.00.
I figure my debt for slavery which happened before my family came to America is also $0.00.
I think one of my ancestors had a couple of slaves at the very least in the 1850s because my late grandma had a daguerrotype photo from the 1850s that showed a wagon with two black men sitting in the back of the wagon.o_O Even if my ancestors owned slaves Pre-Civil War i don't think i should have to pay reparations. :smoke:
Just let blacks have Casinos like the Tribes. White people will donate willingly...with a smile on their face.
Sen. Steven Bradford, a Democrat from Gardena who supported the bill, said he only wished it was more than a study.

He noted that Friday marked the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington and The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

If the 40 acres and a mule that was promised to free slaves were delivered to the descendants of those slaves today, we would all be billionaires,” Bradford said. “I hear far too many people say, ‘Well, I didn’t own slaves, that was so long ago.' Well, you inherit wealth - you can inherit the debt that you owe to African-Americans."

Who is this fucktard, IM2?
Exactly. Who is this moron that assumes everbody has wealth in the family. My inheritance was exactly $0.00.
I figure my debt for slavery which happened before my family came to America is also $0.00.
I think one of my ancestors had a couple of slaves at the very least in the 1850s because my late grandma had a daguerrotype photo from the 1850s that showed a wagon with two black men sitting in the back of the wagon.o_O Even if my ancestors owned slaves Pre-Civil War i don't think i should have to pay reparations. :smoke:

Of course is insanity. Slavery was a legal institution at that time and had been for thousands of years...and there is no doubt the black slaves down South had it much better over here than back over there where they came from.

The life span at that time for Africans was very short and not much better now for the majority of them. That is why blacks are not interested in returning to da mudda land...they know they got it better here.

No country in the world has given so much to the blacks as America has...but still many of them want to bite the hand that has fed them and is feeding them to this day.

Many of them might be stupid and their average i.q. is very low but they are street smart so to speak....they know when they got it good...but their radicals keep demanding more and white folks are tired of that b.s. aka extortion....pioneered by Jesse Jackson.
California was never a slave State, but I’m happy that Leftards are forcing the last tax paying holdouts out of the Rust State.

Republicans created California into the worlds 6th largest economy, and it lies in ruins today. Infrastructure is gone, taxes are the highest, crime the worst, and education went from #1 to #49.

The governor can take it out of his fund of excess money the state doesn't need for anything else.
Oh brother here come the California refugees. :rolleyes-41:
The Liberals will build a wall to keep their tax base IN... :auiqs.jpg:
California has a bill in progress to tax people leaving for the next 10 years.

I can't imagine how they could enforce that. You leave the state and they send you a bill that you don't pay. You live in Texas now. What are they going to do to you? But I hope they do pass such a bill. Then nobody would want to move there in the first place.
A fool and his money soon parts. LOL!

"Hey lets vote in some assholes that will take our money and give it to the Negroes"

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