California Pelosi Democratic Leader Again: V. GOP Unable To Elect Office-Holders President(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Mostly the blue-collar voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were able to notice that Donald Trump was not regular mainstream Republican. Cable News and Network outlets seem to have noticed this, themselves. Due to the Electoral College phenomenon: The Regular Republican Party has been rebuffed and rebuked.

Not so the Democratic Party regulars. Secretary Clinton is the plurality winner. House Leader Pelosi is leader once again!

Pelosi Wins Re-Election as House Democratic Leader

Even more, California is way more Democratic after the election than before--able to appeal to voters like the people in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and Ohio--Arizona, now and Florida--including Virginia and North Carolina. California Democrats have the Governorship, and Super-Majorities in the Assembly and Senate in California. Two more from California, at least, are in prominent, showcase positions in the national leadership.

No one in the Republican Party has much of a say about much of anything, contrasting, at the national level. Massive Federal Spending on Domestic Projects--may even require overwhelming Democratic Party support!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(All is Well, Safely Rest: Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," is alive and well on Lands of Many Nations!)
The democrat party is in chaos and they refuse to deal with it so they stick their heads in the sand and re-elect the status quo. You almost gotta laugh that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
Mostly the blue-collar voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were able to notice that Donald Trump was not regular mainstream Republican. Cable News and Network outlets seem to have noticed this, themselves. Due to the Electoral College phenomenon: The Regular Republican Party has been rebuffed and rebuked.

Not so the Democratic Party regulars. Secretary Clinton is the plurality winner. House Leader Pelosi is leader once again!

Pelosi Wins Re-Election as House Democratic Leader

Even more, California is way more Democratic after the election than before--able to appeal to voters like the people in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and Ohio--Arizona, now and Florida--including Virginia and North Carolina. California Democrats have the Governorship, and Super-Majorities in the Assembly and Senate in California. Two more from California, at least, are in prominent, showcase positions in the national leadership.

No one in the Republican Party has much of a say about much of anything, contrasting, at the national level. Massive Federal Spending on Domestic Projects--may even require overwhelming Democratic Party support!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(All is Well, Safely Rest: Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," is alive and well on Lands of Many Nations!)

Oooooohhhh, California is more democratic? Is that supposed to mean something? The left list the White House lost more seats in congress, and list governorships. The left was decimated this election. That means one hell of a lot more.

The next Democrat president hasn't been born yet.
Mostly the blue-collar voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were able to notice that Donald Trump was not regular mainstream Republican. Cable News and Network outlets seem to have noticed this, themselves. Due to the Electoral College phenomenon: The Regular Republican Party has been rebuffed and rebuked.

Not so the Democratic Party regulars. Secretary Clinton is the plurality winner. House Leader Pelosi is leader once again!

Pelosi Wins Re-Election as House Democratic Leader

Even more, California is way more Democratic after the election than before--able to appeal to voters like the people in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and Ohio--Arizona, now and Florida--including Virginia and North Carolina. California Democrats have the Governorship, and Super-Majorities in the Assembly and Senate in California. Two more from California, at least, are in prominent, showcase positions in the national leadership.

No one in the Republican Party has much of a say about much of anything, contrasting, at the national level. Massive Federal Spending on Domestic Projects--may even require overwhelming Democratic Party support!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(All is Well, Safely Rest: Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," is alive and well on Lands of Many Nations!)
Due to the Electoral College phenomenon: The Regular Republican Party has been rebuffed and rebuked.

Secretary Clinton is the plurality winner.
When does she take office?

Even more, California is way more Democratic after the election than before--able to appeal to voters like the people in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and Ohio--Arizona, now and Florida--including Virginia and North Carolina.

That's the problem, you retarded shit-for-brains. California Democrats have NOT been able to appeal to people in those other states which is why they lost them three weeks ago. You have a bunch of far left elitists trying to appeal to blue collar grunts who have much different views on things.
The absence of a functioning Republican Party was shown to the world in their primaries, and then at their convention. In California, GOP House Committee Issa was campaigning openly and prominent for the one Democratic Senate candidate, hoping for a coattail effect. It only just barely worked, only shown in the likely final count just yesterday. The Republicans couldn't field a candidate for Senate. In the alternative, Issa was likely to be identified with Trump.

Trump is loser. The popular vote already shows that Trump is a loser. And so what did we win? The nomination of the Republican Party of elected officials, all losers.

Back to Spring agenda. Which of the Republican leaders will be helping the Trump White House create all the deficit spending for the Infrastructure projects?

The population demographics are far more diverse. The Republicans basically voted to diminish the usual stature of Immigration, and build a wall along the Southern Borders, likely hoping the Canadians would learn how to learn how to swim, instead--except in French, from Quebec--where a wall may likely be on the agenda, at RNC!

"Crow, James Crow, Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Washington instead will buy many blankets, to face West, five times daily: Toward Lands of Many Nations--or face the other way, and moon everyone!)
Trump is waving the Infrastructure Spending flag: With clearly no Republicans ready or willing to do it. Follow the thread! Left-Wing Spending is not supported!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(East they Face--Toward. . . .Hmmmm!)
The absence of a functioning Republican Party was shown to the world in their primaries, and then at their convention. In California, GOP House Committee Issa was campaigning openly and prominent for the one Democratic Senate candidate, hoping for a coattail effect. It only just barely worked, only shown in the likely final count just yesterday. The Republicans couldn't field a candidate for Senate. In the alternative, Issa was likely to be identified with Trump.

Trump is loser. The popular vote already shows that Trump is a loser. And so what did we win? The nomination of the Republican Party of elected officials, all losers.

Back to Spring agenda. Which of the Republican leaders will be helping the Trump White House create all the deficit spending for the Infrastructure projects?

The population demographics are far more diverse. The Republicans basically voted to diminish the usual stature of Immigration, and build a wall along the Southern Borders, likely hoping the Canadians would learn how to learn how to swim, instead--except in French, from Quebec--where a wall may likely be on the agenda, at RNC!

"Crow, James Crow, Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Washington instead will buy many blankets, to face West, five times daily: Toward Lands of Many Nations--or face the other way, and moon everyone!)

The results have been great, Hillary lost the electoral vote, the Senate is controlled by the Republicans, the House picked up gains for the Republicans, the governorship's are heavily Republican, a Republican is naming the next Supreme Court Justice. You keep thinking you won, that is the best strategy yet.
The bills for spending originate in the House. The governorships of less populated states did not create a path to the White House, even this time out. Nor did the legislatures of the lesser populated states.

The Republicans had no top-ticket coat-tails. The Democrats picked up national legislature seats, reflecting the popular vote overall. The Electoral College clearly destroyed the Republican Party. Their leaders don't exist. Trump exists. Pence will not exist, soon enough.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken , Not Stirred!"
("Seven Come Eleven," Great Deity, Exists!)
No matter how much you whine, cry, and stomp your feet, Hildebeast lost, and Trump is the next president of the United States. You lost, deal with it. You've got 4 years to come up with a better candidate.
Governor Pence just shipped 1300 Carrier Indiana jobs off to Mexico, and gave the parent company $7.0 mil. in Indiana tax breaks to make it happen. The GOP Strategy, "No Plurality in Any District Election," is not likely going to work very well, even starting next year!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Bending Which Way may not work either(?)!)

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