California Muslim chases neighbor with a sword..."I will die for allah!"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
We don't need to worry about muslims, they're awesome!

"One might almost get the impression that all this had something to do with Islam, were it not for aall the learned analysts who assure us otherwise."

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We don't need to worry about muslims, they're awesome!

"One might almost get the impression that all this had something to do with Islam, were it not for aall the learned analysts who assure us otherwise."

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In Utah its the Mormons with swords....

Mormon bishop with Samurai sword saves neighbor from attack
A Samurai sword-wielding Mormon bishop helped a neighbor woman escape a Tuesday morning attack by a man who had been stalking her.
Damn killer muslims! is time for a Crusade. I will never vote for Trump...but he is right...Put terrorists and their families in Gitmo and let no more Muslim killers in these Unted States.

See...canada is bringing these fuckers in. They are a pussy country and the killer muslims can walk right through our porous border with these terrorist assholes. Destroying canada is the key to destroying terrorism.
Destroy Canada? Clearly your member name fits you.
STFU if you don't know the truth about the fucking canucks. Might I suggest you search for my PSA's on canada...our enemy to the North.
It's depressing really. One looks back at history and sees shit like the Crusades and WW2 and think "What the fuck was wrong with those people?" And you just can't fathom thinking the way those people must have thought.

And then modern events happen. Shit changes. And start to see...."Oh. This is how those things began."
There are more informative articles posted on this than Jihadwatch and Pam Geller.

The guy in question is a nutter - who's already been in trouble with the law and spent 89 days in a psychiatric facility.
Doesn't matter. There is always an excuse. Islam is our enemy
Radical Islamists are always doing some shit

The other day, one started yelling "I want to join Allah" on a flight from Frankfurt to Belgrade.... while tampering with the door ....

I tell ya':cuckoo:

Man yells 'I want to join Allah’ while tampering with door on Lufthansa flight - The Express Tribune

I remember that story.

"Serbians prevent AMERICAN man from hijacking plane and murdering everyone on board"

"An American man tried to hijack a German plane with intent to murder everyone aboard, but some Serbian men were able to prevent the American from crashing the plane and killing everyone on board."

'Unstable' American passenger on Lufthansa flight

American Muslim Man Tackled While Trying to Hijack and Crash Plane - Freedom Outpost

Passengers Restrain American Muslim Screaming 'I Want To Join Allah' As He Tried To Open Plane Door

BREAKING: American Muslim Just Did the Unthinkable on Lufthansa Flight… | Top Right News

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