California Teacher Placed On Leave For Daring To Question School Walkout


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Just crazy... but it is California


California high school history teacher Julianne Benzel is on paid suspension after engaging her students in a discussion where she shared her perspective on the politics of organized protests in anticipation of the National School Walkout, which took place on the morning of March 14.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

Benzel said that she questioned her students as to the appropriateness of schools sanctioning a protest against gun violence and whether the school administration was willing to allow protests for other causes, but she noted that she never discouraged her pupils from taking part in the walkout.

“If you’re going to allow students to walk up and get out of class without penalty then you have to allow any group of students that wants to protest,” Benzel said.

“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

“[If] a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”

California Teacher Placed On Leave For Daring To Question School Walkout
Just crazy... but it is California


California high school history teacher Julianne Benzel is on paid suspension after engaging her students in a discussion where she shared her perspective on the politics of organized protests in anticipation of the National School Walkout, which took place on the morning of March 14.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

Benzel said that she questioned her students as to the appropriateness of schools sanctioning a protest against gun violence and whether the school administration was willing to allow protests for other causes, but she noted that she never discouraged her pupils from taking part in the walkout.

“If you’re going to allow students to walk up and get out of class without penalty then you have to allow any group of students that wants to protest,” Benzel said.

“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

“[If] a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”

California Teacher Placed On Leave For Daring To Question School Walkout

Yes, it's ridiculous. One of the main reasons to allow students to walk out is to actively engage them in the protest. Not to say "protest and don't think about it", that's completely contrary.

However this seems like typical partisan politics bullshit, and until people can vote democratically, this sort of bullshit will get worse and worse.
Just crazy... but it is California


California high school history teacher Julianne Benzel is on paid suspension after engaging her students in a discussion where she shared her perspective on the politics of organized protests in anticipation of the National School Walkout, which took place on the morning of March 14.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

Benzel said that she questioned her students as to the appropriateness of schools sanctioning a protest against gun violence and whether the school administration was willing to allow protests for other causes, but she noted that she never discouraged her pupils from taking part in the walkout.

“If you’re going to allow students to walk up and get out of class without penalty then you have to allow any group of students that wants to protest,” Benzel said.

“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

“[If] a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”

California Teacher Placed On Leave For Daring To Question School Walkout

Yes, it's ridiculous. One of the main reasons to allow students to walk out is to actively engage them in the protest. Not to say "protest and don't think about it", that's completely contrary.

However this seems like typical partisan politics bullshit, and until people can vote democratically, this sort of bullshit will get worse and worse.

Yes...if the democrats would stop registering illegal aliens to vote, our voting process would be more legitimate...I agree with you totally.
Just crazy... but it is California


California high school history teacher Julianne Benzel is on paid suspension after engaging her students in a discussion where she shared her perspective on the politics of organized protests in anticipation of the National School Walkout, which took place on the morning of March 14.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

Benzel said that she questioned her students as to the appropriateness of schools sanctioning a protest against gun violence and whether the school administration was willing to allow protests for other causes, but she noted that she never discouraged her pupils from taking part in the walkout.

“If you’re going to allow students to walk up and get out of class without penalty then you have to allow any group of students that wants to protest,” Benzel said.

“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

“[If] a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”

California Teacher Placed On Leave For Daring To Question School Walkout

Yes, it's ridiculous. One of the main reasons to allow students to walk out is to actively engage them in the protest. Not to say "protest and don't think about it", that's completely contrary.

However this seems like typical partisan politics bullshit, and until people can vote democratically, this sort of bullshit will get worse and worse.

Yes...if the democrats would stop registering illegal aliens to vote, our voting process would be more legitimate...I agree with you totally.


Do you know HOW the voting system works? Do you know the difference between the US system and other systems? No. Well..... maybe that's why you're talking bullshit.

German system.

The German system has two ways of voting at the same time.

FPTP (for those too damn lazy to look it up, it's the US system) and PR which is one person one vote no matter where you live.

Under FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the vote but 231 seats out of 299 seats.

That means 37.2% of the population gets 77% of the power in the Bundestag.

Fair? No fucking way.

The FDP gained 7% of the vote and got zero seats. So, that's 7% of the people who don't get any representation in the Bundestag, simply because the system says "fuck off, your vote isn't worth shit."

What's the point in voting if your vote doesn't matter? If the main party is going to win regardless of whether you vote or you don't vote.

But get this. People get to vote with PR too.

So, the CDU/CSU gained 33% of the vote with PR. Yes, there's a difference of 4.2% of the vote going from the largest party to smaller parties. This happens in the US too. It's negative and positive voting.

FPTP is negative voting. You look at who you THINK might win, and then vote for the party that you think can stop the party you don't want to win.

So, you want the FDP to win, but you see the SPD and CDU neck and neck, you vote CDU because you don't want the SPD to get in.
With PR, you want the FDP to win, you think the SPD might win, but you know your vote for the FDP could be the difference between the CDU getting into power, because of coalition. So you vote for WHO YOU WANT TO GET IN.

The FDP, zero seats with 7% of the vote with FPTP get 10.7% of the vote. Yes, 3.7% of the country decided that they're not going to win a FPTP seat, so vote someone else, but with PR they think, I'll vote for my preferred party, and they did and the FDP gained 80 seats out of 709 seats.

They got 11.28% of the seats. Slightly more than the vote that was cast for them because if you get below 5% of the vote in PR you don't get the PR seats.

But hey. Here's the choice. 10.7% of the public wanted the FDP to represent them. FPTP = 0% of the seats, PR = 11.28% of the seats. Which is fairer?

The CDU/CSU instead of getting 77% of the seats, got 34.6% of the seats to go with their 33% of the votes. Much fairer.

This is called DEMOCRACY. It means the politicians have to LISTEN TO THE VOTERS because the voters have CHOICE.

Let's switch to a political system where the politicians couldn't give a flying fuck about the voters.

You have a presidential election where only 46.1% of the voters get to decide the course of the country in terms of the executive.

How many votes were wasted? In the German system you could see that if FPTP existed only, it'd be a waste of massive amounts of votes.

5 million votes the FDP got, down the drain, no seats.
4.2 million votes for die Linke and 5 seats.

In the US:

700,000 wasted votes in Alabama, 116,000 votes wasted in Alaska, 5 million votes wasted in California, 4 million votes wasted in Texas.

These votes don't mean shit. It's people wasting their fucking time and effort to go vote in an election where their candidate stands no chance, their vote gets counted and then thrown away and doesn't actually count to the end play.

In Alabama all of the incumbents were re-elected. Waste of time voting basically.

In Alabama 1, the people had a choice between Republican or no one. So if you're a Democrat in Alabama 1, fuck off, we don't count your vote.

In Alabama 2 112,000 people's vote was wasted.

And so on, and on and on. Wasted votes, wasted votes. Half the damn country votes and it doesn't matter. They don't get ANY representation.

In Germany, if you get either on FPTP seat or 5% of the overall PR vote, you WILL have representation.

In every country that has free and fair PR elections, there are at the very least 5 political parties.

The US has two that get into power. The Libertarians as a third Party are WORSE than regional parties in the UK.

In the Presidential Election while a person in Wyoming has a vote that is 3 times more powerful than a vote in California or Texas (what the fuck is that? Why are people in Wyoming more important?) the reality is people in Wyoming aren't important at all.

Yes, when they vote no one actually takes any notice of them because the state is solidly Republican. There are 12 states with 20% of the population that can actually stand a hope of having their vote actually matter.

In the US the Republicans have an advantage massively because they are more likely to have the smaller states which have more power per vote than the bigger states.

So, there's no fucking Democracy. You don't get to choose any more than the Chinese get to choose their leader.
They used to call them teachers. Then they asked to be called educators. Now we know indoctrinaters is much more accurate.
#4: Thanks. Stats are important. #5: Indoctrinators post-genocide of the Indigenes would include theologians and their traditional mafia overconfidence due to chronic copulations with the State.
Especially nuts when the shootings are religiously motivated (Griego, Mateen, Dylann Roof). The theologian's indoctrination has already molested most every child in school, a semiological pedophilia par excellence and undoubtedly boycott worthy. Pot calls kettle black.
Especially nuts when the shootings are religiously motivated (Griego, Mateen, Dylann Roof). The theologian's indoctrination has already molested most every child in school, a semiological pedophilia par excellence and undoubtedly boycott worthy. Pot calls kettle black.
Still hiding from God behind imperfect humans. Coward.
Just crazy... but it is California


California high school history teacher Julianne Benzel is on paid suspension after engaging her students in a discussion where she shared her perspective on the politics of organized protests in anticipation of the National School Walkout, which took place on the morning of March 14.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

Benzel said that she questioned her students as to the appropriateness of schools sanctioning a protest against gun violence and whether the school administration was willing to allow protests for other causes, but she noted that she never discouraged her pupils from taking part in the walkout.

“If you’re going to allow students to walk up and get out of class without penalty then you have to allow any group of students that wants to protest,” Benzel said.

“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

“[If] a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”

California Teacher Placed On Leave For Daring To Question School Walkout

Yes, it's ridiculous. One of the main reasons to allow students to walk out is to actively engage them in the protest. Not to say "protest and don't think about it", that's completely contrary.

However this seems like typical partisan politics bullshit, and until people can vote democratically, this sort of bullshit will get worse and worse.

Yes...if the democrats would stop registering illegal aliens to vote, our voting process would be more legitimate...I agree with you totally.


Do you know HOW the voting system works? Do you know the difference between the US system and other systems? No. Well..... maybe that's why you're talking bullshit.

German system.

The German system has two ways of voting at the same time.

FPTP (for those too damn lazy to look it up, it's the US system) and PR which is one person one vote no matter where you live.

Under FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the vote but 231 seats out of 299 seats.

That means 37.2% of the population gets 77% of the power in the Bundestag.

Fair? No fucking way.

The FDP gained 7% of the vote and got zero seats. So, that's 7% of the people who don't get any representation in the Bundestag, simply because the system says "fuck off, your vote isn't worth shit."

What's the point in voting if your vote doesn't matter? If the main party is going to win regardless of whether you vote or you don't vote.

But get this. People get to vote with PR too.

So, the CDU/CSU gained 33% of the vote with PR. Yes, there's a difference of 4.2% of the vote going from the largest party to smaller parties. This happens in the US too. It's negative and positive voting.

FPTP is negative voting. You look at who you THINK might win, and then vote for the party that you think can stop the party you don't want to win.

So, you want the FDP to win, but you see the SPD and CDU neck and neck, you vote CDU because you don't want the SPD to get in.
With PR, you want the FDP to win, you think the SPD might win, but you know your vote for the FDP could be the difference between the CDU getting into power, because of coalition. So you vote for WHO YOU WANT TO GET IN.

The FDP, zero seats with 7% of the vote with FPTP get 10.7% of the vote. Yes, 3.7% of the country decided that they're not going to win a FPTP seat, so vote someone else, but with PR they think, I'll vote for my preferred party, and they did and the FDP gained 80 seats out of 709 seats.

They got 11.28% of the seats. Slightly more than the vote that was cast for them because if you get below 5% of the vote in PR you don't get the PR seats.

But hey. Here's the choice. 10.7% of the public wanted the FDP to represent them. FPTP = 0% of the seats, PR = 11.28% of the seats. Which is fairer?

The CDU/CSU instead of getting 77% of the seats, got 34.6% of the seats to go with their 33% of the votes. Much fairer.

This is called DEMOCRACY. It means the politicians have to LISTEN TO THE VOTERS because the voters have CHOICE.

Let's switch to a political system where the politicians couldn't give a flying fuck about the voters.

You have a presidential election where only 46.1% of the voters get to decide the course of the country in terms of the executive.

How many votes were wasted? In the German system you could see that if FPTP existed only, it'd be a waste of massive amounts of votes.

5 million votes the FDP got, down the drain, no seats.
4.2 million votes for die Linke and 5 seats.

In the US:

700,000 wasted votes in Alabama, 116,000 votes wasted in Alaska, 5 million votes wasted in California, 4 million votes wasted in Texas.

These votes don't mean shit. It's people wasting their fucking time and effort to go vote in an election where their candidate stands no chance, their vote gets counted and then thrown away and doesn't actually count to the end play.

In Alabama all of the incumbents were re-elected. Waste of time voting basically.

In Alabama 1, the people had a choice between Republican or no one. So if you're a Democrat in Alabama 1, fuck off, we don't count your vote.

In Alabama 2 112,000 people's vote was wasted.

And so on, and on and on. Wasted votes, wasted votes. Half the damn country votes and it doesn't matter. They don't get ANY representation.

In Germany, if you get either on FPTP seat or 5% of the overall PR vote, you WILL have representation.

In every country that has free and fair PR elections, there are at the very least 5 political parties.

The US has two that get into power. The Libertarians as a third Party are WORSE than regional parties in the UK.

In the Presidential Election while a person in Wyoming has a vote that is 3 times more powerful than a vote in California or Texas (what the fuck is that? Why are people in Wyoming more important?) the reality is people in Wyoming aren't important at all.

Yes, when they vote no one actually takes any notice of them because the state is solidly Republican. There are 12 states with 20% of the population that can actually stand a hope of having their vote actually matter.

In the US the Republicans have an advantage massively because they are more likely to have the smaller states which have more power per vote than the bigger states.

So, there's no fucking Democracy. You don't get to choose any more than the Chinese get to choose their leader.
You strike me as the kinda guy that likes to bully people.
Just crazy... but it is California


California high school history teacher Julianne Benzel is on paid suspension after engaging her students in a discussion where she shared her perspective on the politics of organized protests in anticipation of the National School Walkout, which took place on the morning of March 14.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

Benzel said that she questioned her students as to the appropriateness of schools sanctioning a protest against gun violence and whether the school administration was willing to allow protests for other causes, but she noted that she never discouraged her pupils from taking part in the walkout.

“If you’re going to allow students to walk up and get out of class without penalty then you have to allow any group of students that wants to protest,” Benzel said.

“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

“[If] a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”

California Teacher Placed On Leave For Daring To Question School Walkout

Yes, it's ridiculous. One of the main reasons to allow students to walk out is to actively engage them in the protest. Not to say "protest and don't think about it", that's completely contrary.

However this seems like typical partisan politics bullshit, and until people can vote democratically, this sort of bullshit will get worse and worse.

Yes...if the democrats would stop registering illegal aliens to vote, our voting process would be more legitimate...I agree with you totally.


Do you know HOW the voting system works? Do you know the difference between the US system and other systems? No. Well..... maybe that's why you're talking bullshit.

German system.

The German system has two ways of voting at the same time.

FPTP (for those too damn lazy to look it up, it's the US system) and PR which is one person one vote no matter where you live.

Under FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the vote but 231 seats out of 299 seats.

That means 37.2% of the population gets 77% of the power in the Bundestag.

Fair? No fucking way.

The FDP gained 7% of the vote and got zero seats. So, that's 7% of the people who don't get any representation in the Bundestag, simply because the system says "fuck off, your vote isn't worth shit."

What's the point in voting if your vote doesn't matter? If the main party is going to win regardless of whether you vote or you don't vote.

But get this. People get to vote with PR too.

So, the CDU/CSU gained 33% of the vote with PR. Yes, there's a difference of 4.2% of the vote going from the largest party to smaller parties. This happens in the US too. It's negative and positive voting.

FPTP is negative voting. You look at who you THINK might win, and then vote for the party that you think can stop the party you don't want to win.

So, you want the FDP to win, but you see the SPD and CDU neck and neck, you vote CDU because you don't want the SPD to get in.
With PR, you want the FDP to win, you think the SPD might win, but you know your vote for the FDP could be the difference between the CDU getting into power, because of coalition. So you vote for WHO YOU WANT TO GET IN.

The FDP, zero seats with 7% of the vote with FPTP get 10.7% of the vote. Yes, 3.7% of the country decided that they're not going to win a FPTP seat, so vote someone else, but with PR they think, I'll vote for my preferred party, and they did and the FDP gained 80 seats out of 709 seats.

They got 11.28% of the seats. Slightly more than the vote that was cast for them because if you get below 5% of the vote in PR you don't get the PR seats.

But hey. Here's the choice. 10.7% of the public wanted the FDP to represent them. FPTP = 0% of the seats, PR = 11.28% of the seats. Which is fairer?

The CDU/CSU instead of getting 77% of the seats, got 34.6% of the seats to go with their 33% of the votes. Much fairer.

This is called DEMOCRACY. It means the politicians have to LISTEN TO THE VOTERS because the voters have CHOICE.

Let's switch to a political system where the politicians couldn't give a flying fuck about the voters.

You have a presidential election where only 46.1% of the voters get to decide the course of the country in terms of the executive.

How many votes were wasted? In the German system you could see that if FPTP existed only, it'd be a waste of massive amounts of votes.

5 million votes the FDP got, down the drain, no seats.
4.2 million votes for die Linke and 5 seats.

In the US:

700,000 wasted votes in Alabama, 116,000 votes wasted in Alaska, 5 million votes wasted in California, 4 million votes wasted in Texas.

These votes don't mean shit. It's people wasting their fucking time and effort to go vote in an election where their candidate stands no chance, their vote gets counted and then thrown away and doesn't actually count to the end play.

In Alabama all of the incumbents were re-elected. Waste of time voting basically.

In Alabama 1, the people had a choice between Republican or no one. So if you're a Democrat in Alabama 1, fuck off, we don't count your vote.

In Alabama 2 112,000 people's vote was wasted.

And so on, and on and on. Wasted votes, wasted votes. Half the damn country votes and it doesn't matter. They don't get ANY representation.

In Germany, if you get either on FPTP seat or 5% of the overall PR vote, you WILL have representation.

In every country that has free and fair PR elections, there are at the very least 5 political parties.

The US has two that get into power. The Libertarians as a third Party are WORSE than regional parties in the UK.

In the Presidential Election while a person in Wyoming has a vote that is 3 times more powerful than a vote in California or Texas (what the fuck is that? Why are people in Wyoming more important?) the reality is people in Wyoming aren't important at all.

Yes, when they vote no one actually takes any notice of them because the state is solidly Republican. There are 12 states with 20% of the population that can actually stand a hope of having their vote actually matter.

In the US the Republicans have an advantage massively because they are more likely to have the smaller states which have more power per vote than the bigger states.

So, there's no fucking Democracy. You don't get to choose any more than the Chinese get to choose their leader.
You strike me as the kinda guy that likes to bully people.

You strike me as the kind of guy who can't get through a body of text, and then to hide their stupidity makes a dickhead statement.
Just crazy... but it is California


California high school history teacher Julianne Benzel is on paid suspension after engaging her students in a discussion where she shared her perspective on the politics of organized protests in anticipation of the National School Walkout, which took place on the morning of March 14.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

Benzel said that she questioned her students as to the appropriateness of schools sanctioning a protest against gun violence and whether the school administration was willing to allow protests for other causes, but she noted that she never discouraged her pupils from taking part in the walkout.

“If you’re going to allow students to walk up and get out of class without penalty then you have to allow any group of students that wants to protest,” Benzel said.

“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

“[If] a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”

California Teacher Placed On Leave For Daring To Question School Walkout

Yes, it's ridiculous. One of the main reasons to allow students to walk out is to actively engage them in the protest. Not to say "protest and don't think about it", that's completely contrary.

However this seems like typical partisan politics bullshit, and until people can vote democratically, this sort of bullshit will get worse and worse.

Yes...if the democrats would stop registering illegal aliens to vote, our voting process would be more legitimate...I agree with you totally.


Do you know HOW the voting system works? Do you know the difference between the US system and other systems? No. Well..... maybe that's why you're talking bullshit.

German system.

The German system has two ways of voting at the same time.

FPTP (for those too damn lazy to look it up, it's the US system) and PR which is one person one vote no matter where you live.

Under FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the vote but 231 seats out of 299 seats.

That means 37.2% of the population gets 77% of the power in the Bundestag.

Fair? No fucking way.

The FDP gained 7% of the vote and got zero seats. So, that's 7% of the people who don't get any representation in the Bundestag, simply because the system says "fuck off, your vote isn't worth shit."

What's the point in voting if your vote doesn't matter? If the main party is going to win regardless of whether you vote or you don't vote.

But get this. People get to vote with PR too.

So, the CDU/CSU gained 33% of the vote with PR. Yes, there's a difference of 4.2% of the vote going from the largest party to smaller parties. This happens in the US too. It's negative and positive voting.

FPTP is negative voting. You look at who you THINK might win, and then vote for the party that you think can stop the party you don't want to win.

So, you want the FDP to win, but you see the SPD and CDU neck and neck, you vote CDU because you don't want the SPD to get in.
With PR, you want the FDP to win, you think the SPD might win, but you know your vote for the FDP could be the difference between the CDU getting into power, because of coalition. So you vote for WHO YOU WANT TO GET IN.

The FDP, zero seats with 7% of the vote with FPTP get 10.7% of the vote. Yes, 3.7% of the country decided that they're not going to win a FPTP seat, so vote someone else, but with PR they think, I'll vote for my preferred party, and they did and the FDP gained 80 seats out of 709 seats.

They got 11.28% of the seats. Slightly more than the vote that was cast for them because if you get below 5% of the vote in PR you don't get the PR seats.

But hey. Here's the choice. 10.7% of the public wanted the FDP to represent them. FPTP = 0% of the seats, PR = 11.28% of the seats. Which is fairer?

The CDU/CSU instead of getting 77% of the seats, got 34.6% of the seats to go with their 33% of the votes. Much fairer.

This is called DEMOCRACY. It means the politicians have to LISTEN TO THE VOTERS because the voters have CHOICE.

Let's switch to a political system where the politicians couldn't give a flying fuck about the voters.

You have a presidential election where only 46.1% of the voters get to decide the course of the country in terms of the executive.

How many votes were wasted? In the German system you could see that if FPTP existed only, it'd be a waste of massive amounts of votes.

5 million votes the FDP got, down the drain, no seats.
4.2 million votes for die Linke and 5 seats.

In the US:

700,000 wasted votes in Alabama, 116,000 votes wasted in Alaska, 5 million votes wasted in California, 4 million votes wasted in Texas.

These votes don't mean shit. It's people wasting their fucking time and effort to go vote in an election where their candidate stands no chance, their vote gets counted and then thrown away and doesn't actually count to the end play.

In Alabama all of the incumbents were re-elected. Waste of time voting basically.

In Alabama 1, the people had a choice between Republican or no one. So if you're a Democrat in Alabama 1, fuck off, we don't count your vote.

In Alabama 2 112,000 people's vote was wasted.

And so on, and on and on. Wasted votes, wasted votes. Half the damn country votes and it doesn't matter. They don't get ANY representation.

In Germany, if you get either on FPTP seat or 5% of the overall PR vote, you WILL have representation.

In every country that has free and fair PR elections, there are at the very least 5 political parties.

The US has two that get into power. The Libertarians as a third Party are WORSE than regional parties in the UK.

In the Presidential Election while a person in Wyoming has a vote that is 3 times more powerful than a vote in California or Texas (what the fuck is that? Why are people in Wyoming more important?) the reality is people in Wyoming aren't important at all.

Yes, when they vote no one actually takes any notice of them because the state is solidly Republican. There are 12 states with 20% of the population that can actually stand a hope of having their vote actually matter.

In the US the Republicans have an advantage massively because they are more likely to have the smaller states which have more power per vote than the bigger states.

So, there's no fucking Democracy. You don't get to choose any more than the Chinese get to choose their leader.
You strike me as the kinda guy that likes to bully people.

You strike me as the kind of guy who can't get through a body of text, and then to hide their stupidity makes a dickhead statement.
Is there anything else you would like to say to me?
Just crazy... but it is California


California high school history teacher Julianne Benzel is on paid suspension after engaging her students in a discussion where she shared her perspective on the politics of organized protests in anticipation of the National School Walkout, which took place on the morning of March 14.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

Benzel said that she questioned her students as to the appropriateness of schools sanctioning a protest against gun violence and whether the school administration was willing to allow protests for other causes, but she noted that she never discouraged her pupils from taking part in the walkout.

“If you’re going to allow students to walk up and get out of class without penalty then you have to allow any group of students that wants to protest,” Benzel said.

“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time,” Benzel told CBS Sacramento.

“[If] a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”

California Teacher Placed On Leave For Daring To Question School Walkout
The federal government needs to reign in California and the school board as well.
DA is f'ed up on the lord and wants others to know it. Has DA gone to Temperance, or not this weekend?

'The second group would shock most people by their avowals.They live perhaps less exclusively under Saturn's satellite, for in their case women are not entirely excluded.'
(Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, p. 70 Psychoanalysis and Familialism: The Holy Family)

When and if DA gets the stones to go to Temperance, we suggest photos of the nearby street signs at Shelton Park Church of God. DA's "Saturn's day" is literally transcribed in those street names.

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