California taxpayers pay record amount in benefits to children of illegal aliens!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
California taxpayers pay record amount in benefits to children of illegal aliens - National Immigration reform |

Who cares? Let California collapse in on itself. They deserve nothing less.
Dear neocon idiots. You DO know that the meat processors and big agra (those cozy republican butt-budy darlings and massive contributors to the corporatist cause) are actively importing illegals via radio and print adds, sending down buses etc, in so that they can pay them next to nothing and make bigger profits? Why do you think they come here... for the scenery? Morons of the highest order, the whole lot of you.

Don't cry for Californicatin. They're the sanctuary state. They reap what they sow. And, besides which they boycotted Arizona. They deserve to get what they've sowed.

They won't reap what they have sowed because they'll move to Arizona or elsewhere before it gets too bad and then try to do the same exact things that caused California to turn to shit (and what they ran from) in their new state.
Dear neocon idiots. You DO know that the meat processors and big agra (those cozy republican butt-budy darlings and massive contributors to the corporatist cause) are actively importing illegals via radio and print adds, sending down buses etc, in so that they can pay them next to nothing and make bigger profits? Why do you think they come here... for the scenery? Morons of the highest order, the whole lot of you.

A. What does being opposed to illegal immigration have to do with neo-conservatism? You really ought to understand the definitions of the words you choose to use, lest you look like the idiot.

B. What do those cozy Republican butt-buddy darlings and massive contributors to the corporatist cause have to do with the California government refusing to crack down on one of its largest problems? Republicans have little voice in California government. Arizona didn't seem to have a problem passing some strict laws on the subject. We didn't have any problems here in heavily Republican South Carolina passing laws cracking down on illegal immigration. So are you misinformed or just a masochist who thrives on resembling a horse's ass?


Don't cry for Californicatin. They're the sanctuary state. They reap what they sow. And, besides which they boycotted Arizona. They deserve to get what they've sowed.

They won't reap what they have sowed because they'll move to Arizona or elsewhere before it gets too bad and then try to do the same exact things that caused California to turn to shit (and what they ran from) in their new state.

Yes, one of the disadvantages of State power vs Federal power. Would it be too much to ask why we do not send these Mexicans to the North Pole to do whatever needs being done there? Or Afghanistan? You know when the police arrest a citizen, and they are found innocent, they just turn them loose, while their car and home might be a 100 miles away. Why not do that to Mexicans??:eusa_angel:
Dear neocon idiots. You DO know that the meat processors and big agra (those cozy republican butt-budy darlings and massive contributors to the corporatist cause) are actively importing illegals via radio and print adds, sending down buses etc, in so that they can pay them next to nothing and make bigger profits? Why do you think they come here... for the scenery? Morons of the highest order, the whole lot of you.

A. What does being opposed to illegal immigration have to do with neo-conservatism? You really ought to understand the definitions of the words you choose to use, lest you look like the idiot.

B. What do those cozy Republican butt-buddy darlings and massive contributors to the corporatist cause have to do with the California government refusing to crack down on one of its largest problems? Republicans have little voice in California government. Arizona didn't seem to have a problem passing some strict laws on the subject. We didn't have any problems here in heavily Republican South Carolina passing laws cracking down on illegal immigration. So are you misinformed or just a masochist who thrives on resembling a horse's ass?

Did your SC law infringe on citizens by profiling & questioning for IDS??

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