California suffering through SEVERE climate change

Yeah we all know there were never droughts before the advent of global warming

That's a brilliant position and I'm sure it will make all the people running out of water realize their complaints were unjustified whining.
That doesn't make my statement any less true now does it?

We've had ocean waves before. Does that mean we should not protect people from tsunamics?

We've had snow before. Does that mean we should not protect people from massive blizzards or extreme low temperatures?

We've had heat waves before. Does that mean we should not protect people from rising temperatures?

We've had wind before. Does that mean we should not protect people from tornadoes, hurricanes or typhoons?

Your logic is infantile.
So? It's happened before it will happen again.

The way you sheep talk you'd think there has never been a dry spell in the west before the last decade
There has never been a rate of CO2 increase like the last century's in the last 65 million years.

There has never been a rate of temperature increase like the last century's in the history of the human race.

But you think its okay. Got it.
Yeah we all know there were never droughts before the advent of global warming

That's a brilliant position and I'm sure it will make all the people running out of water realize their complaints were unjustified whining.
That doesn't make my statement any less true now does it?

We've had ocean waves before. Does that mean we should not protect people from tsunamics?

We've had snow before. Does that mean we should not protect people from massive blizzards or extreme low temperatures?

We've had heat waves before. Does that mean we should not protect people from rising temperatures?

We've had wind before. Does that mean we should not protect people from tornadoes, hurricanes or typhoons?

Your logic is infantile.
A tsunami is not a regular ocean wave. And until you can predict the causes of tsunamis you really can't protect anyone from them now can you?

And really snow is no big deal. And tell me how do you protect people from snow? You can't stop it.

And pray tell how do you protect people from rising temperatures? Remember that we are only talking about a less than 2 degree C rise in temps over the next 100 years or so here. That's hardly a catastrophe.

And please let me know how you plan to protect people from tornadoes since smarter people than you can't seem to do it
There has never been a CO2 increase like the last century's in the last 65 million years.

There has never been a temperature increase like the last century's in the history of the human race.

But you think its okay. Got it.
I just don't think a warming of a couple degrees C over the next 100 years is a catastrophe that must be met by government control of our lives as you do
California is history and on it's way to become a thread world state. and I do believe a large part of it is DESERT.

so dots can you explain what all this extreme climate change is and how it's affecting them
There has never been a rate of CO2 increase like the last century's in the last 65 million years.

There has never been a rate of temperature increase like the last century's in the history of the human race.

But you think its okay. Got it.

That hockey stick was dis-proven and I even tricked you into admitting it in another thread. Massive spikes in CO2 have occurred prior to the last century.

What, you want to ban volcanoes and cows now? Come on....
There has never been a rate of CO2 increase like the last century's in the last 65 million years.

There has never been a rate of temperature increase like the last century's in the history of the human race.

But you think its okay. Got it.

There has never been a rate of CO2 increase like the last century's in the last 65 million years.

There has never been a rate of temperature increase like the last century's in the history of the human race.

But you think its okay. Got it.


Notice he confines his time period to an ice age....low CO2 levels during an ice age...who would have thought?....prior to the beginning of the ice age we are still in, CO2 levels were in excess of 1000ppm.
I've been watching the "drought monitor" for Cali. It's really a brain dead system of actually measuring drought. Because it's been changing all summer long and declaring deeper and deeper droughts --- EVEN THO

You can almost GUARANDAMTEE that it will never rain in California from May to September. That represents a 5 or 6 month LAG in officially declaring an emergency -- if in deed you needed to.

As far as PREPARING for drought -- California CLOSED several desalinization plants that SHOULD be converted to solar and reopened.
But it's not high on their list of priorities. Seeing as how Gerry Brown is busy trying to attract MILLIONS of new poor Latin American immigrants to his state. Won't have much dough left to actually let them drink..
Look at those side-by-side photos I posted a few days ago: normal water levels next to current, drought water levels. Note the trees. That would be trees that don't grow overnight. Those trees look to be easily 30-50 years old. And they all stop dead at the higher water level. Hmmm...
Normal water levels in a man made lake in the desert? ? ARE YOU KIDDING?
Look at those side-by-side photos I posted a few days ago: normal water levels next to current, drought water levels. Note the trees. That would be trees that don't grow overnight. Those trees look to be easily 30-50 years old. And they all stop dead at the higher water level. Hmmm...
Oh, you noticed that, eh?

The water shortage, as illustrated by those photos, is severe and unprecedented (according to California authorities) in over a century.

Look, I'm not going to say that the drought in California is a direct result of global warming. I will say the two are very likely connected and that as warming continues, we are very likely to see more and more droughts of greater and greater intensity and duration. Just like Katrina and Sandy and Haiyan and the three other Super Typhoons in a season that's not done yet.

It's dumb to say that this storm or that drought or this flood or this cold spell is the direct result of global warming. But it's far, far dumber to say that they're completely unrelated.
Oh, you noticed that, eh?

The water shortage, as illustrated by those photos, is severe and unprecedented (according to California authorities) in over a century.

Look, I'm not going to say that the drought in California is a direct result of global warming. I will say the two are very likely connected and that as warming continues, we are very likely to see more and more droughts of greater and greater intensity and duration. Just like Katrina and Sandy and Haiyan and the three other Super Typhoons in a season that's not done yet.

It's dumb to say that this storm or that drought or this flood or this cold spell is the direct result of global warming. But it's far, far dumber to say that they're completely unrelated.

NO. It has to do with massive population increases in a DESERT!!!! Jesus Christ, this is soooOOoooo obvious....
Really. A massive population increase has caused the rain to stop falling? Care to explain that one?
Really. A massive population increase has caused the rain to stop falling? Care to explain that one?

Why would I explain your conclusion pole vaulting?

Heck, you've already proven yourself to ignore data that conflicts with your beliefs...

Do you deny the massive population increase?
Do you deny the SW is a desert?

You cannot.

Yet, we are supposed to believe your contention that, if only some rain would fall in the SW, everything would be copacetic?

Let's address your specific position...are you saying that if rain doesn't increase at the same rate as demand for potable water, then global warming is the chief concern?

Come on dude...bring it....
Oh, you noticed that, eh?

The water shortage, as illustrated by those photos, is severe and unprecedented (according to California authorities) in over a century.

Look, I'm not going to say that the drought in California is a direct result of global warming. I will say the two are very likely connected and that as warming continues, we are very likely to see more and more droughts of greater and greater intensity and duration. Just like Katrina and Sandy and Haiyan and the three other Super Typhoons in a season that's not done yet.

It's dumb to say that this storm or that drought or this flood or this cold spell is the direct result of global warming. But it's far, far dumber to say that they're completely unrelated.
Actually the high water levels are what is unprecedented...the low water level is just business as usual in the desert. .

As usual, honesty from you is apparently just not possible.
The high water levels (in the artificial lake) were produced with native rainfall and were maintained long enough to grow most of a forest at that line. What data do you have to show rainfalls were high all those years?

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