California power outages... Democrats are to blame

Despite what Democrats might tell you, powerlines aren't a new thing. What is a relatively new thing is the Democrats hands off the forest policy. California used to maintain the forest but Democrats decided in the 90s that a hands off the forest policy was better for the environment and cheaper. Now forest fires are larger and more frequent then ever. A lot of the forest Democrats were trying to preserve have been burned to the ground.

If you're a Democrat and you don't like the power shutdown, you're an idiot. You voted for it and the people who brought California to this point. I was there in the 90s warning all of you that your efforts to save some snail and the spotted owl would lead to devastation. Now Californians are seeing the effects of Democrat rule and should only be laughed at if they complain about it.

Don't be stupid people... don't be Democrats...

Powerlines aren't new...

Redirect Notice

Wonder how long they cut Gavin Newsom's power for?
Despite what Democrats might tell you, powerlines aren't a new thing. What is a relatively new thing is the Democrats hands off the forest policy. California used to maintain the forest but Democrats decided in the 90s that a hands off the forest policy was better for the environment and cheaper. Now forest fires are larger and more frequent then ever. A lot of the forest Democrats were trying to preserve have been burned to the ground.

If you're a Democrat and you don't like the power shutdown, you're an idiot. You voted for it and the people who brought California to this point. I was there in the 90s warning all of you that your efforts to save some snail and the spotted owl would lead to devastation. Now Californians are seeing the effects of Democrat rule and should only be laughed at if they complain about it.

Don't be stupid people... don't be Democrats...

Powerlines aren't new...

Redirect Notice

Wonder how long they cut Gavin Newsom's power for?
Democrats are preparing California for their takeover of the power grid.
It isn't a hands off policy that allowed the creation of huge wildfires. It's the suppression of all naturally occurring fires that allowed dead brush to accumulate.

Democrats have created an entirely new danger. The Santa Ana wind alert. They are portraying this like it is some new and horrible thing we have never seen before. Cut the power. The wind is blowing.

Democrats need to be exorcised from the state legislature.
California used to have a huge forestry department that did control burns and dead wood removal. But the spotted owl and a snail put the brakes on that.

California has had powerlines and fire departments for a long time. What has stopped is the maintenance of the forest in the name of the environment.

It's not all about the screwed up forest policy it's also about PG&E's total inepptitude and mismanagement. PG&E has always had the right to clear and maintain their power line routes. And the forest had nothing to do with the San Bruno gas explosion. That was totally due to PG&E's ineptitude, mismanagement and greed. What's worse is the state regulators who are supposed to be overseeing the assholes are instead in cahoots with them and live in PG&E's pockets.
The goverment of Califoria is completley inept, insane and has no business being in business.
Despite what Democrats might tell you, powerlines aren't a new thing. What is a relatively new thing is the Democrats hands off the forest policy. California used to maintain the forest but Democrats decided in the 90s that a hands off the forest policy was better for the environment and cheaper. Now forest fires are larger and more frequent then ever. A lot of the forest Democrats were trying to preserve have been burned to the ground.

If you're a Democrat and you don't like the power shutdown, you're an idiot. You voted for it and the people who brought California to this point. I was there in the 90s warning all of you that your efforts to save some snail and the spotted owl would lead to devastation. Now Californians are seeing the effects of Democrat rule and should only be laughed at if they complain about it.

Don't be stupid people... don't be Democrats...

Powerlines aren't new...

Redirect Notice

Wonder how long they cut Gavin Newsom's power for?
None at all of course. SMUD a separate power company that covers Sacramento has not cut power however having no generation capacity of their own they buy power from PG&E and resell it. One has to wonder how power gets to Sacramento across the surrounding blacked out areas.
Plastic straws though. The turtle! Remember the turtle!
Well....if I live in China and India I can dump as many straws in the ocean that I want.
Yes, all brown, yellow, American hating people and Christian hating countries can do whatever the fuck they want.

Is that an exaggeration or dead on balls accurate about the world globalists and specifically American elitist leftists?

Pretty much dead on balls accurate.
The power is off and it's not even a little breezy. The fix is in.

I've got my own weather station and there is no wind and no weather. Besides it has rained a couple of inches in the recent past so it's not dry either so fire danger is low. Right now there is not even so much as a breeze, wind speed reads 0.
Watching Democrats I know on Facebook complain about this is hilarious. They are the reason we are in this mess here. They vote for Democrats who hate them to rule them, then bitch about the results.
Despite what Democrats might tell you, powerlines aren't a new thing. What is a relatively new thing is the Democrats hands off the forest policy. California used to maintain the forest but Democrats decided in the 90s that a hands off the forest policy was better for the environment and cheaper. Now forest fires are larger and more frequent then ever. A lot of the forest Democrats were trying to preserve has been burned to the ground.

If you're a Democrat and you don't like the power shutdown, you're an idiot. You voted for it and the people who brought California to this point. I was there in the 90s warning all of you that your efforts to save some snail and the spotted owl would lead to devastation. Now Californians are seeing the effects of Democrat rule and should only be laughed at if they complain about it.

Don't be stupid people... don't be Democrats...

Powerlines aren't new...

Redirect Notice

No they didn't. You're lying.

You're so uninformed about California that you are willing to post lies.

Democrats didn't control the state in the 1990s. REPUBLICAN George Deukmejian and REPUBLICAN Pete Wilson were governor at the time. Their government was republican at the time.

If what you say about not taking care of the forest is true, which it's not, then republicans did it. Not democrats.

California didn't decide to not take care of the forests in that state. That's just another lie.

What is happening is that PG&E was shutting down because of fire threats. There's high winds in California, known as Santa Ana winds. They blow every October. They cause horrible wildfires every fall.

The power lines have been proven to have caused fires. So PG&E are shutting off the power to prevent wildfires. People die from wildfires. Whole towns are destroyed. Forests are decimated.

Yet you blame this prevention on democrats which is nothing but a very, very lame lie.

Millions in California face planned power outages over wildfire threats
:19: this Democrat is so clueless it is blaming Republicans for the state of Californias forest

It's like to this Democrat, powerlines are new and so are strong winds. How did we survive so long till now.

Democrats took California over completely and implemented hands off the forest policies like you can't cut down a tree bigger then your fist, etc.

Democrats are to blame for the massive fires we see and the failure to keep the power on.

You are lying.

I showed you that your claim that democrats changed the policy for forests in the 90s is a lie.

The state government was controlled by the republicans at that time. George Deukmejian then Pete Wilson. I lived down there when Deukmejian was governor. Pete Wilson represented me in the state congress when I lived there. He helped me with some documentation I needed when I first moved to the state. He was very helpful.

Neither of those men filled the government with democrats. Much less the democrats having control of the state.

The state has always known about the Santa Ana Winds and has always fought the fires it causes every fall. This is just another way to combat them.

It has been proven that power lines cause wildfires. PG&E was forced to admit it recently because it was proven that the "Camp Fire" wildfire last year which was the most destructive wildfire in the state's history was caused by power lines and is now taking steps to prevent those fires. That one fire killed 85 people, destroyed nearly 14 thousand homes and more than 150 thousand acres of land. I guess it's more profitable to just shutdown than to upgrade their lines and system to prevent those fires.

But steps taken to prevent such preventable wildfires are being taken. Not by republicans but by democrats. Who didn't control the state in the 90s and didn't institute any policy or law that prevented proper forest maintenance.
Despite what Democrats might tell you, powerlines aren't a new thing. What is a relatively new thing is the Democrats hands off the forest policy. California used to maintain the forest but Democrats decided in the 90s that a hands off the forest policy was better for the environment and cheaper. Now forest fires are larger and more frequent then ever. A lot of the forest Democrats were trying to preserve has been burned to the ground.

If you're a Democrat and you don't like the power shutdown, you're an idiot. You voted for it and the people who brought California to this point. I was there in the 90s warning all of you that your efforts to save some snail and the spotted owl would lead to devastation. Now Californians are seeing the effects of Democrat rule and should only be laughed at if they complain about it.

Don't be stupid people... don't be Democrats...

Powerlines aren't new...

Redirect Notice

No they didn't. You're lying.

You're so uninformed about California that you are willing to post lies.

Democrats didn't control the state in the 1990s. REPUBLICAN George Deukmejian and REPUBLICAN Pete Wilson were governor at the time. Their government was republican at the time.

If what you say about not taking care of the forest is true, which it's not, then republicans did it. Not democrats.

California didn't decide to not take care of the forests in that state. That's just another lie.

What is happening is that PG&E was shutting down because of fire threats. There's high winds in California, known as Santa Ana winds. They blow every October. They cause horrible wildfires every fall.

The power lines have been proven to have caused fires. So PG&E are shutting off the power to prevent wildfires. People die from wildfires. Whole towns are destroyed. Forests are decimated.

Yet you blame this prevention on democrats which is nothing but a very, very lame lie.

Millions in California face planned power outages over wildfire threats
:19: this Democrat is so clueless it is blaming Republicans for the state of Californias forest

It's like to this Democrat, powerlines are new and so are strong winds. How did we survive so long till now.

Democrats took California over completely and implemented hands off the forest policies like you can't cut down a tree bigger then your fist, etc.

Democrats are to blame for the massive fires we see and the failure to keep the power on.

You are lying.

I showed you that your claim that democrats changed the policy for forests in the 90s is a lie.

The state government was controlled by the republicans at that time. George Deukmejian then Pete Wilson. I lived down there when Deukmejian was governor. Pete Wilson represented me in the state congress when I lived there. He helped me with some documentation I needed when I first moved to the state. He was very helpful.

Neither of those men filled the government with democrats. Much less the democrats having control of the state.

The state has always known about the Santa Ana Winds and has always fought the fires it causes every fall. This is just another way to combat them.

It has been proven that power lines cause wildfires. PG&E was forced to admit it recently because it was proven that the "Camp Fire" wildfire last year which was the most destructive wildfire in the state's history was caused by power lines and is now taking steps to prevent those fires. That one fire killed 85 people, destroyed nearly 14 thousand homes and more than 150 thousand acres of land. I guess it's more profitable to just shutdown than to upgrade their lines and system to prevent those fires.

But steps taken to prevent such preventable wildfires are being taken. Not by republicans but by democrats. Who didn't control the state in the 90s and didn't institute any policy or law that prevented proper forest maintenance.
Democrats deny they support a hands off the forest policy. It began in the 90s and we're seeing the results of it today.

Democrats are chomping at the bit to take over pg&e. When they run the grid, things will get even worse.

Are Environmentalists To Blame For All These Fires?

What I'm saying has been said for years.
Despite what Democrats might tell you, powerlines aren't a new thing. What is a relatively new thing is the Democrats hands off the forest policy. California used to maintain the forest but Democrats decided in the 90s that a hands off the forest policy was better for the environment and cheaper. Now forest fires are larger and more frequent then ever. A lot of the forest Democrats were trying to preserve has been burned to the ground.

If you're a Democrat and you don't like the power shutdown, you're an idiot. You voted for it and the people who brought California to this point. I was there in the 90s warning all of you that your efforts to save some snail and the spotted owl would lead to devastation. Now Californians are seeing the effects of Democrat rule and should only be laughed at if they complain about it.

Don't be stupid people... don't be Democrats...

Powerlines aren't new...

Redirect Notice

No they didn't. You're lying.

You're so uninformed about California that you are willing to post lies.

Democrats didn't control the state in the 1990s. REPUBLICAN George Deukmejian and REPUBLICAN Pete Wilson were governor at the time. Their government was republican at the time.

If what you say about not taking care of the forest is true, which it's not, then republicans did it. Not democrats.

California didn't decide to not take care of the forests in that state. That's just another lie.

What is happening is that PG&E was shutting down because of fire threats. There's high winds in California, known as Santa Ana winds. They blow every October. They cause horrible wildfires every fall.

The power lines have been proven to have caused fires. So PG&E are shutting off the power to prevent wildfires. People die from wildfires. Whole towns are destroyed. Forests are decimated.

Yet you blame this prevention on democrats which is nothing but a very, very lame lie.

Millions in California face planned power outages over wildfire threats
:19: this Democrat is so clueless it is blaming Republicans for the state of Californias forest

It's like to this Democrat, powerlines are new and so are strong winds. How did we survive so long till now.

Democrats took California over completely and implemented hands off the forest policies like you can't cut down a tree bigger then your fist, etc.

Democrats are to blame for the massive fires we see and the failure to keep the power on.

You are lying.

I showed you that your claim that democrats changed the policy for forests in the 90s is a lie.

The state government was controlled by the republicans at that time. George Deukmejian then Pete Wilson. I lived down there when Deukmejian was governor. Pete Wilson represented me in the state congress when I lived there. He helped me with some documentation I needed when I first moved to the state. He was very helpful.

Neither of those men filled the government with democrats. Much less the democrats having control of the state.

The state has always known about the Santa Ana Winds and has always fought the fires it causes every fall. This is just another way to combat them.

It has been proven that power lines cause wildfires. PG&E was forced to admit it recently because it was proven that the "Camp Fire" wildfire last year which was the most destructive wildfire in the state's history was caused by power lines and is now taking steps to prevent those fires. That one fire killed 85 people, destroyed nearly 14 thousand homes and more than 150 thousand acres of land. I guess it's more profitable to just shutdown than to upgrade their lines and system to prevent those fires.

But steps taken to prevent such preventable wildfires are being taken. Not by republicans but by democrats. Who didn't control the state in the 90s and didn't institute any policy or law that prevented proper forest maintenance.

Hey you, asshole! I happen to live in this shithole of a state and have since 1975. I know from first hand experence and hard facts how completely fucked up the democratic government in this shit hole is. You all have shitforbrains, and that is a simple fact that can't be denied because of the abundance of clear evidence on hand.

And PG&E along with the state of California is directly responsible for every one of those deaths due to negligence, ineptitude, greed and stupidity. Same thing goes for the San Bruno gas explosion.
How is it that other states do not have these problems with keeping the power on? Other states have both trees and wind yet somehow they manage. Could it be the simple fact that they perform proper maintenance and act responsibility?
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It isn't a hands off policy that allowed the creation of huge wildfires. It's the suppression of all naturally occurring fires that allowed dead brush to accumulate.

Democrats have created an entirely new danger. The Santa Ana wind alert. They are portraying this like it is some new and horrible thing we have never seen before. Cut the power. The wind is blowing.

Democrats need to be exorcised from the state legislature.

The problem is if you want to go back to the limited burn philosophy you either have to clear the choked areas, or let the "big burn" happen one more time to clear the area to allow for the limited burn control strategy to work.
The alternative is to let the state burn. Actually renting a few goat herds would help. Catalina has been using fire suppression goats for decades. Why do you think natural fire suppression isn't being used? Because the dead brush provides natural habitat for insects.

Goats would clear that brush down to the ground.
It isn't a hands off policy that allowed the creation of huge wildfires. It's the suppression of all naturally occurring fires that allowed dead brush to accumulate.

Democrats have created an entirely new danger. The Santa Ana wind alert. They are portraying this like it is some new and horrible thing we have never seen before. Cut the power. The wind is blowing.

Democrats need to be exorcised from the state legislature.

The problem is if you want to go back to the limited burn philosophy you either have to clear the choked areas, or let the "big burn" happen one more time to clear the area to allow for the limited burn control strategy to work.
The alternative is to let the state burn. Actually renting a few goat herds would help. Catalina has been using fire suppression goats for decades. Why do you think natural fire suppression isn't being used? Because the dead brush provides natural habitat for insects.

Goats would clear that brush down to the ground.

Given the current level of overgrowth, you would need a shit-ton of goats.

And most of the current overgrowth is already dead, hard, and pretty much indigestible by almost anything.

Goats are good part of an ongoing growth maintenance program, less effective on a backlog, although they can be used to eat the living growth to get to the dead stuff easier if you are going with manual removal.
It isn't a hands off policy that allowed the creation of huge wildfires. It's the suppression of all naturally occurring fires that allowed dead brush to accumulate.

Democrats have created an entirely new danger. The Santa Ana wind alert. They are portraying this like it is some new and horrible thing we have never seen before. Cut the power. The wind is blowing.

Democrats need to be exorcised from the state legislature.

The problem is if you want to go back to the limited burn philosophy you either have to clear the choked areas, or let the "big burn" happen one more time to clear the area to allow for the limited burn control strategy to work.
The alternative is to let the state burn. Actually renting a few goat herds would help. Catalina has been using fire suppression goats for decades. Why do you think natural fire suppression isn't being used? Because the dead brush provides natural habitat for insects.

Goats would clear that brush down to the ground.
Democrats don't know that they made it so you can't cut down dead trees because of the spotted owl and you can't do control burns because of some snails. When pg&e is gone and Democrats take it over, good luck sueing them if they start a fire.
It isn't a hands off policy that allowed the creation of huge wildfires. It's the suppression of all naturally occurring fires that allowed dead brush to accumulate.

Democrats have created an entirely new danger. The Santa Ana wind alert. They are portraying this like it is some new and horrible thing we have never seen before. Cut the power. The wind is blowing.

Democrats need to be exorcised from the state legislature.

The problem is if you want to go back to the limited burn philosophy you either have to clear the choked areas, or let the "big burn" happen one more time to clear the area to allow for the limited burn control strategy to work.
The alternative is to let the state burn. Actually renting a few goat herds would help. Catalina has been using fire suppression goats for decades. Why do you think natural fire suppression isn't being used? Because the dead brush provides natural habitat for insects.

Goats would clear that brush down to the ground.

Given the current level of overgrowth, you would need a shit-ton of goats.

And most of the current overgrowth is already dead, hard, and pretty much indigestible by almost anything.

Goats are good part of an ongoing growth maintenance program, less effective on a backlog, although they can be used to eat the living growth to get to the dead stuff easier if you are going with manual removal.
I like goats. It's a good way to clear brush. Combined with burns and tree cutting, the forest would become much safer.
The electricity is supposed to be off for FIVE DAYS. Stores will be closed. Produce and meat will be removed from stores. If restaurants do not have generators theyvhave to close. Hospitals will be evacuated. Homeowners are urged to get whole house generators.

Let the exodus begin.
It isn't a hands off policy that allowed the creation of huge wildfires. It's the suppression of all naturally occurring fires that allowed dead brush to accumulate.

Democrats have created an entirely new danger. The Santa Ana wind alert. They are portraying this like it is some new and horrible thing we have never seen before. Cut the power. The wind is blowing.

Democrats need to be exorcised from the state legislature.

The problem is if you want to go back to the limited burn philosophy you either have to clear the choked areas, or let the "big burn" happen one more time to clear the area to allow for the limited burn control strategy to work.
The alternative is to let the state burn. Actually renting a few goat herds would help. Catalina has been using fire suppression goats for decades. Why do you think natural fire suppression isn't being used? Because the dead brush provides natural habitat for insects.

Goats would clear that brush down to the ground.
Democrats don't know that they made it so you can't cut down dead trees because of the spotted owl and you can't do control burns because of some snails. When pg&e is gone and Democrats take it over, good luck sueing them if they start a fire.
Democrats also protect the deadly bark beetle.
It isn't a hands off policy that allowed the creation of huge wildfires. It's the suppression of all naturally occurring fires that allowed dead brush to accumulate.

Democrats have created an entirely new danger. The Santa Ana wind alert. They are portraying this like it is some new and horrible thing we have never seen before. Cut the power. The wind is blowing.

Democrats need to be exorcised from the state legislature.

The problem is if you want to go back to the limited burn philosophy you either have to clear the choked areas, or let the "big burn" happen one more time to clear the area to allow for the limited burn control strategy to work.
The alternative is to let the state burn. Actually renting a few goat herds would help. Catalina has been using fire suppression goats for decades. Why do you think natural fire suppression isn't being used? Because the dead brush provides natural habitat for insects.

Goats would clear that brush down to the ground.
Democrats don't know that they made it so you can't cut down dead trees because of the spotted owl and you can't do control burns because of some snails. When pg&e is gone and Democrats take it over, good luck sueing them if they start a fire.
Democrats also protect the deadly bark beetle.
They make any excuse they can to avoid maintaining the forest.
The electricity is supposed to be off for FIVE DAYS. Stores will be closed. Produce and meat will be removed from stores. If restaurants do not have generators theyvhave to close. Hospitals will be evacuated. Homeowners are urged to get whole house generators.

Let the exodus begin.
That is the plan. They want to replace Americans with people who are used to living under tyranny.

What will suck is if the people who leave California go to other states and vote for Democrats and create the same problems where they go.

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